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"We could've moved Ryan Miller. There were teams calling on Ryan Miller." - Jim Benning


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Wow...Only a simpleton would deduce what I've said and come up with a scenario like you presented. In your world I'm sure things are simply "black & white" and very easy to get through...most important decision made in your life is the purchase of a house? That's great and it's clearly what you know. Your example of my theory is the exact same "negotiations" that people would go through purchasing a home...or car.

Home buyer: Hey is the house still available?...no, guess there's no interest in it? I'll offer you xxxx

Home seller: No...we have interested parties already so were just waiting on the best offer. Another buyer just offered us xxxx more than your offer. Can you beat their offer?

Home buyer: How about I give you xxxx than? Good enough?

Home seller: No...were gonna need at least xxxx

Home buyer: Done.

YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT NEGOTIATIONS AT HIGHER LEVELS ARE SIMPLY THAT EASY? THAT'S ALL IT TAKES TO GET DEALS DONE? You sir, have no clue. Not only that, you have comprehension issues that are substandard as well. My child could have understood what I've written in numerous posts, and yet you fail to, by a mile.

My point..

Yes, benning needs to do a MUCH better job marketing his players. This is done in all levels when the options are available. 29 teams are good enough to have an open market in a sports league and I guarantee you that not every team keeps track of others as much as you believe. I've heard numerous GM's talk about teams and other players in their own division/conference while admitting that they were not too familiar with some teams and players in other divisions/conferences.

They may know the players and their names...even have some info from stats that they keep or search up, but you are naive if you think that they follow each and every player in the league that close and know each and every intricate detail that would be useful in trades. For example, MG and company and some Canuck fans may have been aware that Cody was being sheltered and given favorable minutes and zone starts...the other GM's in the league had no idea. That's why there was a little uproar when we ended up trading Cody...other GM's were upset that they didn't have an opportunity to make a bid. If they all knew Cody was being sheltered than why were they upset? Why the hell would Buffalo have made the trade?

Because MG had a plan and he executed to get the best deal possible for a player that he felt was not going to fit in this organization. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THIS? Oh....this may require a little thought from your side.


And YES, Lack was a sought after commodity....actually a lot of goalies were this year. If you have multiple buyers than the product is sought after. And the difference between the goalies that were available....two were considered higher-end, and Lack was one of the two high-end goalies available. Where you have problems is that you think that the other NHL teams do their "homework" and can find out every single detail that is relevant to a player... BIG NO here as well. They can ask around, they can google, they can watch films....but there's not much else they can do. They might know how many games Lack played and his stats from these games, but they won't know that Lack played the tougher match ups and every other detail that could be relevant. Teams do this all the time....did they know that Cody was getting favorable lines? zone starts? NO....because no team is able to do that much "homework". Do you understand how many extra employees you would need to hire and how much work would be involved to keep serious records on each and every player in the NHL and every detail that is relevant to each player? Not to mention their AHL teams and other prospects... You talk like you know it all and like to toss out childish scenarios without putting any real thought into them. Please.

Think before you write something. It's laughable that you actually believe that every team knows about all the intricate details of each player and any factors that effect their performance. A lot of GM's and their management teams will also get their information from the media...local papers, magazines, websites, blogs, etc.....a good GM will promote their products utilizing all these venues.

You used NYR as an example...saying they wanted a 1st round pick. Well...they did better than us didn't they? Not only that, but do you remember what you were reading in the papers about their goalie? Do you remember things that their GM was saying about their goalie? Everything was about their goalie and their goalie being the best options, how their goalie came in and proved himself, etc. Yes...promoting their product!

What did you hear from benning when he was asked about Lack? "Yes, Miller will be back. We don't feel comfortable going through a season with two young goalies that don't have the experience." Man...jimmy-boy sure can sell it! Basically, both Lack and Markstrom are too young and inexperienced now to handle the role of a #1....WTF? this statement was just before trade talks were taking place FFS. Look what the lessor goalies got....what did we get?

What you don't understand is...YES, I'm pissed we traded Lack. I'm also super FU@KING PISSED with the return we got for Lack. The final nail is that I am awestruck that we actually had offers for Miller and we didn't take it!!!!! WTF!??? We could make our team younger (something benning likes to say, but Prust and Miller are proving otherwise)...we could save a 3-6 million on our cap depending on the type of deal we made, we could show our younger prospects that we cherish them and want them all to succeed with this team (not tell them that they're trade bait so don't bother getting attached to this organization), we could fill the seats and keep the fans happy....you know the customers, etc.

