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Sign Dallas Eakins They Said


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Umm did you just say more consistent hockey than during AVs reign?!?! Lol.

Ok. Talk to me in 5 frackin years when we win another 4 div titles and 2 prez cups, and make minimum game7 of the scf. Then and only then can you spout something like "more consistent than at any time during AVs reign"...

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Might be a bit early for an "I told you so" thread.

At least wait to see how the Oil do as the playoffs approach before calling him a coaching failure (in his first year behind an NHL bench no less).

So far their woes are more injury based than anything. I will say this though...their defense is terrible and it is entertaining to watch TSN and CBC build up Edmonton as a team to beat, just to have them come out of the gate and faceplant.

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No wonder so many people hate the Canucks and their fans. This thread is stupid af. Reserve your judgement until we're atleast half way through the season you plug.

Yeah I guess no other fan base gets excited..CBC takes shots at the Canucks every chance they get that's where the hate comes from same as Snet. Healy goes after Torts but said nothing about the Oiler coatches who started it.
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That's the problem with the NHL. All these former plugs and scrubs with no offensive ability get into coaching and they suck all the offensive creativity out of the league. Less Eakins more Oates please...

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That's the problem with the NHL. All these former plugs and scrubs with no offensive ability get into coaching and they suck all the offensive creativity out of the league. Less Eakins more Oates please...

If that was the case, why didn't Gretzky lead Phoenix to a Stanley Cup then?

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Guy started the season with both of his top six centers injured lol.. I wasn't even on the Eakins bandwagon but there were a lot smarter hockey minds than you saying the guy deserves a shot in the nhl... Saying he sucks after starting the season without even 1 legit top six center is just as dumb as saying he was the hands down best option for the Canucks. Juss sayin

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Just wanted to voice my opinion on the whole coaching saga that was this summer.

...who in the hell is Dallas Eakins? Never heard of him before until the Canucks coaching job was vacant. Supposedly, the media pumped this guy up to be the best coach available this past summer when he hadn't even coached a single NHL game prior to it. It's funny because the media has a lot of power to persuade the general public in this day in age we live in and I can confidentially say they sure got the vast majority with the Dallas Eakins dude. 80+% of CDC wanted this guy to be the new bench boss although they didn't really know who he was and said it due to the word of him.

Not to brag, but I wasn't one of those guys who fell for this Eakins guy crap and was the first to say sign Torts...people laughed at first but now, they're on the bandwagon praising the decision we got him. Said Torts would destroy the players and team, blah blah blah, and what do ya know? He's doing an excellent job and the team hasn't played this consistent of hockey anytime in the AV reign when he was here; just comes to show how great of job Torts is doing this early in, without Burrows and Kassian, and how much better it'll be down the stretch when players are fully confident with the system and healthy.

...Tortorella is a Stanley Cup winning coach who has a specific style he wants his team to play so that every player contributes no matter what. It's about being stiff and tough and just working out there really. It's so simple yet people thought it'd be so complexed for the players to buy into but looking at the team, the consistency of the team play is off the charts and shows the effectiveness of it.

On the other hand, you got this no namer Eakins who was pumped up by the media for no good reason and in 4 years of coaching the Toronto Marlies (lol), he has an overall record of just over .500, and 1 season where he made the playoffs with a record below .500. He's handled the Oilers horribly thus far and they look like a crazy mess. Some might say Gagner is injured but so what, we have Burr and Kas out yet we're doing perfectly fine.

The reality is, Eakins sucks as a coach. He was a decent coach in the minors and people expected he would be the one lifting this team over the hump...not in a million years. Just comes to show don't believe the hype the media gives, and talking about media hype, Tortorella isn't a volcano head as showcased by the media now is he - no, not at all. He's a straight forward person and isn't afraid of acting abnormal compared to most...he doesn't hide much and gives honest answers and it's the greatest quality you can have in any coach. Plus, with our city known to have media play a big factor with the Canucks, it's great we have a guy that can shut them up and not let them makeup the bs they make most the times. Tortorerlla has set the bar high for this team, will make them play like champions, and has set the tone for media in a way that it won't effect the players game on the ice in anyway/most minimally. Case in point, Torts called out CBC (Healy) and literally told them to shutup about criticizing the team as they don't have a clue to how a team is run.

Guess you can say Torts was the right choice wasn't he ;)

I stopped reading after that second paragraph.

1.) You were not the first person on these boards to sign Torts so that's a bunch of horse sh!t

2.) That's still yet to be seen as I loved Torts, but let us not forget he wrote the ship right in NYR and it began to fall apart 4 years later which is where it has led us to today. So technically we'll see if you're singing the same tune. The team is playing hard which is refreshing, but look at how the Rangers played when he first got there. Had we lost to Calgary and Edmonton I'm sure you wouldn't be singing the same tune. What if we were 0 - 3...and the Oilers 3 - 0...would you really be taking all this credit that screams look at me look at me!

3.) I was never a huge fan of AV and his passive ways as a coach, but to see that this team was never consistent is a huge load of crap. They had a couple of years of great consistency until the last couple.

So you see why I stopped reading after the second paragraph? It screams look at me I'm an attention whore, and I'm always right you're all wrong when really the fact of the matter is if we were 0 - 3 you would be screaming for Torts' head.

Thanks for the irony in that!

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I don't expect Torts to be perfect nor the players but I do expect what Torts wants to bring the best out of them. Torts will Coach them, let them play creatively and have them attack the puck. Thank goodness they finally have a new coach with balls. One who will stand up to the media and who is not afraid to split the Sedins when teams are keying in on them alone. No more relying on their skill alone and leaving it to the players they finally have a coach with an idea. Whether they win division titles or not is not the point as they are no longer playing in the same weak ass division and will have to play better period.

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If that was the case, why didn't Gretzky lead Phoenix to a Stanley Cup then?

He didn't, nor did Dave Tippett thier current coach and one of the coaches I am refering to. He has to be one of the worst offenders for sucking any offensive creativity from his team(and thanks to his trap the other team as well) and no cup to his name so I stand by my point.

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How about we create an "I Told You So" thread at the end of the season, rather then 3 games in. At that point, you can create the following threads:

1. "Oilerz Maid Playoffzls! Shuda Hiered EEKINs!"

2. "Raymond scooread 50 goalzz! FIRRE GILLLZIZ!"

3. "Kassian only scoored 11 goalzze, GiLLISZ iz stooopID for tradzin Hodgsin!!!!3212!"

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I love how many people for the last year called out AV for mixing lines - "leave them together for long enough for them to gel for chrissakes AV!!" and now praising Torts for his genius in mixing up lines.

Might be something to do with the fact that this was the first game minus Burrows. Huge difference from having the same guys available 10 games in a row and putting idiotic combinations together every period.
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Might be something to do with the fact that this was the first game minus Burrows. Huge difference from having the same guys available 10 games in a row and putting idiotic combinations together every period.

The difference with Tort's mixing last night anyway is that it worked (yes, AVs just seemed like pulling names out of a hat rather than strategy). Just such early days to make any sort of comments about Eakins vs. Torts, Torts vs. AV etc. (maybe the mixing worked as everything is still fresh as much as anything else).

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