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I've been taking to asking what is the plan if this vaccination policy shouldn't happen.


There are 3 choices:


1)  Do nothing.  Clearly not a moral and just plan.  Does nothing to reduce hospitalizations and deaths if the majority of those are unvaccinated. 


2)  Chinese style lockdown.   Clearly nobody wants that.


3)  Do something.   If not the planned vaccination policy, then what?



I have yet to get a response that answers this query. 

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3 hours ago, 4petesake said:

Yelling and screaming outside the hospital one week. A week later begging for air and not to die inside the hospital the next. Doctors and nurses at these hospitals are saints.   If I was in their position I’m not sure I’d be able to help somebody who was acting so vile.

Apparently you have company .................


Controversial media personality Candace Owens' request for COVID-19 test fiercely rejected

A private center denied Candace Owens a COVID-19 test.


Conservative analyst and author Candace Owens said Wednesday that a private COVID-19 testing site denied her a test on the grounds that she is “spreading misinformation” about the coronavirus. 


The private facility responded to Owens’ request for a COVID-19 test in a letter, which Owens posted on social media. The company explained that it will deny her its service due to the alleged misinformation and skepticism of public health measures she pushes on social media, according to the letter Owens shared.


"We cannot support anyone who has pro-actively worked to make this pandemic worse by spreading misinformation, politicizing, and DISCOURAGING the wearing of masks and actively dissuading people from receiving life-saving vaccinations," Aspen Laboratories co-founder Suzanna Lee wrote. 


"My team and myself have worked overtime, to exhaustion, unpaid and underpaid this past year, spending our own capital to ensure that our community remains protected. It would be unfair to them and to the sacrifices we have all made this year to serve you."


 Lee provided an alternative where Owens can get tested.


Owens posted her response to Lee, in which she said Lee’s letter was "hysterical" and called the co-founder a "rabid activist.” 


Some users on social media defended Lee’s decision, sharing Owens’ post and adding in their support of Lee and the facility. 



Owens has been criticized for over comments in which said “the virus was never fatal” and that the “coronavirus is the greatest rigging of an American election that has ever taken place.”

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3 hours ago, HKSR said:

Just saw this on my Facebook feed...


“We wanted to help people
We were smart and driven
We loved science and physiology, humans and disease
So we made a commitment
We signed up
It was an honor
We read thousands of pages
Attended hundreds of lectures
Pulled all-nighters
Took more exams than we thought possible
Finals week felt insurmountable
But it didn’t break us
It made us stronger
We learned statistics and biochemistry
Immunology and pathophysiology
We mastered genetics, virology and pharmacology
We read scientific papers and learned how to dissect them
Papers, not videos
It was an honor
We came running when you needed us
Literally, running down the hallway
To the ICU, the trauma bay, labor and delivery
I need help, you said
We can help, we said
It was an honor
There were moments that we thought would break us
Moments that drove us to journaling, to therapy, to nightmares
Broken babies.
Paralyzed children.
Dead pregnant mothers with three kids at home.
The wail of a mother whose son just died.
We bent but we did not break
We returned because you needed us
And we could help
It was an honor
Then there was fear
Fear of walking into our place of work
Fear that we’d be killed by going to work
Fear that we’d kill a loved one because of our work
There were tears and sleepless nights and anti-anxiety medications
But you banged your pots and pans
You sent us pizzas and called us heroes
You needed us
We could help
So we wore our masks, and our gowns, and our gloves, and our goggles
We decontaminated ourselves before going home and isolated ourselves from our families
We almost broke
It was an honor
How quickly the joy turned to defeat
Elation to rage
You’ve learned to do your own research now
You know better than we do
Gaslighting is your language
Your selfishness is astounding
You don’t want our help when we ask you to stay healthy
Yet you arrive at our doors begging for help at the end
You stole our resources
You hobbled our ability to help those who did what they were supposed to do
You killed our patients by filling our beds and using up our ventilators
We can’t help any more
You broke us
There is no more honor”

Wow, brought tears to my eyes. I particularity appreciate the references to gaslighting and doing their own research by watching videos. You life scabs know who you are.

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1 hour ago, Canuck Surfer said:

My view?  I'm not an expert.  


The more warm bodies the virus can latch on to? Ergo the more unvaccinated, ''vulnerable'' left in public.  The longer those who participate in a solution, ie get vaccinated, also will experience restrictions.  The longer we will have to worry about our children, our grandchildren.  Our taxes will have to pay for income support for those out of work. Pay for an unnecessarily high rate of hospitalization.


What about lost life experiences never to be regained? We live in Melbourne, now locked down over 200days. My daughter 19 has not seen her friends twice in 5 months, cannot meet a boyfriend / girlfriend. Hs not seen a prof in Uni in person. No frat parties, weekend camp trips. Wanted to go to UBC, but can not travel oversea'. All the things I remember about my youth...  


The longer the virus will circulate. he more likely it will develop more strains, mutations.  


