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[Rumour] Canucks exploring possibility of trading Brock Boeser

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In early Oct(after PO's, at draft) say you have a full roster & 5 or 6 million in open cap space.


I honestly don't think many folks realize just how valuable that asset(5-6,000,000 $ in space) will become. Almost no one(who is competing) will have this. Scarcity drives value.

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I seriously doubt this rumour as of right now. Keeping Toffoli over Boeser would be a move that would warrant firing Benning if the move is purely made for cap reasons (ie. we get picks/prospects in return). 


If we do end up shopping him, it better be for a young defenseman like Pulock, McAvoy, Werenski, Ekblad, Pesce, etc. in something close to a 1-for-1. Then it would simply be a lateral move to address a positional need. Anything else and its a terrible move by the organization and management. 

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50 minutes ago, theo5789 said:


Alex Edler (who has been our de facto #1 dman for the majority of his career here) was -39 for a season too. I hope this isn't the only thing you're looking at when assessing him.

Fair point, like I said don’t watch Sabres games, so don’t understand the hype.

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1 hour ago, -AJ- said:

Aaaaaand Sekeres just lost all credibility. Now it sounds a lot like he's trying to push an anti-Benning narrative.

Sounds to me that the vancouver media is shuffling to see who the next 'Botchford' will be... You have JD Burke and Suckass attempting to fill his boots.  Though I didn't like Botchford much, he was a decent writer and he was a serious fan of the canucks R.I.P..  However, Burke and Sekeres are just hacks drumming up business.

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Sukuras has already back-peddled on his initial comment. His defenders go on as if he hasn't. The situation isn't as dire as people make it out to be.


We can get under the cap by letting certain players walk. Leivo, Fanta, Domingue, and Motte etc. We have options after that for creating space. Beagle, Roussel, and Sutter have LNTCs and we could find a team that needs a veteran presence with high defensive and F/O abilities or a pest. We could find a taker for Benn; Dallas has a couple of older D-men and might consider uniting the Benns. Also with the current climate our unsigned players could take a smaller contract as opportunities dwindle due to other teams being in the same boat.


I don't think we're going to have to trade Boeser. If we do, it better be for a great return!!

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1 hour ago, Squamfan said:

we should not even be in this situation. This the problem and the only reason for trading him

where do you get your info from? i haven’t come to that conclusion. your hockey knowledge has be far superior to mine. things may have back fired on them because of cov’d 19 but the majority of his pick ups were to give the young talent the best chance to succeed. having to overpay was the only way to get the guys the team needed to come here. it always easy to sit behind our computers and condemn what the brain trust does. the truth of the matter is, we weren’t in the war room and witnessing how and why they came to their decisions. 

hindsight will always trump foresight. i agree with many of jim’s moves. some didn’t work. jim was trying to speed up the rebuild’s chance of getting into the playoffs. the owners want it. 

if you knew what their plan going forward was and how they hope it will succeed, i’ld give you more credit for your hindsight. 

Edited by smithers joe
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3 hours ago, Tre Mac said:

All because they don't want to hear the criticism of trading Madden for 10 games of Toffoli.  So they'll make a mistake to cover up another mistake.  Reported by both Sekeres and Dhaliwal but what do they know? 

But they still lost the Prospect for nothing

They could have used Madden in getting the defenceman they need and kept Boeser (Now it cost them maybe Madden Boeser , Toffoli and the draft pick to get the same)

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1 hour ago, theo5789 said:

So if we sign Toffoli to fill that top 6 role (and promote from within for the other top 6 spot, say Virtanen moves up and MacEwen enters the lineup full time with Podkolzin bumping out someone when he joins) for say 5 million and trade Boeser for RD help, we could potentially save about a million and improve the roster. Laughable to consider indeed.

Would you rather keep an aging toffoli over a young elite talent? Terrible asset management. Relying on Jake to be a consistent top six player at where he is right now is also not a good idea. 


Plus the issue at hand is that if they are looking to free up cap space, which we shouldn't even be in this predicament in the first place(Thanks jim) the fact that they are looking to move a player like Brock  is a big big yikes. 

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31 minutes ago, RWMc1 said:

Sukuras has already back-peddled on his initial comment. His defenders go on as if he hasn't. The situation isn't as dire as people make it out to be.


