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10 hours ago, oldnews said:

One of the more boring Championships games ever played, but can't take anything away from the Broncos' D.    They were responsible for more points than either team's offense.  Exactly what they needed to win - and they delivered.

Not surprised that Peyton was absolutely shutdown - that was to be expected.  Would be interested whether that was in fact the worst winning performance by a SB quarterback ever.  Quite possibly.

But what was surprising was how one dimensional Carolina were on the offensive side of the ball.  Again, you can't take anything away from Denver's performance - awesome and absolutely dominant - but Carolina, aside from the crucial mistakes - turnovers, drops, etc - also approached the game with a rather odd offensive gameplan.

Was literally shocked how many times they attempted to run the ball - up the middle, down Denver's throat - on first down.   And got stuffed repeatedly - absolutely failing to win the line of scrimmage - but kept going back to it - and failed literally every time.  I'm not sure what the numbers turned out to be, but I wouldn't be surprised if they ran the ball inside 10 or 12 times on first down for perhaps 10 yards all-in.   They ran one option play - where Newton elected to pitch out - for 15 yards before anyone was anywhere near the ball carrier.  And that was it.  On top of that, they turned Newton into a predictable, drop back passer - sitting in the pocket repeatedly, all night, with Denver teeing off on him.  Attempting to burn holes in Denver 20 yards downfield - and, of course, not executing.   Just strange.  Predictable running game.  Predictable passing game.   Didn't get Newton moving - didn't get him out of the pocket, rolling out, at all.  Didn't run the quick hitters. screens - nothing short, virtually no variation to the game plan.  Go figure.    As the wise, longtime Denver fan I was watching the game with put it - "it was like they figured hey, it hasn't worked the first 10 times - it's just gotta work next time."   Part utter Denver domination, part weak Carolina offensive gameplanning.   No wonder Newton was frustrated.  The depth of that combination was definitely surprising.

Remarkable win for Denver though.  How a team wins a Championship game when their own offensive performance was so anaemic - was truly legendary.  Perfect qualifier of the maxim that defense wins Championships.  Unfortunately, for Carolina's D, they were good enough to win a Championship, but their opponent's D essentially outscored their offense.

Congrats to the Broncos.

I have to agree on the Panthers' offensive scheme. I was mentioning the same thing to the guys I was watching the game with. "What happened to that option play they ran in the first half"? It seemed to me that going back to that a few times might spread out the Broncos' D and open up the middle a bit.

It also took me a while to figure out why the Carolina hand-offs were so sloppy. Cam was holding on to the ball until the last possible second, so he could pull it back out and run the keeper if it was there. I like the idea in theory, but by the third Q it should have been obvious that it wasn't working and was slowing down the running plays so much that they had almost no chance of success.

I said at the start of the 4th exactly what you say here: Go back to the options, the quick slants, screens, etc. The five step drop and look to throw intermediate routes was playing right into Denver's hands.

....and I still can't figure out how Newton missed Miller coming at him on that fumble that Jackson turned into a TD.

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I'm surprised no one is talking about the epic fail made by Newton.

Ball is knocked out of his hands and instead of trying to recover it (like Manning or Brady or any great QB), he shys away from the ball like a frightened little girl.

Yes, Denver's defense was spectacular and won them the game - but for Newton, that was an embarrassing decision.  IF he went for the ball and still lost it, that would have shown character becoming of greatness.   





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10 minutes ago, Heretic said:

I'm surprised no one is talking about the epic fail made by Newton.

Ball is knocked out of his hands and instead of trying to recover it (like Manning or Brady or any great QB), he shys away from the ball like a frightened little girl.

Yes, Denver's defense was spectacular and won them the game - but for Newton, that was an embarrassing decision.  IF he went for the ball and still lost it, that would have shown character becoming of greatness.   


Clearly Superman forgot to wear his Batman underwear for the game.

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Must say I was surprised by outcome.  All has been said already, I need to eat some crow.  But kudos to Denver's dominant defense that forced a lot of turnovers and rattled Newton.  Panthers didn't adjust.  For example, did you see how much further Manning dropped back to try to get some more time from Panthers' defenders?  If I was Rivera, I would have instantly stole that and told Cam to drop the hell back in that pocket to buy yourself some more time.  All in all, a feel good ending for Peyton Manning ... please do us a favor and retire.    

Pretty boring SB with probably one of the worst QB rating on both side (Newton - 55.4, Manning - 56.6).  Their cumulative rating is less than some SB QB performances but hey, he got his 2nd SB ring, that's 2 more than me. Congrats Denver fans.  Now you can say the Denver (the team) deserved it.  

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Well I picked Denver but only by 3-7 points.

Cam sure looked like a spoiled little boy at the post game pressers. Hopefuly he uses this as a learning tool, learning a little humility and good manners which will go far in the future.

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56 minutes ago, gurn said:

Well I picked Denver but only by 3-7 points.

