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(Rumour) Maple Leafs Have Interest In Erik Gudbranson


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1 hour ago, Hoosierdaddy said:

Its all about the slow build. If someone is willing to pay the price you want, you deal. Toughness can be acquired when the time comes. Seems to me the Oilers tried to get bigger/tougher and thats really paid off.  

The Oilers are the slowest build in progress..  has nothing to do with being tough or not.

Has to do with balance. 

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4 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Crazy not to re-sign Gudbranson,.  He is a solid hockey player and We look physically weak on the D core without him.


I'm torn. I see some good things out of Guddy. He has a hard shot that can give goalies trouble, he just hardly ever uses it. He's also a good skater but the only time I see him skate is back into his own zone to pick up a loose puck. He can be physically dominant but he doesn't throw many big hits (compared to Biega who seems to have a big hit every game) and he can throw down but you hardly ever see him mixing it up after whistles and getting in opponents faces, asserting his dominance. He clearly has the ability to do all of this and do it well, but he leaves you asking for more. 


I'd have no problem paying him like a # 3 if he used his skating to break out and join the rush like he did on the Gaunce goal, or if he was a constant threat to shoot like we know he can, or if he consistently asserted his physical dominance. But he seems pretty passive for the most part and hesitant to break out of his comfort zone, even if we can all see that he has the skills/potential to be that guy. Sure, he's still young but this is his 7th NHL season, so I don't know how much he's going to change as a player moving forward. 


Just going back and looking at Kevin Bieksa's 1st 7 years. He had 3 40+ point seasons! Gudbranson is a way better skater and has 10x the shot. What is going on here?!



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10 minutes ago, VIC_CITY said:

I'm torn. I see some good things out of Guddy. He has a hard shot that can give goalies trouble, he just hardly ever uses it. He's also a good skater but the only time I see him skate is back into his own zone to pick up a loose puck. He can be physically dominant but he doesn't throw many big hits (compared to Biega who seems to have a big hit every game) and he can throw down but you hardly ever see him mixing it up after whistles and getting in opponents faces, asserting his dominance. He clearly has the ability to do all of this and do it well, but he leaves you asking for more. 


I'd have no problem paying him like a # 3 if he used his skating to break out and join the rush like he did on the Gaunce goal, or if he was a constant threat to shoot like we know he can, or if he consistently asserted his physical dominance. But he seems pretty passive for the most part and hesitant to break out of his comfort zone, even if we can all see that he has the skills/potential to be that guy. Sure, he's still young but this is his 7th NHL season, so I don't know how much he's going to change as a player moving forward. 


Just going back and looking at Kevin Bieksa's 1st 7 years. He had 3 40+ point seasons! Gudbranson is a way better skater and has 10x the shot. What is going on here?!



Really good points. Not sure what to say. I've coached kids for years. Some have the fire, some don't? KB has the fire. Man I miss that guy in his prime.

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7 hours ago, VIC_CITY said:

I'm torn. I see some good things out of Guddy. He has a hard shot that can give goalies trouble, he just hardly ever uses it. He's also a good skater but the only time I see him skate is back into his own zone to pick up a loose puck. He can be physically dominant but he doesn't throw many big hits (compared to Biega who seems to have a big hit every game) and he can throw down but you hardly ever see him mixing it up after whistles and getting in opponents faces, asserting his dominance. He clearly has the ability to do all of this and do it well, but he leaves you asking for more. 


I'd have no problem paying him like a # 3 if he used his skating to break out and join the rush like he did on the Gaunce goal, or if he was a constant threat to shoot like we know he can, or if he consistently asserted his physical dominance. But he seems pretty passive for the most part and hesitant to break out of his comfort zone, even if we can all see that he has the skills/potential to be that guy. Sure, he's still young but this is his 7th NHL season, so I don't know how much he's going to change as a player moving forward. 


Just going back and looking at Kevin Bieksa's 1st 7 years. He had 3 40+ point seasons! Gudbranson is a way better skater and has 10x the shot. What is going on here?!



I'm moving towards this end of the conundrum at this point. He's like a shadow of the steamrolling force that he was in Florida. Regarding Bieksa, at least a fan knew what they had in Juice, game in and game out. He took his job as team conscience and pugilist to almost legendary status here. Sadly Benning traded the wrong defenseman that year, and jettisoned Juice instead of Edler.

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42 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

I'm moving towards this end of the conundrum at this point. He's like a shadow of the steamrolling force that he was in Florida. Regarding Bieksa, at least a fan knew what they had in Juice, game in and game out. He took his job as team conscience and pugilist to almost legendary status here. Sadly Benning traded the wrong defenseman that year, and jettisoned Juice instead of Edler.

IMO it's the same problem as Edler the past few years. Crushed under the heavy burden of trying to compensate from what was a poor-mediocre team when healthy, under the added weight of key injuries. Gudbranson with the added issue of trying to come back from an injury in the middle of this mess.


And it doesn't just include Gudbranson (or Edler). Has anyone looked terribly good in the last month'ish for more than a game or two (besides maybe phenom Boeser anyway and even he's on a two game 'drought' now)?


I mean people are harping on the goalies, the D etc but is it so difficult for CDC to see the correlation of key injuries to our top 2 C's (also our top 2 defensive C's) and forced retirement of a key match up guy like Dors and our two best defensive D's in Tanev and Guddy with the D and goalies looking 'bad' for that same stretch? That our offense has also suffered with those same injuries as well as Baer (also leading to less offensive zone time and hence more D zone time as well).


Like put 2 and 2 together CDC :rolleyes:


I feel like people are pulling figures out of their ass. 


