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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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8 minutes ago, CanuckGAME said:

These 1040 idiots talk sooooo much ****, Linden is scheduled to be back on the show today, watch how much they kiss his *** when he's on.  Then proceed to bash him and twist his words once he hangs up.

It's called "analysis". 

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9 minutes ago, ajhockey said:

I don't think Willie was the problem for Miller. Miller might want to be on a winning team and one in which he can be guaranteed a starting role. What's more, he's earned another 5-6M salary and I don't think we should be signing him for that much.

I think Willie was at least part of the problem......he overplayed him knowing Miller needs rest because Miller was the best hope for a win.

I got the feeling watching Miller's post-game interviews recently that he was not happy with his deployment.

Anyway....I agree, we shouldn't be signing him for $5-6mil, but I hope he stays for a year or two here.

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3 hours ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

Some of these people calling into 1040 are complete morons. $&!#ting on management the way they are.


Remember when Corrado was our best prospect? xD


Open your goddamn eyes and realize that we're in a much better place then we were 3 years ago.

Exactly!, I love our prospects, Corrado isn't even in the league now, Boeser looks like a beast, Tryamkin is great to watch and only going to get better, I feel VERY encouraged.

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On 4/10/2017 at 9:10 AM, Mad_Duck said:

or Gallant

Many here like Gallant, but those who follow FLA closely said he had major deployment issues that rivalled Willie's headscratchers.


He was turfed in a bizarre manner from a dysfunctional management group, so he got a lot of sympathy, but I wouldn't want another coach who has problems with match-ups and line/D groupings.


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5 minutes ago, RogersTowell said:

Yet this is exactly what you've been advocating.  You have been one of the more vocal advocates of a rebuild, and now it's happening.  Lets celebrate the new direction and the new young players we'll be seeing.  It will only be a few years until there's another competitive team.  I hope we get lucky in the next two drafts.  It could be pivotal.

Yes, i am celebrating right now.  Our clubs direction is clear for a change.  Onwards and upwards we go....  

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I'm wondering - if we were to hire Gerard Gallant - can we also trade 'analytics'/media groups with Florida as well?


Litterboxcats are light years better than Canucksarmy. 


To Florda - Panthers'army'.  

To Vancouver: Litterboxfin.


To Florida:

Jeff Paterson, Jason B-otchford and a 1st.


To Vancouver:

Harvey Fialkov.


Perhaps we can just pave the highway from Vancouver to Florida a little wider.


With the exception of Tom Rowe.  No fn way.


It would be somewhat ironic to bring in Gallant after he was run out of town by a failed 'analytics' empire lol.


In that sense, what better coach to bring to Vancouver?

What do you think EG?



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2 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Most people don't seem to understand he chose the system to suit and protect the young players. I saw that from the beginning so it couldn't have been that difficult to work out. The truth is not many on here or in the media were interested in the reasons - they only saw the win/loss columns which of course is a ridiculous measure of this roster and the injuries it had to put up with.

Not many really cared about wins and losses. For someone who is apparently far more hockey knowledgeable than the rest of us you sure seem to get the basics of what happened quite backwards. 


Desjardins didnt play the young players the way Benning wanted him to and his standard excuse was that he went with what he thought gave him the best chance to win. At best it's doing things his way with no regard for losing his job and at worst it is mind numbing that he thought plugs and declining vets were his best chance to win anyway.

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11 minutes ago, CanuckGAME said:

These 1040 idiots talk sooooo much ****, Linden is scheduled to be back on the show today, watch how much they kiss his *** when he's on.  Then proceed to bash him and twist his words once he hangs up.

As must as I don't care for 1040, I have to ask this about your statement: why would they bash him while he's on air? That would be one way to not get an interview again.

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6 minutes ago, kanucks25 said:

Yzerman spent time learning from Holland in the Detroit organization before he took the job in Tampa.