Cam sure looked like a spoiled little boy at the post game pressers. Hopefully he uses this as a learning tool, learning a little humility and good manners which will go far in the future.

Was going to come in and post about this.  What he showed in the presser indicates that growth is needed in the young man, and that in areas beyond football.  You can't be the dabbing, flamboyant MVP of the regular season one day and then a difficult, mopey interview subject after a tough game.  Truly great QB's (e.g. Peyton, Brady, Russell Wilson) have had to sit through tough interviews after losses but they remained class acts, and in life you can't always get what you want but you just have to press on through these situations.  Sure these moments are tough but really hope he uses this experience to grow in character so he can truly fulfill his potential, both as a player and a person.   

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4 hours ago, Heretic said:

I'm surprised no one is talking about the epic fail made by Newton.

Ball is knocked out of his hands and instead of trying to recover it (like Manning or Brady or any great QB), he shys away from the ball like a frightened little girl.

Yes, Denver's defense was spectacular and won them the game - but for Newton, that was an embarrassing decision.  IF he went for the ball and still lost it, that would have shown character becoming of greatness.   

It was a very odd play and I'd be interested in hearing him comment on it.

It almost looked as though he thought the play was dead, or that his O-lineman had it covered....Either way, you're correct. It was a huge mistake and likely cost them any chance at a comeback.

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If folks are looking for controversy, who needs HGH?


1st and 10.

Cotchery makes the catch.  Officials blow the review.   Instead of the ball on the 38 yard line, Carolina has it's back to it's goal line.

3rd and 10, two plays later....

Miller makes the most pivotal, decisive, game-changing play of Superbowl 50.

2016, a million cameras, and the NFL still can't determine what a catch is.





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5 hours ago, Heretic said:

I'm surprised no one is talking about the epic fail made by Newton.

Ball is knocked out of his hands and instead of trying to recover it (like Manning or Brady or any great QB), he shys away from the ball like a frightened little girl.

Yes, Denver's defense was spectacular and won them the game - but for Newton, that was an embarrassing decision.  IF he went for the ball and still lost it, that would have shown character becoming of greatness.   


1 hour ago, RUPERTKBD said:

It was a very odd play and I'd be interested in hearing him comment on it.

It almost looked as though he thought the play was dead, or that his O-lineman had it covered....Either way, you're correct. It was a huge mistake and likely cost them any chance at a comeback.


And this was at a time when they could have still won the game, however slim. But to me it looked like a combination of A. He'd already shut down...his mind was already reeling with thoughts of "I'm going to lose. its not fair! How can this be happening!!" so why bother? He was already licking his wounds.  And B. It looked like he saw his O-linemate hovering over the ball in the same position to pounce on the ball as he was, so I'll just let him take the pain for it. (And that O-lineman probably should have managed to snatch it, but IMO he partly was assuming Newton was going to drop for it too, so there was a seconds hesitation)

But it is just something you never see in a championship game. Where a so-called leader of a team just gives up on a play that late in a game with at least a possibility to win still.

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1 hour ago, kilgore said:



And this was at a time when they could have still won the game, however slim. But to me it looked like a combination of A. He'd already shut down...his mind was already reeling with thoughts of "I'm going to lose. its not fair! How can this be happening!!" so why bother? He was already licking his wounds.  And B. It looked like he saw his O-linemate hovering over the ball in the same position to pounce on the ball as he was, so I'll just let him take the pain for it. (And that O-lineman probably should have managed to snatch it, but IMO he partly was assuming Newton was going to drop for it too, so there was a seconds hesitation)

But it is just something you never see in a championship game. Where a so-called leader of a team just gives up on a play that late in a game with at least a possibility to win still.

I agree completely with your last paragraph. This was the Super Bowl. Any doubt whatsoever and you should should be completely selling out for the football, quarterback or no quarterback.

I'd be willing to bet that faced with the same situation, Peyton would have dove for that ball. 

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8 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

It also took me a while to figure out why the Carolina hand-offs were so sloppy. Cam was holding on to the ball until the last possible second, so he could pull it back out and run the keeper if it was there. I like the idea in theory, but by the third Q it should have been obvious that it wasn't working and was slowing down the running plays so much that they had almost no chance of success.

I don't watch the Panthers a whole lot (aside from times when I had Cam in fantasy), but I do remember him doing this back in the college championship game years ago, and it drove me nuts.  I don't bother with college unless I go to friends to watch the Rose Bowl or other big bowl game, so I don't know how common that is as part of the option plays they use. 

I remember Cam back then running with the running back, both holding the ball what seemed way too long.  I suppose this adds to the confusion of whether who will take the ball, but to me it appears to waste time, as it lets defenders key on the ball and take out whoever walks out with it.  They needed to change things up, but it never happened.

Which was just fine with me!  Hopefully Cam can grow with this.  I don't hold much hope for it, but it's possible.

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