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Bruce blasted by TB broadcast

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Sounds like a colour guy providing colour to the broadcast. 
Seems like non-story to me. 
Tampa Bay guys should be talking trash to the rest of the league, the way they have run through them the last few years with little worries about cap compliance.  They should be feeling good they win on the ice and off it. 

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4 hours ago, bigbadcanucks said:

Garrett's an idiot, but not to the epic proportions of Bobby Taylor, the guy who got to play all of 45 minutes during the two years of Flyers Cup run.  Taylor wasn't even good enough to carry Bernie Parent's jock.  At least Garrett was in a fortuitous position to play in an All Star Game.


I thought Bobby Taylor was dead of old age.  He's so irrelevant he may as well be.

Prolly wore it like a Bane mask and huffed while Bernie was in the shower.

Seems like that kind of guy.

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“It’s a follow-through you moron, it’s been that way since 1940,” Taylor followed up.


really,  1940? ..     Bobby Taylor IS a moron.


and the fact that it wasn’t a shot, it was a careless wave at a high puck..  high stick in the very least.

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Did this seriously happen? Like the canucks get %^&*ed over earlier in the season by a high sticking call of an opposing player that knocked the stick out of one of our players' hands into their teammates face and that call can't be overturned, but this can? What a joke, not that it's any surprise really. The canucks have been getting &^*(ed in the %^& by the league for decades, hence that statue of Roger Nielsen.

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Locker room material should the un thinkable happen and our cardiac kids meet Tampa again this post season. 

Wouldn’t that be epic?  

but if any member of the Broad Street Bullies is dissing a coach for coaching as well as Bruce has done, also by arguing it may go to another call, could be to by time or to fire up his players.  

Seems like Bruce using motivation and leadership inspiring coaching.  

He is a bit like a Roger Nelson with a character that extends onto the ice, we’re many coaches personalities don’t leave the bench, unless their assholes, like Torts or Keenan.  

but I think this team has connected with Bruce, and would find some motivation to be extra fired should some broadcaster or tram speaks person mock the coach that has saved their season, by doing so, kept the group together.  

they have something to prove and they play like it.  


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20 hours ago, grumpyone said:

most of the time the coach knows that the call won't be overturned, but it MAY influence the refs as to the NEXT close call. 


The moron is Taylor for not understanding this... the reason decisions are questioned is to get an advantage at the next rulings... What a plonker...

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Bobby Taylor continues to have a broadcast career despite being a complete and utter tool. Has two Stanley Cup rings and lives off their glory despite rarely touching the ice as Bernie Parent's back-up in 74 and 75. He's a bitter "never was" and likely needs to be put out to pasture.

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