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3 hours ago, LTC123 said:

Good listen on Jets radio today (yes, I live in Winnipeg)


Comparing VAN to WIN:  Both are "just about" to make the playoffs.  Stand pat or make a change.


JT Miller is a guy you trade for in order to make the playoffs and to succeed there.  We have JT Miller.   Andrew Copp is a UFA and probably won't resign in WIN...could be had for picks.


If management DOES make a move for (Miller, Myers, Boeser), what message does that send to the team?  They're almost there and they sell for picks and the future?  How demoralizing does that become? 


Now, if management has an open and honest meeting with players and says, "you know, we're trading XXX for picks.  But we have faith that the remaining team can step up, fill up those minutes, and still make the playoffs".   Does the team respond differently? 


How does this affect a player's/teams psyche? If at all?  

You're askin' us?

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2 hours ago, Provost said:

None of the reports suggest that they are trying to trade those guys just for picks and futures.  They are apparently looking for high end young NHL players... those are guys just coming into their primes at the same time as Petey and Hughes.  Not draft picks who could be 2-4 years away.

Also, if picks do come as part of the packages those picks can be used as currency to trade for other players.  We can also sign other players for the cap money suddenly freed up by moving on from those guys so we have a bunch of assets from trades and also money to sign and fill holes.

Who says the team is "almost there"?  We have had a really solid run of games, after a long run of dismal play.  Our wins are almost all on the backs of two players in Miller and Demko.  Our record when Miller doesn't score a point is horrifying.  That isn't a recipe for success in the long term as you need depth and a team that can contribute from all lines and D pairings.

This will sound like an attack, but honestly it's not.  I'm just curious.  Why are you relentlessly negative and why do you seem to dislike the Canucks? I can understand being negative when one wanted Benning and Green fired and being so until that goal was accomplished, but your distaste continues to shine through even now, even after that was done.


"Dismal play."  "Only on the backs of two players."  I guess the times Garland and Motte took the team on the back to secure a win don't count.  I guess the times that Boesser, EP40 and Bo helped bail Demko out from an average game to secure the W don't count??  If you told 40, 53 and 43 that they were useless sacks of crap, how do you think they'd respond to ya?


The attack line used by opposing fan bases directed to a team they dislike used to be "you're just an one line team."  You've taken that insult and upped it one more to saying they are a "two man team."


If I hated the team as much as you do, I couldn't stand to watch a period let alone a game let alone post daily about how bad they are.  What's up?


I think it's pretty clear that you don't want this team to succeed and would rather they make the playoffs again for the first time in like 2027 with an entirely new core.  Have you thought about the financial hit FA would take if he followed your advice?


As an aside, this team has shown that it could have been a .650+ team from the start of the year with coaching at the calibre of Boudreau's.

Edited by CanucksFan8353
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1 hour ago, CanucksFan8353 said:

This will sound like an attack, but honestly it's not.  I'm just curious.  Why are you relentlessly negative and why do you seem to dislike the Canucks? I can understand being negative when one wanted Benning and Green fired and being so until that goal was accomplished, but your distaste continues to shine through even now, even after that was done.


"Dismal play."  "Only on the backs of two players."  I guess the times Garland and Motte took the team on the back to secure a win don't count.  I guess the times that Boesser, EP40 and Bo helped bail Demko out from an average game to secure the W don't count??  If you told 40, 53 and 43 that they were useless sacks of crap, how do you think they'd respond to ya?


The attack line used by opposing fan bases directed to a team they dislike used to be "you're just an one line team."  You've taken that insult and upped it one more to saying they are a "two man team."


If I hated the team as much as you do, I couldn't stand to watch a period let alone a game let alone post daily about how bad they are.  What's up?


I think it's pretty clear that you don't want this team to succeed and would rather they make the playoffs again for the first time in like 2027 with an entirely new core.  Have you thought about the financial hit FA would take if he followed your advice?


As an aside, this team has shown that it could have been a .650+ team from the start of the year with coaching at the calibre of Boudreau's.

