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Are the Canucks Actually in Cap Hell?

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1 minute ago, Junkyard Dog said:

What about Pod’s bonuses? Does it look like he might reach them?

He didn't hit any last season and it doesn't look like he will this season either.  The CBA sets minimum requirements for each category - teams can make it harder to achieve but not easier.  Aman might have games played bonuses - Höglander had 100K for games played.  Aman has a 82.5K target but there's no indication for what it's for - might be games played or something else.


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20 minutes ago, mll said:

GMs were just told by Bettman that the cap will increase by 1M as the escrow balance isn't paid off yet.  He's open to negotiating a higher increase but players would need to agree to an adjustment of escrow rates - that feels rather unlikely given that new contracts have been structured knowing the set rates.  

I have been saying for two months it is quite likely they will agree to move the cap artificially higher this offseason.


It makes the most sense.  Currently it is on schedule for a $1 million raise for next season and then likely a huge rise the season after.


Levelling it out is better for the PA.  There is no money in the system this offseason for the guys who are free agents to get paid near real market value.  Adding that capacity will ease the short term crunch.

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Just now, Provost said:

I have been saying for two months it is quite likely they will agree to move the cap artificially higher this offseason.


It makes the most sense.  Currently it is on schedule for a $1 million raise for next season and then likely a huge rise the season after.


Levelling it out is better for the PA.  There is no money in the system this offseason for the guys who are free agents to get paid near real market value.  Adding that capacity will ease the short term crunch.

Except Bettman wants to re-negotiate the escrow rate - ie put it higher.  That's going to be a tough sell to players who are already signed.

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39 minutes ago, mll said:

GMs were just told by Bettman that the cap will increase by 1M as the escrow balance isn't paid off yet.  He's open to negotiating a higher increase but players would need to agree to an adjustment of escrow rates - that feels rather unlikely given that new contracts have been structured knowing the set rates.  

Correct, was basing it on this article. Lets hope the revenues are high enough and some sort of agreement is reached. 


NHL salary cap could increase by more than $1 million next season

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Just now, Pbhatti00 said:

Correct, was basing it on this article. Lets hope the revenues are high enough and some sort of agreement is reached. 


NHL salary cap could increase by more than $1 million next season

Escrow is set at 6% till the CBA needs to be renewed.  To increase the cap by more than 1M Bettman wants to increase the escrow rate - not sure players would agree to that as it means less money brought home with the escrow balance still in deficit.  


From the article:  But raising the salary cap prematurely would also require the NHL to raise the 6 percent escrow rates the players are required to pay in the last three years of the NHL/NHLPA Collective Bargaining Agreement.


"If you're going to raise the cap prematurely then we're going to have to look at the escrow percentage as well," Bettman said. "The two are inexorably tied together."


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1 hour ago, Alflives said:

Garland has been very good, with the puck, under Tocchet. He still struggles away from the puck though. Can what he provides be replaced by Hoglander at 1 mil? 

Struggles how exactly? 

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2 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when it comes to Conor Garland conversation.  


Great play last night to gain the blue line and flip the puck to Aman, who goes to Brisebois.  Then a great one touch, cross ice pass to Kuzmenko who's got an empty net.  


He's driving the offense on the 3rd/4th line right now. He's producing on PP2. 


Why are we talking about dumping him?!?  


He's better then Bjorkstrand, younger, on a cheaper deal.  I'm not trading him for scraps just to get cap space. 

At the end of the day he's just too tiny and not ultra skilled enough to be effective ... especially on a team with Petterson, Kuzmenko, Boeser, and Beauvillier, in the top 6. Not to mention his defence is not great, he can't body people off the puck, and he doesn't PK. At $5 mil he's just money that could be better spent elsewhere ... especially seeing as how this is a cap conversation thread. This has been one of the biggest problems on the Canucks in recent years. Keeping and signing players because in isolation they are good. It's time to put the team's needs first.

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BB with 1.5 retained should be traded easy.


Myers after signing bonus pretty much free player for a year.His cap would help a team get to the cap floor paying 1 mill.He could go at the draft as the future considerations knowing that team would get him and trade him next tdl.So would be a swap a pick now for pick later. 


Poolman and Pearson if come back both could be bought out.If not we get money to sign others. 


OEL not sure but a buy out could help.We could also keep him and buyout later. 



Those 5 would give us tons of cap room to grab a good 3C and two D plus a good backup goalie if needed and still have cap room moving forward.So if we spent 15 mill on those we would have 7 left to resign both EP and Hronek.Plus the cap should go up 2 or 3 which would be enough. 



Or trade option as we have players like Rathbone,Hogs, Karlsson who could take a spot or be added to a trade to get one a D or C.  


Many options moving forward but we do need a little more help on the team if we do that intend to make the playoffs next year.  




I just still don't get Garland as he seems to be a RT type player and doing well now.But if a team would trade a needed piece and we bring up a player then I am all for it.

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Just now, cripplereh said:

BB with 1.5 retained should be traded easy.


