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22 minutes ago, Russ said:


5. Drinking alcohol can protect you from the coronavirus

Unlike 5G networks, alcohol does have an effect on Covid-19: It raises your risk. “Alcohol use, especially heavy use, weakens the immune system and thus reduces the ability to cope with infectious diseases,” the World Health Organization states. And for the record, drinking alcohol-based hand sanitizer won’t help, either. In fact it could kill you straight away, as it has a few folks already."


Fuuuuuugde...... this was my opportunity to have an excuse to drink more!

I'll risk it.....

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1 hour ago, Russ said:

Oh geeze thats brutal, I can't imagine how your scrambling right now to figure things out

This actually is part of the reason that so many working parents are still on CERB.


No programs, child care or anything.  They've no options for child minding

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

This actually is part of the reason that so many working parents are still on CERB.


No programs, child care or anything.  They've no options for child minding

CERB ended at end of August for many Canadians....  24 week max. 

Or maybe ending in the next few weeks...

Edited by kingofsurrey
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19 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

CERB ended at end of August for many Canadians....  24 week max. 

Or maybe ending in the next few weeks...

Thought it was until mid September or something then its this new easier modified EI. 


25 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

This actually is part of the reason that so many working parents are still on CERB.


No programs, child care or anything.  They've no options for child minding

Oh yea I can't blame them.  I am lucky my 2 year old is in daycare and my wife is on maternity right now so we are covered, if this was next year or last year then I would be working graveyards or night shifts to composate for the child care we would have needed if we couldn't get any.

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3 minutes ago, Russ said:

Thought it was until mid September or something then its this new easier modified EI. 


Oh yea I can't blame them.  I am lucky my 2 year old is in daycare and my wife is on maternity right now so we are covered, if this was next year or last year then I would be working graveyards or night shifts to composate for the child care we would have needed if we couldn't get any.

Speaking to a woman running a dance studio in town.


She's at half capacity, but her summer program is the only reason those parents can go to work.  Hadn't even considered that as an issue honestly


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Just now, Warhippy said:

Speaking to a woman running a dance studio in town.


She's at half capacity, but her summer program is the only reason those parents can go to work.  Hadn't even considered that as an issue honestly


Doesn't surprise me.  There was a 2 week period when things first shutting down that our daycare shut down outside of essential workers (eventhough like 95% of the jobs out there are classified as essential it seems) and it seems like 2/3 of the parents were screwed suddenly.  But all these little camps/programs are things that people don't think about normally when it comes to what parents need to get kids covered so parents can pay the bills.

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Shutting the entire economy down has proved nothing other than kill the hospitality and service industry and small businesses. Making people stay home and limiting contact with the outside world has been proven to weaken the immune system making people more susceptible to infections. Everyone will eventually get this virus it’s only a matter of time. Stay locked inside your homes folks, but I for one will continue to enjoy life and avoid the left wing fear monger media 

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1 hour ago, NeilColville said:

Shutting the entire economy down has proved nothing other than kill the hospitality and service industry and small businesses. Making people stay home and limiting contact with the outside world has been proven to weaken the immune system making people more susceptible to infections. Everyone will eventually get this virus it’s only a matter of time. Stay locked inside your homes folks, but I for one will continue to enjoy life and avoid the left wing fear monger media 

You present your opinion as facts...they're not.


If you're going to provide a fact, please use a source:  "limiting contact with the outside world has been proven to weaken the immune system".


I can tell you, first hand, that since I got let go from my job and had to shut things down to protect vulnerable family members, mine has strengthened, immensely, and here's why:


1.  People at work (namely my boss) were OFTEN sick and we were in close quarters and shared spaces.  

2.  My job was super stressful and stress is proven to have an impact on overall health

3.  When I was working, I often didn't home until 7 so would "grab something" to eat on the way because I didn't feel like cooking/eating at 8-9:00.  I don't eat out at all now...zero fast food.  I prepare all my own meals because I have more time to.

4.  Without the constant barrage of stress/thoughts running through my mind, I'm sleeping better

5.  I work out much more...I have more time to strengthen my mind and body (I'm also doing meditation).


My son, who's had pneumonia twice in the recent past, now works from home and has been MUCH healthier since.


People who say stay "locked in" are exaggerating...no one's "locked in" and that's a bit dramatic.  We all can go outside, enjoy fresh air, go for walks...provided we do so safely.  We also aren't disconnected from others...see how we're all sharing thoughts/ideas here?  So it's not like we're "shut in" and isolated....isolation has a different spin here.  We can't gather in groups or do some things, sure.  But it's to keep people safe/alive and the only reason we haven't been bombarded by this thing is because people ARE taking it seriously.


