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[PGT] Buffalo Sabres at Vancouver Canucks | Oct. 22, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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38 minutes ago, Wolfgang Durst said:

yup this franchise needs another goal scoring winger like Lekkerimäki more desperately than a top 4 D-Man. To the defence of Patrik Allvin they at least the best player available at #10. Trading down and grabbing Bichsel would have been the better choice.

Imagine if we had potential top-4 defensemen in the prospect pool. Would be great

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23 minutes ago, Goal:thecup said:

As a past owner of many boats I appreciate the knotwork.

Do I get a pass?  (I don't want a Participation Ribbon.)

Living in Rupert u can’t not have some connection to boats. And I’ve had a few ,  My uncle taught me how to splice with a stump ,nails and a marlin spike. That certainly dates me. 

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On the radio…


They saying this will be the time to assess who’s rowing the boat and who’s ready to jump ship.


In terms of rebuild, they will see where EP head is at next year (earliest to sign an extension).  If he intends to stay or pull a PLD.



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21 minutes ago, BPA said:

On the radio…


They saying this will be the time to assess who’s rowing the boat and who’s ready to jump ship.


In terms of rebuild, they will see where EP head is at next year (earliest to sign an extension).  If he intends to stay or pull a PLD.



Watch these guys trade Petey and Hoglander for Pageau and Mayfield. Just a little more veteran leadership and a RD should get this team over the top. We're so close. :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Locke Lamora said:

We are not getting Connor Bedard. Why folks even do this to themselves is beyond me.

Reminds me of how I approach the lottery.

Other than once in the odd while, I don't spend the money on tickets.  But I'm in basically the same boat as all the other losers, only I still have the money in my pocket.  We can both dream of winning, mine just ads a step.  They can fantasize their ticket being drawn. I can still fantasize that I actually had gone out and bought a ticket, and then it was drawn as the winner! :frantic:

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1 hour ago, JM_ said:

what does it look like to you? 

Well, in the words of my 6 year old self, "I asked you first"

You must have an answer, or did I nail it?


salvage is what happens when a boat sinks to the bottom of the ocean or gets caught on a reef, or a truck goes off a cliff and is stuck at the bottom of a revine. A salvage yard is where ruined vehicles go to be stripped of any remaining useful parts. Those parts are then sold to owners of other vehicle in need of parts. It is not unheard of, but it is rare that a salvaged boat of auto makes it back on the water or road.

Sticking with the ship analogy, the Canucks appear to be a ship caught on a reef for the last 10 years. A couple of times the tide has risen high enough that it looked like it might be able to refloat, but alas the patches on the holes in the hull were insufficient and the leaky boat continued to take on water. Last season she slipped to the bottom of the seas. What some of us thought was a salvage mission turned into yet another rescue mission, this time with another new Admiral and some new crew. When the ship neared the surface, money was pumped into the old parts and some new parts were bought, but once again the good ship Canuck has slipped under the waves again, and i snow sitting on the bottom of the sea.

Now the  new Admiral, (Rutherford) has some experience, but has made some questionable moves, the navigation system is (GM Alvin) is unproven and also has made some questionable moves, the Rudder ( Boudreau) does not seem to be properly attached, and the motor (players) runs very unevenly and cannot be counted on to perform when the seas become rough. 

Salvage is a good option. Even a water logged motor has value if it his not sat at the bottom for too long.


The job of this salvage crew is to find suitable buyers for the remaining pieces and sell to the highest bidder. It is 10 years past due, time to build a new boat 

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Can't say I disagree. The shipping analogy seems to cover it all . But if we try to compare Buffalo with Vcr. The Sabres were well coached and played their position to a man very well. Vcr ad libs. They have some talent but have no system to help them along, or so it seems to me.


The Powers kid looked great IMO and secondly is the long wait for Boeser to break out already too long. That's a lot of Cap space and little return.


Buffalo looked like they were on the PP for the entire game :)

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21 minutes ago, lmm said:

Well, in the words of my 6 year old self, "I asked you first"

You must have an answer, or did I nail it?

OK well, I've always looked at this year as another transitional year building toward a contender, so yeah, making the 1st round would be a good thing. Petey, Hughes, Podz all getting playoff experience, even if bounced in the 1st round, is good for them and valuable.



21 minutes ago, lmm said:

salvage is what happens when a boat sinks to the bottom of the ocean or gets caught on a reef, or a truck goes off a cliff and is stuck at the bottom of a revine. A salvage yard is where ruined vehicles go to be stripped of any remaining useful parts. Those parts are then sold to owners of other vehicle in need of parts. It is not unheard of, but it is rare that a salvaged boat of auto makes it back on the water or road.

Sticking with the ship analogy, the Canucks appear to be a ship caught on a reef for the last 10 years. A couple of times the tide has risen high enough that it looked like it might be able to refloat, but alas the patches on the holes in the hull were insufficient and the leaky boat continued to take on water. Last season she slipped to the bottom of the seas. What some of us thought was a salvage mission turned into yet another rescue mission, this time with another new Admiral and some new crew. When the ship neared the surface, money was pumped into the old parts and some new parts were bought, but once again the good ship Canuck has slipped under the waves again, and i snow sitting on the bottom of the sea.

Now the  new Admiral, (Rutherford) has some experience, but has made some questionable moves, the navigation system is (GM Alvin) is unproven and also has made some questionable moves, the Rudder ( Boudreau) does not seem to be properly attached, and the motor (players) runs very unevenly and cannot be counted on to perform when the seas become rough. 