Hes worth MAX 4 million a season. 

I don't know about 'max' I'd certainly be willing to go in the $4-4.5 range depending on term etc but who knows what he's asking or Benning will offer? Nobody, that's who.


Out of their arse ideed.


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22 minutes ago, KKnight said:

I feel like people are pulling figures out of their ass. 


Hes worth MAX 4 million a season. 

2 years ago he turned down 18 million over 4 years. That was when he was a RFA,  now he’s ufa.  The cap then was at 73 million. This years it’s set to hit 78+. 

His salary ask might be close to 5.5. I doubt he gets that. But Alzner and Staal are getting 6 million, orpik is getting 5.5 and they would be somewhat comparables.


I agree. Max 4 million. Although I do think on the open market some team will pay more. 


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13 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

2 years ago he turned down 18 million over 4 years. That was when he was a RFA,  now he’s ufa.  

How many times do people have to correct this false rumour until it dies? His agent and and previous GM have refuted this as well as the idiot who made the initial tweet. There's simply no evidence it's remotely true.

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10 minutes ago, aGENT said:

IMO it's the same problem as Edler the past few years. Crushed under the heavy burden of trying to compensate from what was a poor-mediocre team when healthy, under the added weight of key injuries. Gudbranson with the added issue of trying to come back from an injury in the middle of this mess.

I don't think so. While sustaining an injury last year during his first with the team would hard for any player, this season, Gudbranson has still not brought the same intensity from a physical standpoint as he did in Florida. Understandably Gudbranson would want to shy away from fisticuffs to protect bones and tendons healing in his hands and wrists, but the lack of a heavy game is not explained away simply because they need to compensate for other injured players.

10 minutes ago, aGENT said:

And it doesn't just include Gudbranson (or Edler). Has anyone looked terribly good in the last month'ish for more than a game or two (besides maybe phenom Boeser anyway and even he's on a two game 'drought' now)?

Vanek and Gagner looked excellent with Boeser against Chicago. Injuries have had there way, but the team has run the gamut. Outplaying good teams and then falling off a cliff the next. However this post is about Gudbranson, and to a lesser extent, Edler.


Both have had great physical games, and then both have had games (when they weren't injured) where they didn't bring anything of the sort, when it was needed most.

10 minutes ago, aGENT said:

I mean people are harping on the goalies, the D etc but is it so difficult for CDC to see the correlation of key injuries to our top 2 C's (also our top 2 defensive C's) and forced retirement of a key match up guy like Dors and our two best defensive D's in Tanev and Guddy with the D and goalies looking 'bad' for that same stretch? That our offense has also suffered with those same injuries as well as Baer (also leading to less offensive zone time and hence more D zone time as well).

Certainly. The goaltenders aren't really ever going to be bonafide starters, but have had good games. The defense has played airtight games where they suppressed the goals against to the point where it was league leading. Losing Sutter and Horvat was a huge blow to that side of the game, but that's when, by committee, a defense, and any forwards with the inkling of being solid on both ends of the ice, step up and fill the holes in the interim.

10 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Like put 2 and 2 together CDC :rolleyes:


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8 hours ago, teepain said:

Tough to resign at 5.5m . Would trade and try to revamp the top 4 in my eyes. The same thing happens every year. We get injured and the season is over , not to mention the giveaways i see more often

Starting by doing whatever it takes to get Tryamkin in that top 4 next year.

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10 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

The court is yours. Debunk away. 

Lol nice neg for pointing out you're, yet again, misinformed.



George RichardsVerified account @GeorgeRichards
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My earlier tweet that Erik Gudbranson turned down a four-year deal has been refuted by both the #FlaPanthersNHL_2017_2018_FlaPanthers.png and his agent. I apologize.

8:14 PM - 26 May 2016
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9 hours ago, VIC_CITY said:

I'm torn. I see some good things out of Guddy. He has a hard shot that can give goalies trouble, he just hardly ever uses it. He's also a good skater but the only time I see him skate is back into his own zone to pick up a loose puck. He can be physically dominant but he doesn't throw many big hits (compared to Biega who seems to have a big hit every game) and he can throw down but you hardly ever see him mixing it up after whistles and getting in opponents faces, asserting his dominance. He clearly has the ability to do all of this and do it well, but he leaves you asking for more. 


I'd have no problem paying him like a # 3 if he used his skating to break out and join the rush like he did on the Gaunce goal, or if he was a constant threat to shoot like we know he can, or if he consistently asserted his physical dominance. But he seems pretty passive for the most part and hesitant to break out of his comfort zone, even if we can all see that he has the skills/potential to be that guy. Sure, he's still young but this is his 7th NHL season, so I don't know how much he's going to change as a player moving forward. 


Just going back and looking at Kevin Bieksa's 1st 7 years. He had 3 40+ point seasons! Gudbranson is a way better skater and has 10x the shot. What is going on here?!



Big men take longer to develop, there is longetivity in a player like Gudbranson, his best years may be at the 29 30 age mark.

not to compare him as a player to Chara,  but Chara didn’t really get it until he was 27-28.

.. Lidstrom the same (I think)

i think just a little patience here, (especially while he gets coupled with sophomores and rookies) will be a virtue.

Tanev may be the one to move, for a greater return this year..

then once we settle in, with the cap going up 3-6m..  why not try to add a true #1 D like Karlsson or Doughty to fill that hole once they become free agents?

Gudbransson has a strong all round game... I can’t see him dropping mitts every night if he doesn’t have to,and if he is up against the bigger power forwards every night, he needs to pace the season,. He is needed.


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