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30 minutes ago, BoKnows said:

Yeah I don't understand why inmates get priority over my 80+ year old grandparents.  Especially my papa who has a lung disease.

Me too.  Makes NO sense....they're in there and not out "socializing" anyhow!  I can see how the guards/staff need to feel safe at work...but these guys are "isolated" more so than the average population.


They should be LAST in line.


Not sure if it's been reported yet:    761 new cases today (site keeps timing out on me)

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On 1/18/2020 at 9:19 PM, Warhippy said:

Well this is terrifying.

Of course it is.     Not to make this into a political thing, but I do believe that evil is prevailing as it relates to covid.     


Up until 2020 I was always under the impression that the countries to fear most were the countries with dictators thumping their chests bragging about their military strength and their nuclear power.  As it turns out there, those dictators aren't the ones that need to be feared most.  As history has shown, anyone that dares to assault 'the big dog' in a direct manner usually ends up getting curb stomped.  So - who should we fear most?   Look for the dictator or 'evil presence' that stays silent for the most part, acts politically correct for the most part, and just smiles.   THAT is the guy, or entity, that should be feared most....because behind that smile is pure evil.    


The best way to beat a guy stronger than you in a war is to do the following:


1) Convince the guy and the audience around him that there is no actual war going on.

2) Create minor injuries to yourself to show the audience that you were also affected, which ultimately convinces the audience that the idea of a person deliberately starting a war is an utterly ridiculous notion (hey look, he also got injured!  How can he have caused this?).

3) Affect many members of the audience while giving the most damage to your intended target.   It's important that many audience members are affected as well so that it doesn't become obvious as to whom the intended target was all along.   

4) Re-assure the audience that you will aid them in their struggle so that it increases your reputation and gives further credulance to the theory that you deliberately starting all of this is a ridiculous notion.


Introduce a new strain of the threat 1-2 weeks after a solution for the original threat has been created.     

Edited by DarkIndianRises
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I have to admit I'm rather terrified to go back to work in a school on Monday.  Have learned some of the teaching staff spent the holidays in Ontario and visited with family, etc.  Some also in the UK.  Not comfortable at all about this deal.

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8 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

I have to admit I'm rather terrified to go back to work in a school on Monday.  Have learned some of the teaching staff spent the holidays in Ontario and visited with family, etc.  Some also in the UK.  Not comfortable at all about this deal.

I'm going to find out if today's announcement means I work from home until Feb. 05. 

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11 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

I have to admit I'm rather terrified to go back to work in a school on Monday.  Have learned some of the teaching staff spent the holidays in Ontario and visited with family, etc.  Some also in the UK.  Not comfortable at all about this deal.

I had 6 classes in the libray today, all primary and I always do a "sharing" with them.  Kid after kid "I went to my cousins for christmas", "I had some sleepovers with friend" etc etc etc

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2 hours ago, BoKnows said:

Federal inmates at Maritime prison will be among the first to receive COVID-19 vaccine



correct me if I am wrong, but arent prisons, federal or provincial STILL at the control of the province for distribution of the vaccine?


That's how it is  in BC< fed or provincial it's the BC government calling the shots on distribution

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25 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

correct me if I am wrong, but arent prisons, federal or provincial STILL at the control of the province for distribution of the vaccine?


That's how it is  in BC< fed or provincial it's the BC government calling the shots on distribution

1,200 doses of the vaccine will be delivered to prisons across the country. In all, 600 inmates will be vaccinated, with each inmate getting the required two doses. It remains unclear which institutions in Canada will receive doses of the vaccine.



I couldn't find anything on who made this decision.


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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

I have to admit I'm rather terrified to go back to work in a school on Monday.  Have learned some of the teaching staff spent the holidays in Ontario and visited with family, etc.  Some also in the UK.  Not comfortable at all about this deal.

If they went to Ontario shouldn't they have to quarantine or is that just international?

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4 hours ago, BoKnows said:

Yeah I don't understand why inmates get priority over my 80+ year old grandparents.  Especially my papa who has a lung disease.

Or every other tax payer thats actually benefiting the economy..... How inmates who have done crimes, are now a drain on the economy and not a benefit, are getting it over everyone else is a bunch of horse crap.

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5 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

Just got back from COVID test #3....fingers crossed.   The lady in front of me was coughing, bad...kind of scary going next right behind her.  My symptoms are lingering...I've been wondering if I should go or not over the past 4-5 days.  Because I go back to work in a school Monday (and also look after Dad)...better know for sure. 


Only one other person there (the one coughing in front of me).  No wait at all...in/out of the airport drive through location in under 10 minutes.  Now the waiting (again).....

I had a test recently as well. My neighbour is in her 90's, so I decided to be safe..

Sore throat,stomach issues, mild cough chills. It came back negative and the symptoms are persisting but not getting worse.


Edited by RWMc1
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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

I have to admit I'm rather terrified to go back to work in a school on Monday.  Have learned some of the teaching staff spent the holidays in Ontario and visited with family, etc.  Some also in the UK.  Not comfortable at all about this deal.

That's a tough spot to be in. I hope the best for you. Is there any talk of getting vaccinated for your line of work?   



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3 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

USA is close to hitting 300K+ in a single day. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens next week since it will mark two weeks since the New Year holiday break.

They hit 4000  yesterday. And today. 

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