While some businesses may not survive, it happens.  And others will thrive if the ability to go online, etc. are options.    The fear monger label is something people are using as convenience to ignore guidelines set out to keep us all safe.  It's frustrating because they compromise the efforts and sacrifices we're making in this. 


Do you deny what's happening in the US?  Is this just media fabrication?

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1 hour ago, NeilColville said:

Shutting the entire economy down has proved nothing other than kill the hospitality and service industry and small businesses. Making people stay home and limiting contact with the outside world has been proven to weaken the immune system making people more susceptible to infections. Everyone will eventually get this virus it’s only a matter of time. Stay locked inside your homes folks, but I for one will continue to enjoy life and avoid the left wing fear monger media 

The sick and the dead don't contribute to the economy. And infecting your customers doesn't help either. Overwhelming the health care system doesn't help either.

Staying open with the excuse "It's for the economy" is like sending troops out of the trenches and walking slowly to the enemy to be mowed down by machines guns in World War I. There's a pub about 20 minute walk from me. In March they reduced capacity and social distancing right away. When they had to close they were doing pick up and delivery. When they reopened, once again social distancing, and following health protocols. They seem to be doing just fine. Are they impacted? Big time. 


Funny how folks gripe about the service industry. But no one whines about the retail industry, which has been cutting jobs and shifting focus to online for years even before covid. 

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1 hour ago, NeilColville said:

Shutting the entire economy down has proved nothing other than kill the hospitality and service industry and small businesses. Making people stay home and limiting contact with the outside world has been proven to weaken the immune system making people more susceptible to infections. Everyone will eventually get this virus it’s only a matter of time. Stay locked inside your homes folks, but I for one will continue to enjoy life and avoid the left wing fear monger media 

The entire economy has shut down?  wait what? I must be hallucinating because I could have sworn I just came back from 3 wonderful days in Whistler, staying at a great hotel near the village and having a few great meals.  Taking the gondola up to the peak and enjoying the scenery while taking a nice hike.  


Wait, I just checked my credit card bill, yep, I'm still hallucinating.  Gotta get off these Shrooms.


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23 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

You present your opinion as facts...they're not.


If you're going to provide a fact, please use a source:  "limiting contact with the outside world has been proven to weaken the immune system".


I can tell you, first hand, that since I got let go from my job and had to shut things down to protect vulnerable family members, mine has strengthened, immensely, and here's why:


1.  People at work (namely my boss) were OFTEN sick and we were in close quarters and shared spaces.  

2.  My job was super stressful and stress is proven to have an impact on overall health

3.  When I was working, I often didn't home until 7 so would "grab something" to eat on the way because I didn't feel like cooking/eating at 8-9:00.  I don't eat out at all now...zero fast food.  I prepare all my own meals because I have more time to.

4.  Without the constant barrage of stress/thoughts running through my mind, I'm sleeping better

5.  I work out much more...I have more time to strengthen my mind and body (I'm also doing meditation).


My son, who's had pneumonia twice in the recent past, now works from home and has been MUCH healthier since.


People who say stay "locked in" are exaggerating...no one's "locked in" and that's a bit dramatic.  We all can go outside, enjoy fresh air, go for walks...provided we do so safely.  We also aren't disconnected from others...see how we're all sharing thoughts/ideas here?  So it's not like we're "shut in" and isolated....isolation has a different spin here.  We can't gather in groups or do some things, sure.  But it's to keep people safe/alive and the only reason we haven't been bombarded by this thing is because people ARE taking it seriously.


While some businesses may not survive, it happens.  And others will thrive if the ability to go online, etc. are options.    The fear monger label is something people are using as convenience to ignore guidelines set out to keep us all safe.  It's frustrating because they compromise the efforts and sacrifices we're making in this. 


Do you deny what's happening in the US?  Is this just media fabrication?

My story. My wife has pre existing conditions. My wife and I self isolated for 13 weeks, family and friends grocery shopped for us, and the little bit of driving we did was to her brother in laws for an outside visit on the patio. In fact my battery died in my car from under use. We are now going to back off from helping with our son and his family when they get out of school  in the afternoon. The reason, my wife had a phone conference with her endocryologist, and he said avoid the grandkids for two months. Or, until this all shakes out. Meanwhile, these asshats in Kelowna are having anti mask rallies, the sky is falling rallies, and its a government led conspiracy to shut down the economy. Call me pis*** and very disappointed.

Edited by johngould21
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1 hour ago, NeilColville said:

Shutting the entire economy down has proved nothing other than kill the hospitality and service industry and small businesses. Making people stay home and limiting contact with the outside world has been proven to weaken the immune system making people more susceptible to infections. Everyone will eventually get this virus it’s only a matter of time. Stay locked inside your homes folks, but I for one will continue to enjoy life and avoid the left wing fear monger media 

OK boomer!

