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Have you been vaccinated (Part Deux as of Sept 25, 2021)?


Have you been vaccinated?  

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I got fully vaccinated even though I didn’t really want to but know some kinda passport will be coming.  I had Covid late last year.  Had a day of no smell and taste for one day.  That was all.   

when I took my 2nd shot, arm was hurting for 4 days.  Heart was burning for over 3 days.  

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11 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

After you get answers to that question why don't you flip that around and ask how many feel like having to sit next to an unvaccinated - unmasked person breathing and/or coughing, screaming or sneezing with their face just 18" away from theirs at a game and just possibly being the lucky one to be sitting next to a Covid Carrier that just might be your ticket to a free ventilator ride in your local ICU.    

shocked ron burgundy GIF

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On 9/25/2021 at 12:24 PM, RU SERIOUS said:

Just so we're all clear, are you refering to the  Area 51, Flat Earth, Anti-Everything uneducated ignorant CONservatives or just the truly uneducated ignorant CONservatives?

Are you trying to tell me that there are no idiots between Liberals? Really?

Edited by RomanP
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1 hour ago, RomanP said:

Are you trying to tell me that there are no idiots between Liberals? Really?

Big difference between voters and elected officials don’t you think? You see an idiot spouting anti-vax nonsense you automatically dismiss it, you see someone that represents you doing the same and maybe you hesitate or refuse when had they said differently you could have been convinced to get the shots. Of course there’s obviously anti-vaxxers among all political ideologies: anyone saying otherwise is lying, but there is no Liberal, NDP or Green elected representatives refusing to get vaccinated or pushing conspiracy theories, disinformation and misinformation about covid. I can’t find any info on the Bloc Québécois and their elected reps (the leader supports a vaccine passport, so I’m guessing most if not all reps from them is pro-vaccine) and obviously the PPC is the anti-vax party.


Like it or not people listen to who they trust and having elected Conservatives not telling their constituents to get vaccinated or refusing to say if they themselves are vaccinated is contributing to the problem. That has an effect on how long this pandemic lasts, how many lives are sickened, lost or even disrupted by lack of basic health care on issues from clogged hospitals/icus preventing other health problems being addressed (cancelled surgeries, no emergency room space for non-covid life and death situations, cancer treatments being delayed etc.)


Anyone saying all conservatives are anti-vaccine is also lying, however there is a mostly rural minority of elected conservative representatives who refuse to get on board with the basics to protect themselves, their families and their constituents and often it is in the places most needing to get more jabs in arms. That has a negative impact on all of us. It’s not just about what that person does themselves, it’s about what the effects that decision has on everything else.

Edited by StanleyCupOneDay
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1 hour ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

Big difference between voters and elected officials don’t you think? You see an idiot spouting anti-vax nonsense you automatically dismiss it, you see someone that represents you doing the same and maybe you hesitate or refuse when had they said differently you could have been convinced to get the shots. Of course there’s obviously anti-vaxxers among all political ideologies: anyone saying otherwise is lying, but there is no Liberal, NDP or Green elected representatives refusing to get vaccinated or pushing conspiracy theories, disinformation and misinformation about covid. I can’t find any info on the Bloc Québécois and their elected reps (the leader supports a vaccine passport, so I’m guessing most if not all reps from them is pro-vaccine) and obviously the PPC is the anti-vax party.


Like it or not people listen to who they trust and having elected Conservatives not telling their constituents to get vaccinated or refusing to say if they themselves are vaccinated is contributing to the problem. That has an effect on how long this pandemic lasts, how many lives are sickened, lost or even disrupted by lack of basic health care on issues from clogged hospitals/icus preventing other health problems being addressed (cancelled surgeries, no emergency room space for non-covid life and death situations, cancer treatments being delayed etc.)


Anyone saying all conservatives are anti-vaccine is also lying, however there is a mostly rural minority of elected conservative representatives who refuse to get on board with the basics to protect themselves, their families and their constituents and often it is in the places most needing to get more jabs in arms. That has a negative impact on all of us. It’s not just about what that person does themselves, it’s about what the effects that decision has on everything else.

You conveniently moved this topic into discussion about elected officials. Not sure why and for what reason. It sounds to me like you might be one of these elected officials, because they are known to change subjects when they have no valid argument in the initial discussion.

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1 hour ago, RomanP said:

You conveniently moved this topic into discussion about elected officials. Not sure why and for what reason. It sounds to me like you might be one of these elected officials, because they are known to change subjects when they have no valid argument in the initial discussion.

It’s an assumption on my part that the user was referring to the loud minority of Conservative party members in his post. Could be wrong. I’ll move it back to people though.