I still accept that we have to participate in stopping the spread. 


I view those who accept no such responsibility as selfish

The Mu variant strain, the variant strain after the Delta variant strain is already causing concern among health officials. This is something that didn’t need to happen. 

COVID-19: New Mu variant could be more vaccine-resistant

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12 hours ago, Whorvat said:

@stawns Go to, throw a gif out there if you have nothing to offer to a discussion, while also thinking you're somehow offering substance to a conversation


@-DLC- Told me derailing threads like this is grounds for warning points, so do that thing you do. Or does that only apply when someone disagrees with you? ^_^


Vax passports are a joke, and anybody that supports them, I know which side you'd have been on in the 1930s.


When has dividing society into 2 classes of people ever worked out well for us as a species?

There is a difference between social segregation,  and medical isolation. 


Pretty sure isolating untreated hosts of infectious disease has worked out just fine in the past. 

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For our Aussie friends............


Groundwork being laid for a vaccine passport economic recovery in Australia

Fri 3 Sep 2021 02:31:31 GMT


Vaccine passports are coming to many jurisdictions, not just Australia. 

Victorian state Premier Dan Andrews this morning:
  • when we get to those vaccination double dose thresholds, as part of the national plan, the notion of a locked out of the whole community is far less relevant.
  • What will become a bigger part of our response is a lockout of many venues for those who are not vaccinated. That might seem a bit harsh, but I've said this before and I will make the point again, I am not going to lock the whole state down to protect people who would protect themselves.
  • Yes, there is some supply issues with vaccine at the moment, but by the time we get to 70 or 80%, everybody would have been given an opportunity to do so, so I think if you are not vaccinated, and you could be, the chances of you booking a ticket at a sporting event, going to a pub, go to old about are different places, will be very limited.
An 80% double dose threshold is likely around 2 months away for Australia, perhaps even quicker for some states. As Australia exits its harsh lockdown restrictions the economy will bounce strongly. 
The sooner Melbourne, and elsewhere around the globe, can ease restrictions the better.
Vaccine passports are coming to many jurisdictions, not just Australia. 
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4 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Thanks for that; Spencer street in the CBD. 


Are you Victoria BC, or Melbourne(ish) like myself...


23 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

For our Aussie friends............


Groundwork being laid for a vaccine passport economic recovery in Australia

Fri 3 Sep 2021 02:31:31 GMT


Vaccine passports are coming to many jurisdictions, not just Australia. 

Victorian state Premier Dan Andrews this morning:
  • when we get to those vaccination double dose thresholds, as part of the national plan, the notion of a locked out of the whole community is far less relevant.
  • What will become a bigger part of our response is a lockout of many venues for those who are not vaccinated. That might seem a bit harsh, but I've said this before and I will make the point again, I am not going to lock the whole state down to protect people who would protect themselves.
  • Yes, there is some supply issues with vaccine at the moment, but by the time we get to 70 or 80%, everybody would have been given an opportunity to do so, so I think if you are not vaccinated, and you could be, the chances of you booking a ticket at a sporting event, going to a pub, go to old about are different places, will be very limited.
An 80% double dose threshold is likely around 2 months away for Australia, perhaps even quicker for some states. As Australia exits its harsh lockdown restrictions the economy will bounce strongly. 
The sooner Melbourne, and elsewhere around the globe, can ease restrictions the better.
Vaccine passports are coming to many jurisdictions, not just Australia. 



It's been crazy watching the yo yo of having crowds and not having crowds at AFL matches.  The Grand Final coming up in a few weeks.  

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12 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:




It's been crazy watching the yo yo of having crowds and not having crowds at AFL matches.  The Grand Final coming up in a few weeks.  

Grand Final in Perth; Optus stadium.  They will be pumped.  I lived there 12 years also. I cannot go, WA has locked borders to those from states with cases. 


LOL, including very publicly banning Media personality Eddie McGuire. Former president the Collingwood Magpies in an awesome troll job.  


WA West Australia has managed to keep, essentially, Covid zero through the entire pandemic.


There are benefits to living in the most isolated city in the world.


No restrictions except getting in...

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On 1/19/2020 at 3:20 PM, CBH1926 said:


On 1/19/2020 at 7:05 PM, Canadian said:

I’ve lived in Wuhan for a decade. This all started as an animal-human crossover about a month ago with immediate quarantines at the source market (they think bat-infected animals).


I’m a little skeptical about the estimated spread numbers simply because there really haven’t been any additional cases nor confirmed human-to-human spread.


Seems much less concerning than SARS or MERS


On 1/20/2020 at 3:26 AM, riffraff said:

All good I’m vaccinated.


On 1/21/2020 at 3:50 AM, Kakanucks said:

They should screen ANY flights from China, not just Wuhan specifically.


Those affected can easily travel domestically within China and then hop on a plane and fly out. BAM, not on a flight from Wuhan, not screened, not detected, virus out and about being ready to be spread.




