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[Trade] VAN Dale Weise to MTL


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You're extremely gullible if you think Weise is the fastest skater on the team based on those 'for fun' contests, imho.

Here's Ballard winning too, btw. http://www.straight.com/blogra/salo-ballard-among-winners-vancouver-canucks-annual-skills-competition

Ballard: 'Surprise winner.' lol

Anyway, yes, actual gameplay matters when judging a player's actual speed. Duh. You never see Weise's 'blazing speed' during actual gameplay. Because it doesn't exist. Jesus, think about it. He's a lumbering 4th liner.

Yeah ballard won 3 years ago. Like I said you had the wrong year.

Also what I said was how else would you judge it. Of course in game matters but that doesn't change that on speed alone weise was the fastest skater for two seasons.

Pretty simple concept tom. Are you arguing just for the sake of it? :D

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It wasn't irresponsible, when he made the pass gryba was not headed towards eller, as soon as he released the pass gryba skated towards eller. It was no ones fault except for maybe ellers a little bit for not keeping his head up. It was a clean play.

lol, that's not what I saw. Gryba was right there. Eller had his eyes on the puck. Gryba was going to hit him anyways and anticipated the pass was going to Eller. Good anticipation, but had Eller not turned to carry the puck, he wouldn't have gotten hit in the head and a powerplay would have been the result, without injury. Diaz would have seen Gryba coming and passed it to Eller anyways. Not cool, either way.

As long as he doesn't do that here, he will be a welcome addition.

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Not really excited or upset about the trade.

Weiss was a decent 4th liner that could fill in on the third. He brought some intensity, and a willingness to drop the gloves.

Don't know much about Diaz, but it sounds like he will fill a need that the Canucks have, especially with the rash of injured D-men.

Time will tell...

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lol, that's not what I saw. Gryba was right there. Eller had his eyes on the puck. Gryba was going to hit him anyways and anticipated the pass was going to Eller. Good anticipation, but had Eller not turned to carry the puck, he wouldn't have gotten hit in the head and a powerplay would have been the result, without injury. Diaz would have seen Gryba coming and passed it to Eller anyways. Not cool, either way.

As long as he doesn't do that here, he will be a welcome addition.

Gryba hadn't committed when Diaz made the pass, as soon as he let the pass go gryba committed, eller couldn't really do much. It was terrific anticipation by gryba. Noones fault.

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Never understood the hate on weise around here. Probably been out best and only consistent 4th liner for a couple years now. He was our best skater, hit and chipped in the occasional goal every now and then. All you can really ask of a 4th liner.

Not a bad trade though but weise was a good player

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With what Weise brings he's a dime a dozen, though his point totals this year are impressive considering our struggles. I'm not going to believe that he's some kind of offensive juggernaut though. In return we received in many ways an improvement on Weber which is kind of funny since Diaz forced him out of the lineup in MTL.

I think this has bigger implications though, as when our D eventually all becomes healthy, we will have Bieksa, Tanev, Weber and Diaz on the Right side with the left being Edler, Garrison, Hamhuis, Stanton and Alberts, giving us 9 D. I think more moves are coming, we'll have to see if MG is patient enough to see if Torts can correct the mistakes of the last 2 weeks, or if selling at the deadline becomes more beneficial.

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You have said quite a few crazy things but I agree here. Kesler is nothing without the sedins even on the winnipeg goal daniel kept the puck when there was two guys on him and somehow made a amazing pass that led to the goal.

When the sedins are on fire we are more of a contender then when kes is.

A lot of fans from other teams say kesler is superoverated.

If he was making 6+ million I'd say he'd earn that title, luckily he isn't 1-dimensional.

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Weise has played more of the games this season?

Archibald is the only guy I like on the fourth line. But what I like doesn't matter. What we know is Ferriero is a journeyman and nothing more. He's not a viable long term solution. We haven't seen enough from Lain. Diaz is better than every other D on the farm. He has no physical game but is a shot blocking monster with over two a game. But is he really an upgrade over Alberts and Weber for that final spot assuming we trade someone else on the back end? Maybe...

And he's not even signed for next season. What if he performs poorly here? Gillis said no rentals this year but this certainly has the potential for just that..