All those times those other players put the team on their backs to secure a win?  When exactly has that happened with any regularity, please illuminate as the reality is exactly what I said?  This graphic is a few games old... but is even more true now with Miller's continued points streak.  When he hasn't gotten a point, we have won just on one game all year.  Thankfully that is rare and he has gotten points in 45 of 61 games.  Go run those numbers for the other players you mentioned.

Why do you hate the Canucks so much that you want to cheerlead for them to continue to be a non-playoff team?  Honestly, you should go root for another team if you hate the idea of the Canucks ever being a playoff team or contender.  What's up with that?

Most of your post is just ranting, please find quotes for all the things you posted I have said.  Where did I want an entirely new core?  Where did I say I don't want us in the playoffs until 2027?  My post you even quoted said that we have no intention of rebuilding and would be trading for actual hockey players to help right away and not picks.  You straight up lied. 

How $&!#ty of a person do you have to be to try to make yourself feel better by attacking someone else online by being a complete liar?  

Where did I say I don't want the team to succeed?  Where did I say I hate the team?  You posted that "This will sound like an attack, but honestly it's not."  If that is true then why spend the entire post spewing pure lies, fabrications, and venom?  What's up?

It is also pretty ironic that 24hrs ago you posted calling me brilliant... but now I hate the team and want them to lose.



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The return in the trade might say something too:


Miller for a first= wow, we must have been actively shopping him and wanted to get something okay back (must not believe this team can compete)


Miller for a first, prospects and more= we probably weren't trying to trade him, but were blown away (still believe we have a chance this year or next)

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5 hours ago, LTC123 said:

Good listen on Jets radio today (yes, I live in Winnipeg)


Comparing VAN to WIN:  Both are "just about" to make the playoffs.  Stand pat or make a change.


JT Miller is a guy you trade for in order to make the playoffs and to succeed there.  We have JT Miller.   Andrew Copp is a UFA and probably won't resign in WIN...could be had for picks.


If management DOES make a move for (Miller, Myers, Boeser), what message does that send to the team?  They're almost there and they sell for picks and the future?  How demoralizing does that become? 


Now, if management has an open and honest meeting with players and says, "you know, we're trading XXX for picks.  But we have faith that the remaining team can step up, fill up those minutes, and still make the playoffs".   Does the team respond differently? 


How does this affect a player's/teams psyche? If at all?  

Salary cap says make a move
no nhl prospects says make a move

fringe wild card team does not = cup contender 

for 8 seasons mediocrity and squeaking a wildcard spot has been the plan it’s a crap plan that’s got us here. 
We are primed for a retool we now have the pieces to do it we didn’t when Dim took over hence why it failed and why we needed a rebuild then. 


this team isn’t good enough, the d is terrible

goaltending has to be vezina quality or we lose that’s not “ready to win”.



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54 minutes ago, c00kies said:

The return in the trade might say something too:


Miller for a first= wow, we must have been actively shopping him and wanted to get something okay back (must not believe this team can compete)


Miller for a first, prospects and more= we probably weren't trying to trade him, but were blown away (still believe we have a chance this year or next)

The "more" would need to be a proven top pair RHD age 22- 25 for me to say ok. Hopes and dreams don't make up for Miller. :lol: 



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Honestly if all this brand new management team with cap gurus and scouts and veteran presence and cup rings can come up with is trading Halak I'll be very disappointed. I'm not advocating for a fire sale or making a trade for the sake of it..... But I do expect something from this new top heavy GM team.

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7 hours ago, eeeeergh said:

Agreed, I think they'll wait til the offseason for the big moves.

Ive got a feeling theyre not going to be accumulating 1sts, but rather trading for nearly-NHL ready prospects. It looks like the window is within the next 3 years, with Petey, Hughes, and Demko hitting their primes and playing on relatively inexpensive contracts.

My speculation:
They move Pearson, Myers and Boeser, use the cap space to revamp the defence, use Boeser as a trade chip to land a quality d-man. 

