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Jason Garrison potential buyout candidate


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Vancouvers trouble is the way the team and d especially is coached. we cant score goals because we play way to freakin slow. Torts style is slow breakout passes take to long its dump and chase hockey and no rushes. Im sorry for those saying its the team it isn't its the freaking coaching. How do you think Detroit is so good always because babcock gets them to move the puck up ice as fast as humanly possible. Garrison is fine for 4.5 mil.

The closest style I have watched and is comparable to JT. syle is Freddy Shero...not the fighting intimidation etc but static hockey. Without question JT system is the most boring game we've had to endure in the last 20+ years. Garrion IMO was the worst aquasistion Gillis made, apart from his flimsy play and slap shot that takes too long to be effective.....but because Gillis signed another defenseman rather than what the team really needed a top end play making centre. We never needed Garrison ( Salo was fine ) but we were extremely short of a play making centre. I said then and I still think the same today

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The reason we bought out Ballard was because of the drop in the salary cap. We will have almost 11 million in cap space for next year plus we may trade Kesler. There is no need to buy out any of our players.

Ginko may help with that, Tony.

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i'm no fan of garrison so by comparison in dollar value/point production with yannick weber, weber wins in my books.

yannick has five goals in fourty five games to garrison's seven goals in seventy-seven games, though garrison blows him away in over all point production with power play time, more ice time and over all gamesplayed, weber has good value though neither an upgrade or a step back, but that's not my point.

you mention that booth has been great, but let's face it, he's done, stick a fork in him, he's finished here! garrison stays.

But Garrison is much more defensively reliable. Weber gets pushed around much more than Garrison, and G does a better job along the boards and using his stick.

Garrison's faults this season have been his outlet passing (can be a bit shaky at times) and shooting accuracy. For a guy that likes to shoot you gotta be able to put it on net. I bet he works like a horse this off season improving that.

Part of the problem with Jason is a lack of a complimentary D man- if only Hamhuis was a RH shot. Those two would be perfect together.

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Garrison has shown in spades how much more reliable he is. Salo is great but made of glass. Garrison still has alot of potential if he can improve some of the weaknesses in his game

Potential man he's 30 years old this year....30 years old what you see is what you get. We have adequate replacement now and before to cover Salo. You get 60 better games out of Salo than Garrison and I see there's no comment on the glaring point we needed a play making centre. In the Cap era some thing has to give and the addition of Garrison was the error

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Whenever I see Garrison defend on a rush, he tends to back off the attacker and just allows them to walk in and take a shot. Atleast Edler trys to poker check and give attackers a harder time as they try to cross the blueline

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It was a stupid idea from a dottering old reporter who likes to read CDC get their teats in a knot.

TG has been beyond stupid lately; may want to get the Alzheimer's medical process started.

There is no reason whatsoever to buy out Garrison.

There is hardly any reason anymore to buy out any Canuck player.

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But Garrison is much more defensively reliable. Weber gets pushed around much more than Garrison, and G does a better job along the boards and using his stick.

Garrison's faults this season have been his outlet passing (can be a bit shaky at times) and shooting accuracy. For a guy that likes to shoot you gotta be able to put it on net. I bet he works like a horse this off season improving that.

Part of the problem with Jason is a lack of a complimentary D man- if only Hamhuis was a RH shot. Those two would be perfect together.

yannick's salary is $650.000 us dollars where as jason garrison collects $4.6 million, so if cap space is what you need you see the value in weber....
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Garrison has been the worst signing so far.... He's too slow, can't make the first pass and the softest D man on the team. You would think someone that big from western Canada, wears no visor and looks intimidating with the beard, would be tougher to play against then that.

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Garrison has been the worst signing so far.... He's too slow, can't make the first pass and the softest D man on the team. You would think someone that big from western Canada, wears no visor and looks intimidating with the beard, would be tougher to play against then that.

Booth? Ballard?

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A change in coaches and coaching philosophy will do wonders for all of our D - they didn't all fall off a cliff in play in one and the same season for no reason whatsoever. They fell off a cliff because of Tortorella and his assistants. You can't play in the west with three forwards behind the other teams net, have your defence pinch, and give up the ridiculous number of 2 on 1s and 3 on 2s that we do. In there own zone the D play zone some of the time, but half the time you will see two D checking the same guy. The D are lost because of how they are instructed to play, and the most lost are Edler and Garrison. After he adjusted under Vigneault, Garrison looked just fine. Not a single D, including Hamhuis has, has been close to previous year's performance - except Tanev - who has been often injured blocking shots.

There is no need to get rid of Edler or Garrison, for God's sake some people have even talked about trading Tanev - because he has a no-trade clause! Just dump the stinking coach.

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the problem with garrison's scoring is that it's a product of the team playing well, not a cause of it.

9 of garrison's 32 points came in a 10 game stretch in october. 13 more of them came in a 10 game stretch in november/december.

that means that in the other 56 games he's played, garrison has 10 points.

he's not a difference maker in the slightest, but he's paid like one and he occupies a roster spot that should be held by one.

D-men point totals tend to be assist driven. When the forwards aren't scoring the d-men aren't racking up assists. Since new years our forwards haven't been scoring and it only follows that the D isn't getting assists. Injuries to Daniel, Henrik, Burrows and Santorelli have had an effect on D production.

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D-men point totals tend to be assist driven. When the forwards aren't scoring the d-men aren't racking up assists. Since new years our forwards haven't been scoring and it only follows that the D isn't getting assists. Injuries to Daniel, Henrik, Burrows and Santorelli have had an effect on D production.

offensive defencemen drive the play. they create the transition with quick and accurate breakout passes or by lugging the puck themselves. they are also skilled at setting up plays by finding passing lanes in the offensive zone.

offensive defencemen create offense. garrison is merely a passive trigger man.

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