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Nikolay Goldobin | LW/RW


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On 4/3/2017 at 10:08 PM, JamesB said:



I think being able to play a consistent high-intensity game is largely an inborn characteristic that is hard to develop if you don't have it naturally. Horvat has it. Hansen has it. Burrows has it. Biega has it. Stecher has it. I think Boeser has it as well, although it is less obvious in this case. That allows those guys to get the maximum out of their ability. Guys who have a significant lack in that area always seem to "underpeform", although sometimes they can improve or least find the right niche. It is an issue for Virtanen and Goldobin and I am worried that it is an issue for Juolevi.





I think you are confusing "high-intensity" with confidence and smarts.  Some players think so hard, too hard, that they get indecisive and others lack confidence and it also leads to a delay in action.   I don't think anyone gets to this level without sufficient intensity but I do think that what can differentiate players is a combination of ability to not overthink and to remain confident even if those around you (including your coach) are losing theirs.   No idea why you would include Juolevi as all reports are he is about as smart and driven as any kid Canucks have had in org for a long while.   Both the other players you are negative on seem to be similar - a tad cocky to perhaps coverup their lack of ability to think quickly and decisively and to cover up confidence issues.   Who knows if they can overcome these issues - many don't but some do.   However, to imply they cannot be intense is a tad out of whack with the reality of what it takes to play in the NHL.   

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On 2017-04-04 at 0:20 PM, Hairy Kneel said:

Sounds like a Sutter. Toughest crew in hockey.

Too bad we got the one with more of a feminine side...

Sutter should chew on his own words for a while before he spits that crap out.

Edited by SilentSam
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1 hour ago, SilentSam said:

Too bad we got the one with more of a feminine side...

Sutter should chew on his own words for a while before he spits that crap out.

No he's not the toughest one of them all that's for sure, but did you see him getting extra gritty last game :)

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42 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

No he's not the toughest one of them all that's for sure, but did you see him getting extra gritty last game :)

Unfortunately I missed the last game Hairy.. heard Goldobrin had some shine on.. are you saying Sutter was playing grittier? Or Goldy?

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On 4/5/2017 at 5:32 AM, higgyfan said:

Sutter shouldn't have offered the comments for public consumption, but I have to agree with him.  Kid needs to be playing in Utica.  Nucks are messing with his head.

 There is nothing left for him there in the A.  He needs to learn to play at the NHL level.  He is an example of a player who cannot learn anything more in the A.  Has to be the show.


As far as chances last night he was the best canuck.  He could have had at least 3-4 points.   

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36 minutes ago, samurai said:

 There is nothing left for him there in the A.  He needs to learn to play at the NHL level.  He is an example of a player who cannot learn anything more in the A.  Has to be the show.


As far as chances last night he was the best canuck.  He could have had at least 3-4 points.   

He needs to play lots of mins on top 6 (or even the 3rd if he had a playmaker on that line).  Can't see that happening with the Canucks. 

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On 4/4/2017 at 10:50 AM, suitup said:

Kind of a jerk move to do that on public radio. Then to say that he's got no grit or balls? Kind of unnecessary from a vet to a 21 year old. 


Nope.  He's only describing that part if the game for what it is.  It's a professional league so some things are going to be talked about in public.  If Goldy can't handle that knowing Sutter meant no ill will about it without having his feelings hurt..........but I doubt that's even close to being the case.  He seems like a good kid that wants to be a solid player. 

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 I hope Goldie and JV find chemistry over the last 3 games of the season during the final week of the AHL. It's a crazy race in the North this year and it will definitely come down to the final game. I think the straight ahead style of JV and the playmaking and all around player that NG is, will gel together nicely. These guys need each other to prove themselves and it's a good situation for them both.

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On 4/4/2017 at 0:42 PM, Tre Mac said:

Sounds like a d!ck tbh, there is quite a few things Sutter needs to work on, only difference is Sutter not a rookie.  How can a center playing 2nd/3rd line minutes not top 20assists in a season?  And when has he shown any balls in a Canuck uniform?  Seems to be his line is where wingers go to die.  If I am Henrik Sedin, I am calling a closed door meeting now and telling my teammates to stop throwing each other under the bus via media.  As if this team doesn't have enough problems or issues...


This just about covers it


Good for Miller seeing Sutter's F$%k up and trying to un-do the damage, Miller is like Linden V2.....how's his skating? Can he play 8 mins on the 4th?


I never once liked the Sutter deal and am always weary of centers who can't put up assists. It's clear he the infamous "Elite bottom-six" type player who throws salary structure into turmoil, except that an elite bottom sixer plays with "balls" and I have never once seen that from Sutter, I've never seen much of anything from him actually. Just marginal talent that doesn't excel anywhere in the line-up but isn't bad enough to be removed from it.


Get this guy off the team, I never liked him as a player and now I don't like him personally.


Although considering his family knows all the ins and outs of hockey, this could be his way of trying to orchestrate an exit from Vancouver.


I do not think Goldy is very good either, I don't think Benning knew what he was doing in that deal, we got a player who had serious issues with his game and a silly conditional pick for a monster of a player, Benning was taken to the cleaners,


Be that as it may, if I had anything to do with the Canucks professionally, I would NOT be blabbing about it to the media using language that was less than classy. I suppose Sutter is pissed because coming from his background he could tell right away that Goldy wasn't very good, not underdeveloped, just not very good period and was irritated to have an anchor placed on my line.


But spouting off to the media like that was dumb, it won't change anything and will only make playing out the stretch harder on everyone.


