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[PGT]Another Loss

Ryan kesler the beast

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Gotta feel sorry for him. He was playing a solid game for 2 periods. But how was he supposed to save a shot that he was screened on and rings off the post? And stop a deflection off his own defenseman? Yet the story is going to be Luongo 'let in' 3 goals.


He was -22 before this game which is 3rd worst in the league. Only behind 2 buffalo defencemen. I think this game he was -1 or -2 so yeah...good thing we didnt trade him in the off season before his NTC kicked in eh!!

Wonder how many of those minus points came from his own goals?

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And what exactly will this accomplish for the rest of the year? God damn I hate some people on this site.

well it accomplishes a change. I don't agree with what he said just for the lack of good GMs out there, but i do think Gillis has to go nonetheless. I think it would be best to wait until the summer.

I don't think Gilman should be his replacement tho. I don't think enough changes would happen if he's at the helm. He's emotionally attached to these guys too. I think someone brand new with a fresh different outlook on the game would be best. Hopefully we'll find someone like that around in the offseason.

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Okay, the break is here.

As of now, we're 19th place/30 teams and 3 points out of 25th place.

So now we're already out of a playoff loss. I don't think it's even worth making a push for the playoffs just to get eliminated in 4 games. We're half way there, please tank the rest of the season...

If we end up getting the 3rd pick in the draft, I think it will go down like this;

Buffalo: Ekblad

Edmonton: Fleury [Don't need a forward, will likely draft a defender]

And this is where Vancouver gets lucky and drafts Mr. Sam Reinhart.

Where do Calgary and Florida draft in this future vision of yours? Do they actually overtake Vancouver in the standings despite being 11 points back?

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Yep, I hate to say I told you so, but Tortorella was not the right choice for this team.

Everyone loves his interviews, but at the end of the day he can only coach one style of hockey, and the Canucks just don't have those types of players.

I think he *is* the right choice for this team.

The players are the wrong choice for this team. They failed to get it done and have now been declining dramatically since then. Why they're still here is a mystery to me. Some of them are worth hanging onto, but kick out the crud. Hoping that magically Edler becomes great is not much of a management plan.

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I Daniel is healthy, he should decline the Olympics as a favour to Sweden. If he's nursing any injury, he should decline to go out of respect for the Nucks.

RIgtht now,they could bring up any player from Utica and he would contribute more than Daniel. He's an empty uniform that woud be lucky to see 5 minutes a game on a real contender.

If the Sedins want to show leadership, they should offer to waive their NMCs and start the exodus of this collection of over-paid, under-achieving, untalented gang of losers. Having said that, I blame GIllis. The players are what they are. That they got the contracts they did is all on GIllis who wouldn't recognize talent if it ran him over.

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two years have passed with these group of forwards, both 1st round exists but Gillis seems to think the only changes that needed changing was to tweak the 4th line. MG will use the cap going down this year as an excuse but since 2011 he has don't NOTHING to help this team upfront. I don't know why people still defend this guy.

Sedin - Sedin - Burrows

Booth - Kesler - Kassian

Higgins - - Hansen

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So bring in a new GM just a couple weeks before the trade deadline?

Sounds like a good plan.

Perhaps all you idiots jumping off the wagon right now should realize we are still only a couple points out. We are injured. We are coming off a cluster**** of a month that saw our coach suspended and we obviously need to make some changes to the roster.

.....PERHAPS with some time to heal up, make some adjustments, we could still make a decent run.

But of course the typical CDC moron like you considers this season over with 22 games left.

Go cheer for another team, Canuck fans would look better without you clowns.

There's nothing wrong to hope, which is what you are saying. I was like that when I was younger, but now I look at the reality of the team and accepted what they are and am looking forward to the future. I want this franchise to move forward and make moves to get better.

The quicker you accept, the faster you can look to change things and improve.

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Sadly I believe in all honesty the team on paper isnt good but that doesnt mean they have to half ass everything. Where the hell did that killer forcheck go that torts instilled at the start of the year. I honestly believe the team has already tuned out torts and I know it will cost aquaman alot to fire him but its going to cost him way more if the seats dont get filled in the arena with this boring lifeless hockey. If your going to lose every night at least make it exciting. Just amazing

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And we're only 5 points out of third in our division. I'd rather look up.

As bad as the Canucks have been, LA has been almost as bad during this stretch.

Even if we have a small chance to do something in the playoffs, I would take that over a top 10 pick that may not even develop into an impact player.

Knowing the Canucks drafting....

I have far more confidence in the Kings though. I wouldn't be worried if I was a fan.

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Still wasn't impressive considering the teams they played. Early Jan we had the stretch of games against playoff teams, everyone talked about it and the Canucks knew those games were coming up. What happened?

Well, given what we were facing at the time - injuries and still adapting to the system - December was very impressive. The improvement was very impressive under the circumstances. Xmas break, slow start in January, and straight into the Cali road trip .. And we never fully recovered. Plus even more injuries ... not hard to see.

Bad at the moment... absolutely. As bad as some are making it out to be ... not at all. This break is exactly what this team needs.

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Yep, I hate to say I told you so, but Tortorella was not the right choice for this team.

Everyone loves his interviews, but at the end of the day he can only coach one style of hockey, and the Canucks just don't have those types of players.

I was excited for Torts at the start, thought this team needed a coach to call them out, but I agree that the players on this team are not suited for his style of game. IMO this team is still built for puck possession, not enough changers were made in the off season.

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Practically every team has a couple of elite guys that can actually score.

No Henrik, Daniel is awol, Burrows is done.

The only guy that looks like an NHL player up front is Kesler.

You know things are bad when you watch Mason Raymond and he looks like Crosby compared to anyone on your team.

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