Edit: I also people talking about the return...whatever the offer was, at worst it would have been what we got for Lack. Absolutely worth trading Miller.

What this GM is showing us, even when he makes a colossal mistake, he is not willing to own up to it and he will not do anything to rectify it. He is too stubborn and wants to prove himself right. That's why he's handing out these unimaginable contracts to Sbisa, Dorsett and Prust (brace yourselves for his)....and why he told us he had an option to trade Miller.

He thinks that we, obviously some members do, believe that if our fearless GM is willing to offer these players these contracts than they must be better than we all think. If this GM didn't take an offer for Miller than he must be one of the best goalies in the league and much better than Lack. And if this wasn't his intention and it was just his own stupidity.... either way, were all up sh!t creek.

Someone went on an Internet rage spam post. I didn't read most of it. The season isn't even started and there is so much hate.

That leads to the dark side.

Or perpetual virginity.

Question becomes......

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Read the link.....

I did. Did you? It doesn't mention mentoring at all. Do you read your own posts? This is what I was responding to....

There's only 8 teams in the league who have a goalie tandem averaging 30 years of age or more....Calgary, Carolina, Edmonton, Florida, Nashville, NYR, Ottawa and Vancouver. Not the elites of the league and I would definitely prefer to be grouped with the others.


It looks like this "mentoring" thing is overrated....

Thus I asked what average age of the tandem had to do with mentoring. Which you failed to answer. Other than more bs.....

And another point to argue yours.... experience means squat when it comes to mentoring! Experience DOES NOT qualify someone as a mentor!

All I can say to this is.....


Experience is exactly what makes a mentor.

Mentor definition:

1 An experienced and trusted advisor

2 An experienced person in a company, college, or school who trains and councils new employees or students.


No need to waste your time or mine with a response.

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I wouldn't be surprised if benning was at the top of every GM's speed dial and I guarantee benning doesn't wait when he calls other GMs. All for the wrong reasons...

You want a 2nd or 3rd pick for a player you are forced to trade? Have a player that isn't living up to expectations...under-performing? Call jimmy-boy. Need a top 4 dman but dont want to pay the going price? Maybe you want to improve your top 6 without meddling with your prospects, picks or your current top 6? Jimmy's your friend and he might toss in a 5th rounder to boot! Good old jimmy-boy!

If jimmy-boy calls and enquires about any plugs or 4th liners... You think the other GMs don't start salivating? If the management team was in on the call...before the conversation even ends...pants are around the ankles and there'd be a circle jerk going on.

Is it coincidence? Or was there another GM associated with the Bruins that was also at the top of everyone's speed dial?

Boston screws us with the worst trade in franchise history, spanks us in the SCF and now theyre bending us over...FFS!!! When is this nightmare gonna end?

The canucks should never deal with Boston or anything associated ever again...but its inevitable. Chia's gonna be another future nightmare for us for years to come...

Canucks new drinking game...6 degrees with the Bruins. Kevin Bacon would be impressed!

I lol'd there. It's freaking true though, we do offer well for 4th liners. 3rd round for Dorsett, Young powerforward + 5th round for Prust.

Normally teams fill their 4th line with their farm team (cough Ferland). Benning does it the classy way by trading away our future.

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I lol'd there. It's freaking true though, we do offer well for 4th liners. 3rd round for Dorsett, Young powerforward + 5th round for Prust.

Normally teams fill their 4th line with their farm team (cough Ferland). Benning does it the classy way by trading away our future.

Be upset about the returns we got all you like, it's your right. But trying to say Benning is trading away our future is so far out to lunch it's unbelievable. "Oh no! We traded an inconsistent player with back problems!" Good grief.

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But then I have even more confidence that working full time with Melanson will do more for his game than mentoring under Miller. Miller has a lot of experience to bring in, but Markstrom has seen a lot at the AHL level (plenty of starts, multiple playoffs, etc.) and it's really about finding confidence at the NHL level against NHL quality speed and shots.

People keep saying that about Gillis but he had a rumoured offer with the Leafs but Luongo vetoed it thinking he could still be moved to the Panthers. Of course, the Panthers weren't given any kind of OK from the owners for a Luongo deal until the year it happened, but Gillis' hands were tied.

