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[Rumour] J.T. Miller Trade/Contract Talks


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4 minutes ago, JM_ said:

If they can work out a Severson extension, that might be something JR/PA consider. NJ does seem to be the only trade partner left standing with the unicorn RHD option. 


with no Severson extension tho its too risky imo. 

I think both sides would want extensions, I could see it 


Fits a need for both sides and revolves mostly around players as opposed to picks


Jersey has more RD than they really need, not a common thing

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2 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

I think both sides would want extensions, I could see it 


Fits a need for both sides and revolves mostly around players as opposed to picks


Jersey has more RD than they really need, not a common thing

Severson would be a given on the deal. More about the add ons. Miller has to be the gift that keeps on giving. 

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2 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

I think both sides would want extensions, I could see it 


Fits a need for both sides and revolves mostly around players as opposed to picks

yeah its hard to argue that this isn't a big upgrade in talent and usage. Maybe helps takes some pressure off OEL-Myers too. 






So what extra bits do we hold out for from NJ? McLeod and a 2nd? 


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4 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Severson would be a given on the deal. More about the add ons. Miller has to be the gift that keeps on giving. 


3 minutes ago, JM_ said:

yeah its hard to argue that this isn't a big upgrade in talent and usage. Maybe helps takes some pressure off OEL-Myers too. 






So what extra bits do we hold out for from NJ? McLeod and a 2nd? 


I thought the bits in the article I linked seemed intriguing as other pieces

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2 minutes ago, Coconuts said:


I thought the bits in the article I linked seemed intriguing as other pieces

I'd prefer McLeod (assuming he's not wrapped up in that Hockey Canada stuff) since he's got the potential to be our right shot 3C. We'd probably not get an additional 1st in that case, but IF we had Severson extended, solved (maybe) the 3C issue and got an extra 2nd I think thats something JR/PA might go for. 

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Just now, JM_ said:

I'd prefer McLeod (assuming he's not wrapped up in that Hockey Canada stuff) since he's got the potential to be our right shot 3C. We'd probably not get an additional 1st in that case, but IF we had Severson extended, solved (maybe) the 3C issue and got an extra 2nd I think thats something JR/PA might go for. 

I think so, there's still a good chance it'd be a mid to higher 2nd


I don't see many teams being willing to move a 2023 1st, any 1st would probs be 2024 or be top 5 protected 

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22 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

Nope absolutely will not be happy. I'm just pointing out to the Miller is life crowd that we're no shoe in for playoffs like some believe just because we keep Miller. They keep talking about playoff experience and runs plus Petterson's expectations when we could just as easily miss the playoffs like last year. We're still a borderline wildcard team with some major flaws and we could even experience some growing pains contradictory to the torrid BB pace some fans expect our of the gate.


That's why I want to trade Miller. It's just reasonable to gain assets in situations like these in order to facilitate continual development in the prospects side of the club. These types of moves are necessary to promote a long contention window. I don't believe anyone in the hockey world outside of CDC believes the Canucks are a contender this year.



We were sniffing at being a boarderline wild card team last year. After 30 games the club was a few poinys out of last place.


but when looking at stats the team 5v5 goals against was among the best in the league, the penalty kill got much better as the year went on under Bruce


This season we should see an improved PK and much better forward depth.


Its these reasons that us Miller homers believe they can make the playoffs with him in the line up.


we are a much deeper team now than the oilers. I think our forward group is better than calgarys but they have the better D but were exposed in the playoffs by relentless offensive pressure and our goaltending will be close to even, markstroms numbers will look better because of the better D


vegas is falling apart and making desperate moves


the sharks are beached


the ducks lack experience 


the kings got older but could surprise again


I think at this point it would be shocking if the Canucks dont make the playoffs

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39 minutes ago, JM_ said:

there is a middle ground in there. Lets see if JR can find that seam. 


doesn't that seem really unlikely at this point tho? forget all the speculation and look at the trades so far, how many young RFA RHD have been moved e.g.? 0. 

Maybe it doesn't have to be a young RFA RD.  The Canuck management have never suggested that this team would

be upgraded to a viable playoff team in their 1st year.  With the Miller trade, they may be able to fill a role with an

older RD (27ish) that can hold the fort for a couple of years.  They would target a significant prospect (not RD) as

part of the trade as well.  Perhaps they make another trade (Garland?) that will include a good prospect as well.

