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Jordan Schroeder


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At 23, we should be seeing at least some level of improvement. By the rate that he's going, Schroeder wouldn't be an NHL regular until he's 30.

I'm surprised at how patient people are with failed prospects, but I guess hope goes a long way when there's nothing else to believe in.

You want to see what a successful draft pick turns into? Try following a few other teams besides the Canucks.

Brendan Saad - drafted 43rd overall (2011) 21 years old

Brendan Gallagher - drafted 147 overall (2010) 22 years old

Andrew Shaw - drafted 139th overall (2011) 22 years old

Reilly Smith - drafted 69th overall (2009) 23 years old

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As a comparison Up until this year Nyquist had played 40 games for 4g 9a 13pts a year older than Schroeder, you have to take into account the poor development that the Canucks have offered their prospects with non ownership of the farm team, and the run of injuries JS has had. If he gets a full preseason under his belt and a coach who gives him some quality line mates I think JS will have a much better year.

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As a comparison Up until this year Nyquist had played 40 games for 4g 9a 13pts a year older than Schroeder, you have to take into account the poor development that the Canucks have offered their prospects with non ownership of the farm team, and the run of injuries JS has had. If he gets a full preseason under his belt and a coach who gives him some quality line mates I think JS will have a much better year.

Yup, 90% of this board would have been screaming dump nyquist and trade all our spare parts for whoever was breaking out on a non playoff team after 2013 season.

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This is crazy. We drafted a guy played him 57 games including half those games with Tortorella as coach. He is a first rounder rated 10th overall by central scouting bereau. He is currently the holder of most points by an american born player in world junior history. He has had injury issues and is has the biggest upside outside of the Sedins and Kesler. And you want to play one of the 8 mediocre players in a position where he needs to be.

Ther is a problem that we have 8 3rd liners. If a team has 8 third liners then I would call that team mediocre. They will not match up with Anahaim, San Jose, LA, or almost anyone because other teams actually have a second line. And, people on here are talking about adding Santorelli. There is omly one way to get better. Get rid of up to 5 of those players.

Which is why Schroeder is best suited for second line duties. Not oh we have eight third liners so we dont have room for him. I meantioned 8 third liners not including Burrows only because he works well witht the Sedins but really he is a third liner. Mediocre middle of the road players makes a mediocre team.

People dont give small players a shot when in many cases the have what it takes. What if Calgary never gave up on St. Loius. Why dont we talk about giving up on Kassian. Why dont we. There is no room for him. Because he is a bigger player. Ever heard of Shawn Antoski, or Libor Polisak. The saviors of Vancouver. Barely played in the nhl. Our first round picks.

We drafted him. He has a great upside. He has played well for us under AV. He is of the age and there are no other players with a bigger upside. Plus all other players have proved nothing, nothing to EARN a second line position except for Kesler. It is too risky to let him go at 23 and I think he will grow into that position this year if given the chance to play full season. I say he gets over 40 points which would most likely be better than the 8 aforementioned and we actually develope a first round pick. Now there is a thought.

Well I hear what you are saying but he just doesn't look like any of these things on the ice. Put him on the 2nd line and he would be mangled by the Western teams. He has never looked like a centre to me, he seems to lack grit, stamina and any real edge to his game.

I will agree on one thing he CAN pass but that is not nearly enough for me.

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The best line Schroeder has played on is with Hansen and Raymond, he did quite well. He isn't going to put up points buried on the 4th line.

I think we will run four lines next year and JS will fit well with that model.

Sedin Sedin Jensen

Higgins Kesler Schroeder *

Burrows Santorelli Hansen

Booth Matthias Kassian


Spare: Sestito

There is pretty much a guarantee to be one injured player, so Richardson won't be scratched out of the lineup.

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At 23, we should be seeing at least some level of improvement. By the rate that he's going, Schroeder wouldn't be an NHL regular until he's 30.

I'm surprised at how patient people are with failed prospects, but I guess hope goes a long way when there's nothing else to believe in.

You want to see what a successful draft pick turns into? Try following a few other teams besides the Canucks.

