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2 hours ago, Jester13 said:

I've gone for a nice walk the last two days here in Victoria through Beacon Hill Park and Dallas Rd and have been quite proud of our community. Pretty well everyone is practicing proper social distancing. 

Quite a few are doing so in South Hill as well. We’ve been taking our dogs for walks through Mountain View Cemetery and everyone maintains at the minimum 6 feet usually 12. 

I suppose the fact that I’m moaning and lurching helps. 

Edited by PhillipBlunt
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3 minutes ago, canuckster19 said:



I would not shed a tear if someone threw a molotov into the back of that pickup...


WARNING!!! NOTE, link is fine, but there is other questionable content on that site.

Those people are disgusting. I think if I would have been there I would have ripped open the boxes and threw their "booty" everywhere.


Absolutely disgusting. Shame on the store owner to let those pigs buy all that.

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3 minutes ago, canuckster19 said:



I would not shed a tear if someone threw a molotov into the back of that pickup...


WARNING!!! NOTE, link is fine, but there is other questionable content on that site.

Frankly, I’d see nothing wrong with everyone just raided those two scum bags of their ill begotten purchase. 

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

What country are you in? I know my provincial government here in Alberta has said they expect this to peak in 4 to 6 weeks. How's for this country I will admit and I'm proud of we seem to be able to handle it very well but I'm so watching Italy and can't figure out why the death rate is so high.

Italy is the outlier for sure.  It is only certain regions though.  So that is a positive and with the measures taken (which should be extreme at this point) it is just a waiting game now.  I am in Japan.  We have cases everyday, it rises and falls - very manageable numbers - 2 deaths this week I believe.  In country of a 125 million that is not a lot  They have also started testing more people so that will create and increase.  It's been about 3 weeks for schools to be closed and all the precautionary measures be taken.  Schools are going back in some areas.  Fewer people out but life is going on as recommended by the gov't.  That is my concern for Canada.  I have friends and family now dealing with layoffs.  I don't want to challenge what the gov't says in Alberta, but based on my experiences here and what I see in Asia.  If people limit outings then it could be less than 4 weeks.  I have been riding the tokyo trains everyday for the past 2 months - 40,000,000 passengers a day.  The system has not produced any clusters.   You would think it would cause it gets tight.  I have family in Alberta.  I am from BC.  I was a hardcore flames fan in the mid 80s - ha ha. 

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6 minutes ago, samurai said:

Italy is the outlier for sure.  It is only certain regions though.  So that is a positive and with the measures taken (which should be extreme at this point) it is just a waiting game now.  I am in Japan.  We have cases everyday, it rises and falls - very manageable numbers - 2 deaths this week I believe.  In country of a 125 million that is not a lot  They have also started testing more people so that will create and increase.  It's been about 3 weeks for schools to be closed and all the precautionary measures be taken.  Schools are going back in some areas.  Fewer people out but life is going on as recommended by the gov't.  That is my concern for Canada.  I have friends and family now dealing with layoffs.  I don't want to challenge what the gov't says in Alberta, but based on my experiences here and what I see in Asia.  If people limit outings then it could be less than 4 weeks.  I have been riding the tokyo trains everyday for the past 2 months - 40,000,000 passengers a day.  The system has not produced any clusters.   You would think it would cause it gets tight.  I have family in Alberta.  I am from BC.  I was a hardcore flames fan in the mid 80s - ha ha. 

Honestly and this may be a BS story that I was told but I was told that Japanese people are more in tune to follow government wishes. If you have family in Canada and have been here you know that there is a lot of people that will go against what government says because they can and potentially risk infecting many other people. I will be honest I did not take this as serious as it is but seeing the growth rate it's staggering.

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4 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:


Russia has 4+ times our population, any idea what they are doing right? 

Other than ....maybe just not reporting anything?


306 cases and only 1 death? 

Is Vodka the secret? 

Coronavirus translated into Russian means pneumonia.:rolleyes:

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4 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:


Russia has 4+ times our population, any idea what they are doing right? 

Other than ....maybe just not reporting anything?


306 cases and only 1 death? 

Is Vodka the secret? 

Th Russian lady that normally cuts my hair said that Vodka is the cure.


Maybe she is onto something...

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12 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:


Russia has 4+ times our population, any idea what they are doing right? 

Other than ....maybe just not reporting anything?


306 cases and only 1 death? 

Is Vodka the secret? 

In Russia you report, next thing you commit suicide by shooting yourself in the back of the head half dozen times.

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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

I spoke on Germany last week and was absolutely shocked with the numbers and the death rate. As for Italy that country is being in recession for like a decade with all of this going on I honestly think when this all ends they will be the next Greece. I'm not trying to criticize them at all I really can't fathom how they have so many deaths and so many cases compared to elsewhere in Europe.

Spain, Italy and Greece have been drowning in debt as long as I can remember.

Without tourism and help of the EU they would have been destitute.


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6 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

What would you say was mild?


Wanna describe the symptoms?

I had a dry cough, but it was very intermittent, not constant. Feverish for a time, but never felt like I needed to lay in bed. I would get short of breath doing mildly strenuous activities like taking my dog for a walk, felt kinda like I had asthma, but never fearful of not being able to breathe.

