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Finally someone who gets it. +1

Hansen was very effective tonight in his role. +8 Corsi and +7 Fenwick, making him the Canucks' third best forward in terms of on-ice attempts and territorial play. And every line he played on saw it's possession numbers go into free-fall without Hansen and/or bolstered as soon as he joined them.

And really, why does Hansen get all the hate for failing to covert on scoring chances in a game where the entire team netted only one goal on 66 attempts (total Corsi-for)?

Vey was given the most favorable deployment, in terms of zonestarts, of any Canuck and still managed to have the second worse possession numbers among forwards. All Vey succeeded in doing tonight at evens was pretty much universally tanking his linemates' Corsi stats (including the twins).

No wonder Desjardins picks Hansen as his "safe choice" to fill in when key guys are out of the lineup.

agreed. i think wd threw him on there from the sj game. he played great and it led to the goal from henrik to tie it up, but hes best suited for bottom 6 duties . Even though hes not scoring on his chances atleast he can create them. Also i remember the players saying he was a crazy practice player and they always wonder why it doesnt show in games. Torts had him in the top 6

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Amazing... 3/4 line player with speed and defensive awareness.

Yet he doesn't score and he doesn't fight...hmmm...he must be useless...

Funny how 3 different coaches now have used him anywhere in the line ups over the last 8 years in the most successful Canucks team ever, and yet according to some he is unable to even tie his laces...

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Hansen is one of those players that doesn't garner much attention due to his style of play. Many of the things that he does right are those small fundamental things that can be tough to notice, especially when the broadcasters pretty much just follow the puck and the flashy plays (as they should).

He isn't offensively gifted, that is true, but he is a highly versatile player that can move up and down the lineup and not cost you a goal when he is inserted into an unknown situation.

All that being said...he hasn't been his normal 'honey-badger' self for the last couple seasons. Not sure if he has a nagging injury or his game has been figured out by other squads, either way I'd like to see him return to the form that had the majority of 'Nucks fans loving him a few years ago (Yes, there was a time).

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I'm not a fan of Hansen's hands or his ability to finish, by any means.

But watch the Anaheim game's highlights and look at his hustle to negate offensive chances against us. His ability to prevent chances before they even happen is what makes him an unsung part of this team.

And he understands that that's his role. It's why he doesn't whine about being on the 4th line and it's why he doesn't lobby to get playing time with the twins. Because he knows that his role is defensive. The minute we're on a PK, he'll be the first one over the boards

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I think everyone's just butthurt that he didn't become another Kesler and score bunches of goals. There is a huge misconception on CDC in regards to Hansen's current role. He's on the 4th line; therefore, he's there to play that anchor role and chip in when he can. He doesn't need to have soft hands for this. He doesn't even need to score necessarily. He just needs to contribute however he can through his work ethic.

At least that's my view of him. We've seen what he can do in the past and everyone used to like him around here. I don't really know what happened to make him the whipping boy.

Mason Raymond went away....then David Booth....this segment of the fan base are miserable unless they are bitching about somebody.

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I'm no fan of Hansen but he always gives 100% and that has to affect the game. He doesn't have much of a gift in front of goal but as long as he is on the 4th I don't mind him. He should never be higher than 3rd line though, ever.

I do feel that he may not last long on the team after JB has had time to evaluate everyone.

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I have a Hansen Jersey and I love the guy. He fights as hard as everyone on this team and definitely generates chances. I have been at games in past seasons that he has generated game winners and scored them himself, so don't just base everything on the first 15 games.

In the new Cap NHL, you need to have guys like hansen at a lower cap hit that can contribute with speed and energy...his 10-20 goals are just a bonus.

Go back to GM'ing your EA Sports Team and let Benning and Willie make these decisions.

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5 goals in 58 playoff games on 95 shots..and now he can't hit like he used too either, his role is too hit and honey badger but against LA he passed up on clean hits..and he will never score,esp when the playoffs come when we'll be begging for goals from everywhere.

Burr can take his spot.

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Sid & Hockeyville pretty much nailed it. WD has to have someone on that 1st line who will look at the 'd' side of the game. The Twins

have not been exactly stellar in that department. Equating effectiveness by the amount one shows up on the scoreboard is a very

narrow perspective. Hansen gives you speed and usually a solid + physical forecheck. Rolling 4 lines most nights his role is pretty

essential for team success.

Hanson might not be as flashy as Vey but he can handle the heavy going when Vey gets man handled like last night.

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Absolute PLUG!!!!

On that last power play, with 15 min left in the 2nd. Watch it again if you get a chance, might as well plug a pylon in the middle of the hash marks, he never moved from them and kept his stick up like he was ready to shoot. Problem was, there was all 4 ducks surrounding him the whole time and he never even tried to move to get open. Stood there like the PLUG he is.

Plug in a pylon, might do more than he does. At least I might be able to understand what the pylon says in an interview. LOL.

That is all Vey does on the PP

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