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Blue Ruin 7/10

Violence is extremely realistic and it's an intense movie; however, I must say I'm getting annoyed with these silent hipster movies that rely on sound effects and bland facial expressions. It was cool at first when Drive did it, but now it's just getting annoying. I get that they're trying to be "deep" and different and all but it just comes across as being lazy IMO. It's a lot easier to have no dialogue and ambient sound effects than it is actually writing an engaging script.

Edit: whoops wanted to edit my post, not quote it.

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Violence is extremely realistic and it's an intense movie; however, I must say I'm getting annoyed with these silent hipster movies that rely on sound effects and bland facial expressions. It was cool at first when Drive did it, but now it's just getting annoying. I get that they're trying to be "deep" and different and all but it just comes across as being lazy IMO. It's a lot easier to have no dialogue and ambient sound effects than it is actually writing an engaging script.

Edit: whoops wanted to edit my post, not quote it.

I honestly felt that way after about 15-20 minutes into Drive. When I say it was boring, the reaction I get is "oh, you just didn't get it". Wrong, I got it, I just felt like being beaten over the head with it or 2 hours was a waste of my time.

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I honestly felt that way after about 15-20 minutes into Drive. When I say it was boring, the reaction I get is "oh, you just didn't get it". Wrong, I got it, I just felt like being beaten over the head with it or 2 hours was a waste of my time.

Sounds like you just didn't get it.

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Mulan 2 - everyone sounds wrong, all their personalities changed, and they all acted extremely stupid. the opening song was ok, but the rest of the movie ruined everything that was great about the first movie. negative 70 stars out of 5 stars.

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Guardians of the Galaxy - 10/10

So excited for the infinity gauntlet in the upcoming movie franchise, potentially Avengers 3?

My only gripe was a few things different than the comics with Drax and Gamora being utter weaksauce but hey, gotta make it work in the movies right? And the swearing, I felt like there didn't need to be any at all and was just thrown in there, meh

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Guardians of the Galaxy - 10/10

So excited for the infinity gauntlet in the upcoming movie franchise, potentially Avengers 3?

My only gripe was a few things different than the comics with Drax and Gamora being utter weaksauce but hey, gotta make it work in the movies right? And the swearing, I felt like there didn't need to be any at all and was just thrown in there, meh

watched it last night... surprise the movie was that good.. i thought it will be crap after watchin the preview.. :lol:

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Secret Life of Walter Mitty - 7/10

Nice light, warm, entertaining, feel good movie. It's certainly nothing groundbreaking (if anything it can be a down right stereotypical "fluff" at times) but it was simply a fun, enjoyable, "escapist" watch IMO.

Leaned a little heavily on special effects for the day dreams but otherwise was beautifully filmed and left the wife and I feeling all warm and fuzzy at then end.

Great for those nights you just want an easy, feel good watch.

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Under the Skin with Scarlett Johansson.

Super weird, lots of Kubrick style slow shots, crazy close ups, tense music throughout.

But she gets naked so that's cool.

That looks really, really good. And I'm not just saying that because I :wub: Scarlet.

Not sure my wife would agree though....

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Guardians of the Galaxy - 8.5/10

Was damn good. My only real problem, one that i really never have, was that there wasn't enough exposition. When you're throwing people into a world they know nothing about, you could do a little better to explain where people are, who these groups were, why animosities exist, and all that. In a movie like this, you shouldn't be having to expend any effort in trying to simply figure out why things were happening.

All that said though, the movie was great. That problem really only bothered me for the first half hour, and the first half hour was still awesome.

While these Marvel movie's manage to carry too similar a feel, it's nice to be able to walk into a movie knowing you're going to get quality.

They always seem to find the right level of cheese as well, not taking themselves too seriously, which cannot be said for a lot of other superhero movies. This one is that much cheesier, but it's not as out there as you would think a movie with a talking raccoon and a walking plant would be. Fairly grounded, but a lot of fun either way.

It's a movie i know I'm going to watch many times over in the future.

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I'm gonna be slightly tougher on Guardians than everyone else, I'd say 7.5/10 (not bad but not 9-worthy)

- humor (sometimes random but still worth the LOL's "what are you doing?" "Obviously distracting you")

- action and lots of it!

- actually decent build-up of how the characters got together


- no explaining the back story (why was the lead guy abducted? who are all the different peoples?)

- even the humor in some parts (e.g. repeatedly "I am Groot", meaning different things to Rocket) gets repetitive

- ... honestly too much color and too much going on (I guess it's good for summer blockbusters?)

- weird ensemble of characters and strong emphasis on mindless violence, not that they didn't have a goal

Overall I enjoyed it, but part of my mind was still focused on the back story (it started making sense partway through why the main guy lived with his grandfather...) and I would describe the who product as "bored nerdgasm meets color me rad".

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014):

A lot more bombastic than the previous installment, but a good sci-fi action film. Andy Serkis kills it, as always, and Toby Kebbell as Koba really took me by surprise. I felt the human characters weren't as fleshed out as they could've been. Clarke and Russell were nothing special, really. The visuals and CG work really popped, especially the mo-cap. I really enjoyed their take on the post apocalyptic setting. To sum up, great special effects and acting by the apes, but average human characters and performances from Jason Clarke and Keri Russell.



Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011):

I wanted to test out the theatre room in my new house and my friend chose Transformers. It was bearable, at best. The effects were decent, but this one suffers from the same things as Revenge of the Fallen does. Really unfunny jokes, Shia LaGoof, and any other problem from the last one. The humans are always boring and useless in the films. Huntington-Whiteley wasn't as horrible as I expected. The film's run time is ridiculous. A Transformers movie shouldn't last two and a half hours. They could've easily cut a good 30-45 minutes, in my opinion. Overall, it's a weakly scripted robot film, bloated with unnecessary human drama.



I Am Legend (2007):

Second time seeing this film, but watched the alternate ending this time. I don't really have a preference for either one, but I liked the idea of the species' evolution, I guess. Original ending was definitely more theatrical, though. Decent action thriller, but I wished they focused more on the virus itself. Will Smith was good in the film. His character's past life wasn't touch on enough, but I'll let it go. Its special effects are quite good.



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Was deciding between either North by Northwest or Transformers to watch tonight. I then decided that I didn't want to become a vegetable after watching a film, so North by Northwest it is.

Review to come tomorrow.

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luc besson's other recent movie, The Family, starred Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Tommy Lee Jones, and it is sincerely one of the worst movies i've ever seen

Besson is STILL riding the credibility he has from The Professional and The Fifth Element

Although I would NEVER have guessed this, Besson directed The Lady, the story of Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. Haven't seen it yet, but have heard good things.

He wrote Taken, but quickly undid any credit for that with Taken 2. And if you think that's bad...the 3rd one is coming next year.

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Watched it when it first came out, so I may be forgetting it, but what plot twists were there? Because I honestly do not remember any?

Skinny dweeb takes drugs... ...and GETS RIPPED!

Dude takes his mask off... ...and HIS HEAD IS RED!

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