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[Report] Tanev and Canucks not talking - Major interest from KHL

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I would rather have Hal Gill instead of Tanev on the bottom pair.

He brings an element that this team lacks. Net front deterent/presence. In this day and age of crash the front of the net...

Age notwithstanding.

That is a double edged sword though. What if someone does knock him over in front of the net. Now you have 6'7" of loose meat crowding the net! 7/8 Dman, sure.
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I don't think the problem is money, i think the real problem here and the reason why he still hasn't signed is because he wants top 2-4 minutes and he knows that he probably won't be able to get those kinds of minutes with the Canucks since our core D (Bieksa, Hamhuis, Edler, Garrison) are signed to long term contracts with NTC's.

He probably thinks that no matter how well he performs, these 4 guys will always have priority for minutes compared to him, not saying that this is necessarily true but probably that's what he thinks. Like a Hodgson situation.

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It's gotta be term and term means money (4 yrs at 2 each) and Gillis can't afford the 2 million this year. 2 mill is a bit of an over-payment now but it will be a steal in a couple of years. It's back to 1 or 2 years at 1.5 million each and Tanev knows that's on the low side. Tanev will thrive in a defense first system.

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:lol: - for all the people who have formed a judgement of Tanev or Gilis on this particular negotiation - knowing literally next to nothing about the position of either...

....but why wait for substance when you can form an opinion on assumptions?

So far we know:

1) Tanev wants to remain a Canuck - would like to get a deal done.

2) Tanev did not have an agent, his Dad is not an agent, and therefore he hired one.

3) Europe has shown some interest in Tanev.

4) Gillis/Gilman would like to re-sign Tanev.

5) The sides have yet to come to terms.


Trade Tanev!


Fire Gillis!


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and your isn't? lol

pot meet kettle...interesting assumtion you made about me.

specifics tend to come from somewhere :)

now have some peanuts troll

what assumption did i make other than assuming you don't have inside info about the numbers and term being discussed, which you obviously don't?

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If the Tanev situation is not resolved and he is either traded or goes overseas then I would like the Canucks to take a long look at Ian White.

Since he's a right handed D then he could still be useful if we deploy a three deep core even if we retain Tanev. He's a bit soft but can move the puck efficiently. Paired with a tougher stay at home defender he could be very useful, or with a savvy veteran to help shelter his minutes we could add a variety of players.

With Tanev:




Without Tanev:




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It's going to be interesting to see how things shake out for Ian White.

Given the current climate--cap reduction league-wide and the big money frenzy long passed--there's a good chance that White will be forced to take a serious pay cut to secure NHL employment.

He's coming off a $2.875 million AAV deal and his last season probably devalued him. His strong numbers in 2011-12 probably mitigate things somewhat but, at least on paper, his 2012-13 season was disastrous (in terms of setting value going into free agency).

He had huge drops across the board in terms of his productivity (while still getting pretty good minutes and power play time). It also doesn't help that he sat as a healthy scratch for the last dozen or so games of the regular season and for the entire playoff run.

All things considered, he might be available for something under $2 million (possibly well under) on a short-term deal.

He's a good fit for the Canucks in many ways (RH shot, pretty smooth skating, good puckmover, offensive potential, PP ability, etc.) but he's also very undersized and doesn't play physical at all. Assuming Tanev's back and Weber stays for depth, adding White would make for a pretty soft overall group (and would require the top-four Ds to shoulder the entire load in terms of bringing grit and physicality). I'd hate to see the Canucks put into a situation where they absolutely had to play some big bruiser who can't skate just to balance out the lack of physicality on their back end.

That said, White still ticks quite a few of the boxes and he's a better option than many of the other possibilities. I'd just be happier if he was a little bigger and stronger, even if not all that physical (Hainsey comes to mind here as a better option--if the reported price tag is even close to accurate).

If White's value plummets and he's available for a serious discount (around $1 million), then I'd certainly be on board for bringing him in for depth (even if Tanev's re-signed). However, for anything above the $1.5 - 2.0 million range, I'd rather give Tanev whatever he wants (within reason) and look to add some cheaper depth guys with a little more size.

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:lol: - for all the people who have formed a judgement of Tanev or Gilis on this particular negotiation - knowing literally next to nothing about the position of either...

....but why wait for substance when you can form an opinion on assumptions?

So far we know:

1) Tanev wants to remain a Canuck - would like to get a deal done.

2) Tanev did not have an agent, his Dad is not an agent, and therefore he hired one.

3) Europe has shown some interest in Tanev.

4) Gillis/Gilman would like to re-sign Tanev.

5) The sides have yet to come to terms.


Trade Tanev!


Fire Gillis!


You forgot...