And when our highly touted prospects don't all turn out and we have holes - particularly in the top end skill department - how will you feel about not maximizing returns?

Maybe we can say Benning gambled and lost (could have moved Matthias at the deadline, probably Kassian too, could have gotten San Jose's 2nd instead of Anaheim's for Bieksa) and he's taking a risk that Miller and/or Markstrom will be enough until Demko's ready. I'd like to see a little more certainty in some of his moves though and even some of the more defendable ones might not hold up.

But hey, he's made good moves obtaining players in their early 20's and has some good draft picks to really help our prospect pool, so that should be enough to offset the loss of elite/top level players from the 2011 team and allows us another run at it...

God, I wonder what you mean. Seriously, is this a sensical statement to you? You perceive uncertainty? Try listening to his interviews. He has never wavered in what he is saying.

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Nuck Luck’s Negotiation Tactics 101

Benning: “Hey Edmonton you want Lack?”

Chiarelli: “Sure, I’ll give you my third”

Benning: Carolina already offered us a 3rd and 7th you’ll have to beat that”

Chiarelli: “Our 57th?”

Benning: “No, we think he’s worth more, we’re thinking the same price flames just paid for Hamilton”

Chiarelli:“Ok you convinced me, here, take McDavid”

I don’t think you understand negotiating. Your whole thesis is that JB needed to sell Lack harder. Well This isn’t an open market. This is 29 team league where all the teams have just as much insight on your players as you do. GM’s don’t need selling, Edmonton’s scouts likely saw Lack play half his games live and the other half recorded on TV. He’s not some player coming in from across the world that no one has never heard of.

There were only a certain amount of teams interested in goalies this year. There were other “better” goalie options on the market this year as well. Canucks wanted a pick in the 2015 draft. Other teams have all summer to figure out their goalie situation. They were in no rush to make a decision. Carolina could have waited until after the draft to give us a better offer.

Francis: “We offer you the 3rd and 7th

Benning: “We want at least a 2nd this year”

Francis: “Well we are not in a rush, we still have Ward for another year” “If you don’t like it, we can talk later in the summer if he’s still around”

You seem to think that Lack was this sought after Commodity where teams felt that if they didn’t get him they were losing out on the next big thing. They know what Lack is, they’ve all seen him play. Just because I tell you my worn out Ball cap is worth $1,000 doesn’t mean some sucker will fall for it. All teams interested in goalies would have done their homework on Lack. The would already know the value that he’s worth and they would know the market value with the current goalie market.

NYR had said repeatedly that they wanted more than just a first round pick for Talbot. They settled for a late 2nd and 3rd.

Would you have been satisfied with a return of the 57th & 76th, because that’s essentially what Talbot (the more sought after commodity) got, so it’s going to be less than that, so let’s say, 76th and the 86th? Does that make you happier? Are you really going to whine and complain about a 4th round pick.

Here’s what you don’t know. You might think that Lack had similar value to Talbot, but that doesn’t mean Edmonton thought the same. Just because they’re willing to pay premium for the guy you want the most doesn’t mean they’re willing to pay nearly as much for their second choice.

But I love him. He's on twitter for crying out loud. EEEE-DDDDIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! EEEEEEDDDDDDIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!! DON'T LEAVE US!!!!!

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In some ways I like Benning's unadulterated straight-talk; it gives us insight into his thinking and the management's philosophy that we never got with the calculating, reserved, Gillis. However, he really shot himself in the foot with this comment. Never volunteer information, especially information which can really only be used as criticism. That was the last question Benning answered before Linden took over, and I think it would be wise henceforth to let Linden do the spontaneous question answering for the management.

Oh yeah, he really gave some fuel to the half-wits that are already calling for his head. Do you really think that managing the fanbase is the important part of his job? He shouldn't put you out? Does anyone in the league care that he said this?

"Hey Jim, we have this really sensitive, really stupid fanbase, and these hostile local journalists. Could you please coddle these guys?"

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I lol'd there. It's freaking true though, we do offer well for 4th liners. 3rd round for Dorsett, Young powerforward + 5th round for Prust.

Normally teams fill their 4th line with their farm team (cough Ferland). Benning does it the classy way by trading away our future.

