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[Report] Canucks fire Bruce Boudreau, Trent Cull; name Rick Tocchet as head coach, Adam Foote as assistant coach, Sergei Gonchar as defensive development coach

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1 hour ago, wai_lai416 said:

no but with bruce quoted saying he was pretty sure it was coming since oct 8th first game of the season.. yes we all know JR didn't want bruce back at the end of last season.. so i dunno i'm sure they could have came up with some sort of compromise and let bruce go?? what was the reason to keep Bruce if you are adamant about not wanting him other than the negative PR?? look at the negative PR he created by keeping Bruce.. JR threw bruce under the bus at every turn and corner... i've never seen a GM give the head coach 0 vote of confident while still the head coach and tossed under the bus as many times. JR handle it like a pos human being and serves the organization right to be ridicule around the league for how they treated one of the nicest guy in the business.. i have no issue with them wanting to fire bruce it's how the whole thing was handled really since the last season end conference when JR basically gave 0 credit to Bruce for how the season went after he took over.

I think basically he wanted to give Bruce the chance. He also had a contract and they felt enough to feel he deserved that shot. Probably also felt it  would be a mistake not to know. Now they know.

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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

We have a PoHo who is leading the team a GM that is about as useless as Millbury's missing shoe somewhere in the old gardens and a half dozen or so middle managers and has accused "speculation" of forcing his hand.


Tell me how this is different than  the Benning isolation issue?  It's the same thing just a polar opposite

This is still really early in their time here and way too early to call him as useless as Millbury. That's obviously going to be put to the test very soon.


And yes, it's easy to see the role the media played in blowing this up, so he's not completely wrong ... albeit our PoHo was also complicit in handing the media the very thing to speculate about. 


Again, though, it's early ... management can still leverage "more voices, the better", diverse voices, inclusion and openness to team building, ideas/solutions. That's how it's different. Right now it's not so isolating. It's open. This is just beginning whereas Benning was increasingly isolated at the end from fear and insecurity. 


It is indeed the opposite but still in the early stages. Whether that eventually leads to gridlock and paralysis, insecurity, fear hasn't played out yet. It could very well lead to a healthy office and management even though we can't see it now.


And now that they have their own guy behind the bench, this is all theirs now. The uncomfortable changes are just starting to happen. 


In saying all that, I'm not defending management because I agree with everything they've done. I do welcome the change even if it's not so nice or safe. We've been doing the same thing for years, so I'm open to seeing what the A-holes can do. They sure do have a lot of Cups in their pedigree. Maybe there's something to that. 


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29 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Has a team ever had an in season coaching change 2 years in a row?

Neale 78-82

Neilson 82-84

Neale 1984

LaForge 1984

Neale 84-85

Watt85 85-87


Quinn 91-94

Ley 94-96

Quinn 1996

Renney 96-97

Keenan 97-99


back in the good old days, when GMs used to go back behind the bench


back then coach/Gm was a thing

even before that there used to be player/coaches

now its GM/Prez



to answer your question, no

I think 2 coaches, McCreary (41 games) and LaForge(20) got sacked before competing a full season, however they started the season

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16 minutes ago, RWJC said:

Personally I would love it, if indeed @King Heffy you decide to take a break, that you instead use that frustration to troll the EDM+CGY fan message boards and berate their teams for your pleasure and our amusement. Might be therapeutic for you too given what’s transpired with this club. “KingHeffy on Assignment”. I think it would be golden. Please consider. Thank you.

Season 4 No GIF by The Office

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33 minutes ago, Heretic said:

I don't know about you guys, but I've got a bad feeling about this...

Like, we are going to go on a tear and just miss the playoffs and get a useless draft pick...



That’s because it is EXACTLY what we do every year.  
New coach boost will get it started.  

Stupid Canucks can’t even lose properly. 

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