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4 minutes ago, Sean Monahan said:

My symptoms haven’t improved this week, and earlier this afternoon they actually worsened to the point I was having quite a bit of difficulty breathing. Called 911 and was basically told to get bent- they won’t be taking anyone or testing anyone that doesn’t present severe or life-threatening symptoms as there’s simply not enough tests. Called ahead to SMH and let them know I was coming in. Clocked a fever of 104 and my chest was very wheezy on the stethoscope so they got me

in pretty quick. Got xrays and bloodwork and the whole deal and it appears I’ve just got a wicked case of pneumonia, which I figured might be the case seeing as I’ve had it three times before. They ended up swabbing me as a precaution but don’t expect it to come back positive. 

I’m very happy to get this sorted out but I can’t help but be disappointed that we’re so underprepared in terms of tests that we can only test people with severe or life-threatening symptoms. We knew this was coming for a couple months, that should’ve given us plenty of time. Seems like an underwhelming response. 

Glad to hear it's what they think it is. Stay strong man.

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1 hour ago, oldnews said:

What concerns me is that you still see pockets of 'business as usual' in spite of the fact this is in, an inevitably going to spread in the community.


I went to my local grocery store today (a Sobeys holding) - and it looks no different than it did prior to outbreak.


Of course, they are taking some additional measures - wiping internal surfaces a bit more frequently - and whatever other unseen measures they are taking.


But - seriously - 10 minutes there and if you did not know there were an outbreak and did not look at the bulk section  (or a few empty areas) - you might otherwise not realize any difference from shopping there a month ago.  

1)  No one outside - or anywhere - counting the numbers of people entering the store - and again, like my last trip there - easily exceeding guideline limits, probably by multiples.

2)  Virtually no one using hand sanitizers/wipes on entry - one place on site where it's available - and understandably these are more difficult items even for retailers to acquire in the present.

3)  No handwashing facilities available - not surprised because that would require an additional effort to make happen.

4) Virtually no 'social distancing' within the store taking place - only random/intermittent awareness/efforts of people to stay out of each other's immediate space (having the nature I do this always pisses me off tbh.  Get tf out of my immediate space - always - lol.)

5) The odd 80ish year olds still out either having to do their own shopping or insisting on it - integrated in the rest of the not-particularly-cautious customer base.


Anyhow - I guess it can't be 'expected' to see people change.   I raised these issues with their managers once - now I'm considering taking my business elsewhere as they lag behind the simplest of measures.   I suppose there is an element of being overwhelmed, refusing to work in fear, and not having the real resources available - but it was a bit surreal, almost eerie - against the backdrop of an otherwise ghost-towning overall culture.  It's like a little business-as-usual oasis - the problem being, it's probably the kind of site where most of the risk will persist.


When you see this at this stage - you have to wonder if we're headed for extinction as a species.  We might be collectively too fn stupid to survive.  This is a mild test run of the kinds of threats we might face in the future.   At the same time I hate to speak like that because I think positive suggestion is what is necessary.  I'm not sure it works with things like this though - I think there actually needs to be more assertiveness in the messaging in eggshell central locations like this..  I get quite annoyed watching National news networks broadcasting young people crying on television - as they feel despair - without any real forceful leadership indicating confidence in what we can accomplish if we apply ourselves - there are proactive things that remain to be done, and it's worth focusing on that.


The other day I left my cart about 10 feet away to go browse produce and some woman moved my cart and it pissed me off so bad. I wanted to say something but I decided to avoid any confrontation.



Seriously though lady, are you living under a rock? Dont touch my groceries. 


People arent getting it. I still go to work every day but I'm very much isolated otherwise.

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5 hours ago, Kushman said:

Because I'm clearly a white hooded klansmen that hates everybody breathing all the whitemans air...


Jesus get a grip, im just describing the situation as it took place.. If you were making a police report would you ignore key descriptive information for the sake of political correctness?

This exchange between yourself, a few others, and Ryan Strome is a bit symptomatic of what seems like the inability to even discuss 'race'.


Not sure I get the 'police report' analogy.


For me I find it ironic that people are reacting so 'sensitively' to what that question 'inferred' -  and yet, you yourself have likened the need to give an ethnic desciption - to a police report.


I don't see the point in taking offence to the question.  It wasn't a claim about you - it was a question.


I imagine the reason people might question that act of "Asian" people wearing masks being identified as "Asian" - would be what that might "infer".


Particularly in the climate of an agent orange idiot referring to this as 'China-virus'.   Random Chinese people bear no particular responsibility for this any more than any other people among us.


As I see it, it might acutally have been a fair enough question.

Why no ethnic description - for example - of your girlfriend? 


