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4 hours ago, Cerridwen said:

A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership - James Comey


I'm rating this book a good 9/10. Not because it's seen as an 'anti-Trump' book but because it's a fascinating read about exactly who James Comey is and his perspective of what went down regarding his firing. James Comey is a man of integrity, honesty and straight-forwardness. The distinction between what Trump has been hawking and spewing about James Comey is exactly what many of us have thought from day one...Trump is full of $&!#. (Ooops, apologies for the mini-Trump rant...)  This book is a good read for finding out exactly who James Comey is. And it's not the picture so many Americans were led to believe.



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On 2018-04-03 at 4:09 PM, turstal said:

Just finished this:

Definitely a recommend. Many notes and dog eared pages.



Midway through this for the bookclub at work:

Halfway through Peterson’s book and it’s a great book, definitely a lot of deep thinking / self reflecting moments. I’ve found reading each chapter twice has helped in absorbing all the great info that’s available, highly recommend this book!

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On 6/10/2018 at 11:29 PM, 112 said:

The Old Man And The Sea and Ulysses


The first one is genuinely harder to read than the second.

In high school we used to call it "The Old Goat in the Boat"....


Currently reading the third installment of NK Jemison's "The Broken Earth" trilogy. Took a while to get into, but now I'm hooked.

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The Day After Roswell by Col. Philip Corso. I read lots of alien theory but have a very broad range of both fiction and nonfiction that I enjoy including authors like Carlos Castaneda, Hunter Thompson, Anne Rice, Ben Okri and of course Stephen King. 

Edited by JamesBlondage
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I follow Esther The Wonder Pig (a 650 lb commercial pig turned housepet) online.  Read her first book (Esther The Wonder Pig) and this was the newest release.

It's the ongoing saga of two "Dads" in Ontario....Steve and Derek.  Steve is a can't say no to animals guy and so when a friend desperately needed a home for a micro pig, he dove right in.  However, "Esther" would soon reveal herself to be a full sized commercial pig.  In their small home in Ontario, that they already shared with dogs and cats.  FF and they crowdfunded and bought a farm/sanctuary and have saved countless animals, who now have the best life ever.  My friend just visited there a few weeks ago (they have volunteer days, tours and cruises).

But how they got here to this place, initially as fully inexperienced "farmers", is hilarious (Steve operating a tractor with multiple speeds for instance.  Put her in high gear and decided to clear snow off the driveway...managed to peel away a couple of grades along with it). 

They are so upbeat and positive and this light read is a can't put down for me because it makes me feel good.  So good.  Nothing earth shattering....just two very kind, compassionate individuals who share their crazy life with animals.   Cornelius, the turkey who also roams around the house, is quickly becoming a favourite (too).

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Judges 5-24-27

24 Blessed above women shall Jeal the wife of heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.

25 He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish.

26 She put her hand to the nail, and her righthand tothe workmen's hammer; and with the hammar she smote Sisera, she smote off his head,when she had pierced and stricken through his temples.

27 At her feet he bowed, he fell, he layed down:at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.

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On 23/05/2018 at 1:50 AM, Ossi Vaananen said:

Philip Roth just passed...


He's definitely one of my favorites, and I recently got into a twitter fight ranking his novels. Portnoy's Complaint, American Pastoral, and The Human Stain are far superior to Sabbath's Theater.

Agreed. I also liked the counterlife better then sabbath's theater.

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On 5/23/2018 at 11:20 PM, KelownaCanucksFan said:

Halfway through Peterson’s book and it’s a great book, definitely a lot of deep thinking / self reflecting moments. I’ve found reading each chapter twice has helped in absorbing all the great info that’s available, highly recommend this book!

Peterson's book should be mandatory reading for anyone under 35 to avoid this next generation of self-entitled people become totally incapable of taking care of themselves let alone any offspring they bring to this planet.   Just like the Trump thread, there seems an entire global shift to blaming everyone else for your issues in life and personal accountability seems to be shrinking at an alarming pace.

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6 hours ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Peterson's book should be mandatory reading for anyone under 35 to avoid this next generation of self-entitled people become totally incapable of taking care of themselves let alone any offspring they bring to this planet.   Just like the Trump thread, there seems an entire global shift to blaming everyone else for your issues in life and personal accountability seems to be shrinking at an alarming pace.

Absolutely, I’ve given a copy to both of my nephews (16 & 13) I’m really hoping they don’t turn out like the majority of their generation. I’m going to read maps of meaning as soon as it arrives from amazon

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I just finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy- after I finished it I learned it's considered one of his worst novels, but I still enjoyed it well enough. The themes are tragically relateable, it's well-written in terms of prose, and the ending was quite touching. Structurally it's not very good, but I'll read more from him.

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