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[Report] Canucks recall Travis Hamonic

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7 hours ago, Master Mind said:

Wanting the mods to prevent a user from advocating to run a player out of town (who's simply doing what he can out there) to get at management... this is what you think encapsulates everything wrong with our culture? My goodness :lol:


I'm all for people being entitled to their opinion, but this isn't just that. This is trying to sewer a player's career because he doesn't agree with management. Think about it from Hunt's perspective.


This fanbase/media has run enough players out over the years. This has a direct negative effect on the team, and the players shouldn't be subjected to this nonsense.



So your solution is to ask whoever’s in charge to censor the opinion that is, to you, invalid. 

Yes, that mindset, IMO, is at the core of whole bunch of societal dysfunction. 

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10 hours ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Oh cool I get to see him live on Tuesday. 

NYR going down 

I think it's more about shutting down the opposition than being RD or LD

The measurement is 


'Who would you go down a dark alley with' 

Bones or Hammer? 






101% Hammer!! But I'm greedy and also wanna pick Gino and Brasher in their primes of course! 

Edited by RakuRaku
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47 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

I hear this alot. It seems like people are setting limits on things they don't really know.............I am not saying that he should not learn better defense, or to PK, but seriously, so could Hughes.


I actually have no problem short term with Rathbone going down to Abbs. but this is more to do with waivers than anything else............which is a pity, imo

It's possible, but Hughes is paid a premium to be our top PP guy and I seriously don't see Rathbone displacing him. Same goes with OEL. Could I be wrong? Possibly, but it makes sense to have at least one of each on unit 1 and 2. Could Rathbone play his off side and join one of them? Perhaps, I don't know. Maybe Rathbone surprises, but I'd be shocked. 


Hughes could, under a different coach he might be used that way. Green seems to want him out there on the PP and at even strength though. Hughes has cemented a place in our core, and as a rather unique talent he gets top billing. Yes, Hughes has to perform and play hard, but he's not the one trying to crack the bigs at this point, Rathbone is. 


Abbotsford was where he should have been from the start imo. I'm pretty sure he'll require waivers next season, so this is honestly his last chance to play somewhere as a guaranteed top 4 and get big minutes before he's got to sink or swim as a waivers eligible player. 

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Let's not read too much into Hamonic being called up or Rathbone sent down.  Either or both could just be temporary.  If they were really serious about getting Hamonic back in the lineup tomorrow, he probably would have been paired with Hughes or Hunt in practice today, but he wasn't according to Drance.  Maybe they just want to see him practice with the big club to assess fitness, mobility, etc.  And maybe they just papered Rathbone down to make a space on the 23 man roster so Hamonic could practice with the team today.  Or maybe it does all mean something:  we'll find out soon.

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11 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

I do not disagree with you Stawns


But I also think that Rathbone was always paired with a questionable partner, so IMO, he tried to do too much, and would get caught........I do think Rathbone will benefit from his time in Abbotsford, but he deserves to be up, especially looking at his replacement.


IMO, this is all about not loosing Hunt or Schenn to waivers

Jan, that is a post full of contradictions

why not just say Rathbone will benefit from his time in Abbotsford

and leave it at that?

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With Hamonic recalled Vancouver now has 350K in cap space.   Motte is on LTIR and has a 1.225M cap hit.  


They had 550K of cap space after activating Hamonic to the AHL roster, putting Motte on LTIR and recalling Petan.


                                                                                 Cap space         Bonus pool


Demoting Rathbone    + 1.492M total *                     + 925K                + 567K

                                                                                = 1.475M                     


Recalling Hamonic                                                  - 1.125M                       

                                                                                =   350K                    567K           as shown on CapFriendly


* Demoting Rathbone has created a bonus pool that can be used to bring him back up.  They might not have the salary cap space but the bonus portion should be a non issue.  His recall would simply put the bonus pool back to zero.  


The recall of another bonus eligible ELC player before him, would carve into that bonus pool and the balance would then need to come out of regular cap space.  Lockwood, DiPietro each have a bonus portion under 100K.