We can get under the cap by letting certain players walk. Leivo, Fanta, Domingue, and Motte etc. We have options after that for creating space. Beagle, Roussel, and Sutter have LNTCs and we could find a team that needs a veteran presence with high defensive and F/O abilities or a pest. We could find a taker for Benn; Dallas has a couple of older D-men and might consider uniting the Benns. Also with the current climate our unsigned players could take a smaller contract as opportunities dwindle due to other teams being in the same boat.


I don't think we're going to have to trade Boeser. If we do, it better be for a great return!!

Why do people keep saying this like they are a hot commodity? They are not very good players on pretty garbage contracts. If we have to add picks and prospects to get rid of these dumpster fire contracts is a terrible look,.

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1 hour ago, Squamfan said:

we should not even be in this situation. This the problem and the only reason for trading him

People are flaming you here but this absolutely correct. We have cap issues with EP and Hughes still on ELC's. 

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4 minutes ago, Silky mitts said:

People are flaming you here but this absolutely correct. We have cap issues with EP and Hughes still on ELC's. 

i mean which team has forth liners combined for 20million. Which other team has this. Look at the leafs, they chance to win was when matthews and Marner making elc but know they have taken a step back because bought of them have signed 10 million dollar contracts. This should have been the window for the canucks to load up and make a run before petey and quinn start making 20plus

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26 minutes ago, Silky mitts said:

Why do people keep saying this like they are a hot commodity? They are not very good players on pretty garbage contracts. If we have to add picks and prospects to get rid of these dumpster fire contracts is a terrible look,.

Canucks fan base has too many popularity contest fans. A popular player can do no wrong and a hated players isn't even AHL calibre. New toys are valued more than established players. Just look at Stecher. From best as voted by fans to not good enough for bottom pairing; even though he's a way better player now than he was then.


Also defensive players are crapped on because of their offensive output yet newer offensive players are forgiven for blatant defensive blunders. Other GMs might value an established player with good defensive stats more than our fans and media do. We'll see, I guess.





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Only trade Boeser if all of these things are then also true:


-Hoglander is ready to play top 6 next year

-Taffoli is re-signed at a reasonable term and avg

-It allows us to re-sign Markstrom and Tanev as well

-We get a kings ransom in return (ie- young cheap RD and 1st)

-The NHL does not allow us to have a compliance buy out and Eriksson is still on the books.  



As much as the team would be better next year with Taffoli, we can't go with him over Boeser long term just to have Taffoli not be a rental. I also don't want to force Virtanen into a top 6 and honestly would rather he is the guy to go. Him partying while Bo is quarentined from his wife and newborn shows his lack of character and childishness that he is not improving upon. I did like Leivo on the second wing. 


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Ultimately, i feel like letting go of Boeser is/would be a huge mistake IF it's just for the sake of saving cap space. If you let go of Tanev and finally let some of the rookies like Juolevi, Rafferty, Sautner or Brisebois take a shot we could just suck it up til Eriksson and some of the other big contracts are gone. I see these next 2 years as a sort of stalemate and we're stuck with the roster we have (but don't forget potentially Podz/Hogz coming in). The team improving is going to be solely based off of individual improvement, i.e. Petey getting better, Hughes, Bo, Boeser etc. + team chemistry. I would much rather go through the next 2 years WITH boeser and a team with no cap space constantly fighting for a playoff spot getting experience, than 2 years of the exact same situation without Boeser but with cap space...


Obviously my predictions can be way off but if we expect a lineup such as the following***bolded being predicted extension numbers, we'd be right at the cap of 81.5M (taking into account all our buyouts, recapture penalties, and contracts buried). Of course with a mutual termination of Eriksson's contract this become way easier to squeeze and we could potentially bring back Tanev. 


Pearson - Horvat - Boeser

Miller - Pettersson - Toffoli (5.5)

Sutter - Gaudette (1.5) - Virtanen (2.5)

Roussel - Beagle - Ferland


Eriksson, MacEwen (1)


Edler - Myers

Hughes - Juolevi (0.863)

Rafferty (0.7) - Fantenberg (1)




Markstrom (5)



Only downside to this lineup is that our D is again looking really weak, but it's the price we have to pay for these overpaid 4th liners. 

By the 22/23 season we should be poised to finally make moves to strengthen an even more experienced core/team for an extended period of time with Eriksson, Sutter, Roussel, Beagle, Edler, Baertschi, Spooner, Luongo ALL coming off the books (upwards of 33M+).

I know it probably isn't this simple (one can dream tho) but just let Tanev go, re-sign Tofu and Markstrom and give Nik Lidstrom (Juolevi) a chance. 

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