So don't get me wrong - I don't think it should be implied/assumed that your comment was/is 'racist' - but the question why the ethnicity of the person is identified is a fair enough question.


Not sure what makes the ironically hyper-sensitive over-reactions (not just yours) in response necessary.   You don't want assumptions made about your comment - and yet you and a few others seem to be jumping to conclusions about what you assume was 'inferred'. 


It's possible that all the person is simply pointing out is to be mindful that identifying "Asians" in that way is something that, unfortunately,  in this climate - is being encouraged by some idiots attempting to racialize a virus.  That does not make you a 'racist' - or an idiot - but the question in itself - not sure it is any more "offensive"/ inferential - than the description.


I guess my point is - we tend to over-react a lot these days - when it's possible that all it distills down to is  "that's not how I meant it".

Edited by oldnews
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17 minutes ago, PistolPete13 said:

No numbers from the dear leader’s or Vladdy Putin’s counties. Maybe we need to get them their miracle cure with us. <_<

Donald must be envious :ph34r:

Nah just a sudden huge spike in cases of pneumonia totally unrelated to the virus.;)

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8 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Lou Dobbs who claimed it was all just a hoax, is now in self-isolation (after coming into contract with a fellow staff member who tested positive for the virus). 

That’s cause he’s a Piece of Sh!t.

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25 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Lou Dobbs who claimed it was all just a hoax, is now in self-isolation (after coming into contract with a fellow staff member who tested positive for the virus). 

I probably shouldn't bother to ask - but what was the angle of the 'hoax' supposed to be?


Ie - why tf China would unleash a 'hoax' on itself?  

And then scramble in countless authoritarian, overhanded ways to weld it in, cover it up, and silence the responsible warnings that should have followed the very first stages of realization of what was spreading. 


Were we supposed to believe that was just a  western liberal media fake news story?


Curious missed 'opportunity' there - to take advantage of exposing evil China.   The whole 'China virus' thing is a laughable contradiction, so late to the game.


Conspried with those -  on the face of it - he's 'at war' with - to assist them to bury the story / 'hoax'?

Or lhad literally no idea what he was talking about?

Perhaps when you no longer listen to or employ "intelligence", you become vulnerable to idiot-whims?


Meh - what does it matter when the gameplan is mindlessness.

Hoax....to state of emergency.    Cool story Faux News.



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1 hour ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Lou Dobbs who claimed it was all just a hoax, is now in self-isolation (after coming into contract with a fellow staff member who tested positive for the virus). 

I guy here was diagnosed with it, told to self-isolate, and went out telling his family he wanted to infect people.  He infected a hostess.  He died this week.  

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19 minutes ago, oldnews said:

I probably shouldn't bother to ask - but what was the angle of the 'hoax' supposed to be?


Ie - why tf China would unleash a 'hoax' on itself?  

And then scramble in countless authoritarian, overhanded ways to weld it in, cover it up, and silence the responsible warnings that should have followed the very first stages of realization of what was spreading. 


Were we supposed to believe that was just a  western liberal media fake news story?


Curious missed 'opportunity' there - to take advantage of exposing evil China.   The whole 'China virus' thing is a laughable contradiction, so late to the game.


Conspried with those -  on the face of it - he's 'at war' with - to assist them to bury the story / 'hoax'?

Or lhad literally no idea what he was talking about?

Perhaps when you no longer listen to or employ "intelligence", you become vulnerable to idiot-whims?


Meh - what does it matter when the gameplan is mindlessness.

Hoax....to state of emergency.    Cool story Faux News.



Keep in mind he still has Phase 2 and 3 of a trade deal to negotiate with China. Everything is transactional with him. Everything is a bargaining chip.


He sees "China's virus" as a bargaining chip.

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12 hours ago, Ray_Cathode said:

Wow! So much nonsense in so little space. How one spends on rent has nothing to do with how much one spends on natural gas. The necessity of defence spending was and is already in existence; until a couple of months ago no-one even knew this virus existed - there are the possibility of billions of threats to respond to and we do not have infinite resources, so we can only respond to threats as they manifest themselves. Because there are virtually unlimited threats and limited resources we have to prioritize. We prioritize based on what we know. Human beings are not omniscient, we get to know something causally - through learning. Because we have to prioritize, we must allocate resources based on what we know - throwing away our resources before we know what we are dealing with is idiotic - they cannot be efficiently spent or allocated. Willy-billy spending is a great way to end up marching on your manly member. 

Since we cannot act without knowledge, we have gain knowledge before we are capable of effective action - we have already learned that chloroquine may be an effective treatment: https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/chloroquine

Bayer has already donated three million doses to the US government. The firm can rapidly ramp up further production as needed. It is a 70 year old drug that is inexpensive to manufacture and already in extensive use in the third world as a malaria treatment.

