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Jordan Schroeder


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I don't have to try harder... I am right and you are wrong. There are plenty of options better than Schroeder and he will not be on the team next season.

At that time, you will conveniently forget that you posted all of this.

I know you're better than to be so absolute. You don't have to go full fanaticism either, but I think there's a real chance they qualify him at least and if he agrees to the terms we give him a shot in camp.

If he doesn't work, we can always put him on waivers. If he clears, great for Utica. If not, then we haven't lost any more than what we would have if we hadn't qualified him at all.

If that happened you would convenienty forget you posted all of this. Cause he would be tearing it up on another team a few years from now.

I am right, you are wrong and that is all there is to it, infinity times infinity no erasies! There is no use arguing with someone who is always right.


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I know you're better than to be so absolute. You don't have to go full fanaticism either, but I think there's a real chance they qualify him at least and if he agrees to the terms we give him a shot in camp.

If he doesn't work, we can always put him on waivers. If he clears, great for Utica. If not, then we haven't lost any more than what we would have if we hadn't qualified him at all.

Yup. And FWIW, I really hope he clears as I'd prefer not to lose him.

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I know you're better than to be so absolute. You don't have to go full fanaticism either, but I think there's a real chance they qualify him at least and if he agrees to the terms we give him a shot in camp.

If he doesn't work, we can always put him on waivers. If he clears, great for Utica. If not, then we haven't lost any more than what we would have if we hadn't qualified him at all.

Ya, I am just talking in his language. Subtlety seems kind of beyond him.

I doubt we qualify him, we need to shake up our system including our prospects.

My more nuanced argument is:

- We will be trading some of our bottom six guys in order to give some new blood and young guys a roster spot. I can see Hansen going for sure as an example. You can give that 3rd line spot to Horvat/Gaunce/Jensen/this years 1st rounder. The return for a guy like Hansen is going to be something like a decent prospect and a 2nd or 3rd round pick. We need to have contract space under the 50 contracts to make deals.

- Schroeder doesn't look like he will ever be a regular NHLer, and more to the point he doesn't seem to have the toolbox to be the type of player that Linden and Benning have suggested they want. He is not good enough now to be in our top 6, and very likely will never be. He doesn't fit the mold of the grittier, bigger, meaner 3rd line that Benning said he wanted.

So... we either ship out his rights as part of a trade before we have to qualify him (the day after draft day I think). Or we don't qualify him.

In either case, I firmly believe that he will not be part of our organization next season. If for some reason we can't pull the trigger on the trades we need to (Benning is a new GM, so no one knows how he will be at trading)... then there is a slight chance we qualify him because we don't have better options.

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Actually torts by seasons end played him under 10 mins a game and then down to 3 mins and then press box. Because he was not suited for the game he wanted the Canucks to play. I hate to break the obvious to you; but, the entire team was not suited for the way Torts wanted them to play. If you throw Schroeder under the bus then you have to throw the rest of the team under the bus.

Bottom line: cut the kid some slack he played for a horrible coach. People were not saying the same thing when he played for AV. Cut the kid some slack he has not been given a chance to play a full year with some good players. HE WAS INJURED THE PAST 2 YEARS. He has not gotten into top form and this year he has the summer to get ready, God willing he starts the season and does not get injured so we can truly see what we have.

For goodness sakes this is driving me crazy, can't people see it.... we have nothing else.....the players we have are good third liners and not good second liners, and the numbers prove it. And the prospects we have are most likely not ready. WE HAVE NOTHING ELSE, WE HAVE NOTHING ELSE....CAUSE WE SUCK...DIDN'T YOU WATCH THE SECOND HALF OF THE SEASON....DID YOU NOTICE WE DID NOT MAKE THE PLAYOFFS CAUSE WE SUCK.

I cannot understand how some of you Canuck fans think we can magically find three second line players. Kesler will be gone and we will have 3 2nd line positions to fill. And if you think we can resign Santorelli and move up Higgins you have to take a closer look at other teams in the league and see we don't match up. And the numbers prove it: we would be average at best.

Injuries are just an excuse for poor play. Plenty of players get injured, come back and never miss a beat. It was like they were never gone.

Schroeder is a depth forward with little upside. He is going to have a hard achieving Andrew Ebbett status in this league. If qualified, he likely plays in the AHL and has a chance to be the first call up if he plays well there. This is the best case scenario for him.

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If we want a 2nd line centre back in the Kesler trade, we may have to add a centre prospect like Jordan Schroeder to the deal so that the other team isn't just treading water at the position.