A 3rd that may not turn out to be anything, at all. And before you cite Cole Cassels, that's the exception, not the rule. Dorsett is a known quantity and is actually in the NHL and does very well for his role: I mean, he only put up career best numbers (7g 18a, 25p) while playing on average 12 minutes a night, hitting everything in site and dropping the gloves; yeah poor value there (did I mention he's also still on the right side of 30?)

Kassian was never a power forward; everyone WANTED Kassian to be a power forward. He was a young, incredibly inconsistent (over 4 years), and injury prone player who made bone headed decisions. These are all facts, for all of his good and positive attributes, he was just never able to put it all together. Vancouver wasn't a fit, and he had next to no value trade wise in the league.

Keep Kassian and raise his trade value you say? No guarantee he would have been able to do any such thing in Vancouver (2 GMs and 3 coaches later), and risked devolving into waiver bait thereby receiving NOTHING in return. A 5th round pick again, for every Kevin Bieksa there are several dozen flops from the 5th round and later.

No youth to fill in the ranks of the bottom 6? Blame Burke, Nonis and Gillis. Throwing away future? I see trading an unknown for quantifiable young players who are near NHL ready that CAN step into those roles. In the mean time what do you want to do, sign min salary plugs and play the 4th line 4 minutes a game? The 4th line plays 10 minutes a game on this roster; IE they need to be quality NHL players that can keep up. Prust fills that role to a tee.

In the end it all comes down to perception vs reality. Often times the perception is very very rose colored, especially on these forums.

Get a grip.

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Wow...Only a simpleton would deduce what I've said and come up with a scenario like you presented. In your world I'm sure things are simply "black & white" and very easy to get through...most important decision made in your life is the purchase of a house? That's great and it's clearly what you know. Your example of my theory is the exact same "negotiations" that people would go through purchasing a home...or car.

Home buyer: Hey is the house still available?...no, guess there's no interest in it? I'll offer you xxxx

Home seller: No...we have interested parties already so were just waiting on the best offer. Another buyer just offered us xxxx more than your offer. Can you beat their offer?

Home buyer: How about I give you xxxx than? Good enough?

Home seller: No...were gonna need at least xxxx

Home buyer: Done.

YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT NEGOTIATIONS AT HIGHER LEVELS ARE SIMPLY THAT EASY? THAT'S ALL IT TAKES TO GET DEALS DONE? You sir, have no clue. Not only that, you have comprehension issues that are substandard as well. My child could have understood what I've written in numerous posts, and yet you fail to, by a mile.

My point..

Yes, benning needs to do a MUCH better job marketing his players. This is done in all levels when the options are available. 29 teams are good enough to have an open market in a sports league and I guarantee you that not every team keeps track of others as much as you believe. I've heard numerous GM's talk about teams and other players in their own division/conference while admitting that they were not too familiar with some teams and players in other divisions/conferences.

They may know the players and their names...even have some info from stats that they keep or search up, but you are naive if you think that they follow each and every player in the league that close and know each and every intricate detail that would be useful in trades. For example, MG and company and some Canuck fans may have been aware that Cody was being sheltered and given favorable minutes and zone starts...the other GM's in the league had no idea. That's why there was a little uproar when we ended up trading Cody...other GM's were upset that they didn't have an opportunity to make a bid. If they all knew Cody was being sheltered than why were they upset? Why the hell would Buffalo have made the trade?

Because MG had a plan and he executed to get the best deal possible for a player that he felt was not going to fit in this organization. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THIS? Oh....this may require a little thought from your side.


And YES, Lack was a sought after commodity....actually a lot of goalies were this year. If you have multiple buyers than the product is sought after. And the difference between the goalies that were available....two were considered higher-end, and Lack was one of the two high-end goalies available. Where you have problems is that you think that the other NHL teams do their "homework" and can find out every single detail that is relevant to a player... BIG NO here as well. They can ask around, they can google, they can watch films....but there's not much else they can do. They might know how many games Lack played and his stats from these games, but they won't know that Lack played the tougher match ups and every other detail that could be relevant. Teams do this all the time....did they know that Cody was getting favorable lines? zone starts? NO....because no team is able to do that much "homework". Do you understand how many extra employees you would need to hire and how much work would be involved to keep serious records on each and every player in the NHL and every detail that is relevant to each player? Not to mention their AHL teams and other prospects... You talk like you know it all and like to toss out childish scenarios without putting any real thought into them. Please.

