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[Rumour] J.T. Miller Trade/Contract Talks


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26 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Perhaps the perfect run to fold those beauty prospects into the mix..  and start a Dynasty themselves.

If I was Drury,  who just inherited this wealth,. I’d stand ,  roll these kids in and create a world of excitement.

Knowing the best is yet to come.


I don’t agree I think they’re all in now.


Panarin is 30, Kreider is 30, Zibanejad, Strome (pending UFA) Trouba, and Goodrow are 28.


Youll never have a better roster than right now. The time to go all in is now.

Waiting till those 20 year olds are impact players means waiting until your core has aged out.


Drury will for sure be aggressive. He has no choice. The only question is whether we can cash in or not.

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1 hour ago, DeNiro said:

On the other hand New York is in a real position to go on a run.


Their window is right now. How often do you have Vezina and Norris potential players at the same time.


The Rangers have never been shy to go all in either. If Miller is the piece that allows them to get past Florida, Tampa, and Carolina they gotta go for it.


Even if they trade Lafreniere they still have Kappo or vice versa. Same thing with Schneider and Lundqvist.


They have an embarrassment of riches even trading two of those pieces. Plus they get at least two runs with Miller in his prime.


They might be building a castle of cards.  The Natural Stat Trick model at 5v5 has them 

32nd in CF%, FF%, SCF%

31st in SF% only ahead of Arizona

29th in xGF% ahead of Arizona, Buffalo and Montreal

25th in HDCF%


Their heat maps from HockeyViz shows them cold blue in the scoring areas (ie they are shooting at below average rates) and bright red in their own end where they are allowing their fair share of shots against.  


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3 hours ago, Me_ said:

It makes absolutely no sense to trade your best playing assets to cash in on developing assets.


That is the definition of perpetual rebuilding.

keeping miller and keeping banging the drum we will have a stanley cup contender within the 3-4 years of miller's prime is the very perpetual meaning of delusional.


so how do you propose we fix the defense?? as long as this defense core doesn't change nor can it provide any sustain offense throughout the season and playoff it ain't going anywhere. we still need a top 4 RHD and we prolly not in a place to get one from FA or afford to spend any extra on one till myers contract fall off.. nor do we have the luxury of spending even more cap on the defense even if we free up some cap space from say a boeser trade.


the core of the defense as it stands is not tradable.. Hughes won't be traded.. OEL Poolman Hamonic Myers don't see a team willing to take any of them without significant sweetener or retention.. so that ain't happening..


trading boeser.. great u get back some prospect or draft picks.. so how does that help you the next 3-4 years to compete?? we'll be back to oh we need to look for a top 6 again.. on the current roster and farm system does it look like we have a player that can step up and play the top line role? our top 6 on the wing is really weak assuming u trade away boeser.. on the right side it's garland and then hoglander.. neither is a top line rw.. on the lw we have pearson podz and motte.. podz not even ready for a top 6 role yet let alone top line.. pearson ideally should be a 3rd line that can occasionally play 2nd.. motte should be part of the shutdown line.. we have more holes and issue with the construction of the current lineup than swiss cheese.. Miller will definitely give a team a chance to win the cup.. only problem is the progression of the current canucks team doesn't seem to line up with Miller's prime time line.



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14 minutes ago, mll said:


They might be building a castle of cards.  The Natural Stat Trick model has them 

32nd in CF%, FF%, SCF%

31st in SF% only ahead of Arizona

29th in xGF% ahead of Arizona, Buffalo and Montreal

25th in HDCF%


Their heat maps from HockeyViz shows them cold blue in the scoring areas (ie they are shooting at below average rates) and bright red in their own end where they are allowing their fair share of shots against.  


All the more reason to add more offensive weapons.


They’re pretty weak beyond their “big 4” at forward.


Adding Miller and having three lines that can actually drive offense would be huge for them.


My guess is they would be asking for Motte from us too.

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If I had to guess I would think JR asks for 4 pieces.


New York probably tries to swing a deal offering up Chytil, Lundqvist, Kravstov, and a 1st.


A lot of big question mark pieces that hopefully he passes on.

