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[PGT] Edmonton Oilers at Vancouver Canucks | Oct. 30, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Thought they had a good start until that PP goal against (on a rather bullshyte call), then faded until the 3rd. Pettersson had a decent game despite not scoring, saw some of that creativity and puck handling prowess, and just seemed more into the game in general. Podkolzin is improving with every game, already better than JV ever was here. 


Someone should have told the boys they were down by 2 in the final couple minutes. Lack of urgency and shots. And holy hell, we should have had a 2 man advantage a couple times during that last PP we had. Boeser's stick getting shot away from him should have been an automatic penalty, but I guess once you're shorthanded that means you get a golden f'n ticket to do whatever. Seriously bad reffing.


At least we broke the shutout.:)

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1 hour ago, EP Phone Home said:

The players for the last two seasons are playing like they have no confidence/belief in the process. It shows in the lack of competitiveness. As fans this is really tough to watch a team that isn’t fully invested in itself.

Exactly. This is the vibe I'm getting as well. I don't think the players believe in the passive type of game Green is preaching. 

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2 minutes ago, XxS3E3DI2N2SxX said:

I already did this joke , it went over like a fart in church

If that was this crazy bi polar loves to riot fan base, and we were on our way to winning a Stanley cup. I think Canucks brass would have done the same during the playoffs and then dealt with it properly in the off season.


If a distraction like that costs Vancouver the cup this fan base would go insane.


Chicago brass absolutely is guilty for how they handled it. Giving Aldrich a freaking letter of recommendation et all. 


But I don't envy that situation either, that scum bag pervert stuck them between a rock and a hard place and the franchise failed miserably off the ice.


It seems the media and public is hanging q and the players out to dry but they had one job to win hockey games. Bowman McIsaac Wirtz and Cheveldayoff however are absolutely at fault for how they swept it under the rug after the playoffs and how they "terminated" Aldrich.

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I’m gonna say it here:


I believe in this group and I believe in this coaching staff.


I think we’re on the verge of turning this around and doing really well this season.

Maybe that’s cause I only caught the 3rd period last night, and maybe 5 games from now I’ll have totally lost my nerve and be with everyone else calling for the coaches head.


But if I’m right and 10 games from now we’re looking a lot better - there’s gonna be a lot of flip-flopping around here.

Im not even saying I’m not concerned - but at least for now, I’m good with staying the course we’re on.


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21 minutes ago, rekker said:

Exactly. This is the vibe I'm getting as well. I don't think the players believe in the passive type of game Green is preaching. 

I don't think that's the game Green is trying to get them to play, that's just how they're playing.  We saw more life last night and more battle, which is what TG wants from them.

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2 minutes ago, stawns said:

I don't think that's the game Green is trying to get them to play, that's just how they're playing.  We saw more life last night and more battle, which is what TG wants from them.

I see total passive play in our zone. I see middle ice given up way too easy on zone entries. I also don't see player B joining player A on board battles enough. But I do agree on which comes first, bad direction or bad execution. 

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7 minutes ago, Putgolzin said:

I’m gonna say it here:


I believe in this group and I believe in this coaching staff.


I think we’re on the verge of turning this around and doing really well this season.

Maybe that’s cause I only caught the 3rd period last night, and maybe 5 games from now I’ll have totally lost my nerve and be with everyone else calling for the coaches head.


But if I’m right and 10 games from now we’re looking a lot better - there’s gonna be a lot of flip-flopping around here.

Im not even saying I’m not concerned - but at least for now, I’m good with staying the course we’re on.


Whether it's the current staff or new staff, something has to change with the static playbook and the lack of aggression.  Probably many more factors at play than Green but you can see why everyone wants something to change. I hope the change happens soon enough to make a push. That PK against the trash PP2 was pathetic. Collapse, stand still, and let Coiler thread the needle and crash the crease.

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Just now, rekker said:

I see total passive play in our zone. I see middle ice given up way too easy on zone entries. I also don't see player B joining player A on board battles enough. But I do agree on which comes first, bad direction or bad execution. 

Of course, but that doesn't mean that's how they're supposed to be playing.  To me, it's more lack of execution than a system

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11 minutes ago, Putgolzin said:

I’m gonna say it here:


I believe in this group and I believe in this coaching staff.


I think we’re on the verge of turning this around and doing really well this season.

Maybe that’s cause I only caught the 3rd period last night, and maybe 5 games from now I’ll have totally lost my nerve and be with everyone else calling for the coaches head.


But if I’m right and 10 games from now we’re looking a lot better - there’s gonna be a lot of flip-flopping around here.

Im not even saying I’m not concerned - but at least for now, I’m good with staying the course we’re on.


I watch this game as a fan for 50 years , and I am sorry, but I can’t see this turn around happening.

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7 minutes ago, rekker said:

But we have had quite a few different types of players come and go to properly execute this "system". At what point is it not the players, but the coach, his inability to implement and convey the message. Or worse, the style or system just doesn't work. Just recently OEL, Gar, Pods, Hogs,  Dickenson, all huge upgrades. The only success this team has had under Green is paralleled by outstanding goaltending. 

They play a variation of the box +1 in their own end, though far more complex.  It's a way to keep the puck to the outside while being ready to jump on mistakes.  It's a very effective system for minimizing quality scoring chances, but it also requires bursts of intensity to capitalize on mistakes and this is where they fail at it, though they were much better last night.