As they busily build up the Canuck prospect pool via draft and these trades, they may be able to make a hockey

trade for a good (younger)RD that can play alongside Hughes in a couple of years.


It's too early to worry about a Miller trade just yet.  The massive upgrades going on via trade in the east is

creating havoc for the teams that haven't added a significant piece as yet.


Moving players to relieve cap will happen as teams are making the finishing touches (depth) to their roster,

so the Canucks can (hopefully) free up some cap space.

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47 minutes ago, JM_ said:

If they can work out a Severson extension, that might be something JR/PA consider. NJ does seem to be the only trade partner left standing with the unicorn RHD option. 


with no Severson extension tho its too risky imo. 

If it comes down to that, I would hope that Jersey would have an opportunity to address Miller's $x?, and

the Canucks could talk it over with Severson.

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4 minutes ago, Wanless said:

We were sniffing at being a boarderline wild card team last year. After 30 games the club was a few poinys out of last place.


but when looking at stats the team 5v5 goals against was among the best in the league, the penalty kill got much better as the year went on under Bruce


This season we should see an improved PK and much better forward depth.


Its these reasons that us Miller homers believe they can make the playoffs with him in the line up.


we are a much deeper team now than the oilers. I think our forward group is better than calgarys but they have the better D but were exposed in the playoffs by relentless offensive pressure and our goaltending will be close to even, markstroms numbers will look better because of the better D


vegas is falling apart and making desperate moves


the sharks are beached


the ducks lack experience 


the kings got older but could surprise again


I think at this point it would be shocking if the Canucks dont make the playoffs

I hear your reasons and they make sense it's just that it's a bit of a fool's game to hope these things all work out in your favor while nothing negative happens. It's rather optimistic and of course the other 15 teams are certainly not going to make it easy.


As you say essentially with the same players we were a borderline wild card team last year. I don't think a couple signings and BB all year are enough to guarantee a huge jump. I would say we may be better but by how much is questionable. Also other teams are all certainly improving. The Kings, Oilers, and Vegas will all be better. Vegas much better. Calgary is a wildcard but they will be competitive.


"I think at this point it would be shocking if the Canucks dont make the playoffs"


Not trying to be a jerk but this sounds like pure homerism to me. Does any other pundit or hockey people out there think we're this good? I guess I'm old school on this I don't expect a huge improvement in situations like these until I see it. Do you have any idea many years I've heard that claim only for it to turn out totally untrue?

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2 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

I hear your reasons and they make sense it's just that it's a bit of a fool's game to hope these things all work out in your favor while nothing negative happens. It's rather optimistic and of course the other 15 teams are certainly not going to make it easy.


As you say essentially with the same players we were a borderline wild card team last year. I don't think a couple signings and BB all year are enough to guarantee a huge jump. I would say we may be better but by how much is questionable. Also other teams are all certainly improving. The Kings, Oilers, and Vegas will all be better. Vegas much better. Calgary is a wildcard but they will be competitive.


"I think at this point it would be shocking if the Canucks dont make the playoffs"


Not trying to be a jerk but this sounds like pure homerism to me. Does any other pundit or hockey people out there think we're this good? I guess I'm old school on this I don't expect a huge improvement in situations like these until I see it. Do you have any idea many years I've heard that claim only for it to turn out totally untrue?

I don't see how anyone can think that we're not a playoff team with how our lineup is looking compared to last year. We've improved pretty drastically when you consider we've replaced guys like Chiasson, Highmore, and Lamikko with Lazar, Mikehyev, and Kuzmenko. That's a lot more scoring and PP and PK improvement, as well as speed. Add this to a full year under Bruce, there it is, and voila. 

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3 minutes ago, higgyfan said:

Maybe it doesn't have to be a young RFA RD.  The Canuck management have never suggested that this team would

be upgraded to a viable playoff team in their 1st year.  With the Miller trade, they may be able to fill a role with an

older RD (27ish) that can hold the fort for a couple of years.  They would target a significant prospect (not RD) as

part of the trade as well.  Perhaps they make another trade (Garland?) that will include a good prospect as well.

As they busily build up the Canuck prospect pool via draft and these trades, they may be able to make a hockey

trade for a good (younger)RD that can play alongside Hughes in a couple of years.


It's too early to worry about a Miller trade just yet.  The massive upgrades going on via trade in the east is

creating havoc for the teams that haven't added a significant piece as yet.