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On 8/20/2020 at 11:47 AM, Hectic said:

Hearing this from someone who is in the "vulnerable" population, in addition to your family, is important for everyone. It's unfortunate this has gotten to a point where it doesn't seem as if there is any end in sight with regards to going back to life the way it was previously. A few points I thought to address to you as I'm curious to get people within this group's take on the state of what's going on: 


- When you mention that you've self isolated for over 3 months, is this currently still happening? The reason I'm asking this, if you are still isolating, is to understand at what point you'll feel comfortable with no longer isolating. 


- Given age/health condition/etc, your family would be classified as the population that we are trying to protect with all these measures. Do you ever get a sense that these measures are actually more harmful than beneficial in the long run? It's quite likely that for at least the next 2 years that being able to have large family gatherings, hugging family members you haven't seen for awhile, and traveling internationally are things that won't be able to happen. Perhaps even 5+ years. The mental health/psychological implications of these measures, in my opinion, will outweigh any physiological impact from this disease when we look back on it. 


- When you refer to brats/people engaging in social interactions that would be deemed irresponsible and inappropriate, one thing I wanted to point out was that even without these interactions, COVID would never be eradicated/eliminated - ie. there would always be the existence of the virus and the risk of transmission. I don't want to draw direct comparisons to influenza, but every year during the flu season there is the existence of this virus and the risk of transmission (and the complications that go along with it, which can be quite traumatic for immunocompromised people as well). My point here is that if you think that the goal is complete eradication, that this is not a realistic end-game, even when a vaccine is introduced. 


- And finally, just as a final follow up, what would you say your take is on how this will all end? Will we be wearing masks indefinitely in grocery stores? Will we not be able to watch an NHL game with a full arena and without masks for the next 5+ years? Is there a point where you and your family will look at each other and say "we're over it" because life's too short (I mean for everyone, not because of your health history)?


Overall, 6 months after the start of the pandemic, I'm at a point where I really don't know what the end-game is here, and that this is how life will be for at least the next 5+ years. It's concerning to me because the economical and psychological impact is already bigger than the health implications, and this will continue to destroy our society now and in the long term.


Would love to get your take and thoughts on all this given your representation of the demographic we are all trying to protect. For reference, I'm a healthy 30 something male. 

We aren't self isolating, but are going back to stage one. No visitors inside, careful shopping (masks etc.). However, a neighbour and I did daily walks in the neighbourhood up to two hours per day, during March to early June. It was our only saving grace. Yes, I don't see a "normal" life for at least two years. Travel, forget it. I won't journey into the Interior at all. My sister came down a few weeks back, and her attitude was one of, there aren't any cases in our town so why should I wear a mask? With that attitude how do we ever rid BC of this virus?

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41 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

You present your opinion as facts...they're not.


If you're going to provide a fact, please use a source:  "limiting contact with the outside world has been proven to weaken the immune system".


I can tell you, first hand, that since I got let go from my job and had to shut things down to protect vulnerable family members, mine has strengthened, immensely, and here's why:


1.  People at work (namely my boss) were OFTEN sick and we were in close quarters and shared spaces.  

2.  My job was super stressful and stress is proven to have an impact on overall health

3.  When I was working, I often didn't home until 7 so would "grab something" to eat on the way because I didn't feel like cooking/eating at 8-9:00.  I don't eat out at all now...zero fast food.  I prepare all my own meals because I have more time to.

4.  Without the constant barrage of stress/thoughts running through my mind, I'm sleeping better

5.  I work out much more...I have more time to strengthen my mind and body (I'm also doing meditation).


My son, who's had pneumonia twice in the recent past, now works from home and has been MUCH healthier since.


People who say stay "locked in" are exaggerating...no one's "locked in" and that's a bit dramatic.  We all can go outside, enjoy fresh air, go for walks...provided we do so safely.  We also aren't disconnected from others...see how we're all sharing thoughts/ideas here?  So it's not like we're "shut in" and isolated....isolation has a different spin here.  We can't gather in groups or do some things, sure.  But it's to keep people safe/alive and the only reason we haven't been bombarded by this thing is because people ARE taking it seriously.


While some businesses may not survive, it happens.  And others will thrive if the ability to go online, etc. are options.    The fear monger label is something people are using as convenience to ignore guidelines set out to keep us all safe.  It's frustrating because they compromise the efforts and sacrifices we're making in this. 


Do you deny what's happening in the US?  Is this just media fabrication?

Fact. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/science/2020/03/31/coronavirus-human-connection-social-distancing/%3foutputType=amp

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29 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

Lets see, 6 months in, over a thousand posts, and you are still regurgitating the same crap that has been posted and refuted?



I will wear a mask and distance myself from others but I will not upend my life and sit inside for another 6 months. 

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