On 1/22/2020 at 5:53 AM, PhillipBlunt said:

So, no more air traffic from China until this is under control.


On 1/22/2020 at 5:42 AM, nuckin_futz said:

Sixth person dies from new coronavirus, Chinese health authorities say


The death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in China climbed to six On Tuesday as authorities reported a surge in new cases, with fears that hundreds of millions of people travelling for the Lunar New Year holiday will accelerate the infection rate.


Officials confirmed that the new mystery virus can spread between humans and said 15 medical staff have now been infected, stoking fears about an international pandemic and prompting airport authorities around the world to step up screening of travellers arriving from China.


The latest update on the outbreak that began in the central city of Wuhan sent shivers through financial markets, as the World Health Organization called a meeting for Wednesday to consider declaring an international health emergency.


The National Health Commission (NHC) put the number of confirmed cases at 291 by the end of Monday, but individual provinces gave more up-to-date information on Tuesday showing a widening geographic spread.


Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, has confirmed 258 cases and six deaths, Mayor Zhou Xianwang told Chinese state television on Tuesday.

The NHC said another 14 cases were reported in the southern province of Guangdong, five in the capital Beijing and another two in Shanghai by the end of Monday.


But on Tuesday, the virus was confirmed to spread to more parts of the country, with the eastern province of Zhejiang reporting five cases, and the northern city of Tianjin reporting two.


“Information about newly reported infections suggest there may now be sustained human to human transmission,” WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific Takeshi Kasai said in an email statement.


The scare brought back bad memories of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), another coronavirus that broke out in China in 2002/2003, resulting in the death of nearly 800 people in global pandemic.


Two cases have already been identified in Thailand, one in Japan and one in South Korea, while the Philippines reported on Tuesday its first suspected case.




CDC confirms that traveler from China diagnosed with coronavirus in Seattle

Tue 21 Jan 2020 18:34:23 GMT
  • First US case appears on the west coast
The CDC has confirmed the earlier report from CNN and added some detail. They say a traveler from China has been diagnosed with the coronavirus.
All things considered, it would be worse if the patient had no contact with China because it would indicate another vector. However we also have to assume that the patient was on an airplane with at least 100 other people, and airplanes are like a petri dish.


On 1/22/2020 at 6:33 AM, -DLC- said:

Really ticked to hear that YVR will be screening by....asking if people have flu like symptoms!!  "No"..."ok, go".


The powers that be have to start taking care of us without worrying about hurt feelings and relationships.  Those in charge had better act on this in a proactive not "after the fact" way.  




All the above from page 1; scary what has happened since?

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1 hour ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Grand Final in Perth; Optus stadium.  They will be pumped.  I lived there 12 years also. I cannot go, WA has locked borders to those from states with cases. 


LOL, including very publicly banning Media personality Eddie McGuire. Former president the Collingwood Magpies in an awesome troll job.  


WA West Australia has managed to keep, essentially, Covid zero through the entire pandemic.


There are benefits to living in the most isolated city in the world.


No restrictions except getting in...

Nothing like the 100,000 or so at the MCG, but there is something to be said to rotating the final kinda like how we do the Grey Cup.


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The attempted gaslighting by this minority group is sad to see.  On the surface they're proclaiming to love and accept everyone.......the reality is they abuse, bulky and try to intimidate at every possible chance


5000 people might have shown up........guess how many didn't?  


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4 minutes ago, stawns said:

The attempted gaslighting by this minority group is sad to see.  On the surface they're proclaiming to love and accept everyone.......the reality is they abuse, bulky and try to intimidate at every possible chance


5000 people might have shown up........guess how many didn't?  


The people who realize that the temper tantruming will fall on deaf ears.  


I'd love to know how many parents gave into a toddler having a temper tantrum.  Probably not many.  


The other thing we don't hear from those babies is an alternative plan.  What do we do different?   They got nothing. 

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4 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

The people who realize that the temper tantruming will fall on deaf ears.  


I'd love to know how many parents gave into a toddler having a temper tantrum.  Probably not many.  


The other thing we don't hear from those babies is an alternative plan.  What do we do different?   They got nothing. 

Their strategy is simple........just decide to go back to how it was before.  That's it, nothing more

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5 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Anybody still think they have a right to freedom against masks, visiting public places, vaccination and their rights are being infringed upon?  


Texas school district closes after two teachers die of COVID (msn.com)


How do you think these teachers families feel about it...

Texas continues to struggle through its latest COVID-19 surge, with nearly 14,000 patients currently hospitalized, and more than 16,000 residents testing positive for the virus each day.

According to federal data, Texas currently has the highest number of confirmed and suspected pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations in the country, with 364 children receiving care across the state. Further, as of Aug. 22, more than 20,200 Texas public school students, and nearly 7,500 teachers and staff members, have tested positive for COVID-19 since the beginning of the school year, according to state data.

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