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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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3 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Three seasons ago the team didn't have the go ahead for a rebuild. So saying what they should have done ignores reality.


What do you mean?

Is this an Auqa- ference guess?

If Linden and JB aren't able to do their job as they see fit, then why aren't they saying so? Because they are for sale? I'd say so.

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53 minutes ago, 4thLineGrinder said:


the pickle jar is cracked, the next guy just has to open it

The Canucks are a mess...the next guy will get fired in 3 yrs as well. It will be awhile before this train wreck will get cleaned up.

No top line...over paid, under achieving foundation players and vet players. Age gap issues...no players in their prime that matter...(Sutter is a disappointment and over paid).


Next year is going to be painful...the following year will matter when the Sedins' contracts come off the books and there is money to pay for young coming into their prime UFAs...but then again, watch JB sign another LE.


JB is made out of the same cloth as Harry Neale


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4 minutes ago, kanucks25 said:

What the Leafs did before Shanahan's regime is irrelevant. We're talking about what his team did vs. what ours did.


Obviously they tried to tank the last couple months, I'm not denying that. They did a good job at the deadline, as well.


But that doesn't change the fact that it was 2.5 years too late. THey didn't have to go ahead with the rebuild 3 seasons ago? Seriously, what? You think that team actually had a good chance of being competitive? It was obvious this team needed an overhaul even before Gillis was fired.

Ownership gives approval for a rebuild.


If you can provide proof ownership ok'd a rebuild three years ago and management refused let me know. I'll be waiting.

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1 hour ago, wallstreetamigo said:

I would rather see the notion of promoting for loyalty scrapped in favor of hiring the best coach for the job.


Green refusing to cut his teeth as an assistant at the NHL level raises tons of red flags for me. Reminds me of a scenario that will end up like Eakins in Edmonton. He is not the best coach available right now.

He is the best coach for this team, at this time, of that I have no doubt.  not only that, how do you know he isn't the best coach available?

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6 minutes ago, kanucks25 said:

The Leafs tried to be the bottom of the league, and they did a good job of it. Executed the tank to perfection and now are reaping the rewards.


We, on the other hand, tried to be competitive, sacrificed draft picks and cap flexibility to do so, but have been at the bottom of the league for the last 2 years anyway. That's incompetence.

Let's not forget that Toronto won the draft lottery last year with all odds against them winning it. If they didn't get Matthews, we could easily be still saying how Toronto's still at the bottom. Let's also not forget that Toronto's been a bad team for years. We had a SCF run only a few years ago.


It's easy to call anyone out and call them "incompetent". It's easy to think that we should have just straight tanked. However, it's also easy to forget that this is a billion dollar business with a lot more at stake than just pretending this is a game and calling people out on it.

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4 minutes ago, 4thLineGrinder said:


because he was playing the long game


the plugs and vets get the ice time to allow time and space for the kids to "develop"



playing the kids straight away and in putting them in positions over their heads is a short game strategy which often has negative long term results


playing the vets in the tough match ups and letting the kids grow at there own pace is a long term strategy that often has positive long term results


You keep saying this. 


Unfortunately Benning and Linden see it differently.


Developing players doesn't happen just by sheltering them. It happens by the coach having an ability to differentiate the various level of sheltering an individual player needs and how to utilize them to build not destroy their confidence. 


Desjardins was choosing short term results over long term with respect to the young players and now he is gone. Linden/Benning strongly implied his only focus of winning was getting in the way.

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1 hour ago, S'all Good Man said:

Interesting.... if you're sold I might have to rethink this. 

Thanks S'all.


To be honest - I would be happy to see Green get a shot.  I'm not sold in the way other armchairs are on the necessity of "NHL experience." 

First of all, no one has NHL experience, until they do.   Second, experienced coaches also fail. 

It's nowhere near that simple imo.   Reducing your principle to 'experience' limits a person's perspective when there are all kinds of considerations.

The team is not on the cusp of contending.  Personally, I'd lean towards promoting our guy - he's proven himself as much as possible - he's worth a shot imo.  I don't know him, haven't worked with him, can't speak to his working relationship with Benning et al - but I'd be in favour of promoting Green.


But I honestly have next to no idea who they're going to hire.  I can guess or make a case for Green.  If they hire someone else, what I do know is that they know a hell of a lot more than I do about what they're seeking and getting.


They'll have to discuss development philosophies, systems that they intend to employ, they'll talk to players who have played for different coaches and get their feedback, experiences, impressions, etc.  They may determine Gallant is the best fit after looking at what he did with a young Panthers group.  However - and this part I find juicy to be honest - Gallant was criticized in Florida for systems that were 'too slow'/too 'defensive' - not modern enough / didn't 'drive enough possession' lol, yada yada. 

