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Winter Soldier

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Everything posted by Winter Soldier

  1. Nilsson is a friggin' giant in person.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      biggest spiderman i've ever seen. 

    2. Alflives
    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      I was always told that size isn't everything.


      Note that I have very big hands....:P

  2. A vote for trading Gudbranson is a vote for making the Canucks an easier team to play against. Hard no.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Odd.



    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Lock him up please.   I'm not worried even if we overpay a little for his skillset; he's the kind of guy you regret letting get away.  Just ask Florida.

    4. Winter Soldier

      Winter Soldier

      Granted, if he doesn't want to stay, then by all means trade him. But the idea that he's a garbage player that we must get rid off is so far off the base it's not even funny.

  3. What was it that finally made TOML stop posting here?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Toews


      The Canucks will never win because rigged.



    3. Coconuts


      His profile says he was here in February, so he may lurk on occasion?

    4. Down by the River

      Down by the River

      We really need one of those 'remember poster 'X' threads'.

  4. The next person to seriously suggest that Bettman and the league rig drafts is getting slapped.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      The league has rigged multiple cup finals.  Given the level of corruption in that office, I would be very surprised if they'd magically cleaned up their act.

    3. Winter Soldier

      Winter Soldier

      I won't deny the possibility of corruption at all. It's just not a blatant 'league wants things to work so Arizona will get Matthews and Vegas will get first overall' sort of deal. 

    4. SedinMadness


      did toronto drop last year and seriously nj and philly 1 and 2. what ever you say... u can slap me as much as u want but it is rigged... i guess the only good thing is avalache finishing 4th.

  5. Ominous signs don't matter in a rapidly globalizing world. You make more money trading with the rest of the world than you do waging war on it.
  6. Dan Murphy on Twitter "Am told #canucks offer to Tryamkin was at the high end of what comparables were."

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. canuktravella


      we have his rights for 5 yrs  he may become bored of khl time will tell. Hes only gonna better over time so if he comes back in 2 yrs sweet 

    3. Ghostsof1915


      If he comes back. Koltsov never did. 

    4. Hairy Kneel

      Hairy Kneel

      He's obviously a very passionate player, always thanking the goalies, always upset if gets a penalty and wreaked havoc on some of his hits.I think he took the early press box scratches the wrong way. In his interviews he said he knew he could help. Esp watching Larsen get pushed around out there. I'm glad we have his rights for 5 more years maybe there can be a reparation of any rifts or him knowing that Vancouver wants him back on a long term deal.

  7. What happened to the 'asset management' crowd? Gotta trade off vets for seventh round picks but sure let's toss Guddy and Sutter aside. Not like we gave up assets to acquire in the first place!
  8. I doubt anyone would be sad if Virt turned out to be a Ladd. I love that guy.
  9. Lots of clamoring for instant gratification in the 'we support rebuilding' crowd, it seems.
  10. Anyone remember the poster that conflated 'Canucks Sports and Entertainment' with 'Sports Entertainment' and declared that Hockey was rigged?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wilbur


      actually @HerrDrFunk that probably would be fair

    3. HerrDrFunk


      @Wilbur *Checks Avs and Coyotes number of wins* Oh damn, you're right. Alright, let's make it the Flames and Predators to make things interesting. 

    4. Wilbur


      Now I have a mental image of Johnny Canuck wrestling a sabre toothed tiger, but not just any sabre toothed tiger...one lit on fire.

  12. Based on what? Formulate your answer.
  13. You sure put a lot of energy into believing whatever you want despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.
  14. Once again, CDC knows what's better for the players than the players themselves.

    1. mll


      than the coach.

      Does Horvat really prefer playing in a defensive role with Burrows/Dorsett rather than with Baertschi in an offensive role.  

    2. Raymond Luxury Yacht

      Raymond Luxury Yacht

      People giving opinions on a forum?  Inconceivable!

    3. Hairy Kneel
  15. I very distinctly people calling for Green's head when he made comments on how Hunter was scratched for not being responsible in his own head. Comments like 'WE'RE KILLING THE CREATIVITY OF OUR PLAYERS'. Funny how a year and a half later people are praying and hoping that TG is the new bench boss but lay the Shinkaruk trade at the feet of JB as if TG had no input on that at all.
  16. Ever notice how every troll was a season ticket holder from day one?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      yea, i've been a season ticket holder since 1970, and i was born in 1988

    3. SabreFan1


      Totally busted someone in a thread lying about that a couple days ago.

    4. Alflives


      I can honestly say: I have never even seen a hockey game - at any level.  So much for the OP's theory. :lol:

  17. Would be weird if they weren't there when they're featured in the television ads.
  18. Fun fact: Picking someone 2-3 spots ahead of mock drafts is not 'going off the board.'
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