Myers after signing bonus pretty much free player for a year.His cap would help a team get to the cap floor paying 1 mill.He could go at the draft as the future considerations knowing that team would get him and trade him next tdl.So would be a swap a pick now for pick later. 


Poolman and Pearson if come back both could be bought out.If not we get money to sign others. 


OEL not sure but a buy out could help.We could also keep him and buyout later. 



Those 5 would give us tons of cap room to grab a good 3C and two D plus a good backup goalie if needed and still have cap room moving forward.So if we spent 15 mill on those we would have 7 left to resign both EP and Hronek.Plus the cap should go up 2 or 3 which would be enough. 



Or trade option as we have players like Rathbone,Hogs, Karlsson who could take a spot or be added to a trade to get one a D or C.  


Many options moving forward but we do need a little more help on the team if we do that intend to make the playoffs next year.  




I just still don't get Garland as he seems to be a RT type player and doing well now.But if a team would trade a needed piece and we bring up a player then I am all for it.


Myers has a 10-team NTC - would expect him to have those bottom feeders on his no trade list.

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7 minutes ago, cripplereh said:

True but never know.Even then he can be traded to one if costs them 1 mill.

Yeah it's going to be far harder than people think. It's not like you can just force them to take a player either just because they have cap space.

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1 minute ago, Gawdzukes said:

Yeah it's going to be far harder than people think. It's not like you can just force them to take a player either just because they have cap space.

It will likely require sacrifice but I think management is willing. 

Edited by Junkyard Dog
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i don't know how much we have to trade to end up with 18 mil free cap space, but imo, that how much we'll nrrd to do a complete semi rebuild. it will probably take 2 years. we have a first pairing defense pair in hughes and hronek and enough 3rd pairing d-men. still need a 3 and 4 to have a successful defense rebuild. will a 3c come from within or through a trade or draft.?

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9 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

Yeah it's going to be far harder than people think. It's not like you can just force them to take a player either just because they have cap space.

I don't think it will be hard.On a team with better D he would help more then hinder. 

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1 hour ago, mll said:

Escrow is set at 6% till the CBA needs to be renewed.  To increase the cap by more than 1M Bettman wants to increase the escrow rate - not sure players would agree to that as it means less money brought home with the escrow balance still in deficit.  


From the article:  But raising the salary cap prematurely would also require the NHL to raise the 6 percent escrow rates the players are required to pay in the last three years of the NHL/NHLPA Collective Bargaining Agreement.


"If you're going to raise the cap prematurely then we're going to have to look at the escrow percentage as well," Bettman said. "The two are inexorably tied together."


Except it was the NHLPA who artificially raised the cap ceiling every single year beyond what revenues indicated even though it resulted in higher escrow.


It doesn’t seem at all unlikely that they would do the same again as they did it every time they had a chance.  Especially since the cap ceiling is artificially low compared to HRR due to money owed by players from previous years.


It doesn’t change how much players get overall, just slightly altering very slightly how it is distributed.


There will literally be hundreds of UFA and RFA players needing a contract extension between now and next season.  Their contracts will be highly impacted by the lack of cap space league wide.  Compare that to a very tiny impact on escrow for all players to add another $2 million to the cap ceiling.





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Cap hell? Yes. If both Poolman and Pearson come off of LTIR that is $5.75 million back on the books and that essentially creates cap hell. Quick math on the committed cap for next season is $81 million. Leaving $1.5 million on an $82.5 million cap (current). This means $1.5 to sign Bear, Dermott and Kravtsov and a hole at 3rd line centre. Of course the cap should increase so that will alleviate a little pressure but certainly will not relieve it all. 


List as follows (you can do your own math from Capfriendly):

Forwards - Garland, Miller, Boeser, Pettersson, Kuzmenko, Mikheyev, Podkolzin, Beauvillier, Joshua, Pearson, Aman, Kravstov (missing 3rd line C and one spare forward)

Defense - Hughes, Myers, Hronek, OEL, Bear, Dermott, Poolman (awful D core even with Hronek added). 

Goalies - Demko, Martin (may need an upgrade on backup)

Total is just over 81 million


Management obviously knows Poolman's and Pearson's status. We don't. So until confirmed otherwise, Pearson and Poolman are assumed to be active roster players and have to include their cap hit.


Cap space is an issue until there are answers on Poolman and Pearson's health and who is traded out (Myers, Boeser, Garland) and what comes back (dollars are coming back on any trade). And let's not pull a Benning and forget about the following season when Pettersson, Beauvillier and Hronek will need new contracts so those increases need to be thought of in the context of what is added or subtracted for 23/24. Pray Podkolzin "doesn't" have a monster year next year as well - get him on a good 3 year bridge before he progresses. 


This will definitely be resolved by October but it will not be easy and 31 other GMs are not going to play nice. Right now the Canucks are definitely in cap hell. There will be trades and buyouts... And cheap contracts filling in the bottom part of the roster. 

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