Moving players to relieve cap will happen as teams are making the finishing touches (depth) to their roster,

so the Canucks can (hopefully) free up some cap space.

Kekaleinen says otherwise.  He just explained that there's very limited cap space around the league and it's dwindling fast.  He says it would have been far too risky for them to wait to trade Bjorkstrand - ie if they waited longer they would be at risk of having to pay to off-load cap.  


Can't see Vancouver able to move Garland this off-season + he has term and the cap is expected to be just as tight next season.


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Just now, Jester13 said:

I don't see how anyone can think that we're not a playoff team with how our lineup is looking compared to last year. We've improved pretty drastically when you consider we've replaced guys like Chiasson, Highmore, and Lamikko with Lazar, Mikehyev, and Kuzmenko. That's a lot more scoring and PP and PK improvement, as well as speed. Add this to a full year under Bruce, there it is, and voila. 

Okay if you guys say so I will accept that. Usually I would say because other teams look better too it's very hard to leap upwards in the NHL standings, or even prognosticate from one year to the next. My understanding of the sport must be completely effed cause my hockey radar is screaming don't bank on assumptions and clear sailing. But no worries:


Guaranteed playoffs here we come baby!!! Are tickets on sale yet? :lol:















Trade Miller! :ph34r: 

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32 minutes ago, higgyfan said:

Maybe it doesn't have to be a young RFA RD.  The Canuck management have never suggested that this team would

be upgraded to a viable playoff team in their 1st year.  With the Miller trade, they may be able to fill a role with an

older RD (27ish) that can hold the fort for a couple of years.  They would target a significant prospect (not RD) as

part of the trade as well.  Perhaps they make another trade (Garland?) that will include a good prospect as well.

As they busily build up the Canuck prospect pool via draft and these trades, they may be able to make a hockey

trade for a good (younger)RD that can play alongside Hughes in a couple of years.


It's too early to worry about a Miller trade just yet.  The massive upgrades going on via trade in the east is

creating havoc for the teams that haven't added a significant piece as yet.


Moving players to relieve cap will happen as teams are making the finishing touches (depth) to their roster,

so the Canucks can (hopefully) free up some cap space.

yup lots of moving parts yet. My preference is to keep Miller for something in the high 7's, but barring that some more trade options should emerge once Kadri has landed somewhere. 

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Just now, JM_ said:

yup lots of moving parts yet. My preference is to keep Miller for something in the high 7's, but barring that some more trade options should emerge once Kadri has landed somewhere. 

Would love to keep him, but I think the only way we get to high 7's is to offer 8 years, using last 2 years to balance the overall cap hit.


Now, if we could accomplish that where in the final 2 years, Miller has, let's say a 5 to 8 team no trade list, or completely remove NTC in the final 2 years so we could potentially shuffle him off to whoever the Arizona Coyotes dumping ground for contracts with higher cap hit than actual pay is, then I'd be good with it!


There are guys who maintain compete level into their later 30's, but they are far and few between. Most players are finished their useful, high value term by about 35.




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15 minutes ago, mll said:

Kekaleinen says otherwise.  He just explained that there's very limited cap space around the league and it's dwindling fast.  He says it would have been far too risky for them to wait to trade Bjorkstrand - ie if they waited longer they would be at risk of having to pay to off-load cap.  


Can't see Vancouver able to move Garland this off-season + he has term and the cap is expected to be just as tight next season.


It will be even tighter because the spending the last two off-seasons. A lot of big contracts have gone out and the cap is only going up $1M. 
Cap space will be an even more valuable commodity next off-season. If only we could ever find some. 

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2 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

Would love to keep him, but I think the only way we get to high 7's is to offer 8 years, using last 2 years to balance the overall cap hit.

And I'm cool beans with that. I think our current window is Demko's contract. There's no quick fix to our prospect pool, that also happens to be a 3-4 year timeline to fix.


2 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:


Now, if we could accomplish that where in the final 2 years, Miller has, let's say a 5 to 8 team no trade list, or completely remove NTC in the final 2 years so we could potentially shuffle him off to whoever the Arizona Coyotes dumping ground for contracts with higher cap hit than actual pay is, then I'd be good with it!


There are guys who maintain compete level into their later 30's, but they are far and few between. Most players are finished their useful, high value term by about 35.


That would certainly be part of a smart contract for him. It shouldn't be a big deal breaker, by the last 2 years he should have damn near all his money. 

Edited by JM_
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