Let’s go through with this discussion. You say some Liberals are idiots in response to criticism about conservatives. I say I agree with you that any anti-vaxxer is being stupid regardless of ideology. Now what? Do you think arguing “others are bad too” suddenly makes the “too” part disappear? Are conservatives now off the hook for their part in anti-vax views? Do you win the debate by trying to make it seem like it’s an equal problem among all ideologies?

Furthermore your post makes clear you have no problem criticizing liberals who have anti-vax views, which is great! I agree. So does your position on anti-vax views extend to all people including conservatives? Or is it a politically situational belief used to target those you disagree with that changes depending on which ideology is getting said criticism? What exactly is your “valid argument”?

Edited by StanleyCupOneDay
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9 minutes ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

It’s an assumption on my part that the user was referring to the loud minority of Conservative party members in his post. Could be wrong. I’ll move it back to people though.

Let’s go through with this discussion. You say some Liberals are idiots in response to criticism about conservatives. I say I agree with you that any anti-vaxxer is being stupid regardless of ideology. Now what? Do you think arguing “others are bad too” suddenly makes the “too” part disappear? Are conservatives now off the hook for their part in anti-vax views? Do you win the debate by trying to make it seem like it’s an equal problem among all ideologies?

Furthermore your post makes clear you have no problem criticizing liberals who have anti-vax views, which is great! I agree. So does your position on anti-vax views extend to all people including conservatives? Or is it a politically situational belief used to target those you disagree with that changes depending on which ideology is getting said criticism? What exactly is your “valid argument”?

My argument is that you are automatically putting an equal sign between "anti-vaxxer" and "conservative" in your original post. If you still think that what you did is ok - there's not much for me to discuss with you. Being anti-vaxxer is not the only definition of an idiot. I can show you plenty idiots in the Liberal party, starting with its leader.

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6 minutes ago, RomanP said:

My argument is that you are automatically putting an equal sign between "anti-vaxxer" and "conservative" in your original post. If you still think that what you did is ok - there's not much for me to discuss with you. Being anti-vaxxer is not the only definition of an idiot. I can show you plenty idiots in the Liberal party, starting with its leader.

I can see how that impression was given rereading my post. I never said they were automatically equated. But since you aren’t talking about elected officials and are instead talking about people generally I won’t rehash that. 


Nowhere did I say only being an anti-vaxxer makes you an idiot. That’s your own assumption to what I meant, not what I said. Considering your previous response getting upset about changing subjects it surprises me that you’ve changed the discussion about anti-vax people to a subjective definition about who you feel are stupid.


“they are known to change subjects when they have no valid argument in the initial discussion.”


You didn’t answer a majority of my post questions, which I unfortunately expected, so I’ll just ask one straight forward one: Do you believe all anti-vaxxers are idiots? Or is it just liberals?

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On 9/27/2021 at 9:22 AM, mdehaan said:

The goal posts have moved so many times with the vaccines. What happened to "herd immunity"?

Herd immunity happens between 60 and 90 percent of the total population. It's not nor has it ever been a fixed point.


Goal posts firmly in the same place they always have been.

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Whether or not someone is vaccinated and supports the amount of available science is one discussion 


Whether you feel vaccine passports are a breach on human rights or not is another discussion (you have vaccinated and unvaccinated on both sides of this argument).


Both of these discussions can be had civilly with most members of our society but unfortunately there is a loud voice currently being given to the vocal minority of extremists from both sides of the fence. Regardless of where any of us stand on any of these debates we should be looking at ourselves in the mirror and asking ourselves if we are treating one another with respect and dignity. Saying someone is simply a sheep for getting the shot is false. People are becoming educated on the topic and deciding what is best for them. Saying someone doesn't deserve a hospital bed and blaming them for the various deaths is unacceptable as well. Where do you draw the line? Should smokers be given care? What about casual drinkers or alcoholics? What about drug overdose victims? What about people who don't eat healthy? What about people who willingly choose to participate in dangerous sports and events? The list could go on. The problem should be focused on an under funded health care system. 


It is time to stop dividing one another, there is no benefit to this.


At a nonessential event, I don't want to be sitting beside anyone who is sick regardless of the illness - even the common cold. That isn't respecting one another. 


I might not agree with someone's decisions/views and they may not agree with mine but I feel we need to respect one another. We are all canucks! 

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I'm not, but I made the decision to wait a couple years back before anyone had even been vaccinated and the decision at the time wasn't controversial. I have already had covid and was completely fine, everyone in my family is vaccinated etc. Etc. 