Kesler is very valuable and I think if we can add assets to the deal, we could come away with something really special.

I cannot see JS as our 2nd line centre long-term.

If nobody steps up and wants him, I think it would be best to try to showcase him until somebody does; it is too early to just cut him loose.

It might not take too long; if he is outperforming all our centre prospects at camp, maybe that's the time to package him up and sort out the team, the Comets, and the rest of the prospect pool.

It might not be of any value, but if there is anything to Kesler wanting to play for an American team, maybe JS being American adds something to the deal, I don't know.

RK and JS to a team of Kesler's choosing for a very good 2nd line centre.

I would prefer we trade Kesler for a defenseman but if they think we need a centre back, maybe we can add JS in and get a better return.

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I say give him another shot, so long as it is made clear to him he has to pull it together immediately.

Hes been terribly underwhelming so far, and has played nothing like an undersized NHLer needs to to stick around.

Its nice that he had success with the under 20 Americans, but that tournament is ridiculously overhyped as an accurate means to gauge how a player will turn out.

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Don't label me as a fickle fan. I'm a realist and I see and comment on things the way they are. JS is a turnover machine who frequently loses puck battles in the corners and hasn't shown any sort of indication of being an effective player for this team.


Some of you Canuck fans said the same thing about the Sedin's. Twenty seven games with a bad coach is not enough time I am sorry. Have you heard of the concept of learning?

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I stopped paying attention when I saw you had listed Ebbett as fast and skilful. You missed out rugged :)

Seriously, I think you missed my point. How can you compare Recchi, Marchand, Cambell, Shaw and some others on that list to Schroeder. All these players are hard to miss due to their aggressive hockey style. Shaw is a pit bull.

Andy McDonald is 6'-1" and was a 6th round draft who is a much more aggressive player than Schroeder.

It is Schroeders application and attitude that lets him down. It is like he is overawed by the NHL and doesn't think he should be there. If only he had a 1/10 of what Rypien showed in determination then I might think he could make it. Not for me, sorry.

Fickle fan,

Um Andy Mcdonald 5'8" 183 pounds. You are clasping at straws. I listed smaller players to prove stanley cup winners have smaller players. There are players on that list that play more agressive than their size and others that don't. One hundred and eighty pounds at 5'9" is a solid kid. I sure as his career goes on he will get better in the corners and be more physical as time goes on. I mean heck even the Sedins have learned to do both.

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Some of you Canuck fans said the same thing about the Sedin's. Twenty seven games with a bad coach is not enough time I am sorry. Have you heard of the concept of learning?

Yeah I have and JS has had plenty of time to learn. Bad coach or not, he hasn't done squat to impress and earn an extended stay with with team. Ever heard or grabbing the bull by the horns and making the most of your opportunity? Look at Tyler Johnson in Tampa, around the same size as Schreoder yet was never drafted. Makes the team out of training camp and ends up a Calder nominee. That's called seizing your opportunities and making the most of if. I don't care wtf Schroeder did in the WJHC, it's irrelevant so stop bringing it up. You can argue all you want and state your opinion over and over. Fact of te matter is JS is going to be very fortunate to be qualified by the Canucks if he in fact is and if not there's a good chance his NHL career is as good as done.

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Yeah I have and JS has had plenty of time to learn. Bad coach or not, he hasn't done squat to impress and earn an extended stay with with team. Ever heard or grabbing the bull by the horns and making the most of your opportunity? Look at Tyler Johnson in Tampa, around the same size as Schreoder yet was never drafted. Makes the team out of training camp and ends up a Calder nominee. That's called seizing your opportunities and making the most of if. I don't care wtf Schroeder did in the WJHC, it's irrelevant so stop bringing it up. You can argue all you want and state your opinion over and over. Fact of te matter is JS is going to be very fortunate to be qualified by the Canucks if he in fact is and if not there's a good chance his NHL career is as good as done.

Exactly my point. He had a full season to find his feet and prove himself. Thanks for that. Playing on the first and second line can do that for an offensive player.

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I know you're better than to be so absolute. You don't have to go full fanaticism either, but I think there's a real chance they qualify him at least and if he agrees to the terms we give him a shot in camp.

If he doesn't work, we can always put him on waivers. If he clears, great for Utica. If not, then we haven't lost any more than what we would have if we hadn't qualified him at all.


He He!

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Didn't realize that JS could polarize the CDC board like he did, but what was I thinking? This is the CDC.

Here's my 2 cents worth...JS is at best, worth a qualifying offer. He's done little to show that he can be a bona-fide, full time NHLer, but IMO, it's too early to give up on him. He's had his moments where his skill has shone through, but for the most part, he's been inconsistent for whatever reasons -- shoulder and ankle injuries that needed to be repaired surgically being one -- as most young players are.

