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Where's Wellwood

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Status Updates posted by Where's Wellwood

  1. It astounds me how Elliott Friedman can have so much more substance in 30 thoughts than Botchford does in 30 entire articles.

  2. WTF? Colin Kaepernick didn't vote even after his protest against violence against African Americans. That's weak, man. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      The question is, what now? 

    3. Salmonberries


      The system had been very 'oppressive' to Colin Kaepernick.

    4. thejazz97


      @Salmonberries It wasn't oppressive to him, per se (except for maybe the NCAA :P). Definitely not as much as others. But he doesn't have to be oppressed in order to stand against it, does he?

  3. I'm scared guys.

    1. The Weasel

      The Weasel

      me too. hold me.

    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      If you totally abandon the notion that life and our place in the universe matters at all, it becomes hilarious more than anything.

    3. Guest


      This is gonna be bad. Trump has the big states. 


      I believe in Clinton 

  4. What time will results start coming in tomorrow?

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      Around 3pm Pacific, with around 20 states results crashing the 5pm mark


      Give or take

    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      All day, really. It'll be all over by the evening. And civil war is likely to break out when Trump loses.

      Just kidding. Most of Trump's gun toting lunatics are pussies.

  5. Ever since an argument I had in elementary school about this, I've gotten extremely irked whenever someone pronounces 'infinite' the same way as 'infinity'.

    1. AngelicHearts


      Never heard anyone pronounce it like that, but I can see why it would be irritating.

    2. Salmonberries


      I guess it doesn't take much to set you off then eh Welly!

  6. The Provies are the literary equivalent of being in a car that brakes every 3 seconds.

  7. Anyone else unable to view or download attachments in hotmail/outlook since it's latest $&!# update?

  8. I love watching the Leafs collapse.

    1. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      Laine is a legit scorer. Opportunistic and converts on almost all his chances.

    2. Alflives


      The Leafs are Charming soft.   I love it!  :lol:

    3. Pears


      I'm happy with Juolevi but to think we were so close to getting him :sadno: 

  9. I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed Kim's Convenience. I thought it'd be like Fresh off the Boat, but it's much better

    1. ShakyWalton


      There is actually a Kims Convenience store just up the street from me...I live the dream.

    2. Dazzle


      I would like to watch it.

  10. More volatile divide: Apple vs Android or Marvel vs DC?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Willie vs CDC !

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      @ Ghostof1915 I actually have the first 10-11 original issues of Captain Canuck comics. Wonder if they are actually worht anything now ?

    4. luckylager


      Well, I enjoy both Marvel and DC.... but I #$%&ing hate Apple. Hate hate hate Apple. 

  11. What's the deadline for the NHL opening day roster? I can't find it anywhere online.

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      Teams hove to be cap compliant Oct 11th @ 11:59pm, so the day before the regular season starts.

  12. Based on our current pre-season record of 1-2-2, we're on pace for a 66 point season. Pretty close to estimates, huh.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      Committee offense, hopefully Baer and Horvat see an increase on last year, the wild card Rodin could surprise if he stays, Hansen will likely be good for 15, Eriksson could see 25 if he sticks with the Twins.


      I'd wager we have 6 18-20 goal scorers this season, with nobody reaching 30, but committee contributions would mean decent balance. 



    3. Nuxfanabroad


      14th overall finish - cos I said so!

    4. Chris


      @Green Building To many "Hopefullys" "Wild Cards" Could Sees" and "I'd Wagers" In your post for this team to be competitive homie; Call me when we've got some guarantees again.

  13. Getting excused from jury duty is such a hassle. It should be simpler than it is, but the online wording is so vague. Just tell me clearly what info you need!

  14. Why do people who don't know much about Pokémon always pronounce it PokéMAN? Do they spontaneously lose the ability to read when exposed to something Japanese?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      isn't he better known as johnny 5?

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      pok ee and the man, then the guy comes out of the ball like goo goo g'joob

    4. Toews



  15. MTZSPDEC7T1YSKP4_128x128.JPG


    Is it just me or does Katie Ledecky look like Tom Hiddleston here?

    1. Kazmanian Devil

      Kazmanian Devil

      Hey it's Ivan Rakitic

    2. thejazz97


      Hey it's Eddie Redmayne

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Hey it's the Joker.

  16. Did somebody hack the CBC feed or was a global warming message part of the opening ceremony?

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      Hope it's the former :^) ...

