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'Serious' allegations of child abuse levelled against Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini

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-Vintage Canuck-

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I am in no way placing any judgement on the Aqualini family at all, and in fact am impartial to the current situation so far. I’m happy and thankful that we have franchise owners that will invest to cap to try and build a winner for us fans.

But one thing that I was aware of that I’ve always found interesting was that even though the family is worth an estimated 3.3 billion, over many past years PA would regularly apply for and receive autism benefit funding from the provincial government for his autistic son. I guess if the money is available, and you meet criteria, might as well use the benefit.

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4 minutes ago, AV. said:

Huh? It's just sharing what he knows/what he's heard.  It's topically relevant to mention at this time.

These employees could include former GMs, coaches, scouts, players, etc.  It shouldn't be surprising that not everybody who has worked under this ownership has left on the greatest of terms.

No his “poll” is there to create even more controversy beyond the matter that’s dealt with in Family Court.

Its Harassing, Bullying, and Defaming ..


One has to wonder since Sekeres/ Price are employed in Sports entertainment, as is F.AQ

have they not crossed the line on labour laws.


Since S/P are given access to that Buissness/ Orginization

It is F.AQ’s , his production , and his right to protect that .

Defamation works both ways.


Same Industry.   

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According to The Vancouver Sun, the three children desire to no longer have any contact with their father. All three still live with their mother and at ages 20, 22, and 24, are attending post-secondary in various programs.





I highly doubt this needed to go to Court.

But here we go,   Something for the lame Super jock media in town.

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6 hours ago, Tiger-Hearted said:

Where there's smoke, there's fire. Sheldon Kennedy spoke up as an adult against sexual predator and former junior  hockey coach Graham James. Now, the grownup Aquilini siblings are speaking up. This isn't surprising. Francesco is a ruthless bully and a monster. Pure cowardice. Karma is a "you know what" and it's finally catching up to him.

So guilty until proven innocent? I have no axe to grind. Just follow the evidence to where it leads.

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the abuse allegations seem like a pressure technique, regardless of any validity to them. why now, after all?


sounds like she's demanding money while refusing to disclose the expenses to francesco. I'd tell her to pound sand too. I'll happily pay my share, but you better show me the receipts. 

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22 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

According to The Vancouver Sun, the three children desire to no longer have any contact with their father. All three still live with their mother and at ages 20, 22, and 24, are attending post-secondary in various programs.





I highly doubt this needed to go to Court.

But here we go,   Something for the lame Super jock media in town.

I think this needed to go to court as FA stopped child support payments.  Cause the kids are still going to University, it seems that child support should be still ongoing.


If FA kept paying child support, we’d probably would not have heard anything about the alleged abuses.

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35 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

No his “poll” is there to create even more controversy beyond the matter that’s dealt with in Family Court.

Its Harassing, Bullying, and Defaming ..


One has to wonder since Sekeres/ Price are employed in Sports entertainment, as is F.AQ

have they not crossed the line on labour laws.


Since S/P are given access to that Buissness/ Orginization

It is F.AQ’s , his production , and his right to protect that .

Defamation works both ways.


Same Industry.   

LOL give me a break.  This isn't a case of kicking somebody while they're down.  This is a pertinent question to ask IN LIGHT of news surrounding somebody with serious allegations put against them.  Yeah, this question could have been asked on Monday, or sometime in the past, but now more than ever, it's quite relevant to bring up.

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1 hour ago, BlakeQuinnAndEggs said:

What a joke lol. Child support for adult children. University or no university. Pathetic.


Guys probably forked up hundreds of millions over the years and it will never be enough for a scorned $ingle mother

Come on, man. What about the part about not giving any evidence denying the child abuse allegations in the affidavit - is that a joke too?  Maybe you should go back to your Twitter account, Francesco?

Edited by Vinny in Vancouver
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4 minutes ago, Vinny in Vancouver said:

Come on, man. What about the part about not giving any evidence denying the child abuse allegations in the affidavit - is that a joke too?  Maybe you should go back to your Twitter account, Francesco?