I think they'll fish around europe to find a pearson replacement that they can bring in for league minimum, and get a (albeit inferior) scorer but hopefully with more speed to replace Boeser from the UFA pool. 

I would argue the window, is Demkos' five year extension - four years to go.   

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1 hour ago, JayDangles said:

Honestly if all this brand new management team with cap gurus and scouts and veteran presence and cup rings can come up with is trading Halak I'll be very disappointed. I'm not advocating for a fire sale or making a trade for the sake of it..... But I do expect something from this new top heavy GM team.

I think its extremely likely Boeser gets traded if we lose to the Flames. Maybe Pearson and Motte too. 

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1 hour ago, ShawnAntoski said:

I would argue the window, is Demkos' five year extension - four years to go.   

He is still likely going to have years of good play left in him at that point, so I don’t agree with it as our window.


I think we have to be a proven winner by then though, with some playoff series wins in order to convince players to re-sign and extend the window for a few years after that.

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11 hours ago, Alflives said:

Three games before the TDL.  After the TDL we have a series of games against the big boys.  Our current standing shouldn't stop JR and PA from making the needed deals to get us to be a more consistent winner.  

Now that makes sense!  We all know tthat JR has to begin the deconstruction of uncle Jim's team and rebuild the entire team except for just a few.  After almost a decade of failure (and this year looks no different) it's time for those last few hold-outs to admit that this team is a mess of incompatible players and in need of major fixing!

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12 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

Now that makes sense!  We all know tthat JR has to begin the deconstruction of uncle Jim's team and rebuild the entire team except for just a few.  After almost a decade of failure (and this year looks no different) it's time for those last few hold-outs to admit that this team is a mess of incompatible players and in need of major fixing!

Yeah, the teams' duality is a perfect reflection of JBs' indecision and impatience approach.  JB spent a lot in futures & cap to built the roster we have and the loss vs a [still] rebuilding Redwing club, further proves that there, is no easy win in the league due to the cap - parity exist.  Like I said before: JBs' goal has always been - to just make the playoffs and hope for the best.  The team lacks quality depth but with no cap & a lackluster farm to draw from, for trades or depth the Canucks fortune in the playoffs ain't looking too good in a playoff series, against a contender.


I like what JR, said in his presser: the Canucks will not be trading there premium picks, to build up farm depth (paraphrasing).   Allvin has a big job ahead, of him and I am still cautiously optimistic, if the teams third straigh rookie GM, can deliver or flame like Gillis & JB.

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2 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

Yeah, the teams' duality is a perfect reflection of JBs' indecision and  impatience.  JB spent a lot in futures & cap to built the roster we have and the loss vs a [still] rebuilding Redwing, further proves that there, is no easy win in the league due to the cap - parity exist.  Like I said before: JBs' goal has always been - to just make the playoffs and hope for the best.  The team lacks quality depth but with no cap & a lackluster farm to draw from, for trades or depth the Canucks fortune in the playoffs ain't looking to good in a playoff series, against a contender.


I like what JR, said in his presser: the Canucks will not be trading there premium picks, to build up there farm depth (paraphrasing).   Allvin has a big job ahead, of him and I am still cautiously optimistic, if the teams third straigh rookie GM, can deliver.

Three rookie GM's but the same owner.  I just don't see this owner keeping his hands off the philosophy of what needs to be done to get us to be a consistent winner.  IMHAO Benning was simply following orders from above.  Not in actual player decisions, but in philosophy of trying to compete now.  

Our owner is great when it comes to spending, but he is impatient when it comes to winning.  

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8 hours ago, Alflives said:

Three rookie GM's but the same owner.  I just don't see this owner keeping his hands off the philosophy of what needs to be done to get us to be a consistent winner.  IMHAO Benning was simply following orders from above.  Not in actual player decisions, but in philosophy of trying to compete now.  

Our owner is great when it comes to spending, but he is impatient when it comes to winning.  

Yeah, Aquaman has been the one constant, in all the years.  Perhaps, a big reason why JR demanded what he did - full autonomy.  

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