    2. ShakyWalton


      It wasnt..it was part of the opening ceremony.....I thought it was a little much......Brazil of all countries that wont be satisfied until the rainforest is gone..I actually couldnt believe it.

  17. In the lead up to Rio, I just read a Canadian POV recap of the Canada-USA Women's Soccer 2012 Olympic semi-final and now I'm pissed off again. Hope Solo, Abby Wombat, that freakin' ref. 


    In other news, Hope Solo had 'Zika! Zika!' chanted at her by the crowd because of tweets she sent out about how much bug spray she was bringing to Rio, and having her own mosquito head net. Overreaction by the crowd? Yes. Were her tweets insensitive? Not overly. Is Hope Solo still a drug test failing, nephew assaulting, non-conciliatory bitch? Absolutely.

  18. Went to Hot Topic for the first time today. Great store. Then find out Metrotown has one. Day made.

  19. I've gotten sick more in the last 2 months than I have in the last 2 years.

  20. Just learned that Netflix is making an adaptation of Death Note in which 'Light Turner' and 'Mia' battle L (played by a black guy) and it's set in the US.


    I can appreciate that much of Death Note's content could take place in contemporary US, but if their americanizing it this much, how are they going to explain the concept of shinigami? With clunky exposition about 'death gods'? Comparisons to the grim reaper? Or will they drop the concept entirely?


    I recently saw Edge of Tomorrow, and while it was okay, the american style happy ending and gun dominated battle scenes, didn't hold a candle to the bitter sweet and visceral manga adaption of the light novel that I read while watching the movie.



    1. Baka


      Well it can't be as bad as Dragon Ball Evolution...

    2. Baka


      Actually now that I have thought about it for 2 minutes Death Note works for a movie story line. It could be quite good. Even if they go well off script the concept in general is doable.

    3. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      As I see it the first half of Death Note (everything before Mello and Near), could be divided as:



      Lind L Taylor test (where L comes in)

      Raye Pember

      Naomi Misora

      Ryuzaki and the 2nd Kira 

      3rd Kira (Yotsuba)

      L Dies


      Now parts can be removed but the 1st half is generally Light finding out what he can do, and the 2nd half is his battle with L.

      Highly unlikely 3rd kira happens (as shinigami were essential to making that plot happen) and with 'Mia' cast, the 2nd Kira is clearly happening. Do they have L lose? I can't see that happening. Light is the villain and so they'll probably change the ending so that L wins since I don't see the 2nd half of the manga being adapted.

  21. Dealing with a spider dangling from the light fixture above my desk. Help.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      I kicked the little spider in my shower out (well it ran off the paper I was trying to carry it out with). It's not bugging me. Just a freeloader not paying his/her share rent. 

    3. soosoodeff


      call dr.octopuss

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Last night I had to escort a big-league Wolf Spider(& Ima' Sheep) off our premises. The Missus backed me, & I attacked(captured) with a laundry basket.


      Terrible dreams certainly Hampered my sleep.


      Be strong, OP

  22. Shokugeki no Soma Season 2 Opening!




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JustABandwagoner


      @Fateless It will be rushed. Theres only 13 ep 

    3. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood



      I could see then season working out okay if the SF and Final had 2-3 episodes per match, but with the stagiare being shown as well, there aren't enough episodes. I really want to see the rest of the E10 animated too. If they end the season at the Autumn Leaf Viewing, it'll be even more rushed.

    4. JustABandwagoner


      I just hope this anime is good enough for another season. I really wanna see an animated version of the Azami arc 

  23. If Edmonton had kept Larsen, they'd have Larsen and Larsson. If Nashville hadn't traded Weber, they'd have Weber and Weber.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. theminister


      If we chopped Tryamkin into two normal sized players...

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      if they make every trip, mom trips...the players wouldn't swear as much.

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Repeated Larsenny would be a tell-tale kleptocracy.

  24. So who's better, no bias? Gudbranson or Larsson?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      Better by enough to justify the price or not even close?


      Hall>>>>>>>McCann, 2nd Rnd pick

    3. Down by the River

      Down by the River

      Larsson is much better but Hall is an elite winger, maybe top 5 for his position. Larsson, although playing a more important position, probably wouldn't rank in the top 20. He's a complimentary piece in a top 2 pairing. In fact, Juolevi could turn out similar to Larsson.

    4. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      I was reading Larsson's eliteprospects description while checking his point production the last few years, and thought to myself, "Sounds like Juolevi".

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