Salvage is a good option. Even a water logged motor has value if it his not sat at the bottom for too long.


The job of this salvage crew is to find suitable buyers for the remaining pieces and sell to the highest bidder. It is 10 years past due, time to build a new boat 

a rebuild may be thrust upon management and scuttle any plans they had for something "on the fly". It is what is is, no one saw this type of start coming. 

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4 minutes ago, JM_ said:

OK well, I've always looked at this year as another transitional year building toward a contender, so yeah, making the 1st round would be a good thing. Petey, Hughes, Podz all getting playoff experience, even if bounced in the 1st round, is good for them and valuable.



a rebuild may be thrust upon management and scuttle any plans they had for something "on the fly". It is what is is, no one saw this type of start coming. 

It is true that none  of us (I know I am now speaking for a group, that I have no right to speak for) saw THIS coming.

Mediocrity is what I have come to expect

Laughing stock was not expected

But after last year, it cannot be considered a surprise

I have to wonder if JTM signed his contract with the same pen as Loui E?

(maybe I should write a Halloween story about the Cursed Pen )

Some of this really should have been expected,

Miller being a 80 point guy would be reasonable, but 40 points and a green jacket is a bit much

Poolman, Pearson, Boeser, OEL, Schenn, Hoglander, Podkolzin and Rathbone should not be surprises, although I don't see why Rathbone didn't start in the AHL

I'd like to wait until Alvin makes his first and second big trade, if he can't  get those done, then I lose all hope for them ever getting out of this mess

So far, his signings of Boeser and Miller and the reconstruction of the coaching staff do not look great

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1 minute ago, lmm said:

It is true that none  of us (I know I am now speaking for a group, that I have no right to speak for) saw THIS coming.

Mediocrity is what I have come to expect

Laughing stock was not expected

But after last year, it cannot be considered a surprise

I have to wonder if JTM signed his contract with the same pen as Loui E?

(maybe I should write a Halloween story about the Cursed Pen )

Some of this really should have been expected,

Miller being a 80 point guy would be reasonable, but 40 points and a green jacket is a bit much

Poolman, Pearson, Boeser, OEL, Schenn, Hoglander, Podkolzin and Rathbone should not be surprises, although I don't see why Rathbone didn't start in the AHL

I'd like to wait until Alvin makes his first and second big trade, if he can't  get those done, then I lose all hope for them ever getting out of this mess

So far, his signings of Boeser and Miller and the reconstruction of the coaching staff do not look great

the cost was likely prohibitive to make a major trade for a RHD. I mean how many 1st round picks can we trade? if anyone was actually available.


We actually have a good shot at tying the NHL loss record for opening a season if this keeps up. I mean come on, thats insane. No way is the talent on this team that bad.


Something is just wrong, and maybe we just need to trade everyone over 23 and go from there.

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55 minutes ago, JM_ said:


look how happy he is.


I can't blame Donnie, the results over the past have proven him 100% correct - That this team MUST be blown-up and rebuilt.    He is 100% correct and I like hundreds of others on here and the thousands in the silent majority - agree with him.    He's old enough and wise enough to know what he sees  and isn't sucked into propoganda, hype and sensationalism especially from FAQ who should NOT be owner of this team.

Edited by RU SERIOUS
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21 minutes ago, JM_ said:

the cost was likely prohibitive to make a major trade for a RHD. I mean how many 1st round picks can we trade? if anyone was actually available.


We actually have a good shot at tying the NHL loss record for opening a season if this keeps up. I mean come on, thats insane. No way is the talent on this team that bad.


Something is just wrong, and maybe we just need to trade everyone over 23 and go from there.

you know, this is a funny place

Canuck fans love to poke fun at the Oilers and Leafs, even the Flames and yet all those teams are better than the Canucks

They even sort of knew the problem was Aqua, as noted how many fans used the Aqua excuse for Jim Benning's short comings (Benning's hand were tied...)

Lets be clear, Benning was a large part of the problem, but it wasn't just him

I have read many a comment about how Aqua is better than Wang or Melnyk, but is he really?

Note how the Sens and Isle got better once their owners, first stepped away, then passed on

Fans like to think that Aqua stepped back, but the reality is that he fired Jim and Travis, hired the coach before the new Pres, who hired the GM

Is it any wonder the coaches and GM are on different pages?

Rutherford said on After Hours that he thought Bruce was hired for last season only, that is a disconnect from owner and new Pres.


and then there is the fans assessment of the players

I actually remember a few fans saying Kilmovich was going to be a Canuck first liner last year

no one saw Podz having a sophomore slump

no one saw Pearson being too old, even if they did say he was worth a small bag of pucks last year. He plays a style that really struggles with the lost of a half step

no one saw Hughes getting lit up physically then positionally, ( do you think there is a connection there?)

the manager couldn't find a way to pick up F Myers for free

I swear I could have figured that out

and then there is that ever-returning story about the "room" that is always met with, "Bah, Eastern media trying to stir up poop about our poor old clean as the driven snow Canucks"

and also Dorrie, I have no problem with her firing, but I do wonder how she got hired, then promoted and fired in 8 months

Yes, there is something wrong, but it is not just one thing wrong


You seem like you are trending onto the right track

ever think of making a list of good moves and bad moves, no grey, no caveats just good or bad. You'll get a better feel for how the team is really going. if progress is really being made   


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