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Do you trust MG to make a good Kesler trade?


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This is dead wrong but you already know that . Give it up. Did you know that Buffalo fans are now starting to add Hodgson into their trade proposals? That is how bad he is. He is a coaches nightmare. He wont and cant backcheck, hit ,fight or even put in a solid 60 min effort.

Quick, sign him 7x7years with a NTC. Give him the C.
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Please lord NO!!!!! The day Ratt Cooke was traded I danced a jig and floated around on cloud 9...a similar feeling when Yappy Lappy left. I would die a little on the inside if Ratt Cooke ever returned. I assume you're joking though, Cooke isn't worth one of Kesler's toes.

Why not? Supposedly, all these teams wanted him when he became available. Why not send him back where he belongs? The SECOND COMING of Matt Cooke!

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No chance they need a real GM not someone who relied on previous management decision and the traded away the talent that was supposed to be added not traded for bums. Look at the way he screwed the goalie thing and if you actually thing he could manage anything right then the team owners are the biggest idiots of all.

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I think MG is a failure as a GM and have no trust in his ability to get a proper return for Kesler.

Some recent examples of his failure;

1) signing Edler long term and letting Ehrhoff walk

2) letting Hodgson go for a prospect who is no longer a prospect but rather a below average player

3) trading Schnieder for a pick when he could have got way more when his value was higher one year previous

4) firing former coach if the year in AV when the real problem was player personnel (Torts made things even worse)

MG should be fired before he screws this one up!

Well, to be fair some of the issues you're addressing are several years old, so we should get a few more years to see how things turn out with Edler, Kassian, Horvat and Tortorella. It's always easier to assess things with your 20/20 hindsight glasses on, right?

This being said, even if all of your listed "failures" turned out to be not so bad afterall, I suspect that folks will find something else to hate about Gillis.

As to the potential Kesler trade, Gillis might well be the ideal guy for the Canucks to have in place.

Lots of people say that Gillis is afraid to make a move. If some of what is out there is true, that teams like Pittsburgh are "desperate" for Kesler, than having a GM who will wait things out until the last possible moment could be a good thing, and the potential return could be that much higher. Gillis waits until the last possible moment, assess the potential deals, and then pulls the trigger.

Gee, he could go fishing for the next couple of days.



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Why not? Supposedly, all these teams wanted him when he became available. Why not send him back where he belongs? The SECOND COMING of Matt Cooke!

It's more the stigma than the talent...plus I hate his guts, but that's me. I still wouldn't trade him for Kesler, Cooke is less talented, older and a bottom 6 player, maybe he can go to Boston.

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Really??? Because he would know the trade won't happen if there isn't a good return. How do you not get that?

Seriously what does Kesler admitting to the public that he wants out have to do with his value? It has nothing to do with the return we might get, how do you not get that? Kesler isn't UFA, he's still signed. Even if he wanted out, if Gillis doesn't want to trade him he doesn't have to. Meaning Gillis has all the power. This isn't even close to a luongo situation where we were forced to make a trade due to the cap lowering. Were not forced to do anything. Orlov asked out of WSH at the start of the year, guess who's still with the team.

On top of that Kesler has a NTC, other teams know that if Gillis was quietly trying to shop him, any team he talks to would automatically know that Kesler wanted out as he would have to approve the deal. Once one team knows Kesler is tradable, the whole league knows?

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If he Kesler wanted out sooner rather than later, he would not show the Canucks' hand. If he did that, other GMs would just continue to lowball Gillis, knowing that at some point Gillis would have to pull the trigger.


No, not that.

Kesler announcing he wants out forces a bidding war. Teams won't lowball because Pitts and Philly would not want the other to get him.

If Kesler wanted out, the quickest way would be to announce it.

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No I don't trust Gillis.

But he's the one who is going to make the trade... we are just going to watch and pray.

And by the way, re. the Hodgson/Kassian trade:

That trade should have helped this team re-compete for the Cup... we needed a player who could perform right away.

We didn't get that player in Kassian, and that's why the trade was a failure. Kassian is two years away from performing at a Cup level, if he ever gets there. Gillis should have known that, and looked for another exchange... we needed a veteran scorer who could have made an impact right then... Steve Ott for example.

