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[Rumour] J.T. Miller Trade/Contract Talks


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2 minutes ago, JM_ said:

well, if thats really true then he's risking a lot. The only way he can guarantee Pits is if he's a UFA. 

Look at Johnny Hockey.  Lots of players want to get to free agency so they can choose their next team.  

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2 minutes ago, JayDangles said:

Well at some point this new management group is going to have to start doing something to change this team. They can only blame Jim Benning for so long. Seems like many other GM's have found a way to improve their team even though they were tight to the cap. Can only use the blame someone else excuse for so long. Used it at Trade deadline, used it at the draft, if they use it again at Free Agency day then I'm one of the disappointed people. If brand new President, GM and AGM's including branching out into diversity hire (a positive IMHO) can't do ANYTHING to fix this team, then what was the point?

Can’t dump the toxic Benning contract without adding assets to do so.  Benning didn’t leave any assets.  Benning left a mess. It’s going to take a couple seasons to get that mess unravelled. 

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Just now, JayDangles said:

We do have assets. We just don't want to accept the reality that we may have to trade them in order to get better

Which assets are you suggesting we add to dump toxic contracts?  Be specific.  

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3 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Look at Johnny Hockey.  Lots of players want to get to free agency so they can choose their next team.  

oh I agree, its just Miller has to get through next year performing really well again and not getting hurt. Its risky. 

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2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Well we did have a good offer for Miller at the 2022 TDL and took him off the market.  I wonder how involved our owner was then?  And if it comes to holding on to Miller until the 2023 TDL how involved he will be then?  

Put it this way though Alf, if what was reported was such a good offer then what would have been an equivalent elsewhere? If you draw up comparables you’ll see that what the Rags actually offered was just young scraps that their fan base aren’t even high on. The pick would be nice but the quality of the talent coming back doesn’t necessarily fit with what we need. It would be hopeful at best. We can do better or possibly even circle back to the Rags for that deal if desperate. 

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Just now, JM_ said:

oh I agree, its just Miller has to get through next year performing really well again and not getting hurt. Its risky. 

So did Johnny and all top players who play out their final year.  We clearly should have moved Miller at the 2022 TDL. 

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2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Which assets are you suggesting we add to dump toxic contracts?  Be specific.  

I'm simply saying we do have things that other teams would want. Picks, prospects and Players.  I know it's very complicated and every trade or signing has a risk, and I don't know what is going on behind closed doors and on the phone calls... but so far we are projecting to ice a worse team than last year, and thats not what JR indicated was the plan back in January. They knew what team they were hiring into. If their plan was to stand pat for a year or two they should have come right out and said it. 


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2 minutes ago, Alflives said:

So did Johnny and all top players who play out their final year.  We clearly should have moved Miller at the 2022 TDL. 

It doesn't sound like we actually got any offers. Not sure that Chytil, Lundkvist, 1st thing was even real. According to the Grand Poobah no ones made a legit offer. 

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Just now, JayDangles said:

I'm simply saying we do have things that other teams would want. Picks, prospects and Players.  I know it's very complicated and every trade or signing has a risk, and I don't know what is going on behind closed doors and on the phone calls... but so far we are projecting to ice a worse team than last year, and thats not what JR indicated was the plan back in January. They knew what team they were hiring into. If their plan was to stand pat for a year or two they should have come right out and said it. 


Which picks, prospects, and players are you suggesting we should add to dump Benning’s toxic contracts?  JR arrived here and said it’s going to take time to unravel the Benning cap mess. 

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13 minutes ago, JM_ said:

yep. I see a lot of disappointment posts, but not sure what people want, to burn even more of the future? 


Lots of folks were joyous at the removal of the Benning regime and expected Rutherford to come in here and perform hockey miracles equating to the parting of the Red Sea. And here we sit, watching all sorts of action all over the league, while the Canucks are quiet. Patience is good, but I think that folks are entitled to a growing sense of concern. Full blown disappointment is premature in my opinion.


This JT Miller situation is extremely challenging…especially if he is determined to play out East where his family is centred. Sure seems like a trend in the league….and now Giroux just returned “home” to the Ottawa area.

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Under Boudreau, the Canucks posted a record of 32-15-10, a 106-point pace over a full 82-game season.


Was Demko HUGE in that? Sure. 


Did you NOT see the team elevate their games to a different level as well? I sure did.


They were playing a very defeated, uninspired game until Bruce intervened. Then they looked motivated and charged. I'd like to see them given a bit more of a chance because people have "decided" it was all Demko. I'm convinced there is no I in team and he was a big part of it, but you can't just ignore the team that won those games with him. Many here do that.


I mean, goaltending can make a huge difference in the playoffs and we've seen how important that position is. The fact that we have an outstanding goaltender doesn't mean the team in front of him sucks. There are deficiencies...but not this glaring contrast that some here would have us believe. Teams need great goaltending...just how it is.


People use the Av's to compare....they weren't excellent out of the gates. It takes time to "season" a team and ours isn't being afforded that opportunity by many here. 


Petey was hurt as well...that's a huge factor here. We were missing our top scorer when he was MIA. Matters.

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