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NHL approves Vegas ticket drive


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Doesn't mean it should have been Vegas. There's a reason the NFL and the NBA, which are MUCH more popular in the U.S. than the NHL haven't gone that route.

I'm not saying Vegas specifically. More just mentioning the fact, if there's expansion, its going to be Quebec City and someone else. Rather than just one or two American cities.

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I'm not sold on NHL Vegas but I'm not familiar enough with that market to give a legitimate opinion. I would prefer to see franchises

in Quebec and Seattle (in that order) before rolling the dice on another sunbelt team. I have no stats to support this but it seems the only real southern team success story has been Dallas. I was not thrilled when hearing about the North Stars relocating, I was certain that it would fail but I have been very surprised by the Stars fanbase. Not sure if it was a combination of ownership, marketing, star power (Modano), other or a mixed bag of all. I suppose I should also give some props to Tampa.

Dallas is a major hub for youth hockey in the Southern US and that's why Dallas was chosen for the North Stars Relocation instead of Houston (which obviously has a higher population than Dallas). The fan base for hockey was already there before the NHL came to town.

As far as Vegas goes I am completely on board with it and I think it should happen. 40 million visitors a year would make sure that that arena is filled each an every game. If even 1% of those visitors are NHL fans that's 400,000 people likely to go take in a game.

Last time I was in Vegas I spent $400 to go so Beatles Love Cirque Du Soleil. It was OK, but I would rather have spent $100 to go see the Vegas team play the Canucks and if they have had another game while I was there I would have paid to see that game too.

If/when Vegas gets a team I will personally be going at least once a year to take in a game.

I think Vegas expansion is a win!

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The hate for Bettman is both comical and misguided, as he has very little unilateral power - if any. He definitely doesn't have the power to say who will/won't receive a franchise (either through expansion or relocation).

The OWNERS are responsible for this decision. Bettman is a puppet, a very good one in fact, as he's managed to fool everyone that he is running things, when in fact the owners and their board of NHL governors are pulling the strings.

Vegas would IMO likely end up like Phoenix/Arizona or whatever they are calling themselves these days in 5 years or so. But what would the owners care, they'd have lined their pockets with expansion/revenue sharing/licensing money which, to my knowledge is non-refundable:).

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The hate for Bettman is both comical and misguided, as he has very little unilateral power - if any. He definitely doesn't have the power to say who will/won't receive a franchise (either through expansion or relocation).

The OWNERS are responsible for this decision. Bettman is a puppet, a very good one in fact, as he's managed to fool everyone that he is running things, when in fact the owners and their board of NHL governors are pulling the strings.

Vegas would IMO likely end up like Phoenix/Arizona or whatever they are calling themselves these days in 5 years or so. But what would the owners care, they'd have lined their pockets with expansion/revenue sharing/licensing money which, to my knowledge is non-refundable:).

Buttman has more power than some owners. I agree he is just serving the combined will of owners...just not all owners, more like 10.

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Teams go where owners put them... If I buy a 400 million dollar team, ill put it wherever I think it should go. Obviously this potential owner is checking his markets. the owner of the trailblazers (and the portland Arena) is finally showing interest in a team, but doesnt want to pay the expansion fees. Its likely him (or the winterhawks owner) that would pony up in the Northwest... so part of me wants a vegas team... so the NW can buy them in a few years... <.<

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I'm currently visiting beautiful and historic Quebec City. I see countless powder bleu and rouge Nordiques merchandise all over town. You would think the Nords were already back and the Battle of La Belle Province has resumed.


Very sickening.

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If Las Vegas gets a franchise before Quebec or Seattle it would be a travesty.

Franchise here would have no impact on either of those cities getting a franchise. If they expand to Vegas, its likely that they will also expand or relocate to Quebec.

Seattle is a whole other issue. Nothing can happen in Seattle until there's an agreement for a building. I think if they can get a deal done to build a rink, Seattle is a given when they do make a decision to begin the process.

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Vegas makes sense for a number of reasons:

1) Arena - The arena is being built, and will be ready by 2016-17. No political haggling, no begging taxpayers, no backdoor deals, and no 20-year commitments necessary. That is huge.

2) Exposure - Tonnes of advertising in the area carrying a message to people visiting from all over the continent. When you go to Vegas, even if you don't go to the entertainment events, the barrage of advertising on/in every building, magazine, elevator, and taxi cab is a constant reminder that these events are out there. It puts the game in people's minds, and adds legitimacy to those who don't necessarily consider it an entertainment option.

3) Experience - The beauty of hockey is far more apparent when experienced live. Any sports fans in town that decide they want to catch a major professional sporting event...outside of boxing/fighting, NHL will be the only game in town. Many people who normally wouldn't take the time to go to a game, or who don't have a team near their home, will be going to the games by default...and some non-fans will become new fans. And that is one of the main goals of the league - growing the game. Even though a Quebec or 2nd Toronto team will generate more gate and merchandise revenue, they aren't going to create new fans who weren't watching previously.

Of course, there are also drawbacks. But overall, I think putting a team in Vegas is a great idea, especially for the NHL.

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I'm currently visiting beautiful and historic Quebec City. I see countless powder bleu and rouge Nordiques merchandise all over town. You would think the Nords were already back and the Battle of La Belle Province has resumed.


Very sickening.

It's a primary example to why he doesn't want another team in canada. Expansion isn't just about finding a place that would put seats in the stands, it's about NHL growth. NHL growth would involve obtaining new NHL fans not just transferring fans of one team to another.

TV viewership is much higher in the states than in canada. More viewership equals more TV dollars, equal more NHL revenue. The canadian $ isn't as strong as it once was. Players salaries are calculated in USD. A 70 mil cap hit team in canada ends up paying over 80 mil in CND for the same roster. Since us canadians earn/pay for things in CND, it likely means we will be paying a higher price for our tickets to cover the exchange rate.

Only way Canada gets another team is through relocation.

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I think my personal biases are in line with most of the rest of you (Quebec, Seattle, relocate Phoenix, relocate Florida), but thinking as someone trying to build the game, Las Vegas isn't that bad of a choice.

- Constant sell-outs. Yes, you read that right. You're all concerned about casinos buying up tickets, and basically giving them away. Casinos have money to burn. And people from all corners of the US and Canada go to Vegas, and some might actually consider going to one of the games if the price is good enough. The buzz will be there when people go to the box office, and they can't get tickets. Yes, it's artificially creating demand, but a sold-out game is a sold-out game. The casual fan might actually have their interest piqued.

- The Anaheim precedent. Imagine an NHL today without Anaheim, and all of a sudden someone wants to put a team in Disney's backyard. All of you would think this person is bat-shit crazy. Well guess what, after Disney sold the team, all the Ducks have to show for it is a Stanley Cup, division titles, and a bona fide contender year after year. How is Vegas any different? It's a major tourist destination, in a warm climate, and will have affordable tickets to games (via the casinos).

- Only game in town. Mind you, this doesn't always work when you have lousy ownership. But all the ads that are going to go up all over the city, they are going to be seen by people from all over the world.

- Strong team. Vegas would be an attractive destination for free agents. Wives can have their entertainment fill, and the players are still fairly young enough to enjoy the other activities Vegas has to offer, plus the warm climate and golf.

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Lol. Bettman never learns does he?

Just another team that the top franchises will have to support in the future.

If Las Vegas does get a team, I'm willing to bet anything that they win a cup within the first 5 years.

Bettman's main mandate since getting hired has always been Southern expansion of the game.

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