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Coronavirus outbreak


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1 minute ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Well then, if you need medical attention, then stay home.  Survival of the fittest.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  This mindset 100% means you fend for yourself.  So do it bud.  Get sick, fend for yourself.  Get hungry.  Fend for yourself.  That is survival of the fittest.  Something tells me you talk a big game, but nowhere near walk the walk.

I haven’t been in a hospital in decades. I hunt, I fish, I farm. If the law enforcement system was to collapse, I’d go take whatever I want, whenever I wanted from you. 

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Luckily, I'm fresh out of horse dewormer.

My horses might need that? Honestly I had corona virus in October and it only took a pack of halls to get rid of the 2 days of inconvenience of the world‘s deadliest virus of all time. 

 And btw, a tin of Skoal straight is the best horse dewormer money can buy. 


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B.C. COVID-19 pandemic update:


As of Friday, Jan. 7, 2022, 88.5% (4,410,494) of eligible people five and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 83.1% (4,142,030) have received their second dose.


In addition, 92.1% (4,269,410) of eligible people 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, 89.4% (4,141,729) have received their second dose and 23.5% (1,089,023) have received a third dose.


Also, 92.5% (3,999,841) of all eligible adults in B.C. have received their first dose, 89.8% (3,885,236) received their second dose and 25.2% (1,088,028) have received a third dose.


B.C. is reporting 3,144 new cases of COVID-19, including six epi-linked cases, for a total of 276,875 cases in the province.


There are 33,184 active cases of COVID-19 in the province, and 240,198 people who tested positive have recovered. Of the active cases, 349 individuals are in hospital and 93 are in intensive care. The remaining people are recovering at home in self-isolation.


The new/active cases include:

  • 1,416 new cases in Fraser Health
    • Total active cases: 15,704
  • 483 new cases in Vancouver Coastal Health
    • Total active cases: 9,449
  • 526 new cases in Interior Health
    • Total active cases: 3,183
  • 244 new cases in Northern Health
    • Total active cases: 935
  • 475 new cases in Island Health
    • Total active cases: 3,906
  • no new cases of people who reside outside of Canada
    • Total active cases: seven

In the past 24 hours, nine new deaths have been reported, for an overall total of 2,439.


The new deaths include:

  • Fraser Health: five
  • Vancouver Coastal Health: two
  • Island Health: two

There have been two new health-care facility outbreaks at Surrey Memorial Hospital and Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Lodge (Fraser Health), for a total of 38 facilities with ongoing outbreaks, including:


long-term care:

  • The Oxford Senior Care Home, Fort Langley Seniors Community, AgeCare Harmony Court, New Vista Care Centre, Chartwell Langley Gardens, Chartwell Carlton Gardens, Chartwell Crescent Gardens, Guildford Seniors Village, The Residence in Mission, Czorny Alzheimer Centre, Hawthorne Lodge, George Derby Centre, White Rock Seniors Village, CareLife Fleetwood, Evergreen Baptist Care Society, Hilton Villa Seniors Community, Kinsmen Lodge, Kiwanis Care Centre, Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Lodge (Fraser Health);
  • Kopernik Lodge, Fraserview Retirement Community, Lakeview Care Centre, St. Vincent’s Langara (Vancouver Coastal Health);
  • Ridgeview Lodge, Mount Cartier Court (Interior Health); and
  • Amica Douglas House, Aberdeen Hospital, Eden Gardens, Glenwarren Lodge, Kiwanis Village Lodge, Selkirk Seniors Village and Clover Point Care (Island Health)

acute care:

  • Mission Memorial Hospital, Surrey Memorial Hospital, Eagle Ridge Hospital, Royal Columbian Hospital (Fraser Health); and
  • Victoria General Hospital (Island Health)

assisted or independent living:

  • The Waverly Seniors Village (Fraser Health)

From Dec. 30 to Jan. 5, people not fully vaccinated accounted for 17.1% of cases.

From Dec. 23 to Jan. 5, they accounted for 39.3% of hospitalizations.


