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A potential goodbye to Alex Burrows


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Man this post made me tear up man. Definitely could be Burrows last game in a Canucks uniform and I'm honestly not ready to let that go. What a player, what a teammate, what an amazing person all in all. It'll be sad to see him go, IF he does go. 

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Jeez. I hope not. 


But who knows? No player is safe really. They may want to change the "character" of the team. Like they tried to do with Prust. 


IMO Burrows > any signing or trade by Benning. Seriously. In an important game situation, offensive / defensive, PP, PK, OT, shootout, especially in the playoffs... I'd pick Burrows over any of them.


Yeah I'd be a little pissed if they keep any of them over Burrows. 



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4 minutes ago, Canada Hockey Place said:

Jeez. I hope not. 


But who knows? No player is safe really. They may want to change the "character" of the team. Like they tried to do with Prust. 


IMO Burrows > any signing or trade by Benning. Seriously. In an important game situation, offensive / defensive, PP, PK, OT, shootout, especially in the playoffs... I'd pick Burrows over any of them.


Yeah I'd be a little pissed if they keep any of them over Burrows. 



What year are we in?

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Not sure why people are thinking borrows will be gone because of Willies answer to some question... Far more likely that it was just a simple answer. I wouldn't take that to the bank. 


More hobbies,  less giving into odd rumors.


No one will want him at that cap hit. At least perhaps not until trade deadline next season. 


And would they really buy him out? Very unlikely. 



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I really like Burrows, always have. For an undrafted guy to make a line with the Sedin's for several years is pretty amazing. And I'll be happy if we keep him too. Salary aside, he's going to be one of the best PK guys in the league and a perfect fit on the 4ht line. 


If his salary was lower there'd be no discussion about moving him... does anyone know, if he's extended by one year, is his cap hit the final year of this contract + the new, or is it all averaged? It might be worth it to management to keep him for a low 1 year extension if it lowers his cap hit. 

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2 hours ago, Apricot said:

Man this post made me tear up man. Definitely could be Burrows last game in a Canucks uniform and I'm honestly not ready to let that go. What a player, what a teammate, what an amazing person all in all. It'll be sad to see him go, IF he does go. 

Last game?  Who knows?  But he will be celebrated, officially and formally, and with a job if he wants one.  His history is incredible, and includes the Bourdon story.  Good guy, never fully appreciated still.  I hope his number will be retired.  There are a lot of numbers ... 100s... we can retire 14.

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I'm kinda partial to my wife but if she were replaced but a younger more energetic one I'd accept it as such is life. I would miss the older, slower one but would hope the newer younger one could take me places I've never been.


sorry, drunk and rambling, I'd miss Burrows, he brought me a lot of excitement over the years.

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33 minutes ago, BCNeil said:

There really could be 5-6 guys out there playing their last regular season game ever for the Canucks tonight

Agreed.  This is kind of like when Linden's last game completely overshadowed Markus Naslund's last game (the same night) into a complete non-event.


Were it not for this Burrows thing, I would have hoped they threw Higgins up with the Twins for game 82.

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I envision Alex Burrows as our  REGGIE DUNLOP Coach of the Charlestown CHIEFS.


Except Alex would be player / coach of our East Coast Team  -   Kalamazoo Wings


Think he would be a great player / coach for our ECHL players.....  Show them what it takes to succeed in the pro game.

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I've always said, if every player on this team put as much heart and soul into every game as has Burrows, the Canucks would be unstoppable.


If for no other reason they keep Burrows on as a mentor to the young guns coming up. As reported in the Province today, this is a role that Alex shines in, and the players love him for it.


Rebuilding doesn't mean gutting the team outright. Veteran leadership is essential, and both Burrows and Hamhuis give of themselves to that role like the true professionals they are.


Would be a damn crying shame if both of them aren't back next year!


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