For me the deal has to include one of Lafreniere, Kakko, or Schnieder to even begin to think about trading Miller. Fill in the rest with other picks or prospects, but one of those three need to be involved.

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1 hour ago, JC2 said:

The only thing in that proposal that's realistic is the 1st round pick. I don't see them moving on from Schneider or lafrenière. There is just too much potential to give up. I'm thinking more like lundqist, 1st and maybe Chytil for Miller and Motte. Schneider makes lundqvist expendable and they would be replacing Chytil with Motte.  Maybe a bigger deal that involves Garland would get you laf but I don't know how the salary would work.

Atrocious deal for Vancouver.


Keep Miller.

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1 hour ago, wai_lai416 said:

keeping miller and keeping banging the drum we will have a stanley cup contender within the 3-4 years of miller's prime is the very perpetual meaning of delusional.


so how do you propose we fix the defense?? as long as this defense core doesn't change nor can it provide any sustain offense throughout the season and playoff it ain't going anywhere. we still need a top 4 RHD and we prolly not in a place to get one from FA or afford to spend any extra on one till myers contract fall off.. nor do we have the luxury of spending even more cap on the defense even if we free up some cap space from say a boeser trade.


the core of the defense as it stands is not tradable.. Hughes won't be traded.. OEL Poolman Hamonic Myers don't see a team willing to take any of them without significant sweetener or retention.. so that ain't happening..


trading boeser.. great u get back some prospect or draft picks.. so how does that help you the next 3-4 years to compete?? we'll be back to oh we need to look for a top 6 again.. on the current roster and farm system does it look like we have a player that can step up and play the top line role? our top 6 on the wing is really weak assuming u trade away boeser.. on the right side it's garland and then hoglander.. neither is a top line rw.. on the lw we have pearson podz and motte.. podz not even ready for a top 6 role yet let alone top line.. pearson ideally should be a 3rd line that can occasionally play 2nd.. motte should be part of the shutdown line.. we have more holes and issue with the construction of the current lineup than swiss cheese.. Miller will definitely give a team a chance to win the cup.. only problem is the progression of the current canucks team doesn't seem to line up with Miller's prime time line.



“the very perpetual meaning of delusional”




Sounds hopeless in your court…

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1 hour ago, JC2 said:

The only thing in that proposal that's realistic is the 1st round pick. I don't see them moving on from Schneider or lafrenière. There is just too much potential to give up. I'm thinking more like lundqist, 1st and maybe Chytil for Miller and Motte. Schneider makes lundqvist expendable and they would be replacing Chytil with Motte.  Maybe a bigger deal that involves Garland would get you laf but I don't know how the salary would work.

Is this proposed deal all part of your devious plan to make the Canucks the softest of all soft teams in the NHL?!

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1 hour ago, DeNiro said:

If I had to guess I would think JR asks for 4 pieces.


New York probably tries to swing a deal offering up Chytil, Lundqvist, Kravstov, and a 1st.


A lot of big question mark pieces that hopefully he passes on.

For me the deal has to include one of Lafreniere, Kakko, or Schnieder to even begin to think about trading Miller. Fill in the rest with other picks or prospects, but one of those three need to be involved.

laffy and schneider yes.. kakko for me is more a secondary piece added on top and obviously van have to add if they throw in a kakko on top. if they are throwing in kakko on top of a schneider or laffy? they can have motte and schenn too to load up for their run lol. we'll just re-sign them in the summer maybe

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3 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

laffy and schneider yes.. kakko for me is more a secondary piece added on top and obviously van have to add if they throw in a kakko on top. if they are throwing in kakko on top of a schneider or laffy? they can have motte and schenn too to load up for their run lol. we'll just re-sign them in the summer maybe

Yeah. I agree that for me, the centre piece of any deal involving the Rangers, has to be Schneider, and then you can build around him as a package. If Schneider isn’t included in the deal, then I think we need to find a new trading partner. 


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1 hour ago, Captain Canuck #12 said:

Is this proposed deal all part of your devious plan to make the Canucks the softest of all soft teams in the NHL?!

