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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Montreal Canadiens | Nov. 29, 2021

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3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Bure had more pure skill in his left pinky than any player on the 2011 team. 

You're exaggerating, and it's a disservice to the twins. 


The twins were very different players than Bure, and Bure had a piece of his game that one can't simply train their way up to. Because trust me, if they could have they would, the twins fitness was legendary. Bure had speed the way McDavid has speed, the twins were never quick players. And that isn't their fault really, that boils down to genetics and biology. Give them equal physical attributes and they'd have been even more dominant. But yeah, life doesn't work that way. The twins also had hands, but their game wasn't really to deke their way through teams. Bure had a better shot though, neither of the twins had an amazing shot. 


Bure had the raw physical attributes needed to dominate the 90's, there wasn't a single player who could blast through teams the way he could. The twins game wasn't as dependent on their physical attributes so much as their conditioning. They protected the puck extremely well for guys their size and were tough to get the puck away from, like Gretzky their game was built primarily on their intelligence and hockey sense. Gretzky was never exactly fast either. You're comparing apples and oranges. 



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13 hours ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

I really wanted Podz to score tonight, the amount of ridiculous hype for him on hf was silly. But with Podz he was the whipping boy of every nuck fan who wanted Cole instead the reaction at the draft in Vancouver really piss*d me off, the guy flies on his own dime with family and we can't even pronounce his name correctly and the lack of cheering was really Bush league.

I was at the draft, my lack of cheering was because the Canucks miss-pronounced his name so badly I was staring at my draft card going: "Who?" trying to read down the list for a name that was sorta close to what was announced.

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3 hours ago, spook007 said:

Sad really...

Can I just as a side note just say, that the day Marchand the rat lizard gets destroyed, I'm gonna open my finest scotch, and have a wee (large) celebration dram...


Have been waiting since 2011 for a Canuck to whack the weasel, but still tog this day no takers... Used to make me sick to my stomach thinking how easily he got away with punching our leading players in the face, without the whole team jumping him... If not during the game, at least the next one, or the next one...or the next one...or the next one...

Now I just want to see anyone do it... This I'm afraid will not happen under Greens stewardship.


under Willie.

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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1 hour ago, erkayloomeh said:

No.  It means that every 10 times you hit the post they don't credit you with a goal. 

So do you understand that a goalpost doesn't get you points.  ? 

You don't understand hockey, and what does a goalpost and getting points mean? 

Edited by johngould21
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1 hour ago, Coconuts said:

You're exaggerating, and it's a disservice to the twins. 


The twins were very different players than Bure, and Bure had a piece of his game that one can't simply train their way up to. Because trust me, if they could have they would, the twins fitness was legendary. Bure had speed the way McDavid has speed, the twins were never quick players. And that isn't their fault really, that boils down to genetics and biology. Give them equal physical attributes and they'd have been even more dominant. But yeah, life doesn't work that way. The twins also had hands, but their game wasn't really to deke their way through teams. Bure had a better shot though, neither of the twins had an amazing shot. 


Bure had the raw physical attributes needed to dominate the 90's, there wasn't a single player who could blast through teams the way he could. The twins game wasn't as dependent on their physical attributes so much as their conditioning. They protected the puck extremely well for guys their size and were tough to get the puck away from, like Gretzky their game was built primarily on their intelligence and hockey sense. Gretzky was never exactly fast either. You're comparing apples and oranges. 



I kind of agree with the other poster.  Bure was one of the most pure talents i've ever seen play the game, better then McDavid IMO.  Played in the dead puck era for the most part with a redline and people crawling, hooking, grabbing all over him.   So did the Sedins early on.  No surprise after the rule changes they improved exponentially.   Bure was the fastest player with the puck the games ever seen.   Without interference i have no doubt he'd beat Bossy's record for goals per game ... Sedins almost quit before the rules changed. 