Pros for re-signing him (to a qualifying offer): potential of skill and speed (something you can't have enough of); something to prove (let's hope he has this attitude); and youth (23/24 is still pretty young).

Cons for re-signing him: 2 major surgeries in less than 12 mos.; lack of size; lack of grit (he ain't no Brendan Gallagher); falling rapidly on the depth chart.

At the end of the day, the only risk to having JS signed is that he takes up one of the 50 contract spots. If he's not good enough, to make the NHL, waive him...if he gets picked up, so be it...there's always the ability to buy him out or loan him to and European team.

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Don't label me as a fickle fan. I'm a realist and I see and comment on things the way they are. JS is a turnover machine who frequently loses puck battles in the corners and hasn't shown any sort of indication of being an effective player for this team.

You don't need to defend your logical thinking here. This thread is 14 pages long, that's a waste of space for a player, JS, who just too small to fit in a team direction that is going to get bigger. That was Gillis' worst pick. I don't see the debate.

You spoke the truth, don't bother defending it. Like I've said before, we've all seen short players excel in this league, they are few in numbers and just want it more than JS. He's just not the type of player that will make it. He doesn't have a big enough chip on this shoulder.

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You don't need to defend your logical thinking here. This thread is 14 pages long, that's a waste of space for a player, JS, who just too small to fit in a team direction that is going to get bigger. That was Gillis' worst pick. I don't see the debate.

You spoke the truth, don't bother defending it. Like I've said before, we've all seen short players excel in this league, they are few in numbers and just want it more than JS. He's just not the type of player that will make it. He doesn't have a big enough chip on this shoulder.

Fans have to remember that Schroeder was drafted right after the NHL commish stated that the NHL intended to go for skill over brawn. Let the skilled players have the space to entertain....yaddah yaddah ..yaddah Gillis actually believed Betteman....unfortunately that's not what happened and Gillis was virtually left with a red face. The following year he chnaged direction and his belief in Betteman and started to go big and from that point on that was his primary thrust. Basically Gillis was conned by the league and set back the club two years with development

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Fans have to remember that Schroeder was drafted right after the NHL commish stated that the NHL intended to go for skill over brawn. Let the skilled players have the space to entertain....yaddah yaddah ..yaddah Gillis actually believed Betteman....unfortunately that's not what happened and Gillis was virtually left with a red face. The following year he chnaged direction and his belief in Betteman and started to go big and from that point on that was his primary thrust. Basically Gillis was conned by the league and set back the club two years with development

There was never really a change in direction at all. If you build a good enough team, you will win. There is a lot of hoopla made about how LA and Boston won because they are heavy and mean. Size and being heavy is overrated.. LA and Boston won cups because they have a lot of really good players. There is no secret. You build a team and add pieces to suite your best player's strength.

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Listening to Nik Kypreos a little while ago he fundamentally said big guys just ware you down. They out battle you on the boards, they take a toll on your defensemen getting their faces made part of the end boards and big guy have a better reach and a bigger muscle mass. That's not to say there is no place for the smaller players...but there is a reason the league is not filled with small players !! ... sure there's a few...but 6' plus covers the majority of the players in the league and there is a reason. Can Schroeder who was rated so highly in the WJC make it.....lets just say there's a question mark hanging over him. Remember he's not only short but he's light 5'8"/ 175lbs Schroder like many small players will never push some off the puck. No matter what we may all think but Vcr has to go through, Ducks, Kings, St L, to get to the final...and then face Boston. Good luck if Schroeder is a 2 nd line centre

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No matter what we may all think but Vcr has to go through, Ducks, Kings, St L, to get to the final...and then face Boston. Good luck if Schroeder is a 2 nd line centre

I don't think you have to worry, pretty much all guys that become top6 and/or impact players have played a full season in the show by the time of 22. Schroeder is a stretch to be a regular nhler. If our management thinks of Schroeder as being a 2nd line center they should not be in management anywhere in hockey.

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I don't think you have to worry, pretty much all guys that become top6 and/or impact players have played a full season in the show by the time of 22. Schroeder is a stretch to be a regular nhler. If our management thinks of Schroeder as being a 2nd line center they should not be in management anywhere in hockey.

That's the canundrum for Schroeder, if he can't hack the second line I don't see him beinga 3rd/4th line shut down kind of player. But saying that I'd still re-sign him and if he doesn't make the cut so be it...then you waive him down to Utica

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