I never said the Canucks should accept an offer like this only that this is more realistic of an offer. I don't see the rangers gutting their depth but I hope to be proven wrong. 

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6 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

Yeah. I agree that for me, the centre piece of any deal involving the Rangers, has to be Schneider, and then you can build around him as a package. If Schneider isn’t included in the deal, then I think we need to find a new trading partner. 


i'm ok with laffy too or schneider. i think ppl are underselling laffy too much.. rangers have brought him along slowly he started his career and this season rarely on the top 6 and hardly got any powerplay time. although RHD is more preferred but if we can get lafrenier a line of boeser if we keep him EP lafrenier would work... lafrenier is an elite playmaker and boeser ep both have elite shot.. on paper it would look good as a line anyways. laffy's goal per 60 is on pace with miller boeser etc so it shouldn't be much of a drop off.. then we can figure something out with the defense either thru trades or FA with the picks/prospect we got. and he's only in his 2nd season in the NHL.. Jack hughes is on his 3rd season before becoming almost ppg guy

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9 hours ago, Me_ said:

Funny how a game is the epitome of what is possible and not possible.


When the proposal is that unrealistic it is deserving of that saying...considering its the running joke when fans make proposals that are far fetched or completely 1 sided.


Would love for us to get a great return for JT or anyone else we may trade potentially this year. Hope we try to get rid of a contract or 2 that is under performing or overpaid for what they bring etc...usually costs you to get rid of those players and we can't afford to give up more assets at this time imo.

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7 hours ago, DeNiro said:

If I had to guess I would think JR asks for 4 pieces.


New York probably tries to swing a deal offering up Chytil, Lundqvist, Kravstov, and a 1st.


A lot of big question mark pieces that hopefully he passes on.

For me the deal has to include one of Lafreniere, Kakko, or Schnieder to even begin to think about trading Miller. Fill in the rest with other picks or prospects, but one of those three need to be involved.

If we trade Miller it’s for solid can’t miss prospects and players. You’re right, no way JR is dumb enough to just get what he can and take it. I’d honestly rather wait till the off season than take a bunch of Rangers hand me downs. Their 1st will be a low pick, Kravstov bolted to Russia because he couldn’t crack the line up, Chytil is like mason raymond, speed to burn but can’t put it all together it seems, terrible center too, Lumdqvist another small dman?? No thank you. We have Hughes and Rathbone and so that’s completely redundant for us.


Full stop, Lafrenier, Schneider, and a first gets my ears ringing a bit. And still all three of these assets could potentially round out to be nothing more than 3 liners and 3rd pairing defensemen. With Miller you know exactly what you are getting. That is the biggest part of this trade, is his certainty. I have no doubt if JR trades him, we will be getting back SOLID futures, not a bunch of wishy washy prospects that everyone is getting silly over.

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8 hours ago, DeNiro said:

For me the deal has to include one of Lafreniere, Kakko, or Schnieder to even begin to think about trading Miller. Fill in the rest with other picks or prospects, but one of those three need to be involved.

Meh, I'd certainly prefer Schneider + but I'd still do something like following if he was a complete non starter:


Chytil, Lundkvist, 1st, and two of Robertson/Othmann/Barron.


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7 minutes ago, Metal Face Doom said:

Unrealistic trade return expectations are a CDC guarantee.  

Yup, I get blasted for it, but this is what I think the package will look like... either one, but I think Package B is more likely to happen...


Package A

1. A-level Prospect (ie. Schneider)

2. Middle-6 forward or Lower Tier Top 4 Defenceman (mostly depends on the quality of the prospect)

3. 2nd Round Pick (you won't get an A-Level Prospect AND a 1st unless the forward/defenceman above is a 4th line forward or 3rd pairing D-man)


Package B

1. B-Level or borderline A-Level Prospect (ie. Lundkvist or Kravtsov)

2. Middle-6 forward or Lower Tier Top 4 Defenceman

3. 1st Round Pick (a late one... 20th or later)


I'd say Package B is more likely what the NYR would offer as their final offer.






If we don't take it, they shop that package around for guys like Giroux or Pavelski.  With Klingberg likely moving on, the package above would be pretty enticing for Dallas I would think.

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