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[Report] Benning will "look at" dealing either Lack or Markstrom

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I really like Lack, it's almost impossible not to, but I'd rather trade him. His value is likely higher and Markstrom has two years on him. Miller plays out his contract IMO, and it's feasible that Markstrom could be ready. He's got nothing left to prove in the AHL and could likely play backup to Miller. Two years of NHL grooming might be in the cards. Could see an argument for Lack as he's played well though.

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It makes too much sense to package Lack for a top six forward or top four defenceman since his value is there right now.

I strongly disagree. I don't think we're getting a bonafide top out player for a backup. I would be thrilled with a second.

Edit: Sorry missed the package part.

How? I can guarantee you Benning won't trade Lack for a pick unless it's a first rounder.

Okay I'm not sorry you're crazy. :lol:

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Lack, Kassian, our first gor a really really good 1st

We can do this at the draft.



Van 1st


To Philly

For Haag

Philly 2015 1st

I think trading Forsling would be foolish on our part. He has been showing a lot of promise.

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Lack, Kassian, our first gor a really really good 1st

We can do this at the draft.



Van 1st


To Philly

For Haag

Philly 2015 1st

I think throwing Forsling in is almost overkill also Philli could at any point in time start tearing it up. HUGE gamble on our part but they'd love Kass and Lack wit that 1st I am sure

Eddie Lack + Jared McCann


Edmonton's 1st?

Eddie Lack + 1st round


Edmonton's 1st?

I would be ecstatic to see

Marner Horvat Virtanen

Think you might want to up your offer there. I normally do not like offering up large amounts for simple picks. But edmontons first is almost guaranteed 99% to be #1 or #2 in this draft

McCaan Lack our first ++ And that's just to get into the party if edmonton is actively shopping that pick,

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^Edm's FIRST?????????????????????

I know people like to overvalue our players

How? I can guarantee you Benning won't trade Lack for a pick unless it's a first rounder.

Schneider got us 9th as a up in going #1 goalie, Lack 27 hasn't shown he is anywhere near a #1 yet + this is one of the best drafts in history and Lack ain't fetching us a 1st so just stop now. late to mid second maybe

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Haha oh no Cloutier is our second goalie coach?? Hahahaha

They often say the best coaches are the ones that weren't the best players. Look at Gretzky, great player (obviously) not so good coach. I believe AV had a somewhat short career as a player too, he was/is a good coach now.

As for the actually topic on hand: it seems pretty obvious that Benning would listen to offers. Lack and Markstrom were fighting for the back-up spot this training camp/pre-season. Next season there would/could be about 3+ goalies fighting for the same spot. I don't know too much about Demko or even Eriksson but they are two guys I've heard have great potential and then you add in Lack and Markstrom both of which have great potential too. We have good depth at the position it seems, which is great.

Lack would have the most value having played the most in the NHL so far, and despite what people say he has played great for us. He often gets the games where the team doesn't show up unfortunately which reflect in his stats.

We'll see what happens, hopefully we can grab a young prospect(D-man would be more preferable imo) + for Lack and someone else? I don't know, lot of variables though. Don't want to trade Lack if the others aren't ready for the NHL. That will put too much pressure on Miller, at least right now Lack is trustworthy to get the job done - when the team shows up for him.

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Lack/Markstrom + Higgins for a 2nd line scoring forward. Basically upgrade on Higgy. Not that he's bad or anything but because we need scoring help. Higgins is a great versatile player and there's nothing to hate about but I think it'd be nice to do an upgrade there. Depending on how big of a difference there is between Higgins and the player coming back, maybe we get a pick too.

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I don't want to do the trading thing. Proposals are far to picked apart and either shot down for "potential" or max value or just because CDC has this funny way of stating player from any other team has massive value while everything in our org is worthless.

It's odd.


I'd rather much keep Markstrom as the potential to get better is there. See Bishop. Lack is going to be maxed out. His numbers aren't the most impressive due to to team conditions last year and because there is almost 0 like NO goal scoring while he's in net this year. Puck support being so minimal will hurt anyone's stats and W-L record.

But he alone should be worth a mid to early 2nd which I am good with. I like the idea of having 3 or 4 picks in the first 2 rounds this year.

Lack + Kassian should easily creep us into the mid 1st round this year to the right team. As someone pointed out adding our 1st with Lack and Kassian should net us a solid prospect AND a much better first but at this stage of the season it's a gamble.

All I know is Lack currently holds more value in a trade than Markstrom due to his body of work.

Also, for the people who will reference the Schneider trade for val;ue, be it good or ill. Remember, Schneider or Luongo HAD to be traded, he went to a team that HAD to have a goalie moving forward. Value was buoyed both both teams' need.

BUT! All Schneider had to go on was less than 80 NHL starts, a few solid AHL years and most of that backing up the hottest and most unstoppable team in the league over parts of 3 seasons. His stats were...semi inflated and have come back to earth in Jersey. Lack could if sent to the right team fetch a late 1st round pick. But that's a very big IF

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