Rowe promised to make the team faster, more exciting, blah blah.  How did  that turn out?  Gallant is, ironically more committed to old school two way hockey (not sure the wallstreets have much idea what they're wishing for).  Florida decided 100+ points wasn't Gud enough.  I've thoroughly enjoyed the subsequent fail.

So, while I like Green, I wouldn't be opposed to Gallant - and would derive some pleasure from the progression, particularly if he came here and guys like Gudbranson went on to kill it.



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2 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

What do you mean?

Is this an Auqa- ference guess?

If Linden and JB aren't able to do their job as they see fit, then why aren't they saying so? Because they are for sale? I'd say so.

There's been rumors of ownership meddling for the last 10 years. 


There's obviously truth to it. Linden isn't gonna call out his bosses publicly though. How would that look?

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4 minutes ago, Rush17 said:

I want to keep botch. he is a hilarious guy who amazes me with his trolls lol.

Agreed. Botch is the best media person in van. Tells it like it is and doesn't bs, unlike imac who is the biggest canucks homer in the media. I cringe every time he's on 1040 and tries to shine the shoes of management. Remember when he said the heavy lifting of the rebuild was done, lol? Botch remembers!

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On 4/10/2017 at 2:25 PM, wallstreetamigo said:

All coaches have their head scratchers. Gallant's usage and focus was at odds with what FLA management wanted for sure. They weren't necessarily things like playing plugs on the top pp for half a season though as one example. 

I won't pretend to know all the particulars, but some writer there detailed about Gallant's stubborn usage of the same top 4 D pairings even though their possession numbers were poor. After Gallant was fired, new guy changes groupings right away  to much better results.


Now, the team didn't perform any better the rest of the season, but there are other reasons for that. For one, Luongo had been having a good year, and then he went down.


My caveat here is that I think Gallant gets support outside Florida based on the unfair nature of his firing moreso from any great demonstration of his coaching abilities.

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When your vets are among your worst defensive players it rings hollow to tap them to show the young kids the way. When your plugs have zero offensive skill it rings hollow to tap them over guys who are actually producing.


And lets not forget boring hockey isn't going to help them sell this team to fans for next year. 

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3 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Ownership gives approval for a rebuild.


If you can provide proof ownership ok'd a rebuild three years ago and management refused let me know. I'll be waiting.

Give me proof of the opposite. What I see is terrible results and buttload of excuses. Zero accountability for this tire-fire.

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3 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

There's been rumors of ownership meddling for the last 10 years. 


There's obviously truth to it. Linden isn't gonna call out his bosses publicly though. How would that look?

It's like no one here has ever worked for someone.  Are people going to call out their bosses on FB?  How long would they last then?  As far as ownership "meddling".......if you own the team you can meddle as much as you want, that's the best part of being the owner of a business, you tinker as you see fit.  People get way to uptight about FA having a say........if I was an owner, I know I would.

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12 minutes ago, D-Money said:

Newsflash: We're going to suck next year too, regardless of the coach. I seriously doubt in-demand veteran coaches are going to be lining for us.


Time to give Green a chance, if he wants it. Maybe he surprises, and makes chicken salad out of this... But if not, by the time we fire him, our team should be becoming more respectable again, and we'll have a better shot of landing a top coach.

I like Chicken salad....sign me up!

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22 minutes ago, kanucks25 said:

Oh, it would have mattered. The new Leafs management group did exactly what we should have done 3 years ago: scorch the earth. I never expected this team to be competitive after Gillis, but there are different ways to lose, and we did it the wrong way.


They did the rebuild the correct way, and it took them less than 2 years to go from complete tire-fire to a young team with a lot of hope. Yes, winning the lottery helps, but they also put themselves in the best position to win that lottery with how well they tanked; they cleared out all the veterans that were not going to be a part of the team going forward and they accumulated a large amount of draft picks and prospects. It's taken our management team 3 years to figure out that this is what they need to do and it's unacceptable.

You do realise a lot of Toronto's talent came from drafts before the 2 years yes? While they got a fair share of talent from the last 2 years, it was blended with what they had before. It wasn't just a "2-year tank". Look at Toronto in the standings the few years prior to that and who they picked up that's still in the lineup.


You make this out to be a "2 year tank" on Toronto's part, yet that's not even true. lol

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4 minutes ago, FireGillis said:

Agreed. Botch is the best media person in van. Tells it like it is and doesn't bs, unlike imac who is the biggest canucks homer in the media. I cringe every time he's on 1040 and tries to shine the shoes of management. Remember when he said the heavy lifting of the rebuild was done, lol? Botch remembers!

He's just hilarious lol. Him and Patterson are stupid funny on the patcast. :)  good times lol. they're love with tryamkin and stecher is hilarious. 

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