Past week cases (Dec. 30 to Jan. 5) – Total 22,512

  • Not vaccinated: 3,294 (14.6%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 571 (2.5%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 18,647 (82.8%)

Past two weeks cases hospitalized (Dec. 23 to Jan. 5) – Total 359

  • Not vaccinated: 128 (35.7%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 13 (3.6%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 218 (60.7%)

Past week, cases per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Dec. 30 to Jan. 5)

  • Not vaccinated: 480.5
  • Partially vaccinated: 194.2
  • Fully vaccinated: 405.7

Past two weeks, cases hospitalized per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Dec. 23 to Jan. 5)

  • Not vaccinated: 31.2
  • Partially vaccinated: 10.1
  • Fully vaccinated: 4.7

Since December 2020, the Province has administered 9,604,331 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer Pediatric COVID-19 vaccines.



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Federal health minister suggesting that provinces will make vaccines mandatory or people will face fines or possible imprisonment like is occurring in places in Europe right now.  He says it is a conversation that the provinces may want to be having with the feds and amongst themselves.  He says this on the heels of Quebecs new stricter measures.


I'll only say this one time.


I am 100% pro vaccine.  I am dead set against the selfish whining pity me anti maskers and anti vaxxers who think a mask and not being able to watch spiderman in a theatre are a loss of rights.  




The moment you start forcing people to do something against their will, stripping the rights to bodily autonomy away we have a serious gd problem and I will stand up against it.


I refuse to accept this and will not allow the smug conspiracy peddling idiots their moment of see, see I told ya so it's the nwo lizard people take over




ON a fun note though, after this suggestion today anti abortion groups are up in arms and screaming about the suggestion that their body autonomy might be at risk.  So there's that fun bit of irony.

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16 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Federal health minister suggesting that provinces will make vaccines mandatory or people will face fines or possible imprisonment like is occurring in places in Europe right now.  He says it is a conversation that the provinces may want to be having with the feds and amongst themselves.  He says this on the heels of Quebecs new stricter measures.


I'll only say this one time.


I am 100% pro vaccine.  I am dead set against the selfish whining pity me anti maskers and anti vaxxers who think a mask and not being able to watch spiderman in a theatre are a loss of rights.  




The moment you start forcing people to do something against their will, stripping the rights to bodily autonomy away we have a serious gd problem and I will stand up against it.


I refuse to accept this and will not allow the smug conspiracy peddling idiots their moment of see, see I told ya so it's the nwo lizard people take over




ON a fun note though, after this suggestion today anti abortion groups are up in arms and screaming about the suggestion that their body autonomy might be at risk.  So there's that fun bit of irony.

I understand why its being discussed. Anti-vaxxers choices harm others. Its nothing like being obese, etc. and all the other straw men we see all the time.


So where does another's rights stop and yours begin? Is it really a fair system that allows an anti-vaxxer hospital care over someone's cancer surgery? thats not a hypothetical, that's happening. 




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What percentage of Canadians are already vaxxed? Seems like the overwhelming majority is on side with vaccinations.


Now they are considering mandatory? What happened to a certain percentage of vaxxed need to achieve herd immunity? Dont we have a high enough percentage? 

Edited by bishopshodan
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Just now, bishopshodan said:

What percentage of Canadians are already vaxxed? Seems like the overwhelming majority is on side with vaccinations.


Now they could considering mandatory? What happened to a certain percentage of vaxxed need to achieve herd immunity? Dont we have a high enough percentage? 

because they are overwhelming our hospital care. If you needed cancer surgery you might have to wait. I don't think you'd be impressed. 


Its not going to be mandatory in the sense that someone will come to your door and force it on you, but not getting it may come with major consequences, one of which I hope is triaging care. 

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4 minutes ago, JM_ said:

I understand why its being discussed. Anti-vaxxers choices harm others. Its nothing like being obese, etc. and all the other straw men we see all the time.


So where does another's rights stop and yours begin? Is it really a fair system that allows an anti-vaxxer hospital care over someone's cancer surgery? thats not a hypothetical, that's happening. 




Except someone who is vaccinated can harm others by spreading it too.


Unless you’re willingly not wearing a mask in public places or coughing all over people I disagree.


Im 100% against mandatory vaccination despite my disagreement with these peoples choices.


