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[PGT] Arizona Coyotes at Vancouver Canucks | Mar. 04, 2020

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-Vintage Canuck-

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5 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

"I liked our game again tonight. And some people might not like me saying that, but man, that was a hockey game. Felt like a playoff game. I thought both teams played well. They got two lucky bounces and that's what it came down to. I'd imagine the guys are frustrated. I know as coaches we are. We've played three good hockey games in a row. That's the way hockey goes sometimes. This one will sting for awhile, but that's alright. Unfortunate we didn't win. Just play well... Just play well. Best thing you can do is go out and play your best game. I didn't think we had any passengers. Go up and down our lineup, didn't have any players that weren't good tonight." - Green

This comment makes me think Green is delusional 


Maybe they do need to fire him


Edited by Arrow 1983
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Lay off Stecher.  If anyone's fault on that goal it was Edler.  Terrible pass causing Stecher to make a panic move with his skate. Bad luck it bounced right to the net. Then Edler left the guy all alone in front, wasn't quick enough. The shooter had time to wait for a deflection before burying it. 


But I'm not blaming Edler for the loss either.  He did make a save to give them another chance.  It was another very good effort. Both teams really wanted it , but Phoenix got the bounces, that's about it. We actually carried the play more I thought. Fans are understandably pssed off. I am too. 


But I'm saving up my meltdown for when, rather IF, there's nothing else to hope for.

And it will be spectacular. 

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this team hasn't one since Ray Ferraro declared us to be the best Canadian team. 


face planted on the eastern road trip to 'showcase' themselves to the Eastern media. 


i just hope Toffoli doesn't have second thoughts about re-signing here. Green must be giving him Willie D flashbacks

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"Alright, just finished work. got time to catch the last 10 minutes. Oh good, I see we're up 2-1. We got this." -Me



Are you &^@#ing for real? Again? We choke it away again? We wasted Virt's best game as a Canuck, for that? 

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Was at the game. Sad. They look lost. Watched Green closely.  He hardly said a word.  Guy is so passive.

Tough to see such a promising season falling apart. I think at this point Green has cratered them.  

Miller toffoli Virt had good games.  Almost nobody else.  No team compete. No pack mentality.  Passive coaching.  Tough to see.


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5 minutes ago, Alflives said:

It was IMO the wrong timing to say the rebuild was finished, and move out assets in hopes to just squeak into the playoffs.  I think it’s Aquilini who’s pulling the strings.  

Of course it's Aquilini.  Making the playoffs = $$ in his pockets not shared with the league. 


I think that's the disagreement with Linden and Benning.  From what I understand, Linden wanted a patient long term (build through the draft) approach.   JB said it could be fast tracked.  Now he's here and Linden is gone.


To be fair...JB is right.  The team was on track (and still is) to make the playoffs. 

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2 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Miller is signed for three more years and anyone with a brain would do that trade time and time again, so no.

Miller was worth two firsts.  The guy is great.  However, IMO, the timing of the trade was wrong.  He’s gone in three years, just when Petey and Hughes are entering their primes.  The Tofu deal was a waste of assets too.  These moves were too soon.  The rebuild shouldn’t have ended yet.  Now, these losses piling up, and us falling like a rock out of the playoffs, are showing it was too soon.  We are going to get stuck in the bloody middle of round one.  That’s a recipe for disaster.  

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Travis Green is truly delusional if he thinks his coached team has been playing well 


you lost 4 games in a row Travis 




how can you be happy at any level? 

truly delusional developing a losing culture 


get rid of him JB !!! 

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13 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Benning has gone all in this season to make the playoffs....  We have moved considerable future assets to make the playoffs this year. ? 


Should Benning  be back next year if the Canucks don't make it in this year ?  Should his coach TG be brought back if we miss the playoffs ?

Yes and No in that order!

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Just now, Trebreh said:

this team hasn't one since Ray Ferraro declared us to be the best Canadian team. 


face planted on the eastern road trip to 'showcase' themselves to the Eastern media. 


i just hope Toffoli doesn't have second thoughts about re-signing here. Green must be giving him Willie D flashbacks

Toffoli will re-sign 


marky will re-sign

cause of the cap going up 


just hoping somehow someway we get rid of sutter roussell eriksson

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7 minutes ago, captainhorvat said:

All the doubters relax we’re still gonna make the playoffs. This tough stretch will make us better going into the playoffs. Securing a wildcard is still very do-able.

None of those teams fighting for wildcard scare me lol  

Don’t want to make the wildcard spot tho, Blue and Vegas will kill us.


Would have a better experience vs Oilers or Flames

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35 minutes ago, Shirotashi said:

I thought that was a great game for Roussel.

Yup he did have a real strong game ( took a while ) but Green should of gone to Virtanen with the goalie pulled.


Percentages coaches go with veterans everytime!!

Edited by 6string
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5 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

"I liked our game again tonight. And some people might not like me saying that, but man, that was a hockey game. Felt like a playoff game. I thought both teams played well. They got two lucky bounces and that's what it came down to. I'd imagine the guys are frustrated. I know as coaches we are. We've played three good hockey games in a row. That's the way hockey goes sometimes. This one will sting for awhile, but that's alright. Unfortunate we didn't win. Just play well... Just play well. Best thing you can do is go out and play your best game. I didn't think we had any passengers. Go up and down our lineup, didn't have any players that weren't good tonight." - Green

So lose now in order to learn how to win in the playoffs? 

seems like a great mindset !

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3 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

He needs to stop saying this.


A hockey game is 60 minutes. Not 20, not 40, not 52.


If you collapse and can’t hold leads or even ties late in games you didn’t play a good hockey game. You played good for part of a game which isn’t good enough.


He can sugar coat it all he wants but this is a results based business and he ain’t getting them:


Well said sir, have to be accountable fellas, you get paid millions of dollars, for not really doing much. And to be honest most families can’t even afford to go to a hockey game. Imagine we got that kind of money, but underperformed in our jobs? Lol.....wake up enough of excuses.

Edited by The Aquamen
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8 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

There is a new rule this year 


you have to qualify for the playoffs to make it to the finals 

Winning the cup is easy, only two steps:


1) make the playoffs.

2) win the last game you play.

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2 minutes ago, Arrow 1983 said:

The interesting part of this all


what this fan base loves about this team is also killing them late in games


Speed, Talent, High quality but also highly dangerous passes


What the team lacks is a balance between all that and the Defensive structure




Internet fanbase doesn't care about anything more then the boxscore.  How many points did this guy get?  

Who cares about fundamentals, let's get a high scoring guy!  

This team lacks defensive structure (that's on coaching) but also good two-way players.  Gaudette and Zack could really use more time in the AHL.  I love their effort but they're not ready to be on a team contending for the playoffs right now.  I think that Gaudette might've hit the rookie wall some 10 games ago.  

Stecher should be a 7th d-man.  Fanta has played okay this season and Benn just hasn't played well at all after the first 20 games.  

Well said Arrow, speed, talent and high danger passing is what this fanbase loves.  You live by the sword, you die by the sword. 

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