Hodgson was performing, and maybe people didn't like him, but his goals would have been welcome in the last two years... and he would have scored more here than in Buffalo, which is the worst team in the league offensively.

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No I don't trust Gillis.

But he's the one who is going to make the trade... we are just going to watch and pray.

And by the way, re. the Hodgson/Kassian trade:

That trade should have helped this team re-compete for the Cup... we needed a player who could perform right away.

We didn't get that player in Kassian, and that's why the trade was a failure. Kassian is two years away from performing at a Cup level, if he ever gets there. Gillis should have known that, and looked for another exchange... we needed a veteran scorer who could have made an impact right then... Steve Ott for example.

Hodgson was performing, and maybe people didn't like him, but his goals would have been welcome in the last two years... and he would have scored more here than in Buffalo, which is the worst team in the league offensively.

Compared to our stellar offense that currently sits at 4th worst?

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I think MG is a failure as a GM and have no trust in his ability to get a proper return for Kesler.

Some recent examples of his failure;

1) signing Edler long term and letting Ehrhoff walk

2) letting Hodgson go for a prospect who is no longer a prospect but rather a below average player

3) trading Schnieder for a pick when he could have got way more when his value was higher one year previous

4) firing former coach if the year in AV when the real problem was player personnel (Torts made things even worse)

MG should be fired before he screws this one up!

1. Absolutely a huge issue. Even worse was his refusal to trade Edler before his NTC kicked in. That contract is awful and has stuck us with a huge liability on the blueline.

2. Kassian has been fine, but the timing of the trade was terrible.

3. Awful trade. Gillis needed to push harder to be allowed to buy out Luongo rather than trade our best goalie.

4. The firing should have come after the first Chicago series. He hung onto the gum chewing imbecile far too long and let him poison the dressing room.

Other huge issues with MG:

  • Refusing to trade Ballard when he insisted on letting AV ruin his career
  • Shutting down Malhotra against his wishes, despite the fact that our depth was so bad ant center that Andrew Ebbett managed to get into the lineup
  • Losing Volpatti to waivers in order to keep the useless Ebbett
  • Re-signing Rome when AV was badly misusing him.
  • Signing Sturm
  • Signing Garrison, giving us another handedness problem on the blueline
  • Not bothering to re-sign Torres

Gillis should have been fired on the spot after the Schneider trade, and it will be a complete disaster if he is allowed to further destroy the team. His replacement will spend years trying to make up for the moves Gillis has made over his tenure.

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We didn't get that player in Kassian, and that's why the trade was a failure. Kassian is two years away from performing at a Cup level, if he ever gets there. Gillis should have known that, and looked for another exchange... we needed a veteran scorer who could have made an impact right then... Steve Ott for example.

Steve Ott wouldn't have helped a ton this year nor last year. And he's a free agent at the end of this season with no guarantee he would have stayed or we would've kept him.

I like the fact that we have the potential of Kassian over a guy who would've marginally helped for a couple years.

We need bluechip hope. We are far from being a team that needs marginal help to put us over the edge.

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I don't think I'm the gullible one here. If a player is unhappy and wants out making it public is the way to force it. Do you honestly believe the unhappy player cares at all about what the team he wants away from gets for him? The less the better realistically from the player perspective. The less the team he's going to has to give up, the better that team is when he arrives there.

The bottom line is this: I'll take the players word over any sportswriter anytime in a situation like this. In a few days we'll see who the gullible ones are. Be ready to change your name to 'grandmaster gullible'. Do you still believe Gaborik bought a house here? A sportswriter said so. Even said he had a source. Don't believe everything a sportswriter writes. They often choke on those chicken bones.

Sorry Baggins...he did. I saw the conveyance.

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The problem is Maggie the Monkey could have done a better job than Gillis.

GM of the Year says otherwise

turning this team around says otherwise

yes after 2011 the team has been in a downward spiral but guess what it's not the first team to go from cup final to missing the playoffs either the next year or later on and it won't be the last

hell some teams that win the cup miss the playoffs for multiple years and quite a few that make the finals miss the next season so don't try to pass off your opinion thinking another GM could of stopped this downward spiral it happened and it's time to move core pieces and retool rebuild whatever you want to call it

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