Pretty damn hard to give evidence that you didn't abuse someone. 


The burden of proof is an the accuser as they would have evidence like photos and medical records. 

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7 minutes ago, 24K PureCool said:

Pretty damn hard to give evidence that you didn't abuse someone. 


The burden of proof is an the accuser as they would have evidence like photos and medical records. 

That's what I thought so at first, but there are ways - character witnesses showing how well you took care of your kids, knowing the timeline of when the alleged assault happened and proving you're not there, lie detector test, getting call records of the alleged time when the child supposedly phoned the Mom, etc. 

Oh, and in this case, you have multiple accusers corroborating each other. If it were only the wife or only one of the kids, then maybe you give him the benefit of the doubt, but all of them agreeing on the same incident? 

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Buddy of mine dated Alana Aquilini for years.

She seemed to have a good relationship with her dad. She worked for him, something to do with his real estate.  


Though I have heard stories that he can be quite the dink.

That said, lots of rich guys like to act like they are an 'alpha'... anything I have heard just falls into that category. 

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3 hours ago, AV. said:

Why?  Even with this recent story aside, why would it be a problem to question if new ownership would be better for the team?

The problem is not ownership, it was leadership. Last year we got a new coach and we fought hard and came close to a wild card spot for post season, Even after most of CDC had given up on the team.


But as for your question of why would it be a problem to question...I think that if you were to question ownership and try to determine if that is where the issues lie. Then we  should have done this years ago. Especially when we have missed so many Post seasons and not because of some grudging allegations. From what I remember the Ownership even stated that they are not going to interfere with operations. 


“Winning a Stanley Cup is everything,” Aquilini told attendees at a BC Business Top 100 gathering on Thursday. “If you don’t want to win the Stanley Cup, you shouldn’t own a team. I’m learning about the ups and downs of the business and realize the success of the hockey team is not in my control.”




And since then its been a slow roll with many positions and job openings. Trying to find that winning team has been a very difficult, So with that...what would new owners provide? 

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7 minutes ago, DarthMelvin said:

The problem is not ownership, it was leadership. Last year we got a new coach and we fought hard and came close to a wild card spot for post season, Even after most of CDC had given up on the team.


But as for your question of why would it be a problem to question...I think that if you were to question ownership and try to determine if that is where the issues lie. Then we  should have done this years ago. Especially when we have missed so many Post seasons and not because of some grudging allegations. From what I remember the Ownership even stated that they are not going to interfere with operations. 


“Winning a Stanley Cup is everything,” Aquilini told attendees at a BC Business Top 100 gathering on Thursday. “If you don’t want to win the Stanley Cup, you shouldn’t own a team. I’m learning about the ups and downs of the business and realize the success of the hockey team is not in my control.”




And since then its been a slow roll with many positions and job openings. Trying to find that winning team has been a very difficult, So with that...what would new owners provide? 

all you can hope for is local money, responsible business ops, and a less greasy public image. 

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56 minutes ago, BPA said:

I think this needed to go to court as FA stopped child support payments.  Cause the kids are still going to University, it seems that child support should be still ongoing.


If FA kept paying child support, we’d probably would not have heard anything about the alleged abuses.

I’m sure the kids are so hard done by , especially going to schools over seas .

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Wow. Just saw the following post - I didn't realize the Aquilinis have had a lot of controversy over the years:

1983 - Slumlords who raised rents by up to 100% on tenants causing homeless seniors. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/flashback-15-years-ago-25-years-ago/article17975765/

2006 - Screwed over Gaglardi to buy the team. https://thehockeynews.com/news/francesco-aquilini-purchases-remaining-50-per-cent-of-canucks-from-john-mccaw

2011 - Charged with diverting river water to their farms unlawfully, killing thousands of fish. https://www.pressreader.com/canada/vancouver-sun/20110310/282690453698971