Brendan Saad - drafted 43rd overall (2011) 21 years old

Brendan Gallagher - drafted 147 overall (2010) 22 years old

Andrew Shaw - drafted 139th overall (2011) 22 years old

Reilly Smith - drafted 69th overall (2009) 23 years old

All of those guys have at least 2 - 3 times as many NHL games under their belts. Schroeder has 56 over two seasons. Smith and Shaw have similar numbers to JS when you look at their first 56 games. I would also suggest that Chi, Mon and Bos are better at developing their prospects.

Injuries, new coach, questionable farm team (Chicago) have all had a factor in his slow development.

If the Canucks don't give him a decent chance this year I hope another team does.

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The best line Schroeder has played on is with Hansen and Raymond, he did quite well. He isn't going to put up points buried on the 4th line.

I think we will run four lines next year and JS will fit well with that model.

Sedin Sedin Jensen

Higgins Kesler Schroeder *

Burrows Santorelli Hansen

Booth Matthias Kassian


Spare: Sestito

There is pretty much a guarantee to be one injured player, so Richardson won't be scratched out of the lineup.

You might have something there. Trade Schroeder and Hansen for --------- from the leafs. Ah there's the problem, they don't have anyone we want other than JVR and PK and we would have to offer a hell of a lot more than JS AND JH.

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The best line Schroeder has played on is with Hansen and Raymond, he did quite well. He isn't going to put up points buried on the 4th line.

I think we will run four lines next year and JS will fit well with that model.

Sedin Sedin Jensen

Higgins Kesler Schroeder *

Burrows Santorelli Hansen

Booth Matthias Kassian


Spare: Sestito

There is pretty much a guarantee to be one injured player, so Richardson won't be scratched out of the lineup.

Not a bad line up, I think I'd switch a few guys though:





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Wouldn't it be something if JS developed a whole lot of snarl over the summer and came back in the fall to be our answer to Brendan Gallagher? Ahhhh, the senseless musings of early June.

At the very least, JS will have a whole summer to train and should be ready to go hard in training camp (assuming he's re-signed).

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An injury prone 5'8" centerman? Yeah, I don't think we'll be competing with teams like St Louis Anaheim and LA with players like that. Get rid of him.

This is why we don't develope players. We have fans that cast aside certain players. If we put Swant to get rid of Schroeder after 57 games then we have to put Kassian in the same group. Nuff said.

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I hope we don't draft any more players that small. For every Martin St.Louis or Theo Fleury, there are a thousand Jordan Schroeders.

St Louis went undrafted. At 22 the Sens offered St Louis a tryout and released him. He went to play in the IHL for Cleveland. After struggling with the Flames, at 25 the they bought out the final year of his contract making him a UFA. His breakout season came in 02-03 with 70 points at age 27 for Tampa. Some players take longer than others. St Louis is a prime example of giving up too soon and a poor one for you to use in this case.

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The best line Schroeder has played on is with Hansen and Raymond, he did quite well. He isn't going to put up points buried on the 4th line.

I think we will run four lines next year and JS will fit well with that model.

Sedin Sedin Jensen

Higgins Kesler Schroeder *

Burrows Santorelli Hansen

Booth Matthias Kassian


Spare: Sestito

There is pretty much a guarantee to be one injured player, so Richardson won't be scratched out of the lineup.

What did Schroeder do to deserve a 2nd line start?

What did Kassian do to be demoted down to the 4th?

During the terrible season we just witnessed, there were only a few bright spots. The development of Kassian was one of them.

Schroeder did nothing in his opportunities he had.

Kassian earned a look on the 1st or 2nd line. Schroeder does not deserve to be handed this on a silver platter after showing nothing.

Sure, he was injured, had bad linemates, yeah yeah yeah. But at least show that it's a mistake to be put out there with bad linemates. He didn't.

A player with his size better have speed or skill. And if not, you better work your ass off to show you want it. He has none of those things. It's insulting to give him a 2nd line shot for no reason other than we don't want to look like we drafted a bust.

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