I really hope Dahlen ends up being something because if not, we might as well have just given Burrows and Hansen away.


Lucky for Benning Brock came in and made him look good, because, with The Panther's making him a laughing stock last spring, this year's the deadline debacle, two botched 1st rounders and a bizarre signing frenzy of NCAA players that looks like he's trying to sign everyone and can't tell the difference between a good and bad player, I would hope the days of Mr. Benning were nearing their end in Vancouver.


Aquaman s%$t canned Nonnuts when it was clear he was a less than effective GM, I'm hoping he does the same with Jim because it feels like the same incompetent GM to me......but Trev stays, of course!

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2 hours ago, Crabcakes said:

 I'm not going to skewer Sutter for his comments.  I think he felt that somebody should come out and say this because else nobody is.  Goldobin seems to be shy of physical contact.  


None the less he's very clever at finding seams in the slot obviously because he had at least 2 grade A chances against the Sharks on Apr 4.  Young players I think can perform very well to a certain level based on their natural talent.  When they arrive at the highest level, they find that they need to do things differently to remain effective.  Certain things they could get away with in junior or the AHL don't always work any more so there needs to be a little learning and adjusting of their game.  Jake Virtanen has some learning because he can't dominate physically at this level the way he was used to in the WHL.  Sven Baertschi had to learn the physical side and go to the dirty areas before he started playing well.  Goldobin is in the same boat.  Neither of them are going to knock bigger players over very often but they can certainly do things physically to gain advantage.  The Sedin's, who are 180 and change are masters of this.


For me, this is what Sutter is talking about.  It takes courage, but as you get used to it, any player can be effective.  As Goldy watches Baer and Stecher and the Sedins, he will learn how a smaller guy can add a certain amount of physicality to his game.






Nobody has a problem with Sutter critiquing Goldy or thinks Goldy's play has been anything near acceptable,


The issue is doing it through the media

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2 hours ago, SILLY GOOSE said:


Nope.  He's only describing that part if the game for what it is.  It's a professional league so some things are going to be talked about in public.  If Goldy can't handle that knowing Sutter meant no ill will about it without having his feelings hurt..........but I doubt that's even close to being the case.  He seems like a good kid that wants to be a solid player. 


Sutter? SUTTER? 


Sutter does not have sufficient respect to do that kind of call out, his own game needs a massive "Balls" transplant, he should call HIMSELF out, his intensity level is pathetic and has a lot to do with the "Blah" identity of this team, 

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On 4/4/2017 at 1:32 PM, higgyfan said:

Sutter shouldn't have offered the comments for public consumption, but I have to agree with him.  Kid needs to be playing in Utica.  Nucks are messing with his head.


They aren't messing with anything,


We have a GM who is in way over his head and is being taken to the cleaners right and left, Goldy shouldn't be here because Benning shouldn't have made such a horrible deal,


But Benning is not even close to being smart enough to be an NHL GM so what do you expect

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2 minutes ago, terrible.dee said:

They aren't messing with anything,


We have a GM who is in way over his head and is being taken to the cleaners right and left, Goldy shouldn't be here because Benning shouldn't have made such a horrible deal,


But Benning is not even close to being smart enough to be an NHL GM so what do you expect


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3 hours ago, SILLY GOOSE said:


Nope.  He's only describing that part if the game for what it is.  It's a professional league so some things are going to be talked about in public.  If Goldy can't handle that knowing Sutter meant no ill will about it without having his feelings hurt..........but I doubt that's even close to being the case.  He seems like a good kid that wants to be a solid player. 

You're not understanding the point of what I'm trying to say. It's not about his feelings being hurt, it's about how he got his point across and how unprofessional it is. Criticism is great, but if you're going to do it publicly, you do it professionally. No need to add the bit about the balls or whatever. 

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55 minutes ago, terrible.dee said:

Sutter? SUTTER? 


Sutter does not have sufficient respect to do that kind of call out, his own game needs a massive "Balls" transplant, he should call HIMSELF out, his intensity level is pathetic and has a lot to do with the "Blah" identity of this team, 

He rules and you drool

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5 hours ago, higgyfan said:

He needs to play lots of mins on top 6 (or even the 3rd if he had a playmaker on that line).  Can't see that happening with the Canucks. 


New coach next year with a mandate to develop the youth.   Sedins cannot play first line minutes anymore either.      

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43 minutes ago, samurai said:


New coach next year with a mandate to develop the youth.   Sedins cannot play first line minutes anymore either.      

The interesting thing is the Sedins as young players were being critiqued because of their style of play. In order for them to succeed in the NHL they needed to do what got them there. They told Goldobin this, and I think it is so true. He has to play his game, and then learn the little nuances as he goes.

Babcock was all over Nylander at the start of the year because of his defensive play, but he's learning. Goldy will be in a similar spot next year in my opinion. As long as he keeps his battle level up, his skill will shine through.

I think he has more drive to be a top player than a lot of other prospects we've had, but he's not sure how to do it at the NHL level yet. It takes time to learn the NHL game, and he's already out thinking defenders regularly.

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10 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Unfortunately I missed the last game Hairy.. heard Goldobrin had some shine on.. are you saying Sutter was playing grittier? Or Goldy?

Ohh there was a priceless moment when Sutter skates of the ice an goes to the bench and Goldy is sitting there and had to skoonch over.. it was a classic have absolutely no direct eye contact moment.  I think I remember the losing teams of the 80's and 90's when there was a agony over losing so much and guys would blame and back talk other guys. The dressing room negativity is going to leak out I guess.

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