Shanahan was completely inexperienced like Linden was, but he surrounded himself with some of the most experienced, respected and successful guys in NHL history like Lou Lamoriello, Jacques Lemaire and Mike Babcock. Linden, on the other hand, hired a rookie GM and a rookie coach.


Linden is in way over his head, and the results show it. The team has been a complete tire-fire since he got it and he's the head of the snake.

Yea Benning is a bum right? Only managed to help build a cup winner...


So Shanahan gets credit because the Leafs threw 6 million at the best coach in the game and lucked out and won the draft lottery?. Lol, okay.


The results show it? You mean as in the team being at he bottom of the league like the Leafs were last season?


It's obvious you never liked the hire, but you're making so many unfair criticisms of him that it's pointless to continue arguing.

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8 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

During his Calder cup run?


No he didn't have to deal with what Green is dealing with. I can't remember a team ever having as much injuries as the Canucks this season.


The shortage of quality is from poor drafting over the last decade. Hardly something that can be fixed in three drafts.


Okay so look at the last three results and make a huge assumption? If you had taken the time to follow the Comets you would know that Demko is getting burnt out because they were having him play three games in three days and 95% of their games. If they had Bachman down there that wouldn't have been a problem. They also have a D core made up of McEneny, Robak, Subban, and a bunch of other plugs. Yet he's still got them playing as a team and are right in there for  playoff spot.

You need to check your facts before questioning mine.






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3 minutes ago, The Lock said:

In my opinion, the team was going to be in a complete tire-fire anyway. That's what Gillis left us with. I don't think it would have mattered if we had Lou Lamoriello or Mike Milbury (although I'm glad we didn't have the later lol). I think we'd still have to go through what we're going through right now just to fix things.

Oh, it would have mattered. The new Leafs management group did exactly what we should have done 3 years ago: scorch the earth. I never expected this team to be competitive after Gillis, but there are different ways to lose, and we did it the wrong way.


They did the rebuild the correct way, and it took them less than 2 years to go from complete tire-fire to a young team with a lot of hope. Yes, winning the lottery helps, but they also put themselves in the best position to win that lottery with how well they tanked; they cleared out all the veterans that were not going to be a part of the team going forward and they accumulated a large amount of draft picks and prospects. It's taken our management team 3 years to figure out that this is what they need to do and it's unacceptable.



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1 minute ago, Barry_Wilkins said:

Many here like Gallant, but those who follow FLA closely said he had major deployment issues that rivalled Willie's headscratchers.


He was turfed in a bizarre manner from a dysfunctional management group, so he got a lot of sympathy, but I wouldn't want another coach who has problems with match-ups and line/D groupings.


All coaches have their head scratchers. Gallant's usage and focus was at odds with what FLA management wanted for sure. They weren't necessarily things like playing plugs on the top pp for half a season though as one example. 

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Just now, DeNiro said:

Yea Benning is a bum right? Only managed to help build a cup winner...


So Shanahan gets credit because the Leafs threw 6 million at the best coach in the game and lucked out and won the draft lottery?. Lol, okay.


The results show it? You mean as in the team being at he bottom of the league like the Leafs were last season?


It's obvious you never liked the hire, but you're making so many unfair criticisms of him that it's pointless to continue arguing.

The Leafs tried to be the bottom of the league, and they did a good job of it. Executed the tank to perfection and now are reaping the rewards.


We, on the other hand, tried to be competitive, sacrificed draft picks and cap flexibility to do so, but have been at the bottom of the league for the last 2 years anyway. That's incompetence.

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1 minute ago, alfstonker said:





That was one small portion of the season. ;) Green has been without what were supposed to be his top players all season long.


Dallas also had much more depth than the Comets ever had.

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18 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Linden has been around the game his entire life. He's not any less qualified than any other ex-player recently turned GM. Benning has the final say in all decisions anyways. Drafting is completely on Benning and his scouts, not Linden.


And you say he's a terible hire based on absolutely nothing. You have no idea what his day to day duties are, so it doesn't mean a whole lot.

I don't think people realize how little linden really does, he is more of a media face to the masses then hockey decisions 

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