Edited by canuckster19
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1 minute ago, luckylager said:

This $&!# sucks.

It's been a long damn time, but I had a full blown stress freak out today, so bad I had wet $&!# coming out my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.


To start, my parents had been stranded on Maui (poor things right) trying to get home for the last couple weeks, and they were totally stressed out, but they finally flew home today. 

Problem is, I come down with a cold on Wednesday. A regular old cold. Coughing, sneezing, flemmy, only slightly reduced energy levels, no fever, but in good conscience I couldn't go pick them up from the airport because on the off chance I have a mild case of COVID, I really, really don't want to kill my parents.


Then my father in law is forced to stay at the hospital after his dialysis treatment today... why? No good &^@#ing reason. They just want him in the hospital because he's got kidney failure. Great &^@#ing plan. 

My wife is crushed. None of us can go visit him because I have a cold and really feel terrible about it. Like really &^@#ing awful. Emotional pain.

Wife and kids may not get to see the man on his deathbed. &^@#. And he's a good man. The world would be a better place if there were more like him. Dammit all. I'm a mess


I've been laid off, temporarily, 75% pay for 2 weeks but with no timeframe for return to work, leaves me 3 weeks holiday pay.. so there's that too.


The only thing keeping me sane right now is I bought all the lumber and supplies I need to build a new fence last weekend, right before $&!# hit fan. So I've been keeping myself, and the kids busy, to some extent.


I'm also really sad for my kids. My youngest especially. She can't just go off skateboarding and practice her social distancing. It's like a prison for her.

This $&!# sucks.


I wish good health and happy days to you and all yours. This $&!# will go away, but man, doesn't ever &^@#ing suck

It's not remotely close to the same thing as actually being there....but how about getting a friend with a cell phone and video conferencing call him?  Or with an Ipad?

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Honestly and this may be a BS story that I was told but I was told that Japanese people are more in tune to follow government wishes. If you have family in Canada and have been here you know that there is a lot of people that will go against what government says because they can and potentially risk infecting many other people. I will be honest I did not take this as serious as it is but seeing the growth rate it's staggering.

There is a stereotype that Japanese and Asians defer to authority.  There is definitely an ounce of truth to that.  But they can be incredibly stubborn in response to authority and this is usually expressed by just ignoring it.


The other thing as you know is places like China, Japan and Korea are used to major social disruptions.  Here in Japan we had the 2 bad typhoons last year (currently more deaths from the one in oct (during the rugby world cup) than the virus and the latter may not surpass it), the big 2011 earthquake/tsunami/meltdown and then SARs and months before I came a huge quake in Kobe in 95 that killed 5000.  You can see it on this site that people are experiencing this for the first time.  Let me tell you most Japanese will tell you that 2011 was for worse.  There was talk at one point of needing to evacuate Tokyo. And people who went through the war will of course say that was the worst for obvious reasons.  


One theory that people think why Japan hasn't been hit is that people started taking precautions as soon as the China news started coming in.  So they started responding before the gov't.  I have posted this, I am probably more like you not taking something serious ( i am contrarian by nature).  But by mid-January my family was already doing most of the what is now suggested.  My guess as others now seem to think is that perhaps the average Japanese person started taking precautions in January like we did.  One other important event we had was the Diamond Princess gong show (20 minutes from my house).  We saw first hand how quickly it spread and how the gov't grossly screwed it up. That kicked everyone in the pants.   






Edited by samurai
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1 minute ago, samurai said:

There is a stereotype that Japanese and Asians defer to authority.  There is definitely an ounce of truth to that.  But they can be incredibly stubborn in response to authority and this is usually expressed by just ignoring it.


The other thing as you know is places like China, Japan and Korea are used to major social disruptions.  Here in Japan we had the 2 bad typhoons last year (currently more deaths from the one in oct (during the rugby world cup) than the virus and the latter may not surpass it), the big 2011 earthquake/tsunami/meltdown and then SARs and months before I came a huge quake in Kobe in 95 that killed 5000.  You can see it on this site that people are experiencing this for the first time.  Let me tell you most Japanese will tell you that 2011 was for worse.  There was talk at one point of needing to evacuate Tokyo. And people who went through the war will of course say that was the worst for obvious reasons.  


One theory that people think why Japan hasn't been hit is that people started taking precautions as soon as the China news started coming in.  So they started responded before the gov't.  I have posted this, I am probably more like you not taking something serious ( i am contrarian by nature).  But by mid-January my family was already doing most of the what is now suggested.  My guess as others now seem to think is that perhaps the average Japanese person started taking precautions in January like we did.  One other important event we had was the Diamond Princess gong show (20 minutes from my house).  We saw first hand how quickly it spread and how the gov't grossly screwed it up. That kicked everyone in the pants.   






I think there might be some truth in a theory going around that it hits smokers harder, I know from personal experience that Chinese and Italians smoke a lot, but here in Sweden for example, there haven't been that many deaths relative to infections and I think that might have to do with smoking being not very common here, it's actually considered very rude to smoke in public and there's a stigma attached to people who do it.


Anyways, my question is, how much do people in Japan smoke and is it acceptable in public places? Restaurant?

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