CapFriendly uses the AAV of the contract with bonuses (2nd column on their player's page) although his actual bonus target for the season is 850K.  The bonus pool is only notional - it can't be used to pay out bonuses at the end of the season.  As Vancouver is in LTIR, the actual bonuses will still be carried over into next season.


Edited by mll
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2 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

I hear this alot. It seems like people are setting limits on things they don't really know.............I am not saying that he should not learn better defense, or to PK, but seriously, so could Hughes.


I actually have no problem short term with Rathbone going down to Abbs. but this is more to do with waivers than anything else............which is a pity, imo

Yes so could Hughes but Hughes is a significantly better player than Rathbone at this point....  

You should want him in Abby soaking up minutes frankly. It means our defense at the NHL is better and he's getting prime 1 line playing time. 

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8 minutes ago, Warhawk said:

I hope he's a good guy and well liked in the room which gives the team a boost.  We need any kind of boost we can get

By all acounts he is.  


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13 hours ago, RakuRaku said:

Wait.... so we have more than enough RHD's now?? And Hunt will be a fulltime LHD on 3rd pairing? Something is not making sense...... can we pls get Juolevi back?????

So playing on your other side on D is impossible? C'mon, I played D for the Powell river regals when I was young, I played my other side no problem because I was good at reading plays and positioning and an adjustment to it isn't a massive huge deal like your making it out to be, just more focus on positioning is all, not the best scenario but short term? can be done until something is figured out so the sky isn't falling..  

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55 minutes ago, Warhawk said:

I hope he's a good guy and well liked in the room which gives the team a boost.  We need any kind of boost we can get

the boost actually will come from more playing time, most people refuse to believe it but whatever. I guess it's easy to forget this is our first season with a new team for a change, and guys simply don't develop chemistry overnight, it takes awhile that nobody wants to hear but it's still true, and new faces in coaching positions too, good grief, and mostly without Hughes and Alien on top of that and needed adjustment, their still young, add tryouts and trying to mesh it altogether and no motte either would not be easy so seriously, people really need to settle down, relax, make some popcorn and just watch without freaking out, honestly, look what this team has been through over the years and be thankful we're just getting started with a new team for a change. can we give it more than a handful of games? lol  wait.. this is the CDC and the sky is perpetually falling.. ;)


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2 hours ago, John McClane said:

I would have preferred to see T. Ham get 4-5 games in Abby before the call up. I’m sure he’ll be fine with the big club, but I think he’d do better having his own little pre season in the A. Oh well. Good luck Ham, welcome back. 

yeah hopefully he's been working out "some" if he was able to under whatever was going on but Ham has a lot of skill and pretty good positionally wise to start with so hope it's relatively seemless but who knows, guess we're going to find out...

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4 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

By all acounts he is.  


What a wonderful story in the midst of all the negativity surrounding the NHL (hawks)....

No wonder he is being greeted lovingly by all his team mates... Top bloke.

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9 hours ago, TFerguson said:

So your solution is to ask whoever’s in charge to censor the opinion that is, to you, invalid. 

Yes, that mindset, IMO, is at the core of whole bunch of societal dysfunction. 

It's a recurring pattern with that poster, and a toxic mentality. It isn't just an opinion he's posting, it's a call to action. One that is designed to run a player out of town.


Perhaps you don't, but I have a problem with that, and think our players deserve better. Given the feedback in this thread, it seems I'm not alone in this belief.


Mental health matters. For everyone, even depth players. This is all that needs to be said on the matter.

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24 minutes ago, Master Mind said:

It's a recurring pattern with that poster, and a toxic mentality. It isn't just an opinion he's posting, it's a call to action. One that is designed to run a player out of town.


Perhaps you don't, but I have a problem with that, and think our players deserve better. Given the feedback in this thread, it seems I'm not alone in this belief.


Mental health matters. For everyone, even depth players. This is all that needs to be said on the matter.

Do you honestly think though that Heffy would be able to mobilize a bunch of fans to boo Hunt?

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