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[GDT] Feb 8th Coyotes Vs Canucks 7pm PST on SN

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5 hours ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

I'm fine with people who think we're farther then some of think but what bugs me is when those opinions are way over the top and the things they use as proof are often highly exaggerated. 


Take our D for example, despite being 28th GF we are like well over plus 30 compared to last season at this time in goal differential while quite literally missing a full dcore since game 1 and have had long stretches been down 2 or 3 yet we have allowed the fewest GF 5on5 and if not for the franchise worst 16 game pk % we would be a top 3 team easy overall defensively.

Both OEL and Myers play top 5 in hardest quality of competition and despite much offence Myers is a plus 9. Statistically they are some of the best defensive guys in the league yet somehow in Myers case he's still considered sh*t by a lot of people.


People say we have the worst bottom 3 in the league yet they conveniently omit the fact our actual bottom 3 is Poolman, Schenn and probably Hamomic if we were actually healthy.

Poolman and Schenn have performed well in higher roles so its not a leap that they would be even better on a bottom pair.

And the guys like Jules, Burroughs and even Hunt lately have all been decent in roles they normally wouldn't be playing.


Then to further bury them some say well its our forwards doing  all the work, I mean come on they've been better but that's bs and the numbers show it and we often spend as much or in the other end as our competition.


Even in the offensive zone  our d despite the lack of goals still do a good job maintaining offensive possession.


There's lots of things that need improving imo like I don't like the lines recently with Petey as a winger, Bruce's 3on3 decisions to me seem to safe we were never this passive and boring and I think offensively everyone  but Quinn and JT need to be much better, I just don't feel the need to create hyperbole and move goalposts to justify what I feel since after all its just my opinion.

And like you said as fans not saying we need to drink the kool-aid but why go out of the way and create things just to get a negative point across.


Thank you, well spoken.

Edited by CaptKirk888
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On 2/7/2022 at 4:40 PM, Canuckster86 said:

@bigbadcanucks- Thanks for your input...SORRY for posting something I heard LIVE that I heard in regards to Quinton, it has been a known fact players to usually "go away" during an all star break and what was said was Quinn had gone to Vegas to watch Jack. Once it was divulged that Quinn was NOT in Vegas I recognized that!


Some people just want to bitch no matter what...reply back and I can add you to the fun list!

Are you an ultra-millennial? 


It's like a normal millennial but with an even greater victim complex!

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55 minutes ago, eeeeergh said:

I'm in a weird place with this game, on one hand obviously I want us to win so we can somehow make the playoffs, but on the other hand I really want to see Loui play like a god and singlehandedly demolish us. 

I don't think Loui would even score if I was in net... Simply on the fact he can't hit the net:picard:

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