There is also some evidence that zinc lozenges may help (as they do with colds and the flu):


The private sector is already testing vaccines: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/nih-clinical-trial-investigational-vaccine-covid-19-begins

A simple search reveals many vaccines in development and some already being tested.


The scientific process regarding this outbreak is well in hand with existing resources.


The next problem is with testing, and the private sector is already on the move: https://time.com/5805953/home-covid-19-test-everlywell/


After that, the problem is with medical resources to treat the already ill: private companies are already re-purposing existing assets to produce necessary masks, hand sanitizers (many liquor manufacturers have already repurposed some of theirt facilities to make this -  https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/litchfield-distillery-now-producing-hand-sanitizer/2241761/  , ventilators, etc. There is already a competition to design an inexpensive, easily made ventilator (one that would easily be made for use in the third world) - an initiative started in Montreal.


And so on. Making commentary critical of the US response is ridiculous - this Wuhan China outbreak has been dealt with seriously from the very beginning.


The real problem of this outbreak is the economic consequence of what may turn out to be, in retrospect, a massive over-reaction. Forty-two thousand people died of the flu last year in the US and that did not bring the world economy to a halt. We shall see whether this outbreak was unprecedented, whether it required this unpredicted response. It probably did, and from that we may very well learn something, after all, we are not omniscient - knowledge is gained causally, not automatically - perhaps the Chinese communist government will learn that open markets for the slaughter of exotic animals (the origin of SARS https://www.genengnews.com/news/coronavirus-evolved-naturally-and-is-not-a-laboratory-construct-genetic-study-shows/) and the likely origin of this latest epidemic). Now, after SARS, these markets had been closed, but pressures within China led to their re-opening... and this gift to the world. The Chinese people are NOT responsible for this, but their government is. Much like the Soviet example of  Chernobyl, the secrecy and downward pressure to eliminate bad news and possible criticism is a feature of totalitarian regimes, not an accident.

Interesting read, but you might want to do a little more fact checking about chloroquine. Donald J Trump was contradicted by the little doctor Fauchi (sp?) today on stage about this drug. Poor Donald seems to be grasping at straws try to goose the stock market, and this so called “ expert” contradicts him right then and there. The fake news press then got into the act by asking tough questions. But you know that Donald in his usual presidential manner put those fake news mongers in there place.

Very inspiring stuff. I feel totally confident that team Trump has got this under control and as the great leader himself says  “our response to this has been perfect” Whiny doctors, medical staff, the governors of NY, California, etc just need to STFU because Donald’s got this. They need to stop imagining things, because all their doing is aiding the China- US Democratic Party conspiracy to oust Trump from the Oval Office.

I understand this because I just read Newt Gingrich’ book Trump’s America - The Truth about our Nations great comeback. Published in 2018 this bible tells you all you need to know about the greatest president in US history.

Btw i’m planning on taking a trip up Trump’s rectum to get Newt to sign the book. Maybe I’ll bump into Sean Hannity and Mitch McConnell while I’m there.

Good luck and don’t get the China virus. Take lots of lozenges and chloroquine.

Must say that you’re right about totalitarian regimes, including wannabe totalitarian regimes. 



Edited by PistolPete13
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17 minutes ago, PistolPete13 said:

Interesting read, but you might want to do a little more fact checking about chloroquine. Donald J Trump was contradicted by the little doctor Fauchi (sp?) today on stage about this drug. Poor Donald seems to be grasping at straws try to goose the stock market, and this so called “ expert” contradicts him right then and there. The fake news press then got into the act by asking tough questions. But you know that Donald in his usual presidential manner put those fake news mongers in there place.

Very inspiring stuff. I feel totally confident that team Trump has got this under control and as the great leader himself says  “our response to this has been perfect” Whiny doctors, medical staff, the governors of NY, California, etc just need to STFU because Donald’ss Sa got this. They need to stop imagining things, because all their doing is aiding the China- US Democratic Party conspiracy to oust Trump from the Oval Office.

I understand this because I just read Newt Gingrich’ book Trump’s America - The Truth about our Nations great comeback. Published in 2018 this bible tells you all you need to know about the greatest president in US history.

Btw i’m planning on taking a trip up Trump’s rectum to get Newt to sign the book. Maybe I’ll bump into Sean Hannity and Mitch McConnell while I’m there.

Good luck and don’t get the China virus. Take lots of lozenges and chloroquine.

Must say that you’re right about totalitarian regimes, including wannabe totalitarian regimes. 



First thing I thought when I saw a facebook about chloroquine was in the movie Contagion when the idiot character tried to say a certain item would fixt their virus. The posts seem idiotic and made to sell crap.

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