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[GDT] Nucks @ Bruins - Feb 04 2020 - 4pm Pacific - SNET

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33 minutes ago, MystifyNCrucify said:

Matthews has to go. I dont think he wanted to be in toronto to begin with. Then they start all over, because tavares isnt getting younger. 


“Rebuild” screwed with one contract signing and one free agent signing. Seriously. 

I think that if the CAP were raised 8 million or more pretty quickly (18 mos?) those signings wouldn't look so bad.  But Tavares combined with Nylander just seems to eat up so much of the money. Matthews and Marner are even more money if I remember right, but you get so much bang for the buck with those guys. More and more I wonder how it happened that neither the players nor the owners/mgt decided to do nothing about the model for paying players.  I realize the CAP has been good the parity concerns, but it doesn't seem to work for a lot of the traditional teams that have the largest fan bases. Who really cares if Carolina or Nashville master the CAP and make every playoffs. 

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53 minutes ago, gameburn said:

Dubas's drafting has been good, contracts and trades, I'm not sure about, but probably not as good.

This playoffs will be the test I think.  I've always thought of Toronto as being ahead of us in the rebuild war, but if we make the playoffs and they don't... lol, I think we can conclude they are not ahead of us.  I like the balance and morale of our team.  Players play for each other here.  Although I'd like a bit more push back here sometimes, Toronto is not even as good, and we do have Ferland in the wings.  (I also like Fantenberg and Virtanen as well as Miller for a physical presence.) 

compared to what?

I mean really - didn't they #stockpilethapickz?

Wadr - where are all these good picks?  Dermott?  Sandin (13 NHL games)?  Guys like Gauthier and Johnsson pre-dated Dubas.  Seriously - outside the Matthews/Marner/Nylander top 10 picks  - where are all these NHL roster players drafted and developed in their system?  Sounds like a cool story to me.

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I have a bad feeling about this game.....especially the way they have been giving up so many shots and odd man rushes, giveaways etc etc etc ..... if don't play a solid D game tonight they will get blown out....Marky is only human..... I think they will be lucky to get a loser point tonight..... but who knows maybe the hockey gods will smile upon them and give them a few bounces against Tukka.... definitely can count on the PP....sigh...

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11 hours ago, jmfaminoff said:

Marchand has it coming to him. Here is to hoping he gets smashed into the boards with a clean body check.

Would love to see big tuna lay out the rat ala the Rome hit but not a half second late so it is squeaky clean. 

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The boys have played very well in Boston since the ‘11 finals. 

4 wins in 7 trips to Beantown since going 0-3 in the finals. Very important to shut the crowd down early or it could get ugly. Petey lives for these games. He wants the puck on his stick all the time. Need Boeser to shoot shoot and shoot again. Doesn’t matter if he doesn’t score. Just make the goalie make a save and good things will happen. He needs to watch video on how Daniel gets open after two or three touches down low. Stop trying to deke out NHL Dmen and use the three foot pass and keep your stick on the ice. 

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5 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

You really show why James is great on this board. 

that's great.

The discussion, fwiw, wasn't really about LE or Horvat or his/their effectiveness - it wasn't about that line - it was about Beagle's line. It was about devaluing and misunderstanding the role of thos depth forwards.   Hence the woosh - you maintaining that LE or Horvat are valuable misses the point.

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