Nothing radical about my reasoning and I'm not an anti-vaxxer as that would be stupid 

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13 hours ago, cdgraham said:

I'm not, but I made the decision to wait a couple years back before anyone had even been vaccinated and the decision at the time wasn't controversial. I have already had covid and was completely fine, everyone in my family is vaccinated etc. Etc. 


Nothing radical about my reasoning and I'm not an anti-vaxxer as that would be stupid 

So how do you feel about the Canucks and the NHL barring you from attending games? You a tax paying law abiding citizen of this country with the a birthright to move freely, to come and to go and to attend to your life and your business as your  needs require and is your right. And given that it’s documented and accepted that both unvaxxed and vaxxed can spread the virus. This is nothing but discrimination, segregation and persecution. 

I am finding it not possible at this point to continue to support this club or any business or organization that supports, quite frankly, bigotry. I have followed and been of fan since virtually day one so this is a sad day. Unless and until this club reverses its decision on this issue I, for one, can no longer support it. 


 There exists this idea that somehow people are safer with unvaxxed people not in their midst.
That is false. I just don’t know how a person can feel good about themselves walking into a venue where others are denied based on their personal medical choice.
So, yeah, unfortunately it’s bigotry. Textbook. And I’m just pointing it out so everyone knows, and hopefully fights against it.
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17 minutes ago, nucklehead said:

So how do you feel about the Canucks and the NHL barring you from attending games? You a tax paying law abiding citizen of this country with the a birthright to move freely, to come and to go and to attend to your life and your business as your  needs require and is your right. And given that it’s documented and accepted that both unvaxxed and vaxxed can spread the virus. This is nothing but discrimination, segregation and persecution. 

I am finding it not possible at this point to continue to support this club or any business or organization that supports, quite frankly, bigotry. I have followed and been of fan since virtually day one so this is a sad day. Unless and until this club reverses its decision on this issue I, for one, can no longer support it. 


 There exists this idea that somehow people are safer with unvaxxed people not in their midst.
That is false. I just don’t know how a person can feel good about themselves walking into a venue where others are denied based on their personal medical choice.
So, yeah, unfortunately it’s bigotry. Textbook. And I’m just pointing it out so everyone knows, and hopefully fights against it.


So much wrong here.

I understand the distaste many have with a feeling of helicopter parenting by the federal government, and provincial, municipal, when it comes to these mandates.  But you are deluding no one but yourself when you pretend its some kind of unnecessary over-reach by authorities.  To the point of "persecution" and "bigotry".  For one, the Aquilinis support this, as do most private businesses. They don't want to risk employees or customers. Free enterprise baby.


Firstly, I feel I have to say this but shouldn't have to; we live in a democracy. Its not perfect by any means. (Frankly I wish we'd move to PR voting).  There is corruption in any government.  Humans + Power = temptation to take advantage of that.  But its still, aside from a media hyped scandal once in awhile, an overall functioning democracy. Which means, if you break it down, citizens from your area, take up the challenge, the time and effort, raise funds, to run for office because they think they will help do good things for your community. If they win, they go to Ottawa (Victoria, municipalities..)  Some of those reps get re-elected, rise in the ranks, and are granted more power. And then maybe even make decisions that have an affect on your life.  That is what a Parliamentary Democratic Government is.  Its not some mysterious evil empire based in Mordor. It is composed of other Canadian citizens who chose public service, no matter from which party. We are the government underneath it all.


And in our FPTP system, the Liberal party won a minority. Much of the reasoning for JT not losing for his rash, selfish decision to hold a snap election gamble, was that most agreed with his handling of the pandemic and just wanted it to continue. As well, the majority of reps in Ottawa also support vaccine passports as a way to end the pandemic sooner, be they Greens, NDP, BQ, even the Conservatives.  As do their constituents. Hard to paste a table on here, but this lists reflect the % of support in the order of groups listed on top. The conservative voters are almost as high as the other groups. 





Support for Pandemic Measures, by Stated Vote Intention








Mandatory vaccination for

healthcare workers







Proof of vaccination for flying on an airplane or taking a train

(internationally or inter-provincially)







Mandatory vaccination for








Mandatory vaccination for

federal public servants







Vaccine passports

(to enter restaurants, gyms, or other indoor spaces)








So you can whine and stamp your feet all you want, but other Canadians are fed up with this virus and want it wiped out sooner rather than later, even if it means giving up a tiny bit of their freedom. (and yes its pathetically tiny compared to what some other countries citizens live under). 


And where does it end for folks like you?  Is it all vaccines from now on are not to be trusted? What about other scientific medical advancements? I guess you "survived" the Polio, Small Pox, other vaccines mandated when you were young. Which BTW all but wiped out those diseases. Have you ever thought what the world would look like without vaccines?  Here's an article on that. 