2011, 2012, and 2018 - Fined for having unsafe transport vehicle for temp. farm workers. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vancouver-canucks-owners-fined-again-for-unsafe-vehicle-at-family-s-berry-operation-1.5136249

2017 - #2 biggest political lobbyists in the province. https://commonground.ca/big-money-corrupts-politics/

2017 - Stiffed their Google partner on a contract and lost the subsequent lawsuit. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/aquilini-investment-group-ordered-to-pay-us600000-for-contract-breach

2017 - Two kids of workers at their vineyard died after a fire, where the mobile homes allegedly had no smoke detectors and improper electrical. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/aquilini-companies-deny-negligence-in-suit-over-deaths-of-2-children-at-their-u-s-vineyard-1.5331369

2019 - Cheated on their taxes, declaring just 51k in income per brother, before being reassessed at $11.5m/each. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/aquilini-family-lose-appeal-in-federal-tax-court-to-offset-capital-gains-in-deal-to-buy-nhl-team

2019 - Stole wages from temp. workers on their farms. Denied them water breaks. https://www.thestar.com/vancouver/2019/05/28/at-aquilini-owned-blueberry-farm-we-lived-the-saddest-part-of-our-lives-says-one-temporary-foreign-worker-of-15-who-allege-poor-working-conditions-cramped-accommodations-intimidation-and-threats.html

2019 - Fell behind on child support. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/owner-of-vancouver-canucks-taken-to-court-over-child-support-1.4382959


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20 hours ago, Drakrami said:

Abuse aside since that is not proven... 


Wants the husband to pay for the children's university but wont tell the husband which university they go to lol... 

Of course, the wife wants to keep the settlement and everything to herself. She could EASILY pay for the kids, given her enormous payout, but of course, the dad has to pay for it.

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5 minutes ago, Vinny in Vancouver said:

Wow. Just saw the following post - I didn't realize the Aquilinis have had a lot of controversy over the years:

1983 - Slumlords who raised rents by up to 100% on tenants causing homeless seniors. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/flashback-15-years-ago-25-years-ago/article17975765/

2006 - Screwed over Gaglardi to buy the team. https://thehockeynews.com/news/francesco-aquilini-purchases-remaining-50-per-cent-of-canucks-from-john-mccaw

2011 - Charged with diverting river water to their farms unlawfully, killing thousands of fish. https://www.pressreader.com/canada/vancouver-sun/20110310/282690453698971

2011, 2012, and 2018 - Fined for having unsafe transport vehicle for temp. farm workers. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vancouver-canucks-owners-fined-again-for-unsafe-vehicle-at-family-s-berry-operation-1.5136249

2017 - #2 biggest political lobbyists in the province. https://commonground.ca/big-money-corrupts-politics/

2017 - Stiffed their Google partner on a contract and lost the subsequent lawsuit. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/aquilini-investment-group-ordered-to-pay-us600000-for-contract-breach

2017 - Two kids of workers at their vineyard died after a fire, where the mobile homes allegedly had no smoke detectors and improper electrical. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/aquilini-companies-deny-negligence-in-suit-over-deaths-of-2-children-at-their-u-s-vineyard-1.5331369

2019 - Cheated on their taxes, declaring just 51k in income per brother, before being reassessed at $11.5m/each. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/aquilini-family-lose-appeal-in-federal-tax-court-to-offset-capital-gains-in-deal-to-buy-nhl-team

2019 - Stole wages from temp. workers on their farms. Denied them water breaks. https://www.thestar.com/vancouver/2019/05/28/at-aquilini-owned-blueberry-farm-we-lived-the-saddest-part-of-our-lives-says-one-temporary-foreign-worker-of-15-who-allege-poor-working-conditions-cramped-accommodations-intimidation-and-threats.html

2019 - Fell behind on child support. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/owner-of-vancouver-canucks-taken-to-court-over-child-support-1.4382959


This doesn't necessarily mean he's a child abuser though.

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