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Where's Wellwood

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Status Updates posted by Where's Wellwood

  1. Some TO media guy on TSN 1040 says that the Canucks are going to get their faces ripped off by LA tonight, and Sekeres ends the interview a few minutes later by essentially saying he has a fat ass. BURN!

    1. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Just be like, how do you feel the Leafs will fair in the first round.

    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Oh, Jeffy. Move on then..

    3. NucksPatsFan


      You don't know who the O-dog is? He isn't just "Some TO Media guy"

  2. The only bad thing about LA missing the playoffs is that they get a chance at McEichel.

    1. BanTSN


      So you're saying there's a chance...

    2. Webster6


      If that happened.. may as well just hang up the skates for a few years while the Kings rape and pillage

    3. canuktravella


      if we miss playoffs we have a chance as well :)

  3. We have 2 of the top 16 and 3 of the top 36 rookie scorers. In addition, Kenins is 9th in rookie pts/gm

  4. Davis Cup this weekend! #BelieveInTheSleeve #AnythingIsPospisil

    1. viking mama

      viking mama

      ^following this for sure!

    1. canuktravella


      because they tried recruiting him but we got him signed jets were pissed but you snooze u lose

    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      And the Jets got far enough into the process that they had him take a photo in their jersey but hadn't signed him yet?

  5. Has anybody given any clue as to what happened to Richardson? I don't recall seeing him on the receiving end of anything that would keep him out this long.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      TSN 1040 said high ankle injury. He can't even get his foot into his skate until it fully heals.

    3. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      Which game was the blocked shot if that's what it was?

    4. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      January 16 against Carolina

  6. Kassian is given a chance with the twins and he produces. Who woulda thought?

    1. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      He has be given a chance with them before...

  7. Tyler Myers: 1G, 2A in 3 games with the Jets.

  8. what will it take to get Bo Sang into a game?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wilbur


      Hmm, a defense of Weber, Sanguenetti, and Clendening. Not much size there.

    3. Ghostsof1915
    4. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      @Brad Marchand: If that's true, then that makes sense. Though then we shouldn't have brought him up just to sit in the press box earlier this season. Of course, Biega did really good, so all is well.

  9. is a team allowed to play with 6 skaters and no goalie for an entire game?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rounoush


      Buffalo might.

    3. desiboynux4lifee*******


      lolololol best way to tank.

    4. goalie13


      Had to start a game in rec league once like that. The goalie was late.

  10. Horvat is 25th in rookie scoring despite being 103rd in avg rookie TOI/gm.

    1. JE14


      What position is he in for points per 60 and even strength points per 60?



      he's at 1.91pts/60min 5 on 5.

      comparisons include;

      sekac at 1.38,

      granlund at 1.54,

      pearson at 1.89,

      stone at 2.24,

      drouin at 2.29,

      gadreau at 2.36,

      forsberg at 2.68.


      canucks comparisons ESP/60

      bonino 2.07

      higgins 1.74

      matthias 1.46

      richardson 1.92

      burrows 1.78

      hansen 1.61

      vey 1.37

      kassian 1.32

  11. Are we carrying nine D-men (some injured) and 13 forwards?

    1. Hodgson!!


      According to Hockeybuzz we're carrying 14 forwards and 10 defenceman. They aren't very credible though. I believe its 9 defenceman and 14 fowards.

    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      Who's the 14th forward? The 12 that played today + Kassian and ?

    3. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      I forgot Richardson was injured. That's number 14.

  12. frackin Seahawks. Blew it. Those cheating Patriots don't deserve to win. #DeflateGate #NeverForget

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      I don't even follow the NFL. I like the CFL way better. I'm not a Seahawks fan. I only wanted the Patriots to lose because of DeflateGate. #StillBitter

    3. viking mama

      viking mama

      I feel the same about this as Welly. Asterisk-it! Justice delayed, taints the whole show. Ask Joe Paterno something about that. Brady knows the truth here. Who paid or directed that ball-boy? I think the NFL is complicit in a cover-up, here.

    4. Twilight Sparkle
  13. Would any 3DS users add my friend code and give me yours so I could add you? I need some more Friend Safaries. Thank you! FC: 2938-7617-9314

  14. So NHL expansion to Las Vegas and Seattle, then relocate the Panthers to Quebec?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      They'll probably relocate the Leafs to Mexico City before the Panthers ever leave.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      the tijuana leaf's...i like it they could wear sombreros on the ice, instead of helmets....hola.

    4. Aladeen


      Imma go to Vegas all the time for games!!!!!! Vegas is already my second favourite team!

  15. The record for longest losing streak in the NHL is 17 games by the 74-75 Capitals and 92-93 Sharks. Could the Oilers break the record?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Warhippy


      17? Pfft The Oilers can beat that and STILL look like they're trying

    3. Apple Juice

      Apple Juice

      It's possible... They play the Sharks and Ducks twice in the next 4 games, then the Rangers, Coyotes, and the Sharks again.... Knowing the Sharks, they'll choke and let them win one of the two early ones. They just seem to love losing to bad teams

    4. iLLmAtlc


      no way. i don't have the stat but i feel like it's really hard to sweep home&home, the hawks' streak ended like that, and oilers have 2 chances at it.

  16. Imagine Dragons' message to Canada was generic as hell. Even the way they generalized it as 'Canada'. I mean, a Canadian band playing in the US wouldn't just say 'Thank you USA!' They'd for sure specify. 'Thank you Dallas, New York, Boston, wherever'.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      @Canucks1219: Yeah, it's the Grey Cup Half time show.

      @EotM: Definitely.

    3. Phil_314


      Many Americans do not know much outside of their own homeland and culture. Maybe they`re one of that variety?

    4. Salmonberries


      I thought the boy band that played at last years Grey Cup was much, much worse. But yeah, these guys were certainly nothing to write home about again. Then again, half time Grey Cup entertainment has been pretty bad for a while now.

  17. Should the rules be changes so that icing is called on the PK? Just a though I had. I'm not in favour of the change, but would it result in more goals, better PP%, etc.?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zfetch


      Lol @mau5trap

    3. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood


      Truer words have never been spoken.

    4. Gross-Misconduct


      Leave the rule changes to the pros please.

  18. Hansen scores on a breakaway!? Blasphemy.

    1. Time Lord

      Time Lord

      Biggest surprise of the season TBH

    2. viking mama

      viking mama

      The Honey-Badger has landed! Yah - he was up a tree for awhile,..but now that he's grounded with a more solid-footing underneath him & playing his proper role out there again - watch him take-off!

  19. Is there any way to go back and see what your first ever post on CDC was?

    1. Dazzle


      If I was an admin and I could go back in time, I'd ban myself so that I can make a billion troll accounts that people remember me by.

    2. Master 112

      Master 112

      This is the earliest I could find of you:

    3. Master 112
  20. Anyone know if the team is still doing a Haida hat type of 'player of the game' in the locker room?

    1. Grape


      nope, pretty sure that was just a torts thing

  21. Anyone know who the singer of the Canadian anthem at the Whitecaps game was?

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