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Just now, IBatch said:

I kind of agree with the other poster.  Bure was one of the most pure talents i've ever seen play the game, better then McDavid IMO.  Played in the dead puck era for the most part with a redline and people crawling, hooking, grabbing all over him.   So did the Sedins early on.  No surprise after the rule changes they improved exponentially.   Bure was the fastest player with the puck the games ever seen.   Without interference i have no doubt he'd beat Bossy's record for goals per game ... Sedins almost quit before the rules changed. 

Mogilny I think was the better overall player in that he could actually still thrive in a "defense first" team (for example, Jacque Lemaire).  Bure put "butts in the seats" though.  Whenever he had the puck, you had to watch (as that could be a legit scoring chance).  It's typical Canuck luck that when we had both superstar players, one would *always* seem to be hurt.

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13 minutes ago, IBatch said:

I kind of agree with the other poster.  Bure was one of the most pure talents i've ever seen play the game, better then McDavid IMO.  Played in the dead puck era for the most part with a redline and people crawling, hooking, grabbing all over him.   So did the Sedins early on.  No surprise after the rule changes they improved exponentially.   Bure was the fastest player with the puck the games ever seen.   Without interference i have no doubt he'd beat Bossy's record for goals per game ... Sedins almost quit before the rules changed. 

And that's fine, I don't take issue with people thinking Bure was more talented. I took issue with the exaggeration. 


But again, different players with different capabilities and gifts playing in different eras. 

Edited by Coconuts
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22 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Dude PM me ... i'd consider starting a company that sells your stuff.  It's awesome. 

knock yourself out. Its all public domain. I would bet, once you start trying to sell any of this you will get lawsuits from Upper Deck and other image copywrite companies....

But if you start to make some money, it would be nice to get a slice of the cake. And we could chat about "future production costs" then :P

Here is the glorious full collection:


Edited by Gassy Jack
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20 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

An aggressive PK worked effectively. Geez almost like some of us have been saying that for the entire season.

watch Bummer change it back to the old ways since this was effective. Similar to the PP, they score goals with different setup and players and then they revert back to the old ineffective setup. I cant wait til these bums are out.

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2 hours ago, Coconuts said:

You're exaggerating, and it's a disservice to the twins. 


The twins were very different players than Bure, and Bure had a piece of his game that one can't simply train their way up to. Because trust me, if they could have they would, the twins fitness was legendary. Bure had speed the way McDavid has speed, the twins were never quick players. And that isn't their fault really, that boils down to genetics and biology. Give them equal physical attributes and they'd have been even more dominant. But yeah, life doesn't work that way. The twins also had hands, but their game wasn't really to deke their way through teams. Bure had a better shot though, neither of the twins had an amazing shot. 


Bure had the raw physical attributes needed to dominate the 90's, there wasn't a single player who could blast through teams the way he could. The twins game wasn't as dependent on their physical attributes so much as their conditioning. They protected the puck extremely well for guys their size and were tough to get the puck away from, like Gretzky their game was built primarily on their intelligence and hockey sense. Gretzky was never exactly fast either. You're comparing apples and oranges. 



I don’t think it’s an exaggeration. Bure became a superstar after his first game in the NHL. The Sedin twins took 5 years just to become front line players. And they needed two of them playing together regularly to do it. Bure dominated games all by himself. He was a one man wrecking crew. The Sedins played almost every shift together over an 18 year period.  Bure hit 100 points in his second NHL season. Henrik didn’t do that until he was 29. 

I love the Sedins. They are my Swedish brothers. But I also have to speak the truth.  They choked in the playoffs. That game 7 in 2011 was an embarrassment. Bure and Linden gave it everything they had. They played like their lives depended on it. Bure even stuck up for himself. He was abused just as much as the Sedins were if not more. But he actually pushed back hard and gave it back to his enemies. Just ask Shane Churla. Meanwhile with the Sedins we have to live with the memory of Brad Marchand using Daniel’s face as a punching bag for the rest of our lives. 

In 1994 Canucks fans were on their feet in Game 7 cheering the team on all the way to the end of the game. In 2011 I know people that walked out of Rogers Arena in disgust after the second period. 

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