1. Tanev wants too much money for his lack of skill.

2. Tanev's dad is just like Hodgson's.

3. If Tanev wants to play in Europe, he should go. It's a hell hole there.

4. See #1

5. See #1

And, last but not least...

6. Tanev wants guaranteed top pairing minutes; this will be just like the Hodgson situation.

Assumptions, speculations and jumping too conclusions has become the norm around here.

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I like White as a player, but don't see a fit for him with the emergence of Corrado and the signing of Weber. Tanev should be back, it's just a matter of time until he's signed, so that doesn't leave a lot of spots open on the right, especially if we still use Garrison on his off side.

You forgot...

1. Tanev wants too much money for his lack of skill.

2. Tanev's dad is just like Hodgson's.

3. If Tanev wants to play in Europe, he should go. It's a hell hole there.

4. See #1

5. See #1

And, last but not least...

6. Tanev wants guaranteed top pairing minutes; this will be just like the Hodgson situation.

Assumptions, speculations and jumping too conclusions has become the norm around here.

Opinion/conjecture rather than fact, which is exactly the opposite of the post you replied to. So he didn't forget them, but of course you knew that.

No need to summarize the knee jerk reactions of other posters when they seem to do just fine on their own.

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Well, the way I look at it is, even with Tanev and Weber in the fold, if White is available for a discount at the going rate for veteran D then he would give us a RH offensive option.

Weber I'm not convinced of yet but if we resigned Alberts for example then we could have a good option for different looks from both sides on the 3rd pairing.





If we look at how Torts used a guy like Anton Stralman last year it shows he's not afraid to spread around the minutes either.

I agree that a more physical presence would he ideal but if Weber fails to impress then we could still be looking for an 8th D.

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:lol: - for all the people who have formed a judgement of Tanev or Gilis on this particular negotiation - knowing literally next to nothing about the position of either...

....but why wait for substance when you can form an opinion on assumptions?

So far we know:

1) Tanev wants to remain a Canuck - would like to get a deal done.

2) Tanev did not have an agent, his Dad is not an agent, and therefore he hired one.

3) Europe has shown some interest in Tanev.

4) Gillis/Gilman would like to re-sign Tanev.

5) The sides have yet to come to terms.


Trade Tanev!


Fire Gillis!


Since when did idle speculation go stale on this site. How many pages of trading Lu were there last season? Most of this 'stuff' will never be substantiated as our inside sources seem to have 'dried up'.

My classic was 'someone' writing in that two ATV's with Arizona plates were seen parked in front of Shane Doan's mother-in-law's house during the draft Doan sweepstakes. That tidbit was good for 5 or 6 pages.

It's August, dog days.

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If the Tanev situation is not resolved and he is either traded or goes overseas then I would like the Canucks to take a long look at Ian White.

Since he's a right handed D then he could still be useful if we deploy a three deep core even if we retain Tanev. He's a bit soft but can move the puck efficiently. Paired with a tougher stay at home defender he could be very useful, or with a savvy veteran to help shelter his minutes we could add a variety of players.

With Tanev:




Without Tanev:




I have always liked White - and I think he'd be a nice addition. I think people are underestimating him a little - he may not be a big guy, but he has shown a fair amount of grit in his career, and he's also been a pretty good shot blocker - a pretty good balance to his game imo. I also think he turned out to be the best player in the infamous Phaneuf deal hahaha :bigblush:

His numbers may not have been as strong last year as the year before, but whose numbers wouldn't tail off under the circumstances - White went from playing 59% of his ev strength ice time with Lidstrom, to being somewhat overlooked in favour of youth like Smith, Quincey and DeKeyser. But White wasn't the only blueliner in Detroit who didn't look that impressive last year...

I also like White's perspective....his comments regarding Bettman..."I personally think he's an idiot"...probably didn't go over that well with the likes of Devallano, who refered to players as "cattle", and quite possibly reserved a stall for White in the next boxcar out of Detroit...

He's a hard worker, I'd bet he'd like the opportunity to prove himself once again on a solid team and he's still only 29, although he seems older because he's moved around so frequently - he could be a really nice guy to add to the mix and he has a certain element of intangibility - I'd be happy with White, and/or Hainsey and/or Alberts...

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I would rather have Hal Gill instead of Tanev on the bottom pair.

He brings an element that this team lacks. Net front deterent/presence. In this day and age of crash the front of the net...

Age notwithstanding.

Especially since he could be had for really cheap... just read an article where he says that his phone hasn't been ringing for job offers, but he does not plan on retiring.

There are a ton of solid 3rd pairing guys out there who are going to be scrounging for work and likely getting paid $1 million or under. Hal Gill, O'Byrne, Hainsey, Murray, Ian White, Alberts, etc.

You put most of those guys beside someone like Weber or Corrado and we are fine.

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