Edited by DeNiro
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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

Except someone who is vaccinated can harm others by spreading it too.


Unless you’re willingly not wearing a mask in public places or coughing all over people I disagree.


Im 100% against mandatory vaccination despite my disagreement with these peoples choices.


I doubt we can find common ground, but I do see that pov. For me its a worse thing to let people suffer by delayed surgeries than to further restrict the rights of anti-vaxxers.


We know that they are causing a disproportionate amount of harm. Its not about one side or another causing none, its about who's causing more and why. 

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Just now, JM_ said:

because they are overwhelming our hospital care. If you needed cancer surgery you might have to wait. I don't think you'd be impressed. 


Its not going to be mandatory in the sense that someone will come to your door and force it on you, but not getting it may come with major consequences, one of which I hope is triaging care. 

Is the cancer from choosing to smoke? 

I'm being silly, dont answer, couldn't resist.


I dont mind restrictions, lock downs....a true circuit breaker could be something, try that first.


Cant support mandatory right now. 


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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

Is the cancer from choosing to smoke? 

I'm being silly, dont answer, couldn't resist.


I dont mind restrictions, lock downs....a true circuit breaker could be something, try that first.


Cant support mandatory right now. 


I get those arguments. I also see the real harm being done because "freedoms". 

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6 minutes ago, JM_ said:

I doubt we can find common ground, but I do see that pov. For me its a worse thing to let people suffer by delayed surgeries than to further restrict the rights of anti-vaxxers.


We know that they are causing a disproportionate amount of harm. Its not about one side or another causing none, its about who's causing more and why. 

I mean our government has had two years to increase our hospital capacities, hire more nurses and doctors, and support our existing health care workers.


They’ve done very little in that regard to the point where nurses are quitting because they’re overwhelmed and they’re having to call in employees that are retired or have Covid.


This whole thing is a failure on government. They’ll try to tell you it’s all the unvaccinated peoples fault though. And while they’re not helping they’re hardly the sole reason. Their vaccine plan to get 80% vaccinated didn’t work and they’re looking for scapegoats.


I will never agree with someone who is anti vaccine but I will 100% support their freedom to not be forced to be injected with something they don’t want. That is a very slippery slope this society does not need to go down.


Edited by DeNiro
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Just now, DeNiro said:

I mean our government has had two years to increase our hospital capacities, hire more nurses and doctors, and support our existing health care workers.


They’ve done very little in that regard to the point where nurses are quitting because they’re overwhelmed and they’re having to call in employees that are retired or have Covid.


This whole thing is a failure on government. They’ll try to tell you it’s all the unvaccinated people fault though. And while they’re not helping they’re hardly the sole reason. Their vaccine plan to get 80% vaccinated didn’t work and they’re looking for scapegoats.

If you want I can provide a lot of info on why two years isn't anything close enough to build up hospital capacity. I do agree tho they dropped the ball on PPE and having our own vaccine production. 


Just now, DeNiro said:

I will never agree with someone who is anti vaccine but I will 100% support their freedom to not be forced to be injected with something they don’t want. That is a very slippery slope this society does not need to go down.

I wouldn't agree with holding them down and jabbing them.


But I'm just fine with having them live with their choice and wait for health care over others. Even things like hip and knee surgeries, maybe doesn't sound like a big deal but people with degenerative joint disease are getting worse by the day and so our their outcomes. The longer you wait the worse it is for your outcomes, and thats just not fair. Some people are going to really suffer. 




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I.support science and the vaccines


I.dont support a general population vaccine mandate. Some occupations such as military,.police and health have always had mandatory vaccine policies and for good reason 




We have reached the point that people who by choice are.not vaccinated should accept.that it's their duty to.isolate.to the greatest extent possible as we ride out this wave.


Some rolled up their sleeves and it's time.that.those.who can be vaccinated but choose not to now also.do.their part


Tired of them.crying it's division. It's not. It's everyone doing their part to end this and everyone respecting the choices others make (.so long as they do their part )


We all.want this over and it's very.unfair that we have a group.refusing to.do their part.


Those that can't cook do the dishes ..... everyone needs to do their part.

Edited by iwtl
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