Think before you write something. It's laughable that you actually believe that every team knows about all the intricate details of each player and any factors that effect their performance. A lot of GM's and their management teams will also get their information from the media...local papers, magazines, websites, blogs, etc.....a good GM will promote their products utilizing all these venues.

You used NYR as an example...saying they wanted a 1st round pick. Well...they did better than us didn't they? Not only that, but do you remember what you were reading in the papers about their goalie? Do you remember things that their GM was saying about their goalie? Everything was about their goalie and their goalie being the best options, how their goalie came in and proved himself, etc. Yes...promoting their product!

What did you hear from benning when he was asked about Lack? "Yes, Miller will be back. We don't feel comfortable going through a season with two young goalies that don't have the experience." Man...jimmy-boy sure can sell it! Basically, both Lack and Markstrom are too young and inexperienced now to handle the role of a #1....WTF? this statement was just before trade talks were taking place FFS. Look what the lessor goalies got....what did we get?

What you don't understand is...YES, I'm pissed we traded Lack. I'm also super FU@KING PISSED with the return we got for Lack. The final nail is that I am awestruck that we actually had offers for Miller and we didn't take it!!!!! WTF!??? We could make our team younger (something benning likes to say, but Prust and Miller are proving otherwise)...we could save a 3-6 million on our cap depending on the type of deal we made, we could show our younger prospects that we cherish them and want them all to succeed with this team (not tell them that they're trade bait so don't bother getting attached to this organization), we could fill the seats and keep the fans happy....you know the customers, etc.

Edit: I also people talking about the return...whatever the offer was, at worst it would have been what we got for Lack. Absolutely worth trading Miller.

What this GM is showing us, even when he makes a colossal mistake, he is not willing to own up to it and he will not do anything to rectify it. He is too stubborn and wants to prove himself right. That's why he's handing out these unimaginable contracts to Sbisa, Dorsett and Prust (brace yourselves for his)....and why he told us he had an option to trade Miller.

He thinks that we, obviously some members do, believe that if our fearless GM is willing to offer these players these contracts than they must be better than we all think. If this GM didn't take an offer for Miller than he must be one of the best goalies in the league and much better than Lack. And if this wasn't his intention and it was just his own stupidity.... either way, were all up sh!t creek.

Give your opinion not an essay on babbling.... :picard::sadno:

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Oh yeah, he really gave some fuel to the half-wits that are already calling for his head. Do you really think that managing the fanbase is the important part of his job? He shouldn't put you out? Does anyone in the league care that he said this?

"Hey Jim, we have this really sensitive, really stupid fanbase, and these hostile local journalists. Could you please coddle these guys?"

Not to mention, if he went the other way and didn't say squat and tried to sell Lack as the next Patrick Roy then he would be crucified for not saying anything/stretching the truth. It's lose/lose.

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And in my opinion, Lack would have been able to "pick Markstrom up"...

And what sort of "difference" do you mean? Are you saying that Markstrom and/or Lack would have been ruined without the Miller safety net? Do you mean the Canucks might have won more games?

In the first case, I disagree. IMO, Lack showed that he can handle the pressure just fine and I don't buy that he and Markstrom couldn't have formed an effective partnership.

In the second case, I believe that the team will be on the outside looking in at the end of the season, so what good do a few more wins do the team?


Who picks up Lack?

Unproven, too old to give the Miller contract time to unwind.

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You know what is funny? Benning will turn out to be nothing more then a sacrificial lamb.

If you look at the history of this organization it continually repeats Itself

At the start of the each decade we have a team that can challenge for the Stanley cup

80's Gradin/ Smyl

90's Bure/ Linden

00's Bert/ Naz

10's Sedin/ Kes

By the later half of each decade we are garbage.

If history repeats itself we won't be a contender until 2020-21.

Benning will be long gone by that time and the new GM will be reaping the fruits of our infidelity.

Not if ownership decides to keep him for building a good young team.

We've already got Horvat and Virtanen. Not to mention McCann and Shinkaruk, who could both be top 6 forwards along with Virtanen and Horvat, who are both locks to be top 6 forwards in my opinion(I know Virtanen hasn't played an NHL game yet but he looks like a very talented player).