First off, good on you for being upset at losing a Canuck. I prefer that attitude to dissing players on the way out.

VAN has little in offensive D options. Traded Connauton. Gragnani didn't pan out. Barker didn't pan out. Weber looked decent. VAN just got a guy who made Weber expendable in MTL. That's the way I look at it.

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Unless the Canucks do another trade for a forward I don't see how this move helps them. Granted they have a lot of injuries right now but the Canucks have much better defensive depth than they do offensive depth. Trading a forward for a DMAN who will be a UFA after the year doesn't make sense on its own especially considering the Canucks are going nowhere this year anyways.

Perhaps the Canucks are planning to trade Edler for a forward and if that is the case then the trade makes more sense but by itself this doesn't help Canucks

Because Diaz will be a UFA he is a rental player. I'm not sure the Canucks should be giving up anything for rental players given where they are this year,

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We're harping about offense all the time and we go and trade literally one of the most productive fourth liners in the league. Where is the logic in that.

Edler, Garrison, Bieksa, Hamhuis, Stanton, Tanev, Alberts, Weber, Diaz. Where does Diaz get into this line up when we're healthy? Where does he if we trade Edler? He's still got to fight between Alberts and Weber.

It just gives more flexibility. He basically has a 4 game try out here, before the break. Weise is a productive 4th liner, but he has too many other deficiencies. The one thing I will miss about Weise is he is becoming that type of player that other teams hate. The one that gets under your skin. Considering he doesn't get much playing time under Torts anyways, my statement stands. He will make it in the lineup over Weber and Alberts is a left sided dman, so it makes no difference. Bieksa and Tanev, no, but there is another trade coming when everybody is healthy. Probably one already in the works. This move will just make more people call. Probably about Tanev.
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And he's not even signed for next season. What if he performs poorly here? Gillis said no rentals this year but this certainly has the potential for just that..

I see it as more of a swap than a rental.

With a rental you're usually paying with future assets for expiring assets. That's not what this is.

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Yeah ballard won 3 years ago. Like I said you had the wrong year.

Also what I said was how else would you judge it. Of course in game matters but that doesn't change that on speed alone weise was the fastest skater for two seasons.

Pretty simple concept tom. Are you arguing just for the sake of it? :D

I never said a year.

I also indicated why a fun skills competition isn't valid, based largely on Ballard and Weise winning. They may have won those meaningless races, but they weren't the fastest by a longshot and I hope people are smart enough to know that.

I have a feeling you know it as well, but you've been replying to my posts often just to argue on the side.

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When Tortorella got here he talked about making the team tougher. So what does MG do; add Dalpe, Welsh, Webber, and now Diaz. (Never mind that Santorelli and Stanton aren't exactly tough!) Is this a joke? Is this the Twilight Zone?

Stanton's got decent toughness. Willing to stand up for his teammates and can hold his own.
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Yeah ballard won 3 years ago. Like I said you had the wrong year.

Also what I said was how else would you judge it. Of course in game matters but that doesn't change that on speed alone weise was the fastest skater for two seasons.

Pretty simple concept tom. Are you arguing just for the sake of it? :D

Well you certainly don't judge it on a for fun skills contest where half the players are drunk and they skate in some weird circle around the net and are timed by a wonky machine and a person who doesn't give a rats ass starting the clock.

You do know it's all for fun right and guys aren't trying overly hard?

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Or rather that his value has decreased so much he might not get us Diaz back in return. Plenty of knowledgeable people in the middle understand his value is still very good and should warrant a reasonable return.

IMO Edler is a good defenseman, but just not playing up to his potential so far this year. If it weren't for the scoring issues the Canucks have I would say don't trade Edler at all. But hey, maybe MG pulls off something to help the scoring woes that doesn't involve Edler at all.

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Weise really had no role on this team. Which is sad, because this team is always criticised for it's lack of size, which he has.

If he could ever improve his speed and consistency, he might still develop as a big guy who can put a puck or two in the net, like a poor man's Taylor Pyatt. But I don't blame Torts for showing him the door twice.

Hey maybe this means Kassian will have to drop 'em more.

....what? He's been the Canucks' fastest skater two years in a row....

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