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4 hours ago, Warhawk said:

You need to acquire as many picks and young players as possible to improve your chances of hitting on them.


We traded picks and young players at will


At least if you accumulate mass young assets and it doesn't seem to be working, you're stuck with a bunch of young tradeable assets and aren't cap strapped to the tits



In case nobody read it, imagine if Detroit took Hughes, where would we be?  




Here's one thing you've done here that many do > you've automatically put "picks and young players" into a "tradeable assets" category.  Picks don't automatically convert to NHL calibre players.  In your own words you've stated that it "improves your chances of hitting" but you go on to "you're stuck with a bunch of tradeable assets" and converted them, but it doesn't work that way.


 We haven't had a whole lot of "high" picks and to accumulate them you have to have something to trade FOR to acquire them.  No one was picking up our players or giving us picks for them.  We had a team that was aging out but had been good enough NOT to give us high picks.


The cap strapped part, yes.  The contracts that were given out created real problems for us and I can't argue that.  But we didn't really trade young players "at will".  Be specific in that and name names because that's a generalized statement that isn't really true.  Some of the young players we traded for weren't fitting in here at the time.


I can't argue that there haven't been mistakes made, but this idea that you just "gather" a bunch of picks (from where?) and those picks give you "tradeable assets" misses the mark a bit.  There are many more picks that don't  pan out than end up being home runs and improving your chances takes years to figure out because it's not an instant hit or miss.  You invest time and energy in these picks and that's time lost with some of the ones you DO have in place.  You have to allow them to have a chance to flourish...not put them on the back burner while you "accumulate" more.  You see what you've got in the young players/picks and sometimes they look great UNTIL you slide them into an NHL roster where they suddenly look lost.


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Looking at stats, came across this interesting one ....


We are dead last in PK faceoff win %




We all knew we'd suffer a bit with losing Sutter and Beagle, and for sure we knew that Dickinson and Lammikko were under 50% over their careers, but stumbling along at 21.3%, losing 4 out of every 5 faceoffs when penalty killing?  Even with Miller injected into the mix, that's pathetic 


(But I guess that's Greens fault too. ^_^ )

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2 minutes ago, Googlie said:

Looking at stats, came across this interesting one ....


We are dead last in PK faceoff win %




We all knew we'd suffer a bit with losing Sutter and Beagle, and for sure we knew that Dickinson and Lammikko were under 50% over their careers, but stumbling along at 21.3%, losing 4 out of every 5 faceoffs when penalty killing?  Even with Miller injected into the mix, that's pathetic 


(But I guess that's Greens fault too. ^_^ )

Their faceoffs have been one of the main reasons they've been chasing the puck all season so far.  It's tough when you don't start with the puck.

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46 minutes ago, Putgolzin said:

I’m gonna say it here:


I believe in this group and I believe in this coaching staff.


I think we’re on the verge of turning this around and doing really well this season.

Maybe that’s cause I only caught the 3rd period last night, and maybe 5 games from now I’ll have totally lost my nerve and be with everyone else calling for the coaches head.


But if I’m right and 10 games from now we’re looking a lot better - there’s gonna be a lot of flip-flopping around here.

Im not even saying I’m not concerned - but at least for now, I’m good with staying the course we’re on.


I will put myself in this camp as well. Our goaltending and defence are playing well. If our top line (and PP) starts producing we will be a tough team to beat. We aren't getting blown out.


Really, holding Edmonton to 0 5v5 goals is impressive. At least 1 of those penalties should not have been called. The best PP in the league goes 2/2 and our best offensive players aren't scoring.

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Just now, Googlie said:

Looking at stats, came across this interesting one ....


We are dead last in PK faceoff win %




We all knew we'd suffer a bit with losing Sutter and Beagle, and for sure we knew that Dickinson and Lammikko were under 50% over their careers, but stumbling along at 21.3%, losing 4 out of every 5 faceoffs when penalty killing?  Even with Miller injected into the mix, that's pathetic 


(But I guess that's Greens fault too. ^_^ )

Nope, that's on Benning for not not stocking the team with centers that are good in the dot and for letting Malhotra walk when he was obviously doing wonders for the team.


The completely passive play at both ends, bad deployment and failure to implement a system that his roster can carry out is what's on Green.

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2 hours ago, EP Phone Home said:

The players for the last two seasons are playing like they have no confidence/belief in the process. It shows in the lack of competitiveness. As fans this is really tough to watch a team that isn’t fully invested in itself.


1 hour ago, rekker said:

Exactly. This is the vibe I'm getting as well. I don't think the players believe in the passive type of game Green is preaching. 

I've been a Green fan all along but the players look tentative and confused a lot of the time out there.  Are they being over coached by a guy scrambling to figure it out and increasingly on the fly?  I really am starting to feel like a change in coaching and a fresh perspective is the next step in trying to find a solution.  We've moved pieces in and out and the team should be better than they are.  This will start really messing with their mental game if they don't find some success somehow.  When you have the type of goaltending we do and players in place who've shown great potential but that's suddenly all diminished, it's suspect.  If players are taking a long time to figure out "a system", maybe it's the system not the players?  I really don't know because the x's and o's are beyond me...I don't pretend to have that part figured out.  But I'm not sure Green does either at this point.  You play 30+ other teams....do you use a one size fits all system against all of them?  That doesn't seem effective.


I'm not hitting the panic button yet, but this would be the next logical move to me if we don't start winning some of these games.  

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