After these two young players, we're going to need a couple of young defensemen(besides Corrado and Clendening. Someone like Reinhart or Hamilton), a young centre who has a lot of upside(Someone like Strome or Draisatl) and a young winger(someone like Virtanen). It could only take three years to procure the assets necessary to build a strong playoff contending team.

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Losing Schneider hurt us big time. Luongo trade really hurt us; lack is even more painful. Bad asset management all around

Depends on how you look at it.

Cory brought us our future captain

Luo brought us our future starter

Lack brought us a top 4 D.

And technically trading Lou at the time put our team in a spiral losing to end up drafting Virtanen.

I think we're making the best out of the returns. If Bo was a bust. If markstrom was claimed on waiver and brisebrois never plays and NHL game than I would have been more concerned. But I'm ok going forward with the pieces we have left.

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God, I wonder what you mean. Seriously, is this a sensical statement to you? You perceive uncertainty? Try listening to his interviews. He has never wavered in what he is saying.

I have yet to see you make a post worth replying to, so I don't know why I'm humouring you, but to hold out on San Jose only to then trade Bieksa anyway for a later pick jumps easily to mind. If you can ever come up with anything that isn't just emotional rhetoric then perhaps you might get a second reply, but I seriously doubt your ability to do so.

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I have yet to see you make a post worth replying to, so I don't know why I'm humouring you, but to hold out on San Jose only to then trade Bieksa anyway for a later pick jumps easily to mind. If you can ever come up with anything that isn't just emotional rhetoric then perhaps you might get a second reply, but I seriously doubt your ability to do so.

Well if the rumours about Wilson trying to pull a bait and switch on JB are true (2016 pick instead of 2915) then I'm glad JB did business with Anaheim instead based on principle alone.

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Who picks up Lack?

Unproven, too old to give the Miller contract time to unwind.

Who says someone needs to? Two years in a row, he managed to supplant his so-called "mentor".

Besides, we're not contending for a Cup anytime soon, so why not let the younger, cheaper goaltender run with it? It seems like everyone here is okay with doing that on defense and forward...

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**jaw hits floor**

It is irrelevant if jimmy "said" Lack was only a backup....he never argued against it!

Everyone likes to say jimmy has a plan....**hand to forehead** Well, if he does have a plan than he would have known that he was going to keep Miller and trade Lack after Miller's signing. A smart GM would have given Lack the easy starts....build up his stats, put the spotlight on Lack when he plays good. Exactly like what MG did with Cody.

"Mr. Plan" did the exact opposite and gave Lack the tough starts....didn't highlight Lack, he didn't praise him, etc. Throughout the year, we should have heard non-stop news about Lack and what he's done for the team in the absence of Miller.... you know, promote the guy. He should've been praising Lack for his stellar performance and that Lack was the biggest factor for the Canucks making the playoffs. Discuss the subpar defense Lack had in front of him...Use the media to your advantage! Use every possible weapon in your arsenal to let the other GMs know that Lack is not a backup and has proven himself. Hell, he should talk about how well Lack played last year until Torts ran him into the ground....

Instead he just talked about Lack not being ready yet and that Miller was the go-to-guy because of his experience...blah blah. Why even mention that???? Why not say, "we feel we have two #1 goalies at the moment and they're gonna both battle for their position ....one keeper has the experience and the other is young, but he's in his prime and ready to break out!" That's the narrative we should have stuck with from the beginning of the summer last year! And stuck with it all year.... not doing something or saying something has equal effect.

Looking for exact quotes still? Saying Miller is our #1 is equivalent to saying Lack is our backup.... sometimes we need to read between the lines.

Of course Benning has a plan. It's his job to have a plan.

A couple of things that you don't appear to understand though:

  1. GM selects the players, Coach deploys them. So it's Willie has final say who plays what games.
  2. Plans are made, you wait and see how things go and then you make adjustments. Have you heard the wait and see mantra? That's what Benning said regarding not extending Vrbata or Hamhuis YET. That's what happened with the back up goalie situation. Benning never said that Miller was anything but the starter. If you heard differently, it was media speculation.

So what happened? They both played great all year so the decision on which back up to keep wasn't easy. What it came down to was that Lack faltered in the playoffs and Markstrom played lights out and pretty much carried the Comets to the finals. Benning watched all the Canuck games and many of the Comets games. Markstrom proved that he had the mental toughness that Benning values.

edit: Benning made the right call.

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