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'Serious' allegations of child abuse levelled against Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini

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12 minutes ago, SilentSam said:




This is how LOW life survives in Sports Journalism in Vancouver.


lowest of low.         


doubt if he’s even asked that as a question to anyone in the organization.


Someone needs to call this guy out ,  and down to the level he exists.

.. obviously didn’t get his meds right today,  hope he loses his job.


He dosent realize the privileges he’s given to access and get top sports stories,

and he comes up with this going for the jugular of the owner of the biggest sports team in this province..  whom has been known to be in a divorce battle for years.



AV and King Heffy are Sekeres and Price 

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2 minutes ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

What I actually said was ... Nothing good can come of this thread. 




Wish we had a way to "Ignore" a specific thread.


IMO, FA and the Canucks did the right thing by being open about these charges being brought forth and posting the news.

But this thread is full of crass speculation and harmful projections.

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1 minute ago, Goal:thecup said:


Wish we had a way to "Ignore" a specific thread.


IMO, FA and the Canucks did the right thing by being open about these charges being brought forth and posting the news.

But this thread is full of crass speculation and harmful projections.

Exactly this! It's enabling toxicity. 

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Of course, with the bar in Vancouver lower than ever when it comes to the team, there is praise being given to the owner for simply acknowledging (through PR statements, mind you) the allegations in a vague manner.  People talking about the doing the "right thing".  LOL you guys are focused on the wrong type of right things.

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21 minutes ago, AV. said:

We critique players, we critique management.  Why draw the line at the custodians of the team at the top?

If anything they should be held more accountable for their actions as they literally represent the team as a whole. Players and management just represent it in their niche capacities. If the owner's conduct is questionable, what does that say about the organization as a whole? If a player's conduct is less than ideal for a the team's image (like Virtanen) and they are cut loose for their behavior, what happens when questions of similar seriousness surround the owner? Should he not be held to the same standard? Yes he should have his day in court, like Virtanen did, but should the consequences of the sullying of reputation to the Canucks not lead to the same result, regardless of their pecking order within the organization?  


Ownership group should inspire quality of character, not "do as I say not as I do" mentality. 

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33 minutes ago, Goal:thecup said:


Wish we had a way to "Ignore" a specific thread.


IMO, FA and the Canucks did the right thing by being open about these charges being brought forth and posting the news.

But this thread is full of crass speculation and harmful projections.


An ignore button would be good. Let the lawyers hash at it first.

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1 minute ago, grandmaster said:

Two sides to a story.


Just like JV who was vindicated in his trial (I still can’t stand Jake for a variety of other reasons).


Reserve your judgement until this is settled.



Yah but the Canucks organization didn't reserve their judgement on Virtanen did they? 


He suffered consequences for the mere allegations against him, right or wrong this is how the organization has dealt with these types of allegations in the past. 


Does the owner face no repercussions from allegations merely because he is the owner or is this the NEW policy within the organization? 

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2 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

Yah but the Canucks organization didn't reserve their judgement on Virtanen did they? 


He suffered consequences for the mere allegations against him, right or wrong this is how the organization has dealt with these types of allegations in the past. 


Does the owner face no repercussions from allegations merely because he is the owner or is this the NEW policy within the organization? 

how do you figure? they placed him on leave -- for his own sake -- while they investigated, and then they bought him out because he's really bad at hockey. 

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3 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

Yah but the Canucks organization didn't reserve their judgement on Virtanen did they? 


He suffered consequences for the mere allegations against him, right or wrong this is how the organization has dealt with these types of allegations in the past. 


Does the owner face no repercussions from allegations merely because he is the owner or is this the NEW policy within the organization? 

Virtanen was trending down at the time. He was headed for the waiver wire

They were cutting their losses both on and off the ice. 

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Just now, Aladeen said:

Yah but the Canucks organization didn't reserve their judgement on Virtanen did they? 


He suffered consequences for the mere allegations against him, right or wrong this is how the organization has dealt with these types of allegations in the past. 


Does the owner face no repercussions from allegations merely because he is the owner or is this the NEW policy within the organization? 

I think they had enough with him; his distractions and lack of dedication to his play/team. There was more to it.

I also like to point out JV should have been sent down or kept off the ice until it was settled. Not bought out. This Cap penalty we are paying is unnecessary.  

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16 minutes ago, grandmaster said:

Two sides to a story.


Just like JV who was vindicated in his trial (I still can’t stand Jake for a variety of other reasons).


Reserve your judgement until this is settled.



Problem is that this case is about child support payments, it had nothing to do with convicting him of child abuse.


So there will be no opportunity for him to clear his name unless he’s charged with something, or his kids have a change of heart and retract their allegations.

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