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Jensen on the 2nd line


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Yeah I'm getting sick of the same vets getting top 6 minutes when they provide 0 offense. I'm pretty sure a top 9 of




would provide far more offense.


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Fair point. What I was getting at is if he has a lack luster year his stock would deminish. Now, that obviously isn't forseeable but I have a hunch that Jensen will underwhelm. I do hope he proves me wrong, but I think he is over rated on CDC because of that "P" word everyone throws around.

If I was in JB's shoes I would definitely explore the option of including Jensen in a deal for a young defensive prospect. But I'm not so I guess we will see what happens.

I would agree with most of that. To me, the Canucks should be making a decision on Jensen by the end of this year. Get him up here, the Canucks are not under pressure to win now. If he plays well, Benning knows what he has going forward. If Jensen stiffs up here, then you know he's probably not a big-time baller. If this season ends and they still don't know what they have in Jensen, it would be a shame and a mishandling of an asset.

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Anyways guys this is not possible. We are stuck with vets not willing to move their ntc.

Hansen, higgins, burrows.

Because they would not allow a trade we would have to waive sestito. As it is that will probably happen when horvat is ready.

This means another person would have to be waived or traded to give a roster spot to jensen.

Waiving someone with a ntc would be bad for business, no one would want to sign here again.

That means we would have to waive or trade one of: kassian, vey, matthias, dorsett or richardson

All pieces that benning likes and won't give up.

And even if benning made a move to open the spot up dorsett would be the one sitting meaning benning traded a 3rd round pick in order to give dorsett season tickets.

Face it guys we are fracked up by the ntc that mg left us with. Horvat will be the only young gun this year.

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I would agree with most of that. To me, the Canucks should be making a decision on Jensen by the end of this year. Get him up here, the Canucks are not under pressure to win now. If he plays well, Benning knows what he has going forward. If Jensen stiffs up here, then you know he's probably not a big-time baller. If this season ends and they still don't know what they have in Jensen, it would be a shame and a mishandling of an asset.

Didn't know that 21 was the cut off age for a player to prove what he is able to do. Guess St. Louis has never proved what kind of player he could be.

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I would agree with most of that. To me, the Canucks should be making a decision on Jensen by the end of this year. Get him up here, the Canucks are not under pressure to win now. If he plays well, Benning knows what he has going forward. If Jensen stiffs up here, then you know he's probably not a big-time baller. If this season ends and they still don't know what they have in Jensen, it would be a shame and a mishandling of an asset.

I would disagree in that there is pressure to win now. Maybe not from the majority of CDC who has already given up on the season, but from above. It's clear that ownership/management wants to try to still win with this group or why bother signing some older FAs?

The best case scenario for fans starving for youth in the lineup is that this team keeps on losing. The more the losses pile up, the higher the likelyhood that some younger guys get their chance earlier than expected.

Just keep holding out that this trend of no scoring from other lines continues and your wishes will come true.

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I would agree with most of that. To me, the Canucks should be making a decision on Jensen by the end of this year. Get him up here, the Canucks are not under pressure to win now. If he plays well, Benning knows what he has going forward. If Jensen stiffs up here, then you know he's probably not a big-time baller. If this season ends and they still don't know what they have in Jensen, it would be a shame and a mishandling of an asset.

Hopefully Jensen's goal last night will be a sign of things to come that can segway into either a trade (that would net a significant return) or him gaining enough confidence and experience to transition into the big leagues.

BUT.. as of right now Jensen has shown far too much inconsistency for me to get excited for him.

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Didn't know that 21 was the cut off age for a player to prove what he is able to do. Guess St. Louis has never proved what kind of player he could be.

21 isn't the cut off age BUT there comes a time where you run the risk of your asset, in this case Jensen, diminishing in value beyond the point of being able to get anything significant in return. Return can be production from Jensen or a trade.

It is no secret that we are lacking on Dmen prospects and are relatively well stocked on forward prospects. Trading Jensen for a young dman could be an avenue worth exploring to balance our prospect pool.

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I would disagree in that there is pressure to win now. Maybe not from the majority of CDC who has already given up on the season, but from above. It's clear that ownership/management wants to try to still win with this group or why bother signing some older FAs?

The best case scenario for fans starving for youth in the lineup is that this team keeps on losing. The more the losses pile up, the higher the likelyhood that some younger guys get their chance earlier than expected.

Just keep holding out that this trend of no scoring from other lines continues and your wishes will come true.

If that's the case, then they're trying to serve too many masters. I thought the argument for signing Miller and Vrbata was so that the team remains competitive so that the young 'uns don't have to play here in a losing environment. I can sort of buy that to some degree. But you're saying that's NOT why they're here? The brass is harboring some illusion about winning with this group?

They're going to be sorely disappointed. They'll pay for their impatience.

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Didn't know that 21 was the cut off age for a player to prove what he is able to do. Guess St. Louis has never proved what kind of player he could be.

Well if you want to map your future planning based on Martin St. Louis and Martin St. Louis alone, you're welcomed to it. Not the avenue I'd be interested in taking.

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If that's the case, then they're trying to serve too many masters. I thought the argument for signing Miller and Vrbata was so that the team remains competitive so that the young 'uns don't have to play here in a losing environment. I can sort of buy that to some degree. But you're saying that's NOT why they're here? The brass is harboring some illusion about winning with this group?

They're going to be sorely disappointed. They'll pay for their impatience.

That was just how I viewed it. They have a bunch of guys tied up for multiple years still that they couldn't move. I saw the moves to bring in Vrbata and Miller as an endorsement of the current core. Like as in, here is some exeperienced help to make another playoff push.

I am not saying I have secret insight into what ownership/management is thinking or what their motivations are. Though if the last two games are any indication of how this season is going to play out, then there is going to be plenty of disappointment to go around.

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Jensen is better on the right wing, but I think the coaching staff thinks Burrows plays better on the right as well. It would be interesting to see Shinkaruk get the call up for the second line spot.

Sedin - Sedin - Vrbata

Shinkaruk - Bonino - Burrows

Higgins - Vey - Kassian

Dorsett - Matthias - Hansen

Worth a shot, IMO.

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Bonino has done little to show he is a #2 Center, why is he getting a free pass?

Boner has to step up his game, If Bonino is a "playmaker", I have not seen him set up anyone so far.

If anybody gets called up now it will be Horvat, maybe he can win a face off.

IMO Kassian is the one that has warranted 2nd line minutes

[i know this is a Jensen thread but I haven't seen Bonino discussed anywhere else.

Switch it up/start a new thread if that is what is required/wanted.]

I have been waiting for someone to question Bonino and Mackcanuck has finally laid it out.

Why is he getting a free pass?

Why does it look like he is skating in cement?

Why does he not seem able to win a draw? make a setup pass? contribute?

Admittedly, his last game was his best so maybe it is a process and he will get better.

Unless WD is locked into Bonino as C2, I would like to see the Burr-Bonino-Higgy line as the third line.

Vey has been getting better on face-offs and I think he could centre Matthias and Kassian as our second line (and a wake-up call to Burr & Bonino & Higgins).

I also think Kass deserves PP2 time.

Unless he improves, I think Bonino is trade bait.

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