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[Confirmed] Willie Desjardin: VAN Head Coach


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Does anyone think that Gulutzen was kept for a reason...we know Kass liked him but maybe the Canucks knew something about Willie long before now and Gully was part of the plan to get Willie here after having worked together in Dallas?

Funny they fire the entire coaching staff except for 1 asst. coach..coaches usually hire their own assts.

Just throwing it out there..

Linden mentioned during his introductory conference as President of Hockey Ops he liked the way Gulutzan handles and communicates with the young players. Just curious, where do you hear about the Kassian stuff? I find it interesting Kassian like the coaching staff last year considering the circumstances he was put in.

Well there's still one more assistant coach position that is free for Desjardin to hire so it should be ok.

I just have a question though, how many coaches are a team limited to hiring? I know Stevens was promoted to associate coach by LA. I am wondering is it possible for Linden or Benning to promote Gulutzan to associate coach and let Willie hire 2 assistants to help?

Thanks in advance.

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Here 'our' some other facts:

Pittsburgh isn't rebuilding. We are. And everyone knows a rebuilding era leads to many coaches and GM's being fired and hired.

The Canucks could very well rebound, but the Penguins don't have to. That is why the Penguins' coaching job is much, much safer.


I disagree and I don't get some of your facts. I don't see why more coaches and GMs get fired in a rebuilding era. I see struggling playoff teams coaches and GMs getting fired more so, like how Pitt just fired both their coach and GM.

Benning signed here and on a multi-year because he believe he can fix this team over the long term, otherwise he would of signed with Pitt.

As a coach in Pitt you have to make the playoffs and go far or else changes will have to be made. Hence why Pitt was looking for a 2 year deal. That doesn't seem that safe.

Willie wanted more years hence why he is signing with us.

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This guy has ZERO NHL experience. How is this a good move for us right now?

First off, that is incorrect. He was an associate coach for 2 years with the Stars. Secondly, Where do you think all NHL coaches started? I'd rather have someone with a fresh vision than the same old recycled NHL coaches.

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This guy has ZERO NHL experience. How is this a good move for us right now?

John Tortorella won the cup 10 years ago!!! He must be an excellent coach.

Those buffoons Patrick Roy and John Cooper have absolutely no idea what they're doing either. They suck! One of those two definitely won't win coach of the year...

Yes, he DOES have NHL experience. Just not head coaching. But who cares anyways?

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Its interesting to note that Desjardins worked as an associate coach in the NHL for 2 years I think it was, and he could have stayed on but he preferred to go back to the minors because he wanted to be a head coach. So its not like he's been in the minors all his life because he wasn't good enough to get a shot in the NHL. I think he's gonna turn out to be good for the Canucks.

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I know it's a different sport, but Pete Carroll of the Seahawks was 57-58 when he was hired by the Seahawks from USC. At 62, he has more energy and enthusiasm than some NFL players do. My brother in law is 57, and he goes on mammoth bike rides to the interior with himself and his buddies. He'll even ride his bicycle from South Surrey to Vancouver to visit his daughter and grand-daughter.

To be honest I'd take an 80 year old Scotty Bowman over most coaches in the NHL. The guy is a hockey genius, and not only knows how to find and develop talent, but he'll make you into the best player you can possibly be.

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Linden mentioned during his introductory conference as President of Hockey Ops he liked the way Gulutzan handles and communicates with the young players. Just curious, where do you hear about the Kassian stuff? I find it interesting Kassian like the coaching staff last year considering the circumstances he was put in.

Well there's still one more assistant coach position that is free for Desjardin to hire so it should be ok.

I just have a question though, how many coaches are a team limited to hiring? I know Stevens was promoted to associate coach by LA. I am wondering is it possible for Linden or Benning to promote Gulutzan to associate coach and let Willie hire 2 assistants to help?

Thanks in advance.

I remember hearing about Kassian and Gulutzan having a good relationship somewhere too. I can't remember where... It was probably Dan Murphy or one of the scribes mentioning it in an article.

Are you implying having 4 suits behind the bench? I can't recall ever seeing that before. Plus, with all the money ownership owes former employees I'd doubt they let another guy grab a paycheque if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

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Wow... Linden sure is in the habit of getting his man, eh? Not sure how much of it has to do with Linden's skills as a communicator and salesperson or Aquilini's limitless pockets but... Impressive.

I was reading an article/blog about the Linden effect. How after Linden snagged the one of the lead GM candidates in the league, who was in charge of Boston's draft board, BEFORE the draft without any compensation to the team? There were an awful lot of promotions and extensions to talented NHL execs and coaches who may have been on his radar. Just saying'.

I like the team we have set up. Strong, down to earth, hardworking people. Here's hoping for a bounce-back season!

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So Desjardins is coming, I think that is a very solid choice from what I have read up on. I wanted Stevens but sometimes you don't get what you want and I am guessing that Stevens is happy in his role with the Kings.

Desjardins, Gulutzan and Pearn as next years coaches? I like that, quite a lot actually.

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So Desjardins is coming, I think that is a very solid choice from what I have read up on. I wanted Stevens but sometimes you don't get what you want and I am guessing that Stevens is happy in his role with the Kings.

Desjardins, Gulutzan and Pearn as next years coaches? I like that, quite a lot actually.

Maybe we can luck out and get Johnston as an assistant coach again lol. I heard Doug Lidster was also an assistant coach for Dejardians in texas. Johnston could really improve our PP but I will be curious to see if he would want another assistant job. Hes got a pretty good gig with the winterhawks.

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"Jimmeney Crickets! I'd forgotten all about those guys that could shake, rattle & Roll!..BUT STOP IT THERE JIM!!! STOP IT..ROLL it BACKK!! I wanna show you kids..golly gee whiz! Look at this Gibert Perrault, breakin down the wing, he's one of just THREE GUYS in this league that can make the shirt ripple!"

Then they'd switch back to the booth, where McCeach's hair style looked like a Star Trek enterprise escapee. Amongst the background noise, my sister would have 14 CFUN belting out Culture Club's, "Karma Chameleon", to round out the din...

I've tried therapy, but can't escape '80s nostalgia-blues!

A lot of tough years going back to the beginning. Top that with having to listen to the early games on

radio because I couldn't get BC TV. Kurtenbach, Quinn, Wilkens and of course Andre Boudrias were pretty decent the first year.

Howie Meeker! All Canadians knew Howie from HNIC and earlier as a star with the Laffers. I got to meet

him in '74 in Russia during the WHA tourney against Red Army. Each morning Howie would hold court down

in the lobby of Hotel Russia. Sports coat with tie and pants. His assemble set off by always wearing running

shoes! Always with the cigar in his mouth! He was every bit the same in person as what was seen on TV. A real jock who had a pretty good idea of what he was talking about.

Hockey strategy aside the thing I always remember about Howie's scrums in Russia was the us vs them

paranoia (after the fact not so paranoid)about the Russians having the hotel rooms bugged. 'Did you

hear that Gordie(Howe) found a bug in his room last night?' The disallowed goal in Game #6 where Bobby

Hull and the team and hundreds of Canadian fans went after the Russian goal judge. Next game Russian

police/KGB sitting one in every four seats in the Canadian section.

God I loved that trip! Absolutely the best hockey road trip I was ever on!

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Great hire. Great fit. My only hesitation is the media being hard on him.

I spoke with one if his former players, he is ecstatic about the hiring and spoke specifically about his preparation and ability to coach the best out of his players. The Canucks will be better prepared.

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