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[PGT] Tampa Bay Lightning at Vancouver Canucks | Mar. 13, 2022

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6 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Boo hoo.  
Canucks only played 2 periods.   
Take the loss with some class.   
We lost. 
You can’t play 2 periods against the back to back cup champs, lose, then not blame yourselves.    
That is straight up loser talk. 

"We"? Can't say I've ever seen you before a game vs Tampa. You from PG?

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6 minutes ago, Xanlet said:

This is irrefutable at this point seeing as we have direct audio evidence of a veteran referee stating he stepped onto the ice wanting to give a certain team a powerplay. This league is an absolute circus and it's so blatant.

That's because it was a makeup call. He was admitting they got another one wrong and they wanted to even it up. Happens all of the time. 


We just pretend like it didn't exist when he got fired lol. 


But also Tim Peele was a dog$&!# ref. Glad he got canned. 

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5 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

Expected goals doesn't matter if you don't actually capitalize.


They gave up two early and whiffed on both of their powerplay attempts. They made a good go of it after the first but couldn't really find a way to solve Vasi. We likely only score that Miller goal became Tampa thought it was icing and let up. 


It's absolutely on the players as well. 

Capitalizing is hockey gods luck.  Expected goals takes everything into consideration and if a team scores more or less or allow more or less, it's down to simple, plain old good or bad luck.  The Canucks vs the Lightning this year have been very unlucky.  If these two games played out exactly the same way, Tampa only takes both of them less than 10% of the time.  We hit that unlucky 1/10 vs Tampa this year.

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1 minute ago, D.B Cooper said:

Sure, it sucks.  
But it’s not some thing the refs are doing on purpose and only to us.   
He lost sight and blew the whistle.   
It happens. 

Did they also lose sight of schenns second hand to call a crosscheck?  

The only thing that gets me is that the refs called a complete garbage call and could see it in the replay, but go out of their way to take a pp away by reviewing it. If you review and retract one penalty  you should be able to retract  a bad call. No penalties should be reviewable at all.

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Anyhow, slow start but that's the team's MO it seems....they always come out slow then bring it as the game progresses. Actually really happy with the battle level they're showing. 


Tampa ain't the big bad wolves some make them out to be...without some calls in their favour, this game could've gone either way. Their goaltending and their officials got them the win tonight.

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5 minutes ago, ey40 said:

I don’t know...maybe have a better start on Tuesday against the Devils?

They better or it'll be 5-0 again before they know it.  You gotta think back to back slow starts costing them like this has gotta teach them the lesson...

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3 minutes ago, Rindiculous said:

Capitalizing is hockey gods luck.  Expected goals takes everything into consideration and if a team scores more or less or allow more or less, it's down to simple, plain old good or bad luck.  The Canucks vs the Lightning this year have been very unlucky.  If these two games played out exactly the same way, Tampa only takes both of them less than 10% of the time.  We hit that unlucky 1/10 vs Tampa this year.

That's just the breaks, hockey's funny that way. It's why you can't analyze a game with stats and get the kind of results you'd get from something like baseball. It's why some are skeptical of fancy stats in general, they don't tell the whole story on their own. 

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1 minute ago, Kragar said:

Sure will.  They came back from the horrible start and outplayed the Bolts for more than half the game.


Tampa didn't play the whole game (granted, 2nd in two nights).  Canucks deserved at least a point tonight, and the refs stole that point with that one BS whistle.  Ref was right there, no reason to lose sight of it.


And, personal opinion here: if they are going to review penalties, then they should all be reviewable.  I agree that the high stick wasn't a penalty, but neither was Schenn's crosscheck.


The refs were worse than the Canucks tonight.

Similar to a goal review, every team should be able to challenge a penalty and if they don't overturn it then it should just be a double minor. 

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Just now, Junkyard Dog said:

The Canucks couldn't solve Vasilevsky with a tired Lightning team that played the night prior and a lot the last 2 weeks.

Can't even get net front presence. Way too many softies on this team. 

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19 minutes ago, Iron Man said:

Other than the first 5 minutes, it was a good effort. Unfortunately, it goes to show that 5 bad minutes is good enough to sink us. Great performance by Demko.

You can't win a game in the first 5 minutes but you certainly can lose it in the first 5 minutes. 

Exhibit 1: Vancouver Canucks

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