Q&A: What would happen in a world without vaccines?



So about government being abusive with authority........we just had an election and the people have spoken

About the effectiveness of the vaccine......see what the world would look like without them.


The only persecution going on is you persecuting yourself. 

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How is this Canucks talk?  This I nothing but politics and BS. I can’t be the only one that is planning on using the upcoming season as an escape from this god forsaken, never ending, nauseating display of virtue signalling and whining. Please move it to off topic as it has nothing to do with the team, hockey or anything belonging in this forum. 

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13 minutes ago, kilgore said:


So much wrong here.

I understand the distaste many have with a feeling of helicopter parenting by the federal government, and provincial, municipal, when it comes to these mandates.  But you are deluding no one but yourself when you pretend its some kind of unnecessary over-reach by authorities.  To the point of "persecution" and "bigotry".  For one, the Aquilinis support this, as do most private businesses. They don't want to risk employees or customers. Free enterprise baby.


Firstly, I feel I have to say this but shouldn't have to; we live in a democracy. Its not perfect by any means. (Frankly I wish we'd move to PR voting).  There is corruption in any government.  Humans + Power = temptation to take advantage of that.  But its still, aside from a media hyped scandal once in awhile, an overall functioning democracy. Which means, if you break it down, citizens from your area, take up the challenge, the time and effort, raise funds, to run for office because they think they will help do good things for your community. If they win, they go to Ottawa (Victoria, municipalities..)  Some of those reps get re-elected, rise in the ranks, and are granted more power. And then maybe even make decisions that have an affect on your life.  That is what a Parliamentary Democratic Government is.  Its not some mysterious evil empire based in Mordor. It is composed of other Canadian citizens who chose public service, no matter from which party. We are the government underneath it all.


And in our FPTP system, the Liberal party won a minority. Much of the reasoning for JT not losing for his rash, selfish decision to hold a snap election gamble, was that most agreed with his handling of the pandemic and just wanted it to continue. As well, the majority of reps in Ottawa also support vaccine passports as a way to end the pandemic sooner, be they Greens, NDP, BQ, even the Conservatives.  As do their constituents. Hard to paste a table on here, but this lists reflect the % of support in the order of groups listed on top. The conservative voters are almost as high as the other groups. 





Support for Pandemic Measures, by Stated Vote Intention








Mandatory vaccination for

healthcare workers







Proof of vaccination for flying on an airplane or taking a train

(internationally or inter-provincially)







Mandatory vaccination for








Mandatory vaccination for

federal public servants







Vaccine passports

(to enter restaurants, gyms, or other indoor spaces)








So you can whine and stamp your feet all you want, but other Canadians are fed up with this virus and want it wiped out sooner rather than later, even if it means giving up a tiny bit of their freedom. (and yes its pathetically tiny compared to what some other countries citizens live under). 


And where does it end for folks like you?  Is it all vaccines from now on are not to be trusted? What about other scientific medical advancements? I guess you "survived" the Polio, Small Pox, other vaccines mandated when you were young. Which BTW all but wiped out those diseases. Have you ever thought what the world would look like without vaccines?  Here's an article on that. 


Q&A: What would happen in a world without vaccines?



So about government being abusive with authority........we just had an election and the people have spoken

About the effectiveness of the vaccine......see what the world would look like without them.


The only persecution going on is you persecuting yourself. 

I would also add that the documented idea that vaxxed and unvaxxed can spread the virus is something that needs to be challenged.  This falls into the argument that only two numbers exist 0 and 100 and there is nothing in between.  Vaxxed are much less likely to catch and spread the virus period.  Is it 100%, no but that does not make it 0.  It is in fact much closer to 100% than is being portrayed.

I also have to wonder how thin someone's skin is when they get told they can't go to a hockey game because of the risk they pose to everyone else and think that is bigotry, it is consequences and a fair one.


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12 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

I would also add that the documented idea that vaxxed and unvaxxed can spread the virus is something that needs to be challenged.  This falls into the argument that only two numbers exist 0 and 100 and there is nothing in between.  Vaxxed are much less likely to catch and spread the virus period.  Is it 100%, no but that does not make it 0.  It is in fact much closer to 100% than is being portrayed.

I also have to wonder how thin someone's skin is when they get told they can't go to a hockey game because of the risk they pose to everyone else and think that is bigotry, it is consequences and a fair one.


-My workplace would make a good case study. Roughly 44% of people are vaccinated, in a workplace of  85 people. 
 -So